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Tag "transcript"

Hassan Nasrallah about Operation ‘Northern Shield’: We Are Still Able to Liberate Galilee

Interview of Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah Secretary General, with Ghassan Ben Jeddou, founder of the pan-Arab and anti-imperialist Al-Mayadeen channel, January 26, 2019. This live interview, much expected in Israel and the Arab world, lasted for more than 3 hours. source: Translation: Transcript: Ghassan Ben Jeddou: Good evening, Eminent Sayed Hassan Nasrallah. Hassan Nasrallah: Good evening. Thank you for being here tonight and granting us so much of

Full text of the Lavrov – Tillerson press conference

FOREIGN MINISTER LAVROV: (Via interpreter) Good evening. This has been a long day. We have had talks with State Secretary of the U.S. Rex Tillerson. Right now, we have had a long conversation with President Vladimir Putin of Russia. It has lasted for more than two hours. The negotiations have proved to be substantial and very frank. They have comprised the whole gamut of issues of importance to our bilateral

Interview given by President al-Assad to Lebanese Al-Manar TV (UPDATED WITH VIDEO)

President Bashar al-Assad gave an interview to al-Manar TV broadcasted on Thursday. Following is the full text of the interview: Al-Manar: In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Assalamu Alaikum. Bloodshed in Syria continues unabated. This is the only constant over which there is little disagreement between those loyal to the Syrian state and those opposed to it. However, there is no common ground over the other constants

Gaddafi reportedly releases “letter to the world”

Well, its not like I ever doubted that Muammar Gaddafi was crazy, so this is not big news to me.  And, frankly, its too long and too discombobulated to publish in its entirety here, but here is the link to the “letter to the world” from the “Leader of the Green Committees Movement” (sic).  You can read it here: should that site be taken down by some over-zealous NATO

Hezbollah manifesto and Hassan Nasrallah press conference

Dear friends, I have received the full translation of the recently adopted Hezbollah Manifesto and a transcript of the subsequent press conference by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. These are long documents and rather than posting them here I have made them available for download at this location: Both documents are included in the zipped file. These are important documents for the future of the Middle-East, in particular

Iraqi Resistance Responds to President Obama

RafidanThe Political CommitteeBaghdadThe Republic of Iraq Statement in Response to President Obama’s Remarks made on the 27th or February 2009 regarding the proclaimed ending to the occupation of The Republic of Iraq. Official English Transcript Release No: 57 March 02, 2009Exclusive for “Information Clearing House” Good Evening, In Respect to the remarks of President Barak Hussain Obama, The president of the United States of America. The Political Committee of a

Unofficial Translation of US SOFA from the Arabic Text

By McClatchy Newspapers An Agreement between the Republic of Iraq and the United States of America regarding the Withdrawal of the American Forces from Iraq and Regulating their Activities During their Temporary Presence in it PREFACE The United States of America and the Republic of Iraq – which will hereafter be referred to as the two parties – recognize the importance of strengthening their joint security and participating in global

Full videos of the CNN and ARD interviews with Putin, in Russia and with English subtitles! (UPDATED!)

(a big thank you! to Slava for finding this here) CNN interview part 1: CNN interview part 2: CNN interview part 3: ARD interview part 1: ARD interview part 2: ARD interview part 3: UPDATE: I just found this info on the Internet: “Free press” at work in Germany: Only 9 minutes of the 1 hour interview with Putin were broadcasted by German state TV ARD. Also on thier website

CNN’s English transcript of Putin interview (a must read!) (UPDATED)

(thanks to AA who located this!) (CNN) — CNN’s Matthew Chance interviewed Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Thursday. Matthew Chance: Many people around the world, even though you’re not the president of Russia anymore, see you as the main decision maker in this country. Wasn’t you that ordered Russian forces into Georgia and you who should take responsibility for the consequences? Vladimir Putin: Of course, that’s not the case.

Q&A with Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah at a press conference on May 8th

Mariam Bassam from NEW TV: You always keep your promises. Today you vowed having the hand cut. Were you obliged to break your word i.e you’ve promised that the arms of the Resistance aren’t to be used internally; will we see the resistance fighters, who have been at the front, in the internal alleys? If you are going to defend the arms militarily, what kind of home will remain, will

Osama Bin Laden “Message to the Peoples of Europe” (transcript)

This message of mine is to the peoples of the states allied to America in the invasion of Afghanistan and I mention specifically Europe. It isn’t hidden from you that the Afghans have tasted the two bitterest things for two decades at the hands of the Russians and their Communist agents, but they persevered, fought, and were resolute and victorious, by the Grace of Allah. And before their wounds had

The Hidden Facts – A Message From The Iraqi Resistance (transcript & video)

“ICH” – Free people of the world, we believe it is time to provide you with another updated report on the status of the war as we in the resistance factions perceive. We have several indications from the fields and from within the puppet government in Baghdad that the tactics used by the occupation forces have developed, yet the strategic aims that drive them, remains the same and in order

Bin Laden “Come to Jihad” Pakistan Message Transcript

“All praise is due to Allah. We praise Him and seek His aid and forgiveness, and we seek refuge in Allah from the evil in ourselves and from our bad deeds. He whom Allah guides cannot be led astray, and he who is led astray cannot be guided. I bear witness that there is no God other than Allah alone, without partners, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His
