Foreign Secretary Liz Truss is visiting Moscow. She met with Lavrov. The meeting failed to produce anything. Considering that Truss is this genius who rides around in tanks but does not know that the Baltic States are not on the Black Sea, that is hardly a surprise. The fact that she refused to consider Voronezh and Rostov as part of Russia was about the only surprise of that meeting (her advisors quickly explain to her that these cities was not in the Ukraine). She even “dressed Russian” in spite of the fact that it is warmer in Moscow than in London (she forgot the obligatory bottle of vodka and a balalaika!).
That’s what you get for appointing a stupid, arrogant and ignorant idiot to such a high position. But, at least, she is a woman (collective sigh of relief from the Woke crowd…).
Here is another genius woman, German Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs Annalena Baerbock visiting the Ukie trenches:
Tomorrow the UK Minister of Defense will visit Moscow. I don’t expect anything to come out of this meeting either.
Frankly, I don’t even understand why the Kremlin is bothering with these clowns. The most likely explanation is that the Russians will pretend to listen to whatever the Brits have to say, then explain to them what will happen to any UK military personnel if a provocation happens.
According to at least many sources (example), Russia has deployed a MiG-31K armed with the Kinzhal hypersonic missile in Kaliningrad. The Russian A2/AD “lock” over Belarus and the Baltic Sea is taking shape. Good. The more Iskanders, Kalibrs, Kinzhals, Bals, Bastions, S-400 and Su-35S/Su-30SM2 are deployed in and around Belarus and Kaliningrad, the most mental sanity we can expect from the local nutcases and their overseas masters.
After a stop in Syria, the six large amphibious assault ships we were discussing recently have now entered the Black Sea and have now joined the Black Sea Fleet. One source says that this gives the ships a combined capacity of up to 63 main battle tanks and about 2,000 troops. Apparently, they were escorted by a Kilo-class diesel-electric attack submarine. Russia has also sent two 11,500-ton guided-missile Slava-class cruisers and escorts to the Mediterranean. 140 Russian warships worldwide are participating in these huge exercises.
Here is the zone they have prepared for their naval exercises in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov:

The Ukronazi Luftwaffe
Remember how the Russians forced a Ukie drone to land in Belarus? That just happened again, but in the LDNR. Check out the markings the Ukronazis painted on the lower side of its wings.
BTW – this reconnaissance drone, the Lelekka, was supposed to be the nec plus ultra of the Ukie aerospace production. So whatever nostalgics of the Third Reich painted these crosses, they were not silly teenager, but the folks entrusted with the operation of this very important (for the Ukies) drone.
The head of Russian intelligence, Sergei Naryshkin, has just declared that:
The SBU and the UAF are preparing provocations at the contact line in Donbass and their ‘reporting’ a la ‘White Helmets’ fakes news in Syria. The contingent of the ‘rapid response propaganda forces’ of the Western media has been increased there multifold as well,” Ukrainian preparations are going “full steam ahead” and they cannot be hidden”. “All even partially combat ready Ukrainian Armed Forces units have been concentrated at the Donbass border. Hundreds of tonnes of military equipment and ammunition are being transported en masse from US bases in Europe, from the UK, from Canada. The contingent of advisors and instructors from NATO Special Operations forces is being increased. We even have reports about the emergence of multinational jihadist militant squads“.
I leave you with a funny picture: crowds in Mali celebrating the expulsion of the French ambassador and welcoming Russians (see the Russian flags in the crowd).
Zone B is growing!
If only John Cleese would step up and “direct” the comedy coming out of UK.
We could enjoy the clownery much more with a tighter script, film score and Cleese’ genius touch.
My God, what he could do directing Boris the Bozo of Britain.
The main question remains: Is USA/ Ukraine about to invade Donbass?
Incidentally, whenever I happen to meet someone from the Baltic States, I amazed at how much they hate Russians and how stupid they are. Seriously. I then ask them why they sided with Hitler during WW2.
What do they say when you ask them that question?
In essence, they say that Hitler was a great man and a true friend, and that they love Fascism.
Friendly fascism work until the bosses leaves town, and then all hell breaks loose b/c the friendly left.
Maybe they will drive on to “liberate” Rostov and Voronezh from the foreign Russian yoke.
May I Deduce
Follow the pipeline: Ukraine and the USA do not want Germany to approve Nordstream 2.
Because Ukraine loses a lot of money on it, and the USA does not want Germany to have better relations with Russia. The Russian army is there so Kiev dont sabotage the Nordstream deal with Germany, something like kiev bombing and invading Donbas. This behaviour is opressing the german people energywise and economically. The Russian army is a guarantee for both the Donbas and for Germany.
By placing 100 thousands russian soldiers on standby the russians are actually telling the germans, “Its ok go ahead you can approve Nordstream 2, no one will do anything stupid”.
Is it about NATO? Not completely, only partially. But if the Russians get guarantees from NATO, then the Russians will get the best deal of Nordstream 2.
The United States is hysterical is a tactic, because as soon as everything calms down, the Germans will approve of Nordstream 2.
It is all about NATO and the nation state. This is the struggle of our time. NATO, because it is the military arm of the upper class. The NATION-STATE, because it represents the people, the working class. It is a global class war. At the moment, Russia and China, nation-states, are the leaders of this class war. But, as the Saker says, Zone B is growing!
Yeah but the Russians will not invade, and the americans will never give guarantees to Russia, you cant negotiate with terrorists. I can see europe making a deal with russia, but not the americans.
Ukraine wont invade donbas, did you see zelenskys face, he was thinking, ” is Biden stupid, does he really think I am gonna invade with whatever army we have, so russia can destroy it “.
zelensky wants Biden to destroy Nordstream 2 via Germany, not via ukraine.
But nontheless kiev wants to destroy Nordstream deal somehow, otherwise its alot of money they will lose.
Just look at ukraines history with Russian gas, they are corrupt they dont like paying for gas.
Russias move as I see it, is to prevent ukraine from sabotaging NordStream 2, and to hopefully try to get guarantees from nato.
After the deal is approved by the germans the russians will withdraw their army.
On second thoughts even if the germans approve Nordstream 2, there is no reason for Russia to withdraw their army, because of 2 reasons:
1. Its a good defence for Donbas and for ukraine to not misbehave.
2. No nato guarantees? Why withdraw? Its a good chess move, a pressure move against Nato and ukraine.
Unfortunately this comedy cannot be underestimated, bearing in mind that the Rothschild’s control the US Federal Reserve, while the aristocracy controls the HQ of the Freemasons in Washington DC.
Prior to his death, Prince Philip was Commander in Chief of all Freemasons in the world. What Washington DC is doing is to a large extent directed from London.
I think I can say that, incredible as it may seem, Masonic “theology” is connected to the “theology” of the Zionists. London runs Freemasonry, and Freemasonry runs the West, Japan and Russia’s liberals. How the symbiosis with the Zionists comes about is a mystery. China is another reality. Prince Phillip knew deep, deep things. The US and Europe are playing with fire in Eastern Europe. This is horrifying. We have arrived at a crossroads, and I hope that we will move into a new Era and Epoch. After Germany and Ukraine, now France has also become schizophrenic. Times and walk of adventures and mysteries. Comedy horror movie. Indecipherable horizon!
To John Cleese reference, may I recommend “Mr. Hilter and the Minehead by-election” sketch:
Monty Python is not a friend of Russia-just the opposite. And every member of Monty Python-like all of Hollywood and all of the Rock n Roll community-are enthusiasts and defenders of Pussy Riot….The Puss of moral rot…they all swim in it.
No one makes fun of British Assholios than Cleese.
You don’t have to be a Russophile to expose the hilarious stupidity of the British.
No one does it better than Cleese.
And if all you think of is Monty Python, you miss 2/3rds of his genius talent.
Pet Shop Customer: “I wish to file a compliant about this parrot I purchased half an hour ago from this very boutique.”
Pet Shop Merchant: “Yes, that the Norwegian Blue; what’s wrong with it?”
Pet Shop Customer: “I’ll tell you what’s wrong with it; it’s dead.”
Pet Shop Merchant: “No, no, it’s not dead; it’s resting.”
The clever repartee between shopkeeper and buyer is a genius of comedic invention that only the British and their simple expression of humor found in everyday life can create.
Enjoy the rest of the skit: .
Long form, nothing touches “A Fish Called Wanda”.
As far as I am concerned A Fish Called Wanda is the funniest movie ever made.
The only American comedy that made me laugh anywhere near as much was the first “The Hangover”
Yeah, I’m that lowbrow.
Like exposing himself very graphically in movies? No wonder his daughter Camilla Cleese the comedian is a very mentally screwed up young Woman….as is Lilly Idle-for the exact same reason.
Do you think it was funny when the homosexual pederast Graham Chapman and the other degenerate Terry Jones made fun of working class Irish Mothers in the last movie made by Monty Python-The Meaning of Life? Do you know who the Sullivan Brothers were? Do you know that a US Navy Ship was named after them?…And why?….The homosexual Pederast Graham Chapman was basically making fun of Irish Working Class Women like Sullivan Brother’s Mother……I come from a large Irish Catholic Family.
So why don’t you go to YouTube and look at the WW2 era film footage of the Sullivan Brother’s Parents…both of whom died very shortly from grief over the loss of their sons after that interview in 1942…
Do you know who John Cleese will be appearing with-very shortly-onstage in Sussex(that’s Cussex) England?
Answer:The creepy old degenerate John Cleese will be appearing with, at a major Comedy Festival, in England-the creepy pornographic blasphemers of Russian Orthodox Christian Churches…if you guessed Pussy Riot…you guessed right!
And Cleese also thinks the world of the ugly Haitian Russophobe Joy Reid…
There is a social and cultural war against Russia at the moment….I reckon one minute to midnight on the nuclear war clock….and the members of Monty Python are deeply embedded in the Satanic Hollywood social and cultural war against Slavic Russia…
You’re not wrong! Which goes to show that even Brits with a grasp of what’s what can’t even determine that the posh Monty Python Establishment boys are/were a jaundiced version of ‘The Goons’ with a quarter of the talent. Not a patch on Spike Milligan, Peter Sellers, Harry Secombe and Michael Bentine.
Rock contributed to the creation of Nihilism. Effeminate, make-up rockers impacted Eastern European values. Electricity and latex pants were used for soft power. Dylan and a few others were the exception.
Your right about that. Woodstock was all about young White Boomer American Women acting like sluts….They went on to become childless…and now they are starting to die in hospices in hospice beds across America dying alone…while the Hospice Social Worker puts on Mary Tyler Moore re-runs in the last few days-hours of White Boomer Women of their very empty spiritually dead existence.I have seen this with my own eyes last March in a Catholic Hospice on Long Island…
White Boomer Women…War Criminal Hillary Clinton’s Voting Bloc…hate Vladimir Putin because of his pro-natalist message to young Slavic Russians. White Boomer Women were destroyed by the sex-drugs-rock-and-roll culture… doubt about it…
While the “young white boomer american men” weren’t acting like degenerate pervs but like enlightened ascetics, and the sex-drugs-rock-and-roll culture had a sainthhood effect on them.
Now, we’ve all been sick up to here with all those american idiotic something-like-males, who have been littering every single conversation the last 10 years at least, with their ignorance, illiteracy, and personal relation problems. Ok, we got it: women run away very far from your kind. There is probably a damn good reason for it.
I don’t know what’s going on in the USA and frankly couldn’t care less. But over here in Europe, we’ve noticed a steady degradation on under-35-yr-old males the last years, who unfortunately got their heads fucked up by the steady misogynist cesspool coming out of the USA. And none of those managed to get a steady relationship, marriage, and family.
Can americans keep their cultural garbage within their borders, for a change? Frankly, no one over here needs to hear any more of your enlightened opinions.
Ekate, we all need to seek a solution to the moral decay of the West with an open mind. We all need to review our concepts now, because factually something fundamental is wrong in America and Europe. I’ve read many books, and it is visible that meritocracy is leaving Europe. Even Germany embraced US culture. Too late! Here on the blog we conclude that the west faces a civilizational crisis, and the problem with men and women is a symptom, also originated in the Woke ideology. This is also one of the main reasons why the West is against Putin, not accepting the culture of Asia and all this tension now in Ukraine. They brainwashed Europeans and the West, which now generates blindness and the mediocrity that we see in European governments. It is indeed a relevant issue. And I also know European women who are frustrated and unhappy because of this crisis of civilization. It’s not just an American problem, it’s also become a European problem. Western values will have to be revised sooner or later.
Thank you
War for Blair Mountain
This Western blindness towards Asia has a source. Every rule has an exception. I know it’s a thorny subject, but the WOKE ideology goes through methodology and behavior, which involves music, narratives, cinema and aesthetics. I appreciate your report on hospices in the USA, and I also see in my country the sad reality that, with the Trans and WOKE ideology, women ALSO suffer. Rock did have some deep thinking people. Bob Dylan in some songs questions the future of the USA through the path of sick feminism. Other English songbooks that talk about the cold war and the dark side of the moon are relevant. The fact is that when we look at effeminate rock musicians and guitarists, musicians with their intimate parts crushed by tight pants and an absurdly sensual and provocative stage attitude, it’s great alienation, and also teenagers doing 3 chords and cursing the queen without practical solution. Young people have nowhere to run. The whole western thing is a lie, and these “musicians” have chosen an equally empty alternative path. The devil likes to be ignored, because he can act completely out of his subtlety. The truth has always been about what most people don’t see. And not questioning is all the Zionist Empire wants. The only way for women to have the same skills with logic and spatial ability as men is through Androgyny and transhumanism, otherwise we will never have a woman champion of world chess. This is the bet of people like Hillary Clinton, Merkel and all the smug matrons of the European Union, that everything in the world is equal, that meritocracy is abandoned, and that we live forever in a world dominated by technology and completely stupid. Every millimeter conquered by them is celebrated with great happiness. They are worshiping themselves, and their lust for power and fanciful transcendence. Putin is the target of the hatred of these people who are against family and good values. A lie told 100 times became the truth for the entire West. Brainwashing makes an Einstein IQ stupid too. That’s why the West is determined against Russia. It is a cultural, civilizational war, a war of moral values and meaning. Nowadays going to the movies is no longer a healthy pleasure and for wisdom. Unfortunately, the planet is heading towards Androgyny, high consumption of drugs and artificial worlds. It is no accident that humanity is once again flirting with nuclear war!
Humanity is not flirting with anything. There is a serious problem now called west and the Strongest Grandmasters from Asia and Eastern Europe will deal with it.
Doubtless John Cleese has many faults. But I never knew that he had any interest in Russia.
He was recently lambasted in the British media for pointing out that London was no longer a British city. A sentiment that I entirely agree with. I lived in London from 1962 until 1974. It was a great place. Lots of young people could afford to live in the centre. No obesity. Lots of beautiful European crumpet. :)
“John Cleese defends London comments as ‘culturalist’ not ‘racist’”
John is clever enough to understand, that such comedy in current UK times would be treated as national treason. Luckily he is one of those rare chaps in the west avoiding kosher diet…
Much as I like John Cleese I reckon the wit of Spike Milligan’s is more in keeping with the antics of Perfidious Albion’s idiots in charge. Perhaps Milligan can write the script.
The UK minister of defence should be asked to provide credible and verifiable information about the Skripals and asked to apologize for the deleterious (in the Greek meaning of the world i.e. poisonous) attempt on their part of smearing Russia with ridiculous accusations.
Russia has made formal, diplomatic requests for information on the poisonings as well as access to Russian citizen, Julia Skripal. Same thing with requests to the German government for info about Navalny’s (also a RF citizen) poisoning. No response.
It was incredible to see a great diplomat like Lavrov laugh and laugh in moking the stupid english turkey.
I think he never acted with such a despise in his all carrer.
That say much about what Russians think about English leaders
As I have written before, Joe Biden was not placed in the White House to promote peace, but aggression.
Ukraine as such is not the issue, as it is nothing more than NATO’s proxy fighter, given the task to attack the Donbass and provoke Russia into a war. What is at issue are the West’s gigantic debts, and this especially applies to the US, which not only has a large foreign debt, but a gigantic domestic debt whose size even American university professors cannot precisely define.
This financial “status quo” cannot permanently be maintained, ie. you cannot kick the can down the road on a permanent, yearly basis. For a financial crash to be avoided (which private analysts are stating is coming), you provoke a regional or wider war in the belief it will boost the economy. However, analysts have for years been saying that this old bankers trick cannot work any more, as the US debts are astronomical, the dollar is printed backed by nothing, and the US has, to a considerable level, been de-industrialized.
In this concrete situation you have an additional task, and that is to create a rift between Russia and China and try isolating Russia, politically and economically, in the hope it would implode and break up, so it could be plundering by Western banks and corporations. Too late for that. These are not the 1990’s, when Yeltsin was in power and when Russia was weak. There is no way it can even be isolated. However, what you are getting is a rift within the EU and NATO, where individual members are not happy to lose trade with Russia and fight a potential war with Russia. I think that Washington DC has misjudged the situation not only when it comes to Russia, but also when it comes to the EU and NATO, where now you don’t have full cohesion.
Will we have war in the Donbass ? I am afraid it is almost inevitable, with the Western public being, on a daily daily basis, psychologically prepared for it with the phrase “Russian aggression”.
US National Debt – $30 Trillion and some
US Total Debt – $300 +Trillion – Unfunded & Underfunded Liabilities
What lurks yonder on The Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Lurkio?
You don’t wanna know!
“What lurks yonder on The Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Lurkio?”
Um, lemme guess: Hedge Fund Ponzi P__p?
”Will we have war in the Donbass.” I don’t think the overwhelming majority in Russia would tolerate it. Both the people in Lugansk and Donetsk speak Russian, have Russian passports, use the rouble not the hyrvnia, and have relatives in Russia just across the border. To all intents and purposes the two Donbass republics are Russian. They are not just some diplomatic bargaining chip of some geopolitical game.
“crowds in Mali celebrating the expulsion of the French ambassador and welcoming Russians”
I told you Macron had something more to rant about in 6 hours. And that’s not all.
Request to Saker
Dear sir, an article summarizing what is going on in subsaharian Africa and the involvement of Russia would be greatly appreciated. I guess that this issue is terra incognita -apart from me- to many readers of the site .
Kind regards
I join the request anyway thanks andrei
Me too.
Excellent idea! I remember reading about Russia’s role in de-colonization during the 1950’s and 60’s (The Suez Crisis, etc.). If Russia is to create a new world order, which it can and should, it would manifest itself best in nations not directly involved in the present crisis. What do Russia and China have to offer countries that have suffered under IMF neo-colonialism since the fall of the Soviet Union?
Dear Leonidas
Sub-Saharan Africa is not my area of expertise.
But if I find a good author, I or something already posted of value
I will try my best.
Kind regards
Meanwhile, in Bangui, a recent monument to Russia-CAR military cooperation:
Thank you very much for your consideration
You may check an author called Nathalie Yamb …she has quite à number of videos on YouTube for those who understand French.
To Summarize what is happening, it is clear Russia has decided to up the pain dial on NATO by going after France’s Achilles tendon. This tendon being the colonial economic system in Africa denominated in a set of colonial structures out of which a currency the CFA franc that ties the productivity of all these countries to the French economy, netting France over 400B eur per annum.
With these countries struggling to get rid of the French, everyone who has ever stepped up has been a victim of a coup d’etat. The latest being Mua.mar Khadaffi who was killed and sodomozed with a bayonet because he attempted to pull these countries into his orbit with the offer of the African Dinar.
Russia, during the past three years, while everyone was focused on Syria, has not only buttressed Khalifa Haftar in Libya, but also gone after France in the heart of Africa (the Central African Republic), defacto kicking France out, with France only staying in through a UN mandate. In December, France attempted a retake of the Central African Republic using mercenaries and rebels from Chad, which ended up in a massacre and a busting of many French networks in the CAR and Chad. One of the consequences of which was a destabilisation of Chad and an attack from Libya of Chadian rebels which ended up with the assassination of the Chadian dictator Idriss Deby and a hasty French installation of his son to safeguard their interests. This French pressure was thus used to not only directly attack the rebels, but to also entrench, with no semblance of propriety, their hegemony on Chad. This has led to a very unstable equilibrium to this day where the current Chadian leader, imposed by Macron remains a sitting duck who can be kicked out any day.
So where does Mali come in? The Boko Harams and terrorism in the Sahel has always been linked to the presence of foreign armies in this region. The destabilisation of Libya helped several fold innthis because there was no need to fly in military gear for these good terrorists. In 2013, these terrorists were much more poqerful than the central government in Mali that they threatened to topple this goveetnment. France, flew in their army at the nick of time to save the Malian government but de facto colonize over 80% of the territory and stop the Malian army from having operations in this region. Terrorism did not stop. It increased but funnily enough, uranium mining and gold miming in Niger (neighbour) and French Occupied Mali only increased. The disgruntled Malians knew what was happening and all protests were crushed by the Central government politicians who were barely stooges of France. Finally, some army officers could take it no more and organised a successful coup. The Central government was toppled but a political settlement was imposed on them to allow civilians to take over from the toppled politicians. These new politicians were still at the beck and call of the Frwnch and given French assurance, they tried to kick out the military leaders who saw it coming and preempted the move, dismissing them through another coup.
At this point, with the country placed under embargo, the Malian officers, who had gone to some training in Russia, turned to the Russians to help restructure the army. Thus moved in the Russians through military cooperation accords, buying Russian arms and going after the terrorists. France asked the Malians to kick out the Russians, if not, France would abandon Mali. The Malians said go ahead. With Macron and Yves leiria blowing hot and cold on Mali, prompting a reinforcement of the embargo regime through west African satrapies, Malian neighbours, the Malians have stood firm. Of recent, following insults from Florence Parly, Macron and LeDrian, the Malians, whose Ambassador had already been sent packing from Paris in 3019, gave the French Ambassador 72 hours to leave Mali.
The insult was just too much for France and this fight is only increasing in tempo. The Malian officers, under a certain Assimi Goita, know they have a fight on their hands. These officers represent a younger generation of Africans who have little complex with respect to the Europeans and the know they have a once in a generation fight on their hands to gain the complete independence of Mali. The Russians have kicked up a hornet’s nest in Africa and the US, the UK and Europe, are trembling. It is not as much about Ukraine as it is about Africa. The Russians have decided to fight away from their border by bringing down France, by going after her African assets, as these fight for their independence. Bringing down France, which may not be a military power but an economic one, will blow up a huge hole in the EU and NATO, derailing the war fighting capabilities in Europe.
This is a very brief summary of a complex geopolitical situation which cannot be dissociated from the rest of world events. Thus the media silence over it. Also, the African voices speaking about it are shadow banned, silenced, kicked away from social media platforms, so their voices are not heard.
On a platform such as the Saker, it would be a great step if Andrei could grant sanctuary to some of these voices which will present a mostly African perspective.
‘Frankly, I don’t even understand why the Kremlin is bothering with these clowns.’
That’s just Russia extending the common courtesy of diplomacy.
Something the collective west have forgot about long ago.
Off course the russians do not expect any result, but the forms must be obeyed…
Right now it seems like the US wants Ukraine to commit suicide so the NS2 can be shut down for good…
Which again kills Europe for good, because there is no other sources of gas cheap and plentiful enough than Russia…
Oh, well Russia can sell the gas to Asia!
For me akahige
It really showed the total stupidity of the West. This woman was a farce she had a script and that is all she had. The one time she went off it she made an even worse ass of herself. The people in the US are starting to wonder maybe at some point they will actually think for themselves. Lavrov was calm and as usual thinking on his feet. Most westerners may not watch it but more stuff is starting to slip through. If they watch this unless they are totally lost they can’t help but gag on her royal jester.
when Wallace Truss Bojo .. Blinken Biden ..Zed…all the other stooges from EU and Nato sit down at the end of a very long table facing Shoigu Putin and Lavrov and get asked to sign a “we surrender” document then Russia will have achieved something the world should be grateful for .
Who the heck is Wallace? The rest of them, I have heard of, but not him.
BTW, can ou please add CA Trudeau to the list?
Cheers, :-)
Lavrov, when once asked a similar question at another time: “We Russians are a polite people”.
I think there is a ruling clique in the West which is after Russia, China, or any other rivals, and the question is what Russia and other countries need to do to get this clique to back off and agree to peaceful relations. I think there are two possibilities: 1) Russia generates enough pressure– militarily, economically, and politically, that the clique backs off and agrees to peace or 2) the clique is replaced by a new ruling class. The clique opposes Russia because it is a rival, but also because their own reputations and credibility are now invested in this policy. Russia has a much stronger case then the West, so the clique has to play dumb and pretend not to understand Russia’s fairly straightforward concerns. I thought it was pretty rich when Truss lectured Lavrov about the importance of not making threats against other countries. How often does Western “diplomacy” not consist of threats of one kind or another?
…The West is damned if it confronts Russia (considering Russia is absolutely not alone in this ), and it’s equally damned if it doesn’t. According to experts we are witnessing the last glory days of the American Era (post WW1 and WW2). The glorious era that was based on maximizing material gains/profits/consumption and by pretending to pursue happiness at all cost a la Hollywood. Well that turns out to be just a pipe dream coming out of some cartoon characters’ minds who previously resided and/or currently still reside in London or Washington like BoJo and Biden, respectively. There’s going to be a new world order in which the West will have a lot less leverage.
The wonderful English gentleman, Mr. Rowan Atkinson must be ashamed for being represented internationaly by persona who’s attitude and accusations has striking similarity with Constable Savage, fictional character from his comedic opus.
Start at 1:09
He did very well, except for that part when he quoted Obama. He should know better.
One thing for sure Mr.Atkinson is much,much smarter and more funny than clown/comedian in the Kyiv…….
1450 km range iranian missile(Israël and the whole arabic peninsule under fire) released today.
Oh yes, paindial indeed.
In fact, Iran and Hezbollah have a huge arsenal of missiles, some with terminal guidance capability.
As I said, the Israelis should start evacuating now :-)
As luck may have it, Ukraine has lost over 10 million of its population since 1991. Israel’s population is under 9 million. This would solve the regional problems it’s created and the war in Ukraine tomorrow would cease also (well if they got rid of the Right Sector sub-humans). Wait a minute, the USSA could utilize those vermin in place of the go to Sudanese fodder. I’m sure President Putin would make available/lease some Black Sea resorts, the types of which they’ve become accustomed to.
A Referendum of the above in Israel could see a majority in favour. I’m serious, I’d like to see 99% of Jewish folks live in peace.
More on the pain dial.
-Joint patrols of Syria/Russia in Syria. Possibly leading to a no fly zone over Syria soon.
– Ban on nitrate fertiliser from Russia until April 2022.
– Exports of potash fertiliser from Belarus halted/delayed due to port disputes
– recognition of Argentina claim over Malvinas by China
– boycott of this year’s Munich security conference by Russia
-China/Russia supporting each others position on Ukraine, Taiwan.
So, let me see if I can briefly summarize where things stand right now.
In Europe, the US is trying to pressure Germany to accept a formal commitment to “Cancel Nordstream if Russia invades 404”. If they should be so foolish as to do so, we will have some kind of stitched up “invasion” within +/-24 hours, and western Europe deindustrializes and freezes in the dark.
The US perpetual war party are keen to escalate in Yemen, of all places since
a) the US has such a great track record against insurgencies. OR
b) that’ll mean lots of military consumables sales for the military contractors
(Hint: b is the answer)
Really, it’s enough to make your head hurt
Andrei, I have a technical question if you please. You said, ‘Remember how the Russians forced a Ukie drone to land in Belarus?’ How exactly does one ‘force’ a drone to land? Obviously it is still in tact, so there was no crash. And no pilot to intimidate into landing. How do they get a remote controlled plane safely to the ground? TIA.
Is called EW..:)
Here is an example.
My guess is that this EW, technique is how Iran brought down “Ayatolla Mike”, that CIA goon whose plane came down over Afghan shortly after the US killed Soleimani. The aircraft was largely intact; not a high-speed ground impact. And then poor “Mike” was never seen again. Tsk, tsk, tsk.
You emit a fake GPS signal. As a result of the fake GPS signal, the drone gets a wrong idea of the altitude and bearing. This way the drone thinks it is high up in the air, flying to its destination, but in reality it is at ground level, and landing.
Iran also has the technology and used it on an Obama drone years ago. War technology has changed a great deal, which is part of the problem. We don’t know if the F35 went down in the China Sea because of its vulnerability to EW. This is new stuff and has changed everything complete with “denial of access” technology over given areas. All our weapons were designed to work in environments we dominate in both the air and seas, and we don’t any more. Russia has been making rockets for us for years. They are more advanced there so that air craft carriers are death traps. We don’t hear about satellite killing capabilities of either country, and does Great Britain have any missile defense system protecting London. I haven’t heard of any. Might be too late. We don’t have much here back in the states either, but the politicians all have bug-out locations, even at the state level. Britain needs regime change and the end of the monarchy.
London had missile defence systems put up during the Olympics 2012. Very public they were about it as well. If memory serves me correctly one was placed upon the top of a residential tower block and the people living there weren’t overtly enthusiastic about it, for some strange bizarre reason……
Regarding your last sentence…..100% agree (even if it means poor mummy will have to relocate).
You can spoof the GPS, but before that, you need to jam the operator signal and replace it by your own.
You can also fry the flight controller remotely.
But the most elegant solution is to substitute the suppressed remote signal with your own (powerful one) and gently land the drone on one of your runways :-)
I bet the lights go out in London tomorrow – the big nuclear pinch. The problem is that not the stated intent of the “Reset?” They need the the big global hack, the big shutdown of money everything to implement their “Reset?” The most likely scenario for WWIII is the lights and electronics and money go out and thus we need the world wide monetary reset. The big hack, the pinch, is the weapon that will change everything, but what if it is all intended? What if WE have no choice but to comply, just like France and NATO?
Which leads me to wonder how they could ID and track individuals or vax passes without internet, cellular, etc.
And what would would the elites do after a EMP fries the power grid? Live in a bunker until everyone else starves to death? I suppose. But this sounds problematic for all if nukes exchange as part of the unfolding reaction. and radiation poisons water and soil.
These people are off their rocker for playing chicken with Russia.
Ironically, perhaps Putin SHOULD collide with Trump before the mad ones blow up the world. Maybe that was the point of choosing Russia colluding with Trump false narrative. To make that alignment Radioactive. But yet, it’s the one that makes the most sense to outflank the mad ones.
Everything we have, our money, our property, our taxes, are on computers. What if you fry computers? This is our basic vulnerability, and no one recognizes it. No more crypto currency then, or is that all there is? This whole drama is about money – about the dollar, about crypto, and the US is losing. Shake up the chess board if you are losing. I think silver bullets like the Lone Ranger are the way to go.
Thank you. I was wondering if there was a way to ‘take over’ flying the drone, but I thought that would be impossible with encrypted signals and secret keys. Does Russia have the capability to hack into a drone controller? I thought EW was mostly about confusing the enemy’s systems so they malfunction or the asset just goes dead in the water. Being able to, say, turn an F35 around and fly it back to where it came from is possible?
“All even partially combat ready Ukrainian Armed Forces units have been concentrated at the Donbass border. Hundreds of tonnes of military equipment and ammunition are being transported en masse from US bases in Europe, from the UK, from Canada. The contingent of advisors and instructors from NATO Special Operations forces is being increased.
If true this is a major tactical mistake. To form your whole army, less the rear echelon of supply, etc. on the contact line just puts all your troops in a narrow bottle neck which could easily be surrounded and destroyed. If this goes hot Russia’s biggest problem might be what to do with 100,000 POWs.
“All even partially combat ready Ukrainian Armed Forces units…”
It is highly unlikely that Ukraine could mobilize enough manpower after being dumped majority of its military aged men into emigration. Mobilization was problem even in the first attempt to crush Donbass.
After Delbatsevo and Ilovaisk shock therapy, I doubt they will find many volunteers crazy enough to try again. Certainly not 100 000.
That’s why they’ve been mobilising womanpower instead. All equal opportunity cannon fodder to go along with US gays and trannies.
“If this goes hot Russia’s biggest problem might be what to do with 100,000 POWs.”
That would/could be a problem. Solution: Make sure there are no survivors. Harsh indewed -but fair enough as adequate warnings have been given.
Take no hostages? Dresden? Hiroshima? Sherman in Atlanta? I think that’s what the bad guys do.
“I think that’s what the bad guy’s do”
Nah…That’s what the VICTORS DO! Think Ghengis or Kublha Khan….or you put them in a work camp/detail
and work them to death!!! Because if you don’t, everyone that escapes or you release will return to kill your compatriots, Ala Capt. Miller in ‘Saving Pvt. Ryan’ he released at German who in a later engagement killed Capt. Miller. In warfare, you have to leave your humanity at home. It’s sad and sometimes sickening, but a reality if you want to survive.
Again, the U.S. is an expert on what to do with prisoners of war, see: Eisenhower’s starvation order: A Holocaust Was What the Americans Did to the Germans
“Frankly, I don’t even understand why the Kremlin is bothering with these clowns.” This is the greatest question asked. Why can’t Russia offer you the highest job in the foreign ministry. All these non-entities and useful idiots who think from their stomachs and not from their heads are all invited to Russia, why Russia? For me I felt Russia is using herself as a doormat to this ignoramuses.
Removed. Mod.
В Москву прилетают вместе с этими амероевропескими Барби и Кенами еще и минимтры обороны, которым на пальцах объясняют дальнейшую перспективу развертывания НАТо – “под землей”. Показывают результаты моделирования “дноуглубительных работ” России.
Министры обороны все сразу понимают и желание вступать в американскую Коалицию стран-ченов НАТО по противодейсьвию России сразу пропадает. Им для этого нужны веские аргументы, Москва их и предоставляет.
Повтор для вас:
“На Окраине (России) /404-м Рейхе для США пока выгодным является поддержание вялотекущего военного конфликта на Донбассе, поскольку в таком случае Штаты последовательно укрепляют свои позиции по периметру юго-западных границ России.
А в случае развязывания масштабного военного конфликта – гарантированно теряют управление марионеточным руководством экс-УССР и, соответственно, данной территорией. Вместе с ЕС/ЕвроНАТО
Масштабный военный конфликт в этом регионе для США/НАТО станет целесообразным, когда сформируется Коалиция стран-членов НАТО, готовых полноценно воевать с ВС РФ, без непосредственного участия в боевых действиях воинских формирований США.
В результате возникает необходимость локализации или недопущения возникновения по периметру границ РФ дальнейшего развития экстремальных (негативных) ситуаций, когда перед Военно-политическим руководством РФ безальтернативно возникает необходимость нанесения на каком-то этапе асимметричного ответа, например превентивного или упреждающего неядерного и/или ядерного удара.
Центральной задачей этих мер является не столько способы сдерживания агрессора от развязывания локальной, региональной, крупномасштабной войны (войн), сколько недопущение перехода возникающих или тлеющих многочисленных вооруженных конфликтов в горячую фазу – масштабное ведение боевых действий.”
Yandex translation. Mod:
Along with these Ameroeuropean Barbies and Kenas, defense minuters also arrive in Moscow, to whom they explain on their fingers the further prospect of NATO deployment “ “underground”. The results of modeling “dredging” are shown Of Russia.
The defense ministers understand everything at once and the desire to join the American Coalition of NATO member countries to counter Russia immediately disappears. They need strong arguments for this, and Moscow provides them.
Repeat for you:
“On the Outskirts of (Russia) / the 404th Reich, it is still advantageous for the United States to maintain a sluggish military conflict in the Donbas, since in this case the States consistently strengthen their positions along the perimeter of Russia’s southwestern borders.
And in the event of a large-scale military conflict, they are guaranteed to lose control of the puppet leadership of the ex-USSR and, accordingly, this territory. Together with the EU/EuroNATO
A large-scale military conflict in this region for the United States/NATO will become expedient when a Coalition of NATO member countries is formed that are ready to fully fight with the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, without direct participation in the hostilities of US military formations.
As a result, there is a need to localize or prevent the occurrence of further development of extreme (negative) situations along the perimeter of the borders of the Russian Federation, when the Military-political leadership of the Russian Federation has no alternative to the need for an asymmetric response at some stage, for example, a preventive or preemptive non-nuclear and/or nuclear strike.
The central task of these measures is not so much ways to deter the aggressor from unleashing a local, regional, large-scale war (wars), as to prevent the transition of emerging or smoldering numerous armed conflicts into a hot phase – large-scale warfare.”
This type of overconfidence bordering on arrogance and hubris is exactly what got the West in trouble in the first place, starting in the early 90s. “We won! Rah rah rah…”
Yes, these people are utterly unqualified morons. That’s evident to everyone. But outside of Putin and a handful of advisers/ministers, so are most Russian politicians. Much of the Russian Duma is made up of celebrities, past athletes, musicians, actors, etc. I hate to break it to you, but the average Russian politician of today ain’t much brighter than Maxine Waters.
The Duma always was, to an extent, a secondary body assembled primarily to discuss, produce and pass legislation. It has nowhere near the powers of, let’s say, the US Senate. And let’s not forget that besides it there’s also the Federation Council, staffed with very different calibre politicians with much wider powers than anything Duma members are given.
What do people think of this: UK to arm Ukraine with anti-ship missiles – Kiev
and this: UK proposes increase in troops to counter Moscow
Are these moves real or imaginary? Are they a serious matter, or not?
insanity …. from psychopaths to schizophrenic psychopaths..
I’m gonna stay w/um until a second before the cliff, then I jump off and watch as they drive off the cliff.
The troops are not the problem, the anti-ship missiles could be.
And they are also dreaming about THAAD.
But I think that the more of these toys appear in Ukraine, which could be dangerous for the Russians, the more mercilessly the Russians will strike in case of an attack on the Donbass…
And I wonder if they are aware of this…
I also don’t believe that the Russians will go in with large troop units in this case, I rather have the “Syrian scenario” in mind.
But who am I to know what the Russians will do and how?
boris is in trouble for having parties whilst th population suffered from his lockdowns….war talk is distraction
reminds me of clinton going to war because of that jewish hottie planted
Saker, I am not surprised Lavrov took/will take these meetings. When else would a busy professional like himself have the opportunity to get a chance to tune out the white noise and get a few unimportant minutes to work out a Sudoku puzzle?
Thanks for your work and analysis – I feel like I finally begin to understand how completely FUBAR US foreign policy and our administration has become. It is truly boggling to me that it has come to this state and it has been an eye opening experience to realize that the US/West are not the good guys.
In protests all around West Africa, people carry russian flags and pictures of Putin, for some time now! It’s impressive how this poped up spontanously, without specific work from the russian side!
Foreign Secretary Liz Truss is just a couple of chapters ahead in the “playbook” where Brzezinski outlines breaking Russia into 80 pieces.
Considering she doesn’t even know which pieces of Russia are pieces of Russia the ‘playbook’ is beyond Truss’ intellectual mental capacity. Winnie the Pooh is about her age group level.
What many failed to notice was the way Minister Lavrov left the ‘press conference’. He said not a word to the ‘lady’, he simply turned away and walked to the door. Ever the gentleman, after she hurriedly grabbed up her foolscap and almost ran after him he did open the double doors for her, they both went in to the hallway and he rapidly walked away from her without a word. This in and of itself was a massive disrespect and insult to and for her. Methinks ‘diplomatic discourse’ between Rossiya and uk is done for the foreseeable future. I only wonder two things. One, did any of her entourage tell her he just spit in her face and two, did she understand.
This began well before the conference. They made her climb down through the rear door of her airplane to step on bare tarmac with just a few people to greet her. I’m still unsure if the whole visit wasn’t designed as a giant spit in UK’s face from the get-go.
Its Shoigu’s turn next with the UK Minister of Defence (Ben Wallace). Act 2. I hope Shoigu brings Gerasimov along; just the look of him and they will be shitting their pants (pardon my French).
Another buffoon heading to Moscow…he’ll probably want to discuss “Russian troop movements in Russia”……something equally anodine.
Gerasimov is in Belarus preparing the “invasion”. He and Lukashenko are picking out the horses they will be riding as the Russians charge across the border and violate the sovereignty and democracy of the peace-loving folks of Ukraine.
Not only does Truss not know her geography, she also doesn’t know how to speak with an interpreter.
Here is a video clip from that meeting, that shows her talking over the interpreter. At one point Lavrov holds his hand up and asks her to stop & listen. Cringey..(btw the interpreter is speaking English, so translating from the Russian side)
Western diplomats do love the sound of their own hectoring voices…
It indicates that Truss doesn’t give a s**t what the Russians are telling her.
She’s there to grab headlines and put herself forward as Boris The Clown’s successor.
Nothing more. No less.
I suspect the only reason the Russians gave her the time of day is because, deep down, they don’t mind the idea of the UK being run by generations of Clown People.
Does anyone has links to a better photo of that nazi drone? Not that I question its authenticity at all – I perfectly know we’re dealing with neonazi and nazi lovers – but to have high res, closeup photos of the details would be awesome to share the news. Instead, the photo as it is shown here, would just attract endless “that’s photoshopped” trolls.
What difference would it make if they higher informed and smart person for the job or ignorant and slow one? Both have to follow the script and orders from the behind the scene masters. The smart will lie and get lost in his own lies, while the stupid will stick to the script and won’t know he/she is lying, and this will minimize straying off from the script. Another benefit I guess would be the the opposite party would be brain storming to figure out what are they up to, nobody can be that stupid. The self chosen masters certainly know no matter how genius their diplomat will not make a difference negotiating Russian diplomats over Russian territory. The Russians know very well the empire is after the vast resources of their country. After all it is frustrating to negotiate or discuss any subject with an ignorant, specially if they have a title before their names. I sympathize with Mr. Lavrov. He deals with a lot them
Frankly, I don’t even understand why the Kremlin is bothering with these clowns. The most likely explanation … is that the Russians will … explain to them what will happen to any UK military personnel if a provocation happens.
Ditto that Andrei.
The situation with the Brits sort of reminds me of Gibran’s ‘The Fox.’
‘A fox looked at his shadow at sunrise and said, “I will have a camel for lunch today.” And all morning he went about looking for camels. But at noon he saw his shadow again—and he said, “A mouse will do.” ‘
In the case of the Brits, the toothless lion is probably thinking of eating a rhino in the morning and most likely settling for a gnat…
PS. I like Annalena’s boots. Faux leather?
Nothing achieved in today’s Berlin Normandy Group meeting.
Dmitry Kozak said they talked for 9 hours and achieved nothing.
There is nothing to achieve, the dignity is gone.
The European promised dream land, has been turned into a wasteland, all that is left is Russian debt, and they wont forgive that.
Good piece. Unfortunately, there is nothing remotely amusing about the progression of events. Biden/US ruling elite confront irresolvable economic/social conditions, including-
1) None of the structural economic problems which created the Global Financial crisis (GFC) 2007-2008 were resolved. Since that time the FED has used the Treasury as a taxpayer-supported ‘piggy bank’ to provide circa $50 trillion of ultra-cheap money to prop up equities, bonds and over-priced real estate (creating the ‘everything bubble’). As a result, US government debt recently topped $30 trillion.
2) US taxpayers have spent > $21 trillion on Post 911- militarization. Despite this taxpayer largess, the Pentagon confronts a repeat of $2 trillion debacle in Afghanistan in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen.
3) Since its very inception, the ‘American project’ was predicated on stealing land from the indigenous/native population, exploiting African slave labor to build the 19th century US economy into the leading economic power of the period, based on cotton grown and picked by slave hands. More recent, the US has been involved in overt and covert wars almost continuously since 1945; the Pentagon has not ‘won’ a war since 1945.
4) Confront a society with endemic racism and violence- police murder > 1000 people annually with near complete impunity. In reality, this is state-sponsored violence and murder.
Bottom line- as many Saker readers are aware the accelerating rot/decline of late-stage American capitalism which has progressed to the point where its very survival requires constant debt monetization (aka money printing) to prop up Wall St., insolvent banks and over-priced real estate. The wealth of the financial elite is contingent on the dollars status as world reserve currency, which in turn is dependent on US military strength. The ruling elite view the Russia-China-Iran axis as an intolerable obstacle to US global power. It appears they have drawn the proverbial ‘line in the sand’ over Ukraine/NS2 (aka German energy independence) and are preparing for war with Russia. At this point, I don’t believe it is a question of war (there will be one), rather the only question is when. Once initiated, expect a rapid escalation into a nuclear confrontation, which is what the Pentagon wants. Alea iacta est (Latin ‘the die is cast). This will end very badly.
They are talking big war here, lots of economic and physical damage, body counts, like nothing bad is going to happen here, it cant, just there.
I simply cant prep fast enough.
La beautiful (and witty) Zakharova is making mincemeat out of that British bitch that came to waste Lavrov’s busy time. Today is “Diplomat’s Day” in Russia, and the Foreign Ministry is considering la Truss’ visit “a gift of Anglo-Saxon diplomacy to Russian diplomacy.”
The sarcasm in Zakharova is sharper than a katana.
“Truss’ Moscow visit seen as gift on Diplomats’ Day, Russian Foreign Ministry says
MOSCOW, February 10. /TASS/. Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, when noting that a visit by UK Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs Liz Truss to Moscow coincided with Diplomats’ Day, called this visit “a gift of Anglo-Saxon diplomacy to Russian diplomacy” on this holiday.
“The way we see this, it’s a present from Anglo-Saxon diplomacy to Russian diplomacy on Diplomats’ Day so we will celebrate our holiday today with dignity directly at our workplace, [holding] talks with our British partners,” she said in an interview with the Russia-24 TV channel…”
Learning from Andrei Martynov, I no longer pay any attention to all of these diplomatic dances between the west and Russia including Macron (Sorry Alexander Mercurios I’m not on page with you). All of these diplomatic meetings including the latest Normandy 4 mean nothing and are a waste of time. It is crunch time for Germany. France will go the way of Germany. France will not go at it alone. If I was able to bet here is my final bet.
1. The collective Biden is pulling out all stops to create an incident in Donbass. By hook or by crook he will get his provocation. If Ze won’t do it somebody else will. You can take that to the bank. I can’t predict how far Russia will go and the extent of the fighting but there will be some action but for sure there will be some kind of war.
2. Because Germany is a) occupied, b) a satrap, and c) balance of power is with the Atlantacists there, the pressure will be so great on account of the inevitable Donbass events that it will nullify Nord Stream 2 and that will be that. No NS2 certification.
3. France will follow Germany and get in line with US/Nato along with all the other satraps
4. No matter how stupid and ineffective collective Biden will force through sanctions
5. Russia will, if not de facto but de jure, cut off all relations with the west and 100% move towards the east with even more gas going there
6. A lot of Russians in the leadership and in the public will tell Putin “I-told-you-so-not-to-go-ahead-with-NS2”.
7. Russia will tell the west to deal with Shoigu and not Lavrov. The military-technical moves will become the only conversation Russia will have with the west.
This is a very plausible scenario. I would add a little nuance/slight change of direction.
1. Macron dancing about between Moscow and Kiev is him acting as an emissary/cover for Germany
2. The sums will have been done in Germany. They will know their goose is cooked for decades if not centuries if NS2 (and NS1 and other Russian gas flows to Europe) are cut off. Will they grow a pair and take their dash for freedom? You can bet they have a backchannel with Russia and China. If not, then a new cold war will last for decades, and Europe is stuffed. The balance of power shifts massively Eastwards.
3. There will be a provocation in Donbass, but Russia has prepared for this. Covert strengthening of the LDNR “militias” will be sufficient to hold the line and there will be no formal Russian invasion. Russian standoff forces in Russia and Belarus will ensure outsiders are kept at a distance.
Some form of stalemate will result, but de facto Ukraine is finished as is NATO and US adventures. And the US will be seen to be a paper tiger.
Finally, far from NS2 being a “Putin mistake” its actually been a masterstroke. Whichever way it turns out, its the issue which will have brought down the US and the collective West. A trap the US fell into.
“… that it will nullify Nord Stream 2 and that will be that. No NS2 certification.” (Gary on February 10, 2022 · at 7:36 pm EST/EDT)
“… far from NS2 being a “Putin mistake” its actually been a masterstroke. Whichever way it turns out, its the issue which will have brought down the US and the collective West. A trap the US fell into.”
The Russians have two pipelines (NS1 & NS2) and an ageing to-be-decommissioned Ukrainian gas network feeding Europe. NS2 has long-term value far beyond Biden or even Trump 2.0. They can wait. Or else, they can pull it up and use the materials to run eastwards to China.
However, more than likely, the final section only needs re-routing to a nearby neutral shoreline or sea-based platform for compression to serve the same ship-based market that the USA thinks they are going to own and supply. This type of project does not go ahead without several viable scenarious to fall back on.
Should another national economy wish to purchase the Russian gas at a fixed price and then on-sell to the open spot EU market zone then why would the Russians care? Looks like opportunity and low hanging fruit — perhaps the ‘small-hats’ are sizing it up for the usual middle-man scam?
‘Frankly, I don’t even understand why the Kremlin is bothering with these clowns.’
The answer is that the excellent diplomats in the Kremlin are setting an example for the world audience as to how foreign affairs ought to be conducted. This lesson has born fruit (China) and will continue to do so. Also, IMO don’t forget President Putin’s abilities at chess and judo: create a challenging environment in which the opponent over extends themselves, either diplomatically (Macron and Truss) or with the military, such as in Syria. I wonder, did the six amphibious assault ships leave any cargo or troops when they visited that beleaguered state?
Also, IMO don’t forget President Putin’s abilities at chess and judo: …
With respect Mike, I think too much is being made of VVP being a judoka. Don’t forget that he was an intelligence officer for years and had trained for the job. Won’t have made KGB Lt Col if he wasn’t good at making analyses, just like his friend Nikolai Patrushev and a few others whose names escape me at the moment.
Many here have short memories. Don’t forget, last summer Mother panicked everyone when she moved every landing ship/boat down to almost rowboat from the Caspian, through the canals and in to the Azov. From there these units went to both bases of Black Sea Fleet, mainland and Sevastopol. Ever wonder why?
This was an interesting video. I don’t know if there is a translation for English viewers.
The Anglos are too full of themselves, as a master race, which has dominated the world political
narrative, economics & trend setting (envied & copied by peers & foe) for almost four centuries. The Anglos are good at war, but their most potent weapon is cunning & skill at manipulating the human psyche . They have many tricks in their arsenal, yet two, namely; (1) divide & rule, (2) mental enslavement of victims, have brought them global domination to this day.
The Russian’s have to realize that, the Anglo elites are psychic vampires & the so called Ukraine crisis is in fact a feasting opportunity for them. For now the best that Russia can get is to repulse the onslaught & that requires thinking & acting out of the box .As Putin said; military option is unthinkable . It is foolish for the European nations to slaughter each other whilst the Anglos are enriching themselves out of it.
I see a great potential in the “Freedom Convoy”. A yearning for freedom by ordinary working people who tired of being kicked around by imbeciles with unearned powers. This is a call for true democracy & it is the duty of all responsible adults to refuse being used by a few in order to advance their interest at the expense of the majority.
An ambitious American may need to become a transexual in order to reach the top of government:
“New Biden Nuclear Hire Is Drag Queen Who Wears Stilettos to Work, Discusses Sex With Animals, And Calls NIH Chief ‘Daddy Fauci’.”
Here’s my addition to the assortment, “Lavrov Meets Truss: A Report on His Statements and the Presser. As usual, Lavrov uttered a number of important words, but they seem to be addressed to the deaf and mute. Most important was his noting the lower level of “rights” Russia is assigned versus those of the UK. Animal Farm most certainly along with his noting the Ministry of Truth’s efforts, which Ms. Truss drinks of deeply.
Пока 12 БДК + 30 МДК, ждем флагманов флотов – ракетоносцев.
12+ БДК
8 БДК проекта 775: “Королев”, “Минск” и “Калининград” (БФ) + “Георгий Победоносец», «Оленегорский горняк» [БДК «Петр Моргунов»] (СФ) + “Азов”, “Новочеркасск” и “Ямал” (ЧФ)
3 БДК проекта 1171: “Николай Фильченков”, “Орск”, “Саратов” ( ЧФ)
1 БДК проекта 11711: “Петр Моргунов” (СФ)
Загрузка БДК проекта 775 – 12 основных боевых танков (ОБТ) либо 17 БМП или БТР, а также до 250 человек десанта. Итого: до 96 танков / 136 БМП или БТР и до 2,0 тыс. морских пехотинцев
Загрузка БДК проекта 1171: до 20 ОБТ или 45 БТР, до 350-400 морских пехотинцев (то есть фактически батальон МП со штатными средствами усиления). Итого: до 60 танков или 135 БТР, до 1,2 тыс. морских пехотинцев
Загрузка БДК проекта 11711: до 13 танков или 36 БТР, до 300 морских пехотинцев, до 30 грузовых автомобилей.
Итого: батальон МП
Всего, за один рейс: десантная группировка ВМФ РФ, собранная в акватории Черного моря сможет обеспечить высадку в составе первой волны десанта:
до 300 единиц бронированной техники
до 4,5 тыс. морских пехотинцев.
АПЛ с СФ в ЧМ:
К-560 «Северодвинск» – 8 × 4 ПУ Оникс, «Циркон» или 8 × 5 ПУ Калибр.
К-266 «Орёл» – 24 x ЗМ-45 (П-700 «Гранит»)
К-410 «Смоленск» – 24 x ЗМ-45 (П-700 «Гранит»)
При этом:
все Черноморское побережье Украины и подходы к нему находятся в зоне поражения БРК Бастион – 600 км (т.е. всю акваторию ЧМ), ЗРК С-400 Черноморского флота из Крыма (дальность – до 400 км), БРК “Бал” -300 км,
Непосредственно в составе десантной группы будет пара фрегатов проекта 11356 (в среднем по 24 ракеты с дальностью поражения до 15 км), зенитные ракеты и артиллерией малого радиуса действия на амх БДК и кораблях конвоя
Плюс авиация Черноморского флота
Ждем отряд из трех самых мощных российских военных кораблей, флагманов флотов – ракетных крейсеров проекта 1164 «Атлант»: «Варяг» (ТОФ), «Маршал Устинов» (СФ) и «Москва» (ЯФ).
После ракетно-бомбовой и артиллерийской, в т.ч. реактивной, подготовки начнется и Морская десантная операция (МДО) на два плацдарма: 2/3 по воде (БДК – “на плав” и “на упор” – МДК на воздушной подушке), 1/3 по воздуху.
Передовые отряды давно уж “на местах” заждались – сухпай кончается. )))
Google translation,MOD:
So far, 12 BDK + 30 MDK, we are waiting for the flagships of the fleets – missile carriers.
12+ BDK
8 BDK project 775: “Korolev”, “Minsk” and “Kaliningrad” (BF) + “George the Pobedonosets”, “Olenegorsk miner” [BDK “Petr Morgunov”] (SF) + “Azov”, “Novocherkassk” and “Yamal ” (ChF)
3 BDK project 1171: “Nikolai Filchenkov”, “Orsk”, “Saratov” (Black Sea Fleet)
1 BDK project 11711: “Pyotr Morgunov” (SF)
Loading BDK project 775 – 12 main battle tanks (MBT) or 17 infantry fighting vehicles or armored personnel carriers, as well as up to 250 troops. Total: up to 96 tanks / 136 infantry fighting vehicles or armored personnel carriers and up to 2.0 thousand marines
Loading BDK project 1171: up to 20 MBT or 45 armored personnel carriers, up to 350-400 marines (that is, in fact, a MP battalion with standard reinforcements). Total: up to 60 tanks or 135 armored personnel carriers, up to 1.2 thousand marines
Loading BDK project 11711: up to 13 tanks or 36 armored personnel carriers, up to 300 marines, up to 30 trucks.
Total: MP battalion
In total, for one flight: the landing group of the Russian Navy, assembled in the Black Sea, will be able to land as part of the first wave of landing:
up to 300 armored vehicles
up to 4.5 thousand marines.
Premier League with Northern Fleet in the World Cup:
K-560 “Severodvinsk” – 8 × 4 launchers Onyx, “Zircon” or 8 × 5 launchers Caliber.
K-266 “Eagle” – 24 x ZM-45 (P-700 “Granite”)
K-410 “Smolensk” – 24 x ZM-45 (P-700 “Granit”)
the entire Black Sea coast of Ukraine and approaches to it are in the affected area of the Bastion DBK – 600 km (i.e. the entire water area of the World Cup), the S-400 air defense system of the Black Sea Fleet from the Crimea (range – up to 400 km), the Bal DB – 300 km ,
Directly as part of the landing group will be a pair of Project 11356 frigates (an average of 24 missiles with a range of up to 15 km), anti-aircraft missiles and short-range artillery on AMX BDK and convoy ships
Plus aviation of the Black Sea Fleet
We are waiting for a detachment of the three most powerful Russian warships, flagships of the fleets – Project 1164 Atlant missile cruisers: Varyag (Pacific Fleet), Marshal Ustinov (SF) and Moskva (YaF).
After rocket-bombing and artillery, incl. reactive, training will begin and the Marine Landing Operation (MDO) on two bridgeheads: 2/3 by water (BDK – “afloat” and “at emphasis” – MDK on an air cushion), 1/3 by air.
The forward detachments have long been waiting “on the ground” – the dry land is running out. )))
“Россия не начинает войн – она их заканчивает!”
Москва проводит лабораторные анатомические и биологические эксперименты по физиологии методом препарирования лягушек – представителей стран-участников милитаристского блока НАТО.
Без наркоза, так как мозг уже разрушен.
Для реабилитации Кремль демонстрирует подопытным результаты моделирования различных вариантов процессов вооруженной (боя, удара, сражения, операции и т.п.) и экономической борьбы/войны.
Так сказать, помогает с принятием решений в условиях неопределенности.
Пока мы находимся на 4-й ступени, из 44-х, “Лестницы эскалации” Г. Кана
Разногласия – “Холодная война”
1. Демонстративные или мнимые кризисы
Предкризисное маневрирование
2. Политические, экономические и дипломатические жесты
3. Публичные и официальные заявления
Стадия “Раскачивание лодки”
4. Ужесточение позиций — противостояние волевых качеств
5. Демонстрация силы
6. Значительная мобилизация
7. «Легальные» притеснения-реторсии (ответные принудительные действия) в рамках традиционного кризиса
8. Беспокоящие акты насилия
9. Драматические военные столкновения
10 – 44
H. Kahn. 1965a. On Escalation — Metaphors and Scenarios Pall Mall Press, London)
И/или на 3-й ступени, из 10-ти, “Лестницы эскалации” академика РАН А.А. Кокошина:
1. Нормальное состояние мировой политической системы.
2. Политический кризис с повышенной интенсивностью демонстрации военной силы.
3. Гибридная война.
4. Ограниченная (локальная) обычная война.
Простым понятным языком – Военно-политическое руководство РФ проводит подготовку идеального военно-технического [и/или военного] асимметричного ответа (АО) для сдерживания противника от развязывания военных конфликтов низкой интенсивности. Стратегически, оперативно-стратегически и тактически.
Против иррегулярных формирований, Москва ограничивается рассмотрением тактического и оперативно-стратегического (оперативно-тактического) уровней.
На О/Украине для США пока выгодным является поддержание вялотекущего военного конфликта на Донбассе, поскольку в таком случае Штаты последовательно укрепляют свои позиции по периметру юго-западных границ России. А в случае развязывания масштабного военного конфликта – гарантированно теряют управление марионеточным руководством экс-УССР и, соответственно, данной территорией. Вместе с всем, пока, своим ЕС/ЕвроНАТО
Масштабный военный конфликт на Европейском ТВД для США/НАТО станет целесообразным, когда сформируется Коалиция стран-членов НАТО, готовых полноценно воевать с ВС РФ, конечно же без непосредственного участия в боевых действиях воинских формирований США.
В результате возникает необходимость локализации или недопущения возникновения по периметру границ РФ дальнейшего развития экстремальных (негативных) ситуаций, когда перед Военно-политическим руководством (ВПР) РФ безальтернативно возникает необходимость нанесения на каком-то этапе асимметричного ответа, например превентивного / упреждающего высокоточного и/или не очень, неядерного и/или ядерного, тактического и/или стратегического, группового и/или массированного удара, “в назначенное время”.
Центральной задачей этих мер является не столько способы сдерживания агрессора от развязывания локальной, региональной, крупномасштабной войны (войн), сколько недопущение перехода возникающих или тлеющих многочисленных вооруженных конфликтов в горячую фазу – масштабное ведение боевых действий.
Google translation,MOD:
“Russia doesn’t start wars – she ends them!”
Moscow is conducting laboratory anatomical and biological experiments in physiology by dissecting frogs – representatives of countries participating in the militaristic NATO bloc.
Without anesthesia, because the brain is already destroyed.
For rehabilitation, the Kremlin demonstrates to experimental subjects the results of modeling various options for the processes of armed (combat, strike, battle, operation, etc.) and economic struggle/war.
So to speak, helps with decision-making in conditions of uncertainty.
While we are on the 4th step, out of 44, G. Kahn’s “Stairs of Escalation”
Disagreements – “Cold War”
1. Demonstrative or imaginary crises
Pre-crisis maneuvering
2. Political, economic and diplomatic gestures
3. Public and official statements
Stage “Swinging the boat”
4. Hardening of positions – opposition of strong-willed qualities
5. Show of strength
6. Significant mobilization
7. “Legal” harassment-retortions (reciprocal coercive actions) within the framework of a traditional crisis
8. Disturbing acts of violence
9. Dramatic military clashes
10 – 44
H. Kahn. 1965a. On Escalation – Metaphors and Scenarios Pall Mall Press, London)
And / or at the 3rd step, out of 10, “Escalation ladders” by Academician A.A. Kokoshina:
1. The normal state of the world political system.
2. Political crisis with increased intensity of the demonstration of military force.
3. Hybrid war.
4. Limited (local) conventional warfare.
In plain language, the military-political leadership of the Russian Federation is preparing an ideal military-technical [and / or military] asymmetric response (AO) to deter the enemy from unleashing low-intensity military conflicts. Strategically, operationally-strategically and tactically.
Against irregulars, Moscow confines itself to considering the tactical and operational-strategic (operational-tactical) levels.
In O/Ukraine, it is still beneficial for the United States to maintain a sluggish military conflict in the Donbas, since in this case the States are consistently strengthening their positions along the perimeter of Russia’s southwestern borders. And in the event of a large-scale military conflict, they are guaranteed to lose control of the puppet leadership of the ex-Ukrainian SSR and, accordingly, this territory. Together with everything, for now, with our EU/EuroNATO
A large-scale military conflict in the European theater of operations will become expedient for the US/NATO when a Coalition of NATO member countries is formed that are ready to fully fight with the RF Armed Forces, of course, without the direct participation of US military units in the hostilities.
As a result, it becomes necessary to localize or prevent further development of extreme (negative) situations along the perimeter of the borders of the Russian Federation, when the Military-Political Leadership (MPD) of the Russian Federation has no alternative to deliver an asymmetric response at some stage, for example, a preventive / proactive high-precision and / or not very, non-nuclear and / or nuclear, tactical and / or strategic, group and / or massive strike, “at the appointed time”.
The central task of these measures is not so much to deter the aggressor from unleashing a local, regional, large-scale war (wars), but to prevent the transition of emerging or smoldering numerous armed conflicts into a hot phase – large-scale warfare.
Read a good article this morning which may be of interest to others. “There Will Be No Winners: Latest Efforts To Preserve Peace In Europe” ( 4min video – is a must watch)
Победитель гарантированно будет, и это будет гарантированно Россия.
Все остальное “белый шум”, дымовая завеса, “отвлечение внимания на негодный объект” и сказки для дебилов, количество которых ныне стремится к ста процентам, относительно населения земного геоида.
Если США устоят до “угрожаемого периода 2025 – 2030”, то нанести упреждающий ядерный удар нас вынудят сами США.
Потом мир, дружба, “обнимашки”…
Translation. Mod:
The winner is guaranteed, and it will be guaranteed to Russia. Everything else is “white noise”, a smoke screen, “distraction to an unsuitable object” and fairy tales for morons, the number of which now tends to one hundred percent, relative to the population of the terrestrial geoid. If the United States survives until the “threatened period of 2025-2030”, then the United States itself will force us to launch a preemptive nuclear strike. Then peace, friendship, “hugs”…
This question has been asked before but not fully answered: what if Russia takes a very firm stance in Syria, and “Syrian air defenses” shoot down the next 4-6 F-16’s that launch attacks against Syria from Lebanese airspace?
Given the chokehold Israel has on the US, this might be the way of signaling the neocons and getting Washington to cool off in the Ukraine.
Если собьют, то сами сирийцы – их расчет.
А вам, гляжу, не терпится чтобы РФ увязла в антитеррористических войнах с ИГИЛ/Аль-Каидой и пр. национал-фашистами на Востоке, Центральной Азии, Кавказе (Карабах), Восточной, Центральной и Западной Европы …
Сами-то не желаете “за принципы” высокие повоевать? Нет? Опять за счет России?
Мы-то конечно с радостью, но Верхоглавный не пускает, не дает …
Translation. Mod:
If they are shot down, the Syrians themselves are their calculation. And you, I see, can’t wait for the Russian Federation to get bogged down in anti-terrorist wars with ISIS / al-Qaeda and other national fascists in the East, Central Asia, the Caucasus (Karabakh), Eastern, Central and Western Europe… Do you not want to fight “for the principles” of the high ones? No? Again at the expense of Russia? Of course, we are happy, but Verkhoglavny does not let in, does not give…
Something must have been lost in translation.
Конечно “потерялось в переводе”, такой вот “интеллект” у алгоритмов”. )))
Я написал, что если и собьют над территорией Ливана, то только сирийский расчет ЗРК.
Атаки израильских ВВС проводит, в том числе, с воздушного пространства Ливана в долине Бекаа – идут на малой высоте, потом маневр “горка”, пуск ракет и дёру. Сирийцы там сбивают, но ракеты.
ПС А вот кого им следует бояться, так это Хезболлу с их высокоточными управляемыми ракетами (ВУР), которые способны нанести Исраэлю неприемлемый ущерб и стать средством предупреждения военных действий на земле Ливана.
По факту, “Железный купол” и “Праща Давида” способны отразить до 60-70% “слепых” неуправляемых, ракет. Если бойцы “Хезболлы” выпустят 200 ракет одновременно, 40-80 из них смогут поразить намеченную цель!
То есть, если “Партия Аллаха” используют неуправляемые ракеты, чтобы забить систему противоракетной обороны (ПРО) ЦАХАЛ-а, после чего выпустит несколько ВУР (их пару лет назад у хезбаллонов было 200 штук))) по выбранной цели, то поражение и ущерб гарантированы. Круговое вероятное отклонение (КВО) высокоточных управляемых ракет шиитов – менее 10 м.
Против высокоточных управляемых систем коэффициент ПВО ЦАХАЛ меньше, чем против “слепых” неуправляемых ракет без ГСН. Противовоздушные комплексы определяют момент поражения ракеты, вычисляя траекторию ее полета. ВУР может маневрировать, изменяя траекторию полета на основе данных систем наведения и GPS.
Еще одно ограничение оборонительного комплекса ЦАХАЛ – недостаточное количество батарей для защиты всей территории непризнанного (!) государства Исраэль.
Число боеголовок также ограничивается стоимостью системы противоракетной обороны (ПРО). Каждая ракета-перехватчик стоит от 40 000 до 50 000 долларов США, а для перехвата одной ракеты “Хезбаллах” требуются минимум две ракеты-перехватчика.
Для сравнения, ракеты “Хезболлы” стоят несколько тысяч долларов США.
Таким образом, израильский дырявый “Щит” в очередной раз будет пробит, если “Хезболла” станет запускать очень дешевые ракеты массированными залпами, чем уничтожат весь оборонительный арсенал противника. Ресурсы Израиля ограничены, массированный обстрел его территории уменьшает шансы на перехват каждой ракеты до нуля. Батареи, имеющиеся в распоряжении ЦАХАЛ-а, предназначены для защиты зон особого режима и не способны прикрыть крупные городских поселения.
ВВС Израиля также окажутся бессильными перед ракетной угрозой ливанский, сирийской и иракской Хезболлы с соратниками. Чтобы мобилизовать резерв для нанесения ответного удара и приступить к эффективным действиям, военно-воздушным силам требуется до 96 часов.
Для сравнения, воины Хезболлы готовы начать обстрел без промедления и атаковать территорию Израиля непрерывно. Целями ВУР могут быть выбраны объекты ВВС Израиля, что уменьшит вероятность ответного удара. А израильские авиабазы, в отличие от ракет “Хезболлы”, трудно укрыть от атак противника.
“Хезболла” имеет на вооружении: Fateh 110 (экспортируемых с 2014 года КСИР); M600 (Tishreen)…
И 14 000 ракет Zelzal 2 с M-302 (Khaibar), которые модернизируют в ВУР.
Сегодня в арсенале до 200 ВУР.
Yandex-translate from mod:-
Of course“ “lost in translation”, such is the ”intelligence” of algorithms””)))
I wrote that if they shoot down over the territory of Lebanon, then only the Syrian calculation of the SAM.
The attacks of the Israeli Air Force are carried out, including from Lebanese airspace in the Bekaa Valley – they go at low altitude, then the “hill” maneuver, the launch of missiles and run away. The Syrians are shooting down there, but missiles.
PS But who they should be afraid of is Hezbollah with their precision guided missiles (VUR), which are capable of causing unacceptable damage to Israel and becoming a means of preventing military actions on Lebanese soil.
In fact, the “Iron Dome” and “David’s Sling” are able to repel up to 60-70% of “blind” unguided missiles. If Hezbollah fighters fire 200 missiles at the same time, 40-80 of them will be able to hit the intended target!
That is, if the “Party of Allah” uses unguided missiles to score the IDF-a missile defense system, after which it will release several VUR (Hezbollah had 200 of them a couple of years ago))) according to the chosen target, then defeat and damage are guaranteed. The circular probable deviation (CVO) of the Shiite precision guided missiles is less than 10 m.
Against high-precision guided systems, the IDF air defense coefficient is less than against “blind” unguided missiles without a GOS. Anti-aircraft systems determine the moment of missile damage by calculating the trajectory of its flight. The VUR can maneuver by changing the flight path based on guidance systems and GPS data.
Another limitation of the IDF defensive complex is the insufficient number of batteries to protect the entire territory of the unrecognized (!) the State of Israel.
The number of warheads is also limited by the cost of the missile defense system (ABM). Each interceptor missile costs from 40,000 to 50,000 US dollars, and at least two interceptor missiles are required to intercept one Hezbollah missile.
For comparison, Hezbollah missiles cost several thousand US dollars.
Thus, the Israeli leaky “Shield” will once again be pierced if Hezbollah launches very cheap missiles in massive volleys, which will destroy the entire defensive arsenal of the enemy. Israel’s resources are limited, massive shelling of its territory reduces the chances of intercepting each missile to zero. The batteries available to the IDF-a are designed to protect special regime zones and are not able to cover large urban settlements.
The Israeli Air Force will also be powerless before the missile threat of the Lebanese, Syrian and Iraqi Hezbollah and its associates. It takes up to 96 hours for the Air Force to mobilize a reserve for a retaliatory strike and begin effective actions.
For comparison, Hezbollah soldiers are ready to start firing without delay and attack the territory of Israel continuously. The targets of the VUR can be selected objects of the Israeli Air Force, which will reduce the likelihood of a retaliatory strike. And Israeli air bases, unlike Hezbollah missiles, are difficult to hide from enemy attacks.
Hezbollah is armed with: Fateh 110 (exported since 2014 by the IRGC); M600 (Tishreen)…
and 14,000 Zelzal 2 missiles with M-302 (Khaibar), which are being upgraded in the VUR.
Today there are up to 200 VUR in the arsenal.
Just the last sentence: “Of course, we would be happy to oblige, but the Head would not allow us.”
The Russian and Syrian airforces should also be incinerating those convoys full of stolen oil in Syria,i know they have in the past,why is it not happening every day?
Now that NATO/US have stated that they will not themselves fight to defend Ukraine what options does Ukraine have?
I assume being cannon fodder for the US is not an option.
Or, is it?
Вы странный… экс-УССР не субъект, а объект политики, которому приказывают что и как делать.
Субъектов на сегодня три, точнее написать 2,5: Россия, США и пол-Китая.
Задача для РФ – не дать создать США т.н. Международную коалицию стран НАТО по ротиводействию России.
Translation. Mod:
You’re weird… ex-Ukrainian SSR is not a subject, but an object of politics, which is ordered what and how to do. There are three subjects today, or rather 2.5: Russia, the United States and half of China. The task for the Russian Federation is to prevent the Creation by the United States of the so-called International Coalition of NATO Countries to Rotate Russia.
The Russophobic madness in the US Senate reaches new heights when the top Dem (Menendez) and GOPer (Risch) “seriously” discuss whether Russia should be sanctioned “pre-emptively” or whether Washington must wait until Putin actually orders some response to American and Ukrainian aggression before his country is punished like no polity ever before in the existence of the universe… because that is America’s role in the overarching scheme of things: God’s disciplinarian, enforcing rules only He and Joe Biden know anything about. That Menendez personally has the virtues of a latrine slop bucket repeatedly puked in without changing the water before moping the floor is only a testament to the redeeming power of the Lord even for vile creatures like American tourista pedophiles on political junkets to the Dominican Republic. Obviously this makes him fit to judge Putin and all of Russia with most of humanity paying the consequences. Fellini’s “Satyricon” was a Christian church service in comparison to what happens in the US Senate. Sorry, but these insane deviants simply force me to become increasingly “judgmental” of their sickening pathologies.
Чем выше инфляция с пр. “черными” и “серыми” лебедями-индейками – тем выше градус русо- и синофобии.
Translation. Mod:
The higher the inflation with the “black” and “gray” turkey swans, the higher the degree of Russo- and Sinophobia.
war is real, and these children forget it will be on their turf and watch these tough women melt
The Russians coming… invading…
There is just one problem; inspection of that location with Google Earth Pro shows that the ’empty” image date is 9/13/2014! Eight years ago.
That’s from January, 26th, Australia which ‘loves’ just like little ‘POOR’ Britain’s Truss its corporate make-believe propaganda.
Read those comments !
I don’t know if the Banderites understand that they are giving an incredible morale boost to the Russians (which btw is already sky high) when sending these silly drones with Nazi insignia to fly over them …
> “Frankly, I don’t even understand why the Kremlin is bothering with these clowns.”
come on. Even the serious, hard working members of the Kremlin need to take a break and relax every now and then. – And what better way than a Clown Show?
The Ukie imbeciles are wearing masks while outside. There is not enough room in the entire Universe to hold that quantity of stupidity!
Ah, Ukies for all their faults probably do not give a shit about masks. It is staged photo for German public suffering one of tougher domestic Covid regimes (because of Bierbock).
Disturbing that the British foreign affairs minister lacks knowledge of where the Baltics and the Black Sea are.
Still, I consider worth that NATO ships are not in the Carabean sea protecting the Baltic states.
Crowd in Bamako, Mali chanting the names of Assimi Goita (interim President of Mali) and Putin –
I found this reply in the wilderness of UNZ’s (now mostly)toxic commenting section.
Even so it’s a bit off-topic but it reflects reality: MSM in general but also certain alternative info-sites (as long as it suits its agenda like ZeroH:’endless’ China bashing, for instance) have morphed into a propganda quicksand from ultra sophisticated to utter stupid. And people stuck with that.
And little ‘POOR’ Britain’s Truss is just another tip of those icebergs.
Apropos, the UK has been since ever a master in white-washing her own bloody history, read a bit about Victoria I, the terrible:
I, personally can only sign up to those lines, ’cause I also know both countries well, and when I read here some statements, I wonder what source seems to be approved as being authentic or actually factual.
# unz reply:
Says the one pseudo-informed from a country that’ve been bombarded by crap “experts” like Tucker & Co., where NYT, WP & TECM rivals Goebbel’s ‘Der Angriff” with China smears of disgusting proportions, including total lies and frabrications. And never forget besides those Western echo-chambers the rest of this WORLD views the so called U$A rather as one bloody & cruel laughing-stock.
But of course, you go to this side being disgruntled by all sorts of MSM propaganda to keep American sheeple willingly disinformed – YET – when IT comes down to CHN go for IT !!!!!! Indeed, you must know so much better.
Congratulations !
PS.: I do know both countries quite well, but for some time now when I travel through America, all what I can say IT looks and feels quite washed-up, especially mentally.
The right place for you.
How #Ukraine went back into the #Russian fold.
Every great magic trick consists of three parts or acts. The first part is called “The Pledge”. The magician shows you something ordinary: a deck of cards, a bird or a man. He shows you this object. Perhaps he asks you to inspect it to see if it is indeed real, unaltered, normal. But of course… it probably isn’t.
The second act is called “The Turn”. The magician takes the ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary. Now you’re looking for the secret… but you won’t find it, because of course you’re not really looking. You don’t really want to know.
You want to be fooled.
But you wouldn’t clap yet.
Because making something disappear isn’t enough; you have to bring it back.
That’s why every magic trick has a third act, the hardest part, the part we call “The Prestige”.”
Hint: you’re looking at the wrong hand …
“diplomats’ from the west
Masters of the Universe
Rulers of the Earth
We decide who lives or dies
which laws and lies are birthed
No one would love them
if not for the nukes
the blackmail the sanctions
and CIA spooks
the stealing the lying
the torture the spying
the starving and dying
and flag falsifying
they are vulgar and crass
and bold as brass
and expect everybody
to kiss their ass
the exceptional nation
whose main occupation
is forced subjugation
and world domination
don’t dare to point out
their crimes or hypocricy
or they may decide
to send in the democracy
Until the great fall
that ends the Cabal
we must put up our fronts
and bow to these l….ovely folks
The West is ramping up it’s already hysterical rethoric about a Russian invasion on the Ukraine.
Ukies provocation is likely gonna happen after 48 hours, same amount of time Zelensky gave Russia in his puny “ultimatum”. Then it’s gloves off. Like it or not, the Ukraine must attack Donetsk and Lugansk in the next 48 hours. US surely gave some tough conditions on those tonnes of weapons caches that NATO smuggled in.
I believe the goal of this suicidal war is the total destruction of Ukraine, in order to loot it for pennies when the Russians leave. Same thing happened to the former Yugoslavia in the years following the “civil” war. Just that this time, NATO offloads the destruction to Russia.
Not know Rostov was stunning.
If she’d been in any serious meeting about planning for this crisis, then surely someone mentioned at some point the major Russian city just near LDNR? Rostov? Anyone?
Either the BlackAdder Brigade hasn’t had any serious meetings ….
Or, they conflicted with the Downing Street cocktail parties.
Has anyone noticed that Canada’s tyrant invoked the War Measures Act today?
Canada is now under Martial Law. For the second time in its history.
The first time was in the early 1970s, under the current Prime Minister’s official father.
john, this is not Zerohedge. For something like this, you need to put a link, because I don’t believe you.
So, kindly be accurate.
“Trudeau to Hand Unprecedented Emergency Powers to Crackdown on Freedom Convoys (Report)
Canada’s Prime Minister is reportedly aiming to invoke the never-before-used Emergencies Act to further empower the govt in dealing with the ongoing mass protests against vaccine mandates. (CBC)
Trudeau allegedly noted there was no plan to deploy the military. ”
(Not that I have any good things to say about Turdo).
I have never posted at zerohedge *slightly baffled*
CBC news has announced that Trudeau has invoked the measures.