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Tag "Unz Review"

The war against Syria: both sides go to “plan B”

This article was written for the Unz Review: In view of the total failure the US policy to regime-change Syria and overthrow Assad, the time has now come for the United States to make a fundamental choice: to negotiate or double down. Apparently, Kerry and others initially tried to negotiate, but the Pentagon decided otherwise, treacherously broke the terms of the agreement and (illegally) bombed the Syrian forces. At

Major developments in Syria and Turkey

This article has been written for the Unz Review: This week has been marked by two major events: the USA and Russia agreed to a common plan for military coordination in Syria and the failed coup in Turkey has been followed by a massive purge of the Turkish elites. Syria: The Russians had really no option but to accept to work with the USA in Syria. They way in

Week Sixteen of the Russian Intervention in Syria: a US invasion of Syria next?

This article was written for the Unz Review: This week was marked by major successes for the Syria military the Sheikh Miskeen region of the Daraa Province in the south of the country. In the meantime in the north, the Syrian Army continues its offensive north of the strategic Kuweires air base. But these military successes were eclipsed by rumors that the US was setting up and air base

The IMF Changes Its Rules to Isolate China and Russia

by Michael Hudson for the Unz Review As Russia and Asia move to circumvent the stranglehold of an aging, U.S. dominated international financial and legal system with its promise of endless austerity and privatization by foreign investors, the IMF and World Bank double-down by making it more difficult for them to transact business and administer credit. A nightmare scenario of U.S. geopolitical strategists is coming true: foreign independence from U.S.-centered
