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Tag "Skyjacking fallout"

Evo Morales to RT: Plane-grounding debacle will never be forgotten in South America

RT reports:Bolivian President Evo Morales has threatened “measures” against European countries in response to the grounding of his plane in Vienna last week, demanding they reveal the source of false information that Edward Snowden was on board. “We are expecting European countries that forced me to land to explain what made them think I was transporting the fugitive US citizen. Where did this information come from, and why are they

Unasur Confirms Special Summit in Bolivia

Radio Cadena Agramonte reports:General Secretary of the Union of South American Nations (Unasur), Ali Rodríguez, confirmed today to Prensa Latina that a special meeting of the Council of Heads of State will be held tomorrow in Cochabamba, Bolivia. The summit of presidents, at a request made by Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa, has been scheduled for 16:00 local time in that Bolivian city. Rodriguez told Prensa Latina by phone from Caracas

Either the BBC is stupid, or its lying again

Latest BBC headline: Snowden case: France apologises in Bolivia plane row.  Then this, further down the article:The French foreign ministry issued a statement on the incident. Ministry spokesman Philippe Lalliot said: “The foreign minister called his Bolivian counterpart to tell him about France’s regrets after the incident caused by the late confirmation of permission for President Morales’ plane to fly over [French] territory.” In diplomatic language, “regrets” mean something very specific. 
