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Tag "US aggression again Syria"

SITREP: US missile attack on Syria – Russian statistics

The following are the official results of the US missile attacks on Syria as reported by the Russian General Staff on this video: TRANSLATION (all names phonetically translated from Russian, not the original Arabic, by me. The Saker) Target Attacking cruise missiles Defeated cruise missiles Diuvali 4 4 Duimeir airbase 12 12 Blei airbase 18 18 Shairat airbase 12 12 Tifor airbase 2 2 Mezze airbase 9 5 Khoms airbase

Trump orders a military attack on Syria – a crucial moment for Russia

So now we finally have the answer to the key question whether Trump was for real of a fake: he has just ordered a cruise missile attack on Syria.  Words fail me to express my total disgust with Trump. All I will say is this:  this is a moment as crucial as the US/NATO aggression against Yugoslavia in 1999.  When that happened, Evgenii Primakov, then Prime Minister of Russia, who
