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Tag "zio-propaganda"

This is becoming boooooring

Syrian WMD now.  Nevermind that the only case of use of chemical weapons “against his own people” was by Saddam under the high patronage of, what else, the USA.  Nevermind that it is also nonsense.  Nevermind that it would make no sense.The US “patriotic crowd” seems to be buying this one too…

British propaganda reaches a new low

Latest BBC headline: “Syria: Assad regime ‘ready to use chemical weapons’. It’s not only the BBC, by the way, this story has spread like a wildfire: I guess that this is how a total canard becomes a “newsflash” even though it is based on exactly nothing. Indeed, check out what some ex-Assadist turncoat actually said: “Asked if he thought President Assad might use chemical weapons against the opposition, Mr Fares

Very candid statement from Israel’s Deputy Prime Minister

In an interview with Russia Today Israel’s Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor has called Iran, Syria and Hezbollah, the “Axis of Unholy Lands”: Syria is the only Arab country that is ally with Iran.  The axis that was built between Iran, Syria and Hezbollah, the Unholy Lands, should I call it. ­This is a very bad and dangerous axis against us and all the Arab countries. In that respect this
