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Tag "SouthFront carrier locations map"

U.S. Carrier Strike Groups Locations Map – Oct. 16, 2015 (IMPORTANT)

For a full size high resolution map, please go to Comment by the Saker: the big news here is that the USA has pulled the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) out of the Persian Gulf and that, for the first time in many years, no US aircraft carrier will be patrolling these waters.  In fact, there are currently no US aircraft carriers anywhere near the Middle-East. Funny fact: Theodore

SouthFront’s US Carrier Strike Group Locations Map Sept. 4th 2015

Introduction from the Saker:  I am happy to publish today a map of the current locations of US carriers which is something we definitely want to keep an eye on, especially if a serious crisis erupts, for example, in Syria.  The question “where are the carriers?” should always be on the mind every analyst because no US carrier move is innocent, even though in port are there for a reason. 
