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Tag "ziopanic"

Predictably, the traditional Ziopanic sets in

Check out this headline from Israel National News: Muslim Brotherhood’s Message Same as Hamas: Kill Jews  Nothing new here. Expect endless references to a “2nd Holocaust” and the “New Egyptian Antisemitism” as an “existential threat” to the “only democracy in the Middle-East” to come next.  We might even get a “New Hitler” if Mubarak is toppled. Where are Alan Dershowitz, Elie Wiesel and Joe Lieberman when they are so needed!!!

First signs of Ziopanic or good intox?

Hoenlein: ElBaradei a ‘stooge’ for Iran By Ron Kampeas for the JTA WASHINGTON (JTA) — The director of the U.S. Jewish foreign policy umbrella called Mohammed ElBaradei, the opposition leader emerging from the Egyptian ferment, a “stooge for Iran.” Malcolm Hoenlein, the executive vice-president of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, accused ElBaradei of covering up Iran’s true nuclear weaponization capacities while he directed the International Atomic
