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Tag "US terrorism"

Russian special forces repel a US-planned attack in Syria, denounce the USA and issue a stark warning

Something rather unprecedented just happened in Syria: US backed “good terrorist” forces attempted a surprise attack against Syrian government forces stationed to the north and northeast of the city of Hama.  What makes this attack unique is that it took place inside a so-called “de-escalation zone” and that it appears that one of the key goals of the attack was to encircle in a pincer-movement and subsequently capture a platoon

Russia Elections results, The US Military revolt and a Syrian kerfuffle SITREP by Scott Humor

Russian election results in two words: We Won! That’s it. “Bloody revolution” had been canceled. In May I posted an article, Waiting for Yalta – 2, or What the Kerry-Lavrov pact brings to the table.  In accidence with the new principles of the new world. ” Color revolutions” will not be allowed. It doesn’t mean that an illegitimate government of the US won’t stop plotting them. We simply can’t let

Hezbollah says U.S. behind Syria attacks

The Daily Star Reports: Hezbollah accused the United States Friday of orchestrating the suicide bombings that ripped through the Syrian capital earlier in the day killing over 40 people and wounding scores more. “These bombings which resulted in the deaths and wounding of tens of people, mostly women and children, is the specialty of the United States, the mother of all terrorism,” Hezbollah’s press office said. “[The U.S.] specializes in

NATO botches operation to kill Gaddafi

Another NATO SNAFU: they wanted to kill Gaddafi, but ended up killing one of his sons, and three of his grandchildren.  Now everybody repeat after me: No, this is not terrorismNo, this is not terrorismNo, this is not terrorismNo, this is not terrorism(keep repeating until convinced)

Iran holds ‘Israel-linked spies behind nuclear killing’

The BBC reports:The Iranian authorities have arrested a “network of spies” which they say was behind the assassination of a nuclear scientist a year ago, state TV reports. In a brief statement, the authorities said the network was linked to Israel’s Mossad secret service. Iran blamed US and Israeli agents for the killing at the time.Separately, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said international sanctions have slowed Iran’s progress
