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Tag "turbocapitalism"

“Labor Day” should be renamed “Corporation Day” or “War Day”

by Dr Paul Craig Roberts for Infowars It is Labor Day weekend, 2011, but labor has nothing to celebrate. The jobs that once gave American workers a stake in capitalism have left and gone away. Corporations in pursuit of near-term profits have moved labor’s jobs to China, India, Indonesia, Taiwan, South Korea and Eastern Europe. Labor arbitrage, that is, the substitution of foreign labor that is paid less than its

“Manufacturing Dissent”: the Anti-globalization Movement is Funded by the Corporate Elites The People’s Movement has been Hijacked

By Michel Chossudovsky for  Global Research “Everything the [Ford] Foundation did could be regarded as “making the World safe for capitalism”, reducing social tensions by helping to comfort the afflicted, provide safety valves for the angry, and improve the functioning of government (McGeorge Bundy, National Security Advisor to Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson (1961-1966), President of the Ford Foundation, (1966-1979)) “By providing the funding and the policy framework

Days of Rage

by ‘Anticapitalista’ reporting from Thessaloniki for the Vineyard The murder of 15 year old schoolboy, Alexis Grigoropoulos by a police special guard on the evening of Saturday, 6 December saw a huge explosion of rage across the whole of Greece leading to 8 days of riots, looting, attacks on police stations, mass demonstrations, student occupations and strikes all over the country with at least 400 people being detained (the vast
