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Tag "short message from the Saker"

Quick intermission & OPEN THREAD

Dear friends, Frankly, I am exhausted: I could not sleep last night at all, and one of my chronic pains in my leg has just flared up, so I need time to rest and get the meds to kick in.  So, here is what I suggest; First, I can confirm that the operational cauldron in the Donbass has locked in the Ukie forces facing the LDNR.  I have seen at

Quick update on the latest developments

Dear friends, Today is the Orthodox Eve of the Nativity, and tomorrow is the Orthodox Christmas so I will keep this one short. It appears that Russia and China blocked a US UNSC Resolution.  The message to Uncle Shmuel is simple: get out.  Needless to say, The Idiot-in-Chief and his malignant manatee are pissed. It also appears that Uncle Shmuel will initiate some kind of withdrawal. Why was Trump the

A warning about the Paris terror attacks

Dear friends, While it is way too early to come to any conclusions about what really happened in Paris, I want to share the following thought with you: President Hollande has just declared that what took place was an act of war.  This, in turn, means that the entire NATO alliance could be called in to respond to this (under Article 5).  As for the attackers, already one Syrian passport

Short message from the Saker

Dear friends,I am still on the road, but I want to tell you all that things are looking much better for the Resistance and infinitely worse for the junta in Kiev.  I will write an analysis of all that when I get all the facts (and the couple of hours behind to sit my keyboard), but already I will tell you that we might well have reached a turning point
