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Tag "Ziocrazies on the Hill"

Obama wanted the “Sissy Option” but he might get the “Kosovo Option” instead

I have been following today proceedings in Congress with absolute dismay.  Sure, this was predictable, but still, to see these clowns trying to “out tough” each other is just sickening.  Already, Obama’s proposed Resolution opened the door for much more than just a “Sissy Option” strike (under 3 days, 50-100 missiles).  But now it appears that the Ziocrazies in Congress want to authorize military operations up to 90 days!  That’s

And now, a few words from the Ziocrazies on the Hill

LOL! This did not take too long. According to the WSJ, “two key Republican Senate lawmakers gave notice that despite President Barack Obama‘s pledge to seek congressional authorization for a potential military strike against Syria, they wouldn’t support a limited attack that fell short of changing the momentum on the battlefield.” Hardly a surprise.But this a great way to achieve a complete deadlock. If Obama wants only a “shot across
