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Tag "Sudan"

Sudan’s Path Forward; Advice to the Protest Movement in Light of National Security Concerns

by Aspelta for The Saker Blog Several months of mass protests in Sudan have succeeded in ousting the thirty-year presidency of Omar Al Bashir and gaining significant international attention, with a Transitional Military Council now in place comprised of many leading officials from Bashir’s government. With negotiations between protesters and the council stalling, and with the council itself divided between military officials and the leadership of independent militias such as

Sudan says found proof of Israeli strike

Reuters reports: Sudan said Sunday that remnants of a missile used in a mysterious attack that killed two people on April 5 proved that Israel carried out the strike. Israel has declined to comment on the incident, which mirrored a similar attack on Sudan’s east in 2009 for which it neither admitted nor denied responsibility. A car carrying two Sudanese nationals was targeted near Port Sudan’s airport. “The definitive proof
