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Tag "vote"

The Saker interviews Joel S. Hirschhorn

After reading the very interesting article by Joel S. Hirschhorn “Time to Boycott Voting” I decided to contact him to ask him some further questions about his controversial point of view. He kindly agreed to answer my questions for which I am most grateful to him. ——- Q: Please introduce yourself, tell us about you, about what you do in life A: Though I started my professional life in engineering

Time to Boycott Voting

By Joel S. Hirschhorn After many years of political disappointment, more progressives, liberals and conservatives – and certainly moderates and independents – know in their hearts that voting for Democrats or Republicans is a waste. Just imagine if voter turnout was cut to 25 percent or less! Let the whole world see Americans boycotting a broken and corrupt political system and rejecting what has become a delusional democracy. To keep
