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Tag "Zionist"

IAEA warns of Neocon agression plans

Did the IAEA really say that the Neocons are planning to attack Iran? Almost. The word “Neocon” was not used but was replaced by a well-known euphemism. Actually, here is what happened: IAEA director Mohamed ElBaradei recently said to the BBC “I have no brief other than to make sure we don’t go into another war or that we go crazy into killing each other. You do not want to

French President Sarkozy’s Jewish roots

(The fact that Sarkozy is Jewish really means nothing. The fact that he is a committed Zionist with “viceral attachment to Israel” means a lot. I am posting the article below because it gives a rare and fascinating insight into the ideological background of the new French President – “As a Minister of Interior, Sarkozy shared much common policy ground with former Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu (…) and it
