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Tag "World Bank"

Former World Bank executive appointed Palestinian PM by Abbas

No, this is not a joke. The BBC just reported that Abbas appointed a new prime minister, Salam Fayyad, as Prime Minister of Fatah-controlled Palestine. The BBC helpfully adds that “a former World Bank executive, Mr Fayyad is a well-respected figure internationally” thereby using the code words indicating that this appointment has received the approval of Abbas’ bosses in the Imperial High Command. Wikipedia says that “he is seen as

Another Neocon bites the dust

It’s over. Wolfowitz has been given the boot. Is that the World Bank’s wonderful honesty and good governance at work? Of course not. I mean – you gotta be kiddin’ – right? A international civil servant gives a promotion to his mistress, is that really something so unique? What nonesense, it is done on a daily basis at the United Nations, European Parliament, International Labor Office, World Health Organization, etc.
