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Tag "syrian military"

Syrian Army’s 5th Assault Corps: Formation, Operations, Capabilities If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: or via: or via: The 5th Assault Corps drew the media attention in early 2017 following the fall of Palmyra to ISIS, which showed the need for more well-trained and equipped infantry to deal with crisis situations even more evident. The Syrian military

Syrian Army tactics and few examples of how Russia, China and Iran could help

The Abhazian Network News Agency ANNA ( and and its editor in chief, Marat Musin ( have recorded some truly fantastic coverage from the frontlines of the war in Syria.  Alas, the video commentary is always in Russian, hence I do not show these videos here, but their latest video shows a good example of the new tactics adopted by the Syrian army.  Take a look at this photo:
