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Tag "speculations hypothesis what if"

Have insurgents admitted that they used chemical weapons?

Tonight a good friend send me these links which I would like to pass on to you with a few disclaimers:  Disclaimers and caveats: a) It seems to me that these sources quote each other a lot; this might be because everybody else is trying hard to look away from this story. b) I also heard another explanation which says that a group of CIA agents

My imagination vs Occam

I have been thinking a lot about the recent events in Russia, the elections to the Duma, the short-lived “White Revolution”, then the cameras in all voting locations, and finally Putin’s triumphant election.  Something just kept creping back to my (admittedly paranoid) mind, over and over again.  I was pushing it down, but it used the “what if?” method to harass my imagination which is by nature, training and trade
