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Tag "war preparations"

The new Russian Naval Doctrine – one very important sentence

Russia has recently published her new official Naval Doctrine.  The full document can be downloaded from the Presidency’s website here (in Russian). To be honest, there is nothing earth shattering in this document.  The document explains the purpose of this doctrine, the missions of the Russian Navy and includes a region by region review of the challenges and opportunities for Russia on the world’s oceans, including the Arctic and Antarctic

WMD used to justify yet another illegal intervention?

Did you hear how Susan Rice adamantly told the UNSC yesterday that the US/NATO resolution which Russia and China vetoed did not in the least authorize a military intervention and that the US had no such plans? Here a headline from today’s Jerusalem Post: ‘US, Israel discuss destroying Syrian weapons’ The United States and Israel were in discussions over whether Israel should take out Syrian weapons facilities as the regime

From Tahrir Square to Wall Street and the rest of the USA, the Empire bares its fangs (again)

The level of violence meted out by the Empire against its opponents is clearly on the rise: from Tahrir Square in Egypt, to the many Occupy Wall Street demonstrations, to the constant saber-rattling against Iran, the Empire is clearly cracking down on its opposition. This new trend is particularly striking in the USA.  People who have never lived in the USA or who, even more so, have never studied here,

Sickening display of imperial sabre-rattling

I just heard these two clowns – Obama and Cameron – looking all macho, with fire in their eyes, making all sorts of threats against Gaddafi and the sight of these two corporate suits trying to sound marital just made me sick to my guts. It was like watching a bad remake of the movie “Dubya and his poodle Blair”. And I am still fuming about Russia’s cowardly and self-defeating

New Balkan Wars Loom on the Horizon

by Pyotr Iskenderov for Strategic Culture Magazine The contours of the Kosovo separatists’ plan to suppress the Serbian resistance in the northern part of the province with the help of the US and the EU are getting increasingly visible. The statements emanating from Pristina and the intensifying international debates over the Kosovo theme do not only show that the Albanian separatists are preparing an attack against their opponents but also

Iran in the crosshairs (again). Ditto for Latin America.

The Islamic Republic is in trouble, no doubt. Following the failure of the coup attempt against Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei by Rafsanjani and his “Guccis” (via Mousavi) one could have somewhat naively hoped that things would settle down, but this is clearly not the case. It now appears that Intelligence Minister Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejeie has been sacked and replaced by Majid Alavi. There are also reports of other ministers

Will Hizballah intervene in the Gaza conflict?

by Amal Saad-Ghorayeb for The Electronic Intifada While Israel fervently attempts to terrorize the Palestinians into submission in Gaza, many observers have started to wonder why Hizballah has refrained from stepping in militarily to assist its brothers-in-arms, Hamas. Such musings fail to take account of the constraints on Hizballah’s room for action, as well as the circumstances under which Hizballah would ignore such constraints. The question that should be posed

Israel begins its much announced assault on Gaza – what is next? (UPDATED!)

Israel’s lack of options – sympathy with the devil? After weeks of rumors, speculations and not so veiled threats, Israel has finally begun its assault on the Gaza strip. Predictably, it began with F-16 airstrikes at “Hamas targets” and, equally predictably, the hospitals in Gaza are filling up with many casualties (190+ killed and many more wounded). Actually, this is the “least-bad” strategy for Israel as it makes it possible

Is Israel about to re-invade Gaza?

al-Manar reports: Israeli Army Gets Green Light for Gaza Operation The Israeli defense establishment is currently preparing for a military move against Hamas targets in Gaza after it received the green light Wednesday from the Israeli Cabinet. During a cabinet meeting about the situation in and outside the Gaza Strip, a senior Israeli occupation army officer gave ministers in attendance an overview of the potential retaliatory moves that the defense

Report: India may attack Pakistan

Press TV reports: Indian military has prepared operations against targets in Pakistan and awaits the signal to go forward, a US intelligence report says. “These most likely would take the form of unilateral precision strikes inside Pakistan-administered Kashmir, along with special forces action on the ground in Pakistan proper,” Global Intelligence Service, Stratfor said in its latest report. “Sources have indicated to Stratfor that New Delhi is going through the

India on “war level” security alert

By Bappa Majumdar for Reuters India: India will increase security in the country and on its borders to a “war level” in the wake of the deadly attacks in Mumbai that killed nearly 200 people, a government minister said on Sunday. “Our intelligence will be increased to a war level, we are asking the state governments to increase security to a war level,” Sriprakash Jaiswal, India’s minister for state for

Russia sends a very clear message to the West (and to itself)

Russia has recently embarked on the most massive military maneuvers since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. Interestingly, the role of the Ground Forces was this time rather limited and it is the Navy and the Air Force which took center stage. The maneuvers, code name “Stability 2008” included the use of Tu-95MS and Tu-160 strategic rocket bombers, IL-86 inflight refueling aircraft, Tu-22M3 intermediate range heavy bombers, A-50M

Pak army vows to confront US attacks

Press TV reports: Pakistani military reiterates it will not allow any incursions by the US-led NATO troops into its volatile tribal region near Afghan border. There has been no change in the rules of engagement with the US forces and the Pakistani military will not permit any aerial or ground incursions by foreign troops, the security officials said at a briefing on anti-militancy operations in the North West Frontier Province

What’s bad old Dick up to now?

Press TV reports: US Vice President Dick Cheney starts a tour of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Ukraine which have become more wary of Russia. On the first leg of his tour to the ex-Soviet republics beginning Wednesday, Cheney wants to show that Washington stands by its allies in this region despite the recent Russian conflict with Georgia. Cheney begins his week-long tour with his first stop in Azerbaijan

Revealed: how U.S. funds Georgian arms

Russia Today reports: The United States has been providing military and technical support to independent Georgia for almost 15 years. During this period, the overall amount of annual aid from Washington has increased by more than several hundred times, and reached its peak in the financial year till 2006. It has meant that Georgia’s army was well prepared for an attack on South Ossetia. RT offers a brief history of

Two U.S. Aircraft Carriers Head For The Gulf; Kuwait Prepares “Emergency War Plan”

Dave Kaiser AHN Two additional U.S. Navy aircraft carriers are on their way to the Gulf and the Red Sea, according to Kuwait Times. Kuwait began finalizing its “emergency war plan” on being told the vessels were bound for the region. The U.S. Navy will neither confirm nor deny that carriers are currently en route. U.S. Fifth Fleet Combined Maritime Command located in Bahrain said it could not comment because

To Provoke War, Cheney Considered Proposal To Dress Up Navy Seals As Iranians And Shoot At Them

(thanks to Alex P. for this story) A Think Progress Exclusive Speaking at the Campus Progress journalism conference earlier this month, Seymour Hersh — a Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist for The New Yorker — revealed that Bush administration officials held a meeting recently in the Vice President’s office to discuss ways to provoke a war with Iran. In Hersh’s most recent article, he reports that this meeting occurred in the wake

If Iran is Attacking It Might Really be Israel

by Philip Giraldi for the American Conservative The Benny Morris op-ed in the NYT last Friday should provide convincing evidence that Israel really really really wants an attack against Iran sooner rather than later. Morris is close to the Israeli government and his case that Iran must be bombed soon and with maximum conventional weaponry to avoid using nukes later was clearly intended to push the United States to do

Détente or Hidden Agendas? A sign of “The Times”

by Gilad Atzmon for Palestine Think Tank Back in 2003 I wrote, “If ‘world peace’ is our main concern, we must achieve a balance of power, we must let the oppressed people of this world have access to the most advanced weaponry…. Balance of power is the only key to peace.” Nowadays, when Israel and its supportive lobbies are doing everything within their powers to drag us all into a
