These are the folks who just came to power:
They are all members of some kind of Fascist “Christian” cult.
This is what these folks did with those who dare oppose them:
Trump loves this. He called it a “significant moment for democracy in the Western Hemisphere” and then he proceeded to threaten two more Latin American states by saying “these events send a strong signal to the illegitimate regimes in Venezuela and Nicaragua that democracy and the will of the people will always prevail. We are now one step closer to a completely democratic, prosperous, and free Western Hemisphere”.

Old Uncle Shmuel is still hard at work
In fact, he has a very good point. What this latest coup signals to all patriotic Latin Americans who want to see their continent free from US oppression is this: if you want to openly defy the diktats of the Empire, make absolutely sure the commanders of your armed forces are loyal to you. Furthermore, you should never forget that the most powerful weapon of the Empire is not its bloated and mostly clueless military force, but its ability to use corruption to obtain by the printing press what they cannot seize by brute force.
So far, Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua have been successful in their resistance against Uncle Shmuel. Likewise, there seems to be an internal (and covert) “hidden patriotic opposition” inside the Brazilian military (at least according to my Brazilian contacts) which might limit the damage done by the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff and the coup against Lula da Silva (for example, the Brazilian military has declared that they will not allow Brazil or Brazilian forces to be used in an attack against Venezuela).
Finally, the absolutely shameful behavior of many Latin American countries whose comprador elites are trying to catch up with Poland as the most abjectly subservient voluntary slaves of the Empire. These countries all know that both Maduro in Venezuela or Morales in Bolivia were honestly elected and that all the rumors about a stolen election are nothing more than crude lies. In sharp contrast, the so-called “US allies” in the region are all spineless prostitutes who are in power solely because of the support of the AngloZionist Empire.
In 1971 an Uruguayan journalist named Eduardo Galeano wrote a seminal book entitled “Las Venas Abiertas de América Latina” which was eventually translated into English under the title “The Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent“. This extremely famous book (at least in Latin America) is as actual in 2019 as it was almost half a century ago: the veins of Latin America are still bleeding and the folks doing the bloodletting have not changed one bit.
The only good news so far is that the US-backed regimes in Latin America are all facing various levels of protests and dissatisfaction which might lead to popular protests which could eventually remove the comprador elites once again, but this time around the leaders of the resistance need to truly understand that winning a popular vote is simply not enough: every time a truly patriotic regime comes to power, the US eventually is successful in using its agents in the ruling classes in general and especially in the armed forces to overthrow the popularly elected leaders.
Hugo Chavez made many mistakes, but that he got right, and that is why the US has not been able, at least so far, to trigger a color revolution in Venezuela. Well, they tried and failed. As for Cuba, it has resisted the combined might of the US Empire for many decades, so they also know something crucial.
Over the past decades the “front lines” between sovereign and free Latin American countries and US puppets has moved many times, and both sides felt at times victorious and at times despondent.
And yes, the coup against Morales is a HUGE blow to the resistance to the Empire. The man was much more than just a leftist patriot, he was a moral symbol of hope for the entire continent. Now that he is gone, a lot of Latin Americans will be as disgusted and sad as I am today.
I take some solace in Mexico’s decision to give Morales political asylum. I don’t know enough about Mexico to speculate on the motives of the Mexican President, but now that Morales is safe he can always relocate to another country if needed.
Should Morales ever come back to power, his first priority ought to be a profound purge of the military and the replacement of “School of the Americas” types with real patriots. Doing this will not be a sufficient condition for success, but it will be a required one nonetheless.
The Saker
Good quick reaction, Saker. Spot on.
Morales thought “the people” was power enough.
Power is the gun, not the vote.
Idealism and ideology lose, most of the time.
If you expect to win against the Hegemon, you need the guns on your side. Period.
At least, he was not martyred.
It is a good lesson in the poison of ‘liberal democracy’. Liberal democracy can always be subverted by the Enemy Within, the Fifth Columns of rich parasites and their fascistic psychopath followers and employees. These always work with the focus of Evil in the world, Thanatopolis DC, and a country only escapes when the demonic parasites are eliminated from power, for good, if that is possible. Even then, as we see in Hong Kong, the Real Evil Empire will pursue subversion and sabotage using fascistic terrorist thugs, interminably. Even China is still not yet safe, so long as Uncle Satan sits on his Throne of Blood.
Always worth consulting Mao Zedong. While it is true that the revolutionary swims among the people as a fish swims in water, it is also true that power comes from the barrel of a gun.
Yes, Tom, here are a few Mao quotes that I’ve always found to be the most powerful:
“Every Communist must grasp the truth, “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” Our principle is that the Party commands the gun, and the gun must never be allowed to command the Party.”
“Some people ridicule us as advocates of the “omnipotence of war.” Yes, we are advocates of the omnipotence of revolutionary war; that is good, not bad, it is Marxist. The guns of the Russian Communist Party created socialism.”
“War, this monster of mutual slaughter among men, will finally be eliminated by the progress of human society, and in the not too distant future too. But there is only one way to eliminate it and that is to oppose war with war, to oppose counter-revolutionary war with revolutionary war, to oppose national counter-revolutionary war with national revolutionary war, and to oppose counter-revolutionary class war with revolutionary class war.”
“Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.”
this is exactly where I came in. I figured from the start that Morales would get overthrown. Lula too!
Dilma is a nice person but whats the point: does her know her Marxism where it matters..where she has modified it to meet an understanding of her own reality and how to go about doing the job she sought and won?
I don’t think so. the leadership from the peoples point of view must pursue a diverse simultaneous movement to meet urgent popular needs and at the same time movement in full, comprehensive and relentless attack on the enemy. the enemy must know what relentless is until they had to deal with what I recommend..what the revolutionary must be.
the revolutionary must be, period. the revolutionary would not stop until they the job is done..when the elitist opposition, the counter revolution are all dead..or left in some remnant and rump maybe, neutralized forever.
that is exactly what the capitalist have done to the revolutionaries in their time..and will do this time even again, more thoroughly, scorched elimination of all possible sources of revolution
the people and their leaders then have no choice revolutionary without fault..without pause cease or let up..the people may not understand that as completely as they might and must. but Lula/Dilma should have known. Evo Morales too.
another one is Corbyn in Britain. Luckily for the English he is exposed as quite insufficient to the task he has embraced.
I am fed up with incomplete progressives..I prefer the term revolutionary. some group or group must come out with the up to date story..a clear and simple representation of the stage, all that is involved, class and vested interests..explaining why the largest of all vested interests…the people in collective movement, out in the streets creating systematically as they go new forms of organization geared to the popular need… is the ‘ANSWER!’
that is how to take the situation start to clear up in the popular mind what to do..that they can do it..that they are in fact the law in popular movement..movement that is more legal than any and all established constitutional forms..that what they achieve in the process in practical application works,
meets needs it is intended to meet…becomes in fact the new law of the land.
it must be cleared up in the popular mind that no minority sectional social interest serves, or can serve the general purpose of the nation, the well being being and survival of the people. all minority interest must turn into exploitation of the people by the few, a dictatorship,,and the idea is popular social control evolving the means by which this can best be accomplished as the revolution develops..
where are the groups of honest analysis and proselytizing skills and simple clarity at this moment of general global crisis to help crystallize in the mind the nature of the day, helping mightily to take the situation forward?
The basic mistake is one born of cowardice. Until the decent fraction of humanity realises that the Rightwing thugs who rule under capitalism are Evil, and must be opposed with every ounce of courage and dedication, and removed from power once and forever, by any means available, or humanity is doomed. There is not much time left to act, either.
Hola Saker,
sad times indeed, I worked with the folks of MAS in Cochabamba back in 2007. Hard to admit but so it is: a personal knowledge of the terrain makes the political fact even harder to bear.
Hasta siempre camarada y salaam-aleykum, por decir algo…
Just watch the social and racial vengeance that will descend on Bolivia, to teach the rest of humanity a lesson as to what happens to those who seek to escape.
Exactly Mulga. Numerous reports of fascist thugs attacking people associated with the MAS. Deeply disturbing.
A repeat of Ukraine actually – while Trump and Pompeo bleat about glorious bloody democracy. The searing jaw dropping hypocrisy of the West. And you’re right also – I expect a few death squads popping up in Bolivia to finish off any resistance. Trolls everywhere on this one.
@Mulga Mumblebrain
Yes it will be razed to the ground in a hurry, in a year from now people will starve, exploding inflation, collapse of GDP, collapse of social infrastructure, and a rope around the neck by the IMF is the future.
That right wing opposition is pure evil and fascism, red eyed supporting with joy all evil, fill the torture chambers and slaughter everything which is not as rotten as they are.
These are the Empire’s stormtroopers today – and inescapable, the Empire itself is becoming the like faster than they expect and with irresistable force.
As humanity nears its end as the consequence of ecological collapse, the Right are growing more Evil, more determined, more vicious by the day. A global civil war between the parasitic few and their armies of psychopathic killer-thugs, and humanity is raging, and the bien pensants cowards of Western ‘civil society’ either cringe in fear, delude themselves into idiocy, or join the parasites’ camp, in the vain hope that they will pick up a few crumbs.
Mulga…. Screw polite Western ‘Civil society’ and all its hypocritical mores and values and straight out ethical bankruptcy. Staying silent and looking the other way is giving your consent and being complicit in what is occurring.
Staying silent is no longer an option.
As we can see here, in the deranged and truly Evil, omnicidal, reaction of Rightwing thug scum like Joyce, Bolt, Jones, and the execrable Craig Kelly( in open alliance with the Labor rat Fitzgibbon), to the fire apocalypse, with their screeching abuse of environmentalists and climate change science, and demented lies about fire conditions, hazard reduction and ‘Green cults’, the vermin are plainly frightened. They can see that their Evil lies and service to the fossil fuel industry are being exposed, by burned houses and barbecued bodies, of people, and animals by the untold thousands. And, somewhere deep in the sewers of their ‘minds’ they fear that the decent fraction of society, when they finally realise that they have been doomed by these lying monsters, are not all going to forgive and forget. I expect a good many will be looking for justice, and, less politely, vengeance, no doubt the worst of whom will be Rightists attempting to cover their own tracks. I think that they have a good deal to be worried about, and I hope it torments them.
That’s sort of what the HK spoiled-brats are saying doing, taking the “Samson Option”, if we can’t have it then burn it all down.
Like the people here have said, Venezuela/Cuba seem to have done something right, by keeping uncle-scam at bay, why are more people not following their success?
The fault of Morales was giving ( transferring ) the rights to the Lithium to the Chinese, that was un-forgivable in the CIA eyes.
CUBA doesn’t have anything, and Venezuela can’t extract its own oil, so the CIA can just wait, but right now everybody on earth needs/wants that Lithium.
Especially the CIA/NSA – New World Order without the lithium, it means no drones, no killer robots, no robot-insects that selectively kill by race,… all the stuff that ISRAEL/USA needs/wants is in Bolivia, thus it had to be done.
So from this point of view, perhaps there is no way to protect your country, if they want it, they will get it. :(
The general who “suggested” to Morales that he resign was a former pentagon attache, trained in the USA.
Why would there be allowed a school of the americas trained General? This coup was inevitable in Bolivia. You can’t have these sorts anywhere near power. Can you imagine Russia, which in many ways is asking for another revolution, having a school of america type general? It’s impossible. You can’t survive a day in such disarray.
Doesn’t really matter who is in control the ultra-corrupt left or the ultra-corrupt right. Latin America always oscillates between these forces. One gets into power and after a few years it is totally discredited from all corruption.. Then the other side gets in and after a a few years it is totally discredited from all corruption.
Evo Morales is not corrupt.
This sort of false moral equivalence between the forces of Evil and those who have produced the only social progress in Latin American history, is filthy Imperial garbage.
Power Corrupts
Absolute Power, Corrupts Absolutely.
What about the LIthium deal that led to all this? Why no mention?
Woody Allen made a movie long ago “Bananas” that explained the situation just fine.
Probably the only way to ‘fix’ Latin America, would be ala-Mao, simply re-educate all pro-western people, otherwise its just the same old over&over. DEFN of insanity. This is why David Rockefeller called China the greatest experiment in human history. It proved that if you selectively murdered the opposition, there was no limit to political power.
Let’s see who needs “Lithium” ? Chinese EV’s battery’s, Tesla Musk, … USA death-drones
The people who want an ‘all electric killing machine’, need lithium, as its the best power/kg out there, and Morales was impeding manifest-destiny.
I think all this just goes to show you, that all elections and candidates in Latin-America are for show, if an elected official actually does something that effects the Zio-Nazi MIC, then they’re gone in 60 seconds.
In USA we don’t even see a candidate elected do anything, Trump ran on draining the swamp, his first day in office, he spent at CIA HQ.
Nobody should ‘need’ lithium. The Sodium-Ion battery is almost as energy dense, has no fire or explosion risk whatsoever and is much cheaper to produce and easy to recycle.
Sodium is extremely dangerous. But plentiful, I understand the desire, especially given that SALT is plentiful, but below I will explain why we don’t use Sodium in commercial scale.
Lithium is what is it is, all mobiles use it, all drones, all robots, TODAY virtually 99% of all tech on earth is using LI-ION/LIPO batterys.
LIPO, Lithion-ION, there is not a useful battery out there that doesn’t use Lithium and Bolivia has +70% of the world known reserves.
Let’s see, +90% of all the high-tech on earth uses Lithium Battery’s, and who is using your sodium battery?
The reason they use Lithium is has the highest EV potential of all the elements, the BS about fires and such is highly over-rated if you short-out a lead-acid battery they’ll over-heat ( & explode ) too.
If you google “Carbon-Nitride” (CNT), or battery’s made from corn, bamboo, … Any source of Carbon to make graphite or GRAPHENE, but still this stuff is in its INFANCY, LIPO is what is used in all the DRONES today, NOW.
This conversation is like telling people to stop using fossil fuel in the VW, their fact is we have what we have, perhaps you should have been a ‘battery engineer’ when the world decided to adopt the Lipo/Li-ION battery as the world standard,
Like I said, the reason is KWH/KG, that most power at the lightest weight, this is important for stuff that flys, especially exploding micro-drones that CIA uses to kill by facial-recognition.
Here’s the deal ..
“Researchers working on sodium-ion batteries consistently run into the same problem: the lack of a high-capacity anode. Lithium-ion batteries use graphite but this doesn’t work for sodium ions. “The entire shift from Li to sodium battery is still limited by the performance of anode,” confirms Lee.
BINGO, you see while SODIUM might work, its not practical, in the ‘real world’, I make battery’s as a hobby, and what the lab’s are doing is using PALLADIUM for the anode, and that costs more than GOLD, and Graphite is like free, its just charcoal.
Right now today, kids in INDIA can make ‘carbon’ battery’s out of charcoal from a fire, and introduce salt as a source of Sodium, lots of people are trying to find a ‘working anode’ that is cheap for the sodium battery, I suggest you google this, its a fascinating subject. Eventually something will be found it might be chicken bones, sea-shells, or corn, bamboo, coconut, everybody is burning stuff making charcoal trying to find something that works :)
I don’t expect any of this to sink in, what’s a mother to do?
Li: where do you get your news from? Washington Post? New York Times? Fox News? Where is your evidence that Evo Morales was corrupt.
Furthermore, what gives the United States the right to continuously interfere in other countries?
How many Govts has the United States overthrown? How many Fascist junta’s has it supported?
Li-lithium, is just a troll, nothing else. Lithium is vital for a good hydrogen bomb, too.
Got it. Like I said to you further along the thread, trolls have come out of the woodwork all over the place at numerous sites.
Damn damn ABC covering the story said Nothing about the fascists who have taken power, nothing about the Fascist violence being unleashed, and showed Evo Morales arriving in Mexico saying “according to the former Leftist President, it was a coup, he claimed”.
I hit the off button. What slime.
The ABC and their resident Rightwing vermin are ecstatic that Morales is gone. And the depravity of their Murdochised lies re. Hong Kong, Ukrainegate, China, you name it, is so viciously putrid that it almost defies belief. The veteran Sabbat Goy Adams joined in last night, spewing hatred at Corbyn as an ‘antisemite’, a lie so vicious and a fabrication so vile that only a long-term Murdoch asset and advertising parasite would have the gall to utter it. Oh-I forgot. Every fakestream media swears the same-their stinking jobs as paid liars depend on it.
Whether Morales was corrupt or not (remember the devil measures with extreme precision…), he lived a very modest live obviously. All they could loot from his appartment (yes, an appartment no hazienda, no villa, no servants) were slippers and bathroom tiles.
If one would do the same of his opponent’s belongings I bet the loot would be far more precious in dire need of heavy truck columns to shove it all away….(I know because I saw it when my colleague relocated his two person household, a huge heavy truck was needed and he is far from being really rich…) – of course the day this happens the Empire is in really big trouble.
It’s telling that at places where they don’t run the show a marked difference in behaviour can be noticed, most of the time, which speaks volumes in itself for an impartial observer.
É simplesmente uma idiotice pensar que as quedas de governos de esquerda seja por corrupção, este é o principal meio que a direita tem de usar a classe média contra a esquerda, se eles estivessem preocupados com corrupção teriam de primeiro prender quem governa a América latina ha muitos anos, vide o exemplo do Brasil onde usaram a justiça para tirar uma presidente eleita honesta e puseram um homem que rouba desde a época que iniciou na política e conhecido por toda a direita como ladrão. Então os que se dizem de esquerda e apoiam está atitude não passam de quinta coluna infiltrado a ajudar a burguesia compradora a se manter no poder.
Google translation,MOD:
It is simply foolish to think that the falls of leftist governments through corruption, this is the main way the right has to use the middle class against the left, if they were concerned about corruption they would first have to arrest those who rule Latin America ha For many years, see the example of Brazil where they used justice to take out an honest elected president and put a man who has been stealing since the time he started in politics and known throughout the right as a thief. So those who claim to be leftist and supportive of this attitude are just the fifth infiltrated column to help the buying bourgeoisie stay in power.
It oscillates between these forces… yes, it does. With a lot of push from the immaculate forces.
Chavez had the brains to bring in Cuban military officers to replace the quisling School of Americas trash, plus Chavez was military…………. helps to know how the game is played. Asylum in Mexico is code for rendition to the USA, would you trust them?
Mexico won’t do that.Ever since the Mexican Revolution they have been the main advocates in Latin America of political asylum.In the 1950’s even Fidel Castro was in asylum in Mexico.It was from Mexico that he launched the return to Cuba,and started down the road to freeing Cuba from US control.The President of Mexico being left of center is another guarantee of that.
Yes. Mexico has a tradition of granting political asylum. Even gave it to Trotsky. I would hope, however, that Morales would prefer to end up in Cuba.
Mexican elites always play a double game with the “gringos”. For those who are disposed to accept the metaphors provided by astrology, Mexico is ruled by Scorpio.
As for Bolivia: Hasta la Victoria Siempre!
Chavez wasn’t careful enough with his bodyguards. One worked for Thanatopolis DC, and stolen a sample of Chavez’s DNA when defecting to the Evil Empire. Then Chavez developed a strange and incurable cancer.
US is not not very happy with the current Mexican government from before since they refused to recognize Guido as president of Venezuela. The CIA/Mossad has been training and arming some of the most violent, ruthles cartels in Mexico to worsen the already fragile situation There has been hints of military intervention in Mexico from the US to “help fight the cartels” and “put some order” in the frontier with Mexico. Now that Mexico has granted political asylum to Evo Morales, threats of military intevention from the US will probably increase.
Yeah, but it can backfire. If the Mexico open doors for millions of refugees move to north, Trump is fucked up with his re-election. That’s the only reason why Trump tolerates Labrador, even leftist he’s been upper hands in controlling the border more than even Mexican president in 100 yrs. The pro USA right-wing governments of the past could even care about the border.
I was horrified to hear of the Bolivian coup.
My brother read the news to me in a casual tone of voice yesterday and made numerous comments about the election results and the OAS.
I wanted to scream: Don’t be such a fool! Can’t you see that this is BS?
I sure didn’t see this coming.
That is, I didn’t read any analyses etc. that showed that Morales was in danger.
Every time I thought of him sitting tight there in Bolivia it gave me a good feeling.
WTF happened? Did this come out of nowhere?
Came out of that IMF loan missing and the now prospects for a default unless properly surrendered to the responsible party’s, the lender.
I feel the exact same way. I’m horrified and heartbroken.
He had done so much for the people of Bolivia.
This is all about money. Human beings and human welfare simply doesn’t count for anything in this world.
I am not a “believer,” but it is times like this that make me want to believe in a day of judgment.
”These are the folks who just came to power”
Bah, these pictures only display a bunch of Ukronazi clones in another part of the world. Rabid imbeciles venting their hatred against Bolivia’s vast majority. Today, fascist ”patriots” don’t mind trashing their own societies on behalf of foreign governments and corporations. They are happy as long as what they perceive as ’the enemy within’ ends up subjugated and destitute.
It is the purely Evil end of the human spectrum, the natural allies and accomplices of Evil Central-Thanatopolis DC. That is why humanity is on the way out-Evil won.
Latin American countries should not allow their officers to train in the US. Lefties that come to power should immediately purge their ranks of US trained scum. Probably best to not have a US Embassy either. The State Dept is filled with NWO types that are dedicated to conquering the world. Look at the clowns upset that Trump and Zelensky might go peaceful in the Donbass. The events in Bolivia are truly sad, especially since the new leaders seem to be hard core racists
South American socialism is exactly the story of the Animal Farm. Preaching water and drinking wine! Its beyond me how in face of the track records with its socialist elites rising from poverty to fantastic riches at the expense of their country´s welfare and safety – Hugo “rich is bad” Chavez (daughter richest woman in South America now ruling over the poorest population), Castro (worldwide jetsetting, richest clan in Cuba), Kirchner (same lame corruption) is time and again brought up as the brave “resistance” against the Empire. Morales never stopped the farmers slavery to Monsanto, expanded the rawmaterial extraction economy and the narco crops instead of developing sustainably and respecting nature. Mexico within a year has ground to a screeching halt and become a failed narco state with exploding criminality, extortion, kidnapping where the military and president hide from the narcos.
All these “socialists” show the same pattern of postulating the same principles before coming to power that they are betraying once they have it, AMLO at least even openly admitted so much!
They turn their countries into 3rd world basket cases if not outright anarchies as in Mexico and make America look sane and desirable in comparison.
You’ll be over the moon when the death-squads start rolling in Bolivia again, won’t you. That’ll teach the untermenschen a lesson about their eternal place in the world-under the jackboots of the Metternichs of the world.
You’re dead right Saker…. Evo Morales was a potent symbol of resistance to the rampaging Empire of Evil. Since the coup, have just felt a burning sense of anger at the whole injustice of it all. Bloody Imperialism strikes yet again.
During my time in a Central American solidarity group in the 1980s and early 90s, my eyes were fully opened to what resided in Washington and Langley; filth like Oliver North and John Bolton and the horrors inflicted on countries like Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador.
I’m also reminded of what happened to Salvador Allende, as, of course, there are strong similarities with what happened in Bolivia.
One day the blood drenched Anglo Zionist Empire will implode. Bolivia is yet another victim of their handiwork. Thanks.
The USA has terrorised Latin America for 200 years. Coups, subversion, death-squads, assassinations, bio-warfare (African Swine Fever and dengue fever introduced into Cuba)all the fruits of ‘Freedom’ and ‘Democracy’, all to protect elite wealth and ensure generation after generation of blighted lives, ruined hopes and premature deaths. Exactly what we really ‘celebrate’ with the 30th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall-the triumph of Evil over humanity.
No sir, Evo Morales tried to dispute another election even thought by law he was not supposed to run again, he didn’t respect the referendum where most of bolivians Rejected his bide to another term, and his last elections were full of fraud, Russia and China will always lose in Latin America if they keep trying to support failed leftist, anti-christian, pro-lgbtx91 autocratic leaders, there is even a video where Evo jokes about the Holy Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, saying Tupac Amaru is a more suitable saviour than Christ
true, living in Mexico i witness daily the unbelievable reality within such a socialist paradise, the nonstop lies, hipocrisy, incompetence, denial of reality, nepotism, corruption, crime. im at the point of packing up and leaving the continent altogether, as civil war and anarchy are looming.
and yes, Russia and China are shooting themselves in the foot longterm by siding with these usurpers instead of demanding minimum ethics as they have in their own countries before giving aid!
Metternich: what exactly do you mean by ‘socialism’? Can you define it please, or are you getting mixed up with parliamentary social democracy? There’s quite a vast difference, actually.
The ‘usurpers’ actually, are the Wall Street parasites; the Banks, the 0.01%, and the traitorous Comprador elites in bed with Washington.
They are the real ‘usurpers’ on this Planet.
socialism: all the political movements based on collectivist ideas and superficial understanding of equality, justice, freedom, all of which dont exist in the real world. they always promise paradise on earth and end up creating hell with countless dead and suppressed. check history and name one example that didnt.
social democracy is banker rule disguised by empty phrases. check any country in Europe, especially Germany.
Absolutely correct, Washington puppets, banks, compradores etc are all parasites.
BUT – so are those socialist usurpers trying to put themselves in their place, with the difference that their models end up in total poverty for everyone involved except themselves much much faster than bankster rule. instead of creating a viable alternative, they just insert themselves into the existing structures knowing little of the delicate details and derail the machine. no better example than Venezuela for what happens when even simple oil based economies are headed by the “simple man from the street” (usually meaning the elites family and friends) instead of the “parasitic middle class”, (meaning people who went through university at least and studied hard). once the accumulated infrastructure capital is worn down and the human capital has left the country u r left with an empty carcass that can barely sustain naked life. without knowledge and education, hence inequality and differentiation, advanced economies cant exist.
ask China and Russia, its the worlds best and toughest education systems that saved these countries from the inherited socialist disaster! and it will be the West´s final downfall that its saturated youth with the jaded pureed leftist ideologies it just about manages to parrot can no longer maintain a minimum level of technical expertise.
u r deceiving urself and the reality before ur eyes thinking it is not so. why not see the facts for what they are and give up that cheap phraseology of hope?
Metternich…. Appreciate your reply, but I disagree. To have Hope is not a ‘cheap phraseology’ in my opinion.
Without a belief in a better future, a vastly more humane, equitable future, what do we do? Wallow in despair instead?
There is so much injustice in this World, so much death and destruction as a direct result of Empire and imperialism and, yes Metternich…. Neoliberalism.
Vast levels of poverty and inequality, huge numbers homeless, the wealthiest 26 people have the same wealth as the bottom 50% of humanity. Does this not strike you as grotesque?
In my opinion, what existed in the USSR and Eastern Europe was Not communism, or even socialism, but a deformed form of State Capitalism run by all powerful, ruthless, and unanswerable elites – the nomenklatura.
I’m sorry if I come across as a utopian dreamer, but what exists now is just barbarism.
Gezzah, I didnt say hope is a cheap phraseology. i was calling out the cheap phraseology of empty hope by todays crop of socialists, which can not be fulfilled ever and is disingenuous. its the same ideology as in ur hated neoliberalism, only difference they want to replace the current stakeholders with themselves (and as u surely know the worst slave masters are former slaves)! they both are globalist, they both are materialist, they both are driven by purely quantitative criteria, they both see nature as an object of exploitation, they both reduce man to a replaceable component of a giant production machine, they both want absolute control over u and ur life, they both worship money as their ultimate god ie are forms of satanism, they both are the most cynical and nihilistic forms of all world views. thats my criticism. i point out the false hope in all of this and that THIS socialism is as wrong and a dead end as the neoliberalism u project all ur anger at.
about ur statistics: exactly my point! look at the levels of poverty and inequality in any latin socialist country and tell me its a success! and again, how did China succeed at the spectacular level it did? Its so weird people ignore the obvious lessons and keep trying to ride a dead horse thats been dumped on the toxic waste dump of history so many times!
Metternich: so no Neoliberalism, no Socialism, then whats your answer? Libertarianism? Anarchism? Scandinavian style social democracy? A Chinese style mixed economy?
Hate-ism, the Right’s one true ideology. Hatred of other people, hatred of one another and, often enough, hatred of themselves. The coming type as The Collapse rapidly deepens and broadens. They’re Evil, but they’re also frightened.
É apenas mais um classe merdia que acha que ser protestante, vulgo evangélico, é o dono da verdade mas vivem unicamente do ódio aí próximo não ver onde o neoliberalismo está levando o povo é o mesmo que vem apoiando no Brasil o Bolsonazi, gritam esperneiam mas são apenas uns idiotas que se consideram melhores e que pensam que foi a meritocracia que lhe deu algo, falta as esquerdas mostrarem porque muitos conseguiram chegar a universidade ou ter uma vida melhor que seus pais pois nos últimos anos teve um governo que olhou para o seu povo e não apenas viu números em sua frente, com estes é perda de tempo ter alguma discussão.
Google translation,MOD:
It’s just another middle class who thinks that being Protestant, aka evangelical, is the owner of the truth but live only from hatred nearby not seeing where neoliberalism is leading the people is the same that has been supporting in Brazil the Bolsonazi, shout cries but They are just some of the better-off idiots who think it was meritocracy that gave them something, the left lacks showing why so many have gotten to college or had a better life than their parents because in recent years there has been a government that has looked at their own. Not only have people seen numbers in front of them, it is a waste of time to have some discussion.
I don’t know Gezzah, but forget about “A Chinese style mixed economy”
Wages have grown sharply in China for decades, which is why China has raised more out of poverty than the rest of the world combined. This, one suspects, is Anonytrot back again, full of ideological rigour that the ChiComms aren’t as pure as he and his comrades.
Under the present conditions, there may not be an answer, (the answer was with the past and now the ship of consequences has sailed the ocean blue and is coming to you), the solution is appears to be everyone is on their own and wish your neighbor good luck in the coming years.
Gezzah, what u r asking about is where it really gets interesting, philosophical and religious, and the fruitless duality of the “isms” is left behind.
but in light of the repeated trash and ad hominem commentary by a misguided simpleton being allowed while my balanced replies get censored by the moderator (saludos, amigo)i will leave this forum. fair play is different, great ideas speak for themselves and surely dont need any manipulation. we are all equal, but some are more equal, again and again. a pity as some like you are definitely prepared and interested in dialogue instead of mudslinging.
Gezzah-it’s just another Rightist hater, of other people, that type’s Eternal Enemy. The type that run the world by, through and for hatred of other people.
“u r left with an empty carcass that can barely sustain naked life. without knowledge and education, ”
Speaking of education and university-educated people who worked hard (that last gives me a stitch in my stomach) . . .
Which is better, an underclass that is malnourished, unhealthy, disenfranchised, and *illiterate,* with a few university-educated folks running the show for their advantage (and that of foreign interests)?
Or, a populace that can read and write, has access to basic amenities such as water, food, education, and healthcare.
The problem with Metternich’s “vision” is that he/she apparently works off the premise that only the rich “work,” and that they basically own the country and the rest of its citizens are peons. I’ll pass over who actually “works.” Let’s just go straight to who owns the country. Its people are the owners of the land. The nation stands for them. Whoever governs governs in their name (obviously!) and in their interest (not so obvious to such as Metternich).
The wealth of the land and the wealth it generates belongs to the nation and its people. It doesn’t matter what class the governing figure(s) come from, as long as they govern in the interests of the nation and its people.
Of course there is class struggle within each nation-state. There are racial and regional issues within many nation-states. So reality is messy. But the goal should be obvious.
The best leader IMHO is the one who can best articulate the goals of governance, best formulate strategies, best construct tactics to reflect strategies to fulfill goals, while acting to achieve some sort of balance among interests.
A potential or actual leader who articulates as the goal of governance to let other nations raid one’s wealth and carry it out of the country is a traitor, IMHO.
We all know this very old story.
(Bill Clinton was a traitor, who worked for the deindusrialization of the USA, and the alienation of its intellectual and infrastructure resources.)
I know Mexico very well. I have family there. It is not a socialist paradise. It is not even close to being a socialist state.
You are simply incorrect.
…”school of americas”…
This is OUR cancer yet…
Many thanks for your kind words.
Greetings from Argentina..!
The USA is the Fourth Reich. It took over the cause from the Nazis, from c.1943, (after supporting fascism in Europe from the 20s) and gave shelter and refuge to every type of fascist vermin from Europe, and have done so for Vietnamese fascists, for example, after their defeat. The USA represents not Truth and Justice, but The American Way, the brutal, murderous, genocidal, ecocidal rule of insatiably greedy psychopaths, who love killing. The litmus test for whether an interlocutor is good or Evil is whether they praise the USA. Not the American people, some of whom, still, somehow, remain decent, but the US State and the Evil, murderous, ideology that drives it, are the Ultimate Evil that is driving humanity to mass extermination.
Interesting thoughts Mulga – of course like Rome, the US is in implosion mode now. Weakened by drugs & crime since 1960 which has made every generation since unstable (only have to look at the DEM leadership aka Hilly-Billys) and now almost at civil war. All such was planned by EU elites who since 1620 has tried to control it and since 1913, wreck it. It is almost like Sth American countries now – unstable – and where you now elect a dictator if you believe the media – Donald or Hillary.
But Bolivia obviously needs a change and for the time being it has happened. Lets hope things improve there.
How will things ‘improve’ when open fascists who loathe the indigenous have seized power in a Rightist putsch organised by the USA? Do you have any idea how these fascists have long dealt with the indigenous and the poor in general? It might improve for the Quislings, the parasites and the fascists-is that what you are hoping for?
A few toughts about what happened in Bolivia:
Prior to Evo Bolivia was the biggest producer of coca leaves and cocaine base.
After that that production concentrated in Perú, less than half of the original area. It seems that even with the Monsanto GMO strain the production does not meet the demand.
The political center of the Bolivian narco state was Santa Cruz de la Sierra, the source of the current golpe.
In view of the americans involved (Rubio, etc), the present brasilian government, this golpe looks like all about narco.
As for your remarks over a nationalistic core in the brasilian army, forget it. It’s essentially the same army of the Condor. It refrained from going after Venezuela because some of its officers do realize its weakness.
Morales was a ‘cocalero’ and as such he “campaigned against U.S. and Bolivian attempts to eradicate coca as part of the War on Drugs, denouncing these as an imperialist violation of indigenous Andean culture”. Apparently, the accusation that he was “a partner of narco-traffickers” never died out.
Thanks Saker, the dust has still to settle down, but we all are all somewhat shaken that the usual suspects did it again.
The bad news is, that the Hegemon will feel so superior again that they are already planning more, Guaido already had a call I guess.
The good news is, that the flagrant piracy is so out in the open that it is clear to anyone with open eyes what they are: destroyers and looters.
Years ago it was the petrodollar stuff, to ‘control’ the oil flow to have that traded in their currency. They went further now, they just want to steal the resources openly: oil in Syria (what about bragging about their domestic oil production), and -I guess- Lithium in Bolivia to decouple from Chinese supply. And they want to command who is allowed to buy it. Do you think the rest of the world let themselves command indefinitely in this? Sanctions are boring as punishment. It will take some years, and lots of Eurasia will simply have decoupled from anything that the USA is screaming about. They can send ships to China, but nasty things are awaiting them.
This is so brutal that I think they overplayed their hands.
Is it my impression only, that they are running out of ‘easy’ nations to overthrow and are looking to their back yard again (you know, when Pompeo stated to Lavrov that he represented ‘the hemisphere’)?
Military might? The military men die faster than they can recruite. The equipment sucks, their Patriots can’t even handle Houthi drones, and I’m not even going to mention the flying square F-35 or their only retarded icebreaker.
Corruption? For a while. The dollar is backed by nothing, and this MMT (Modern Monetary Theory) is dust in the wind, most probably invented by the great financial genius Robert Mugabe. May take a few years, aaaand it’s gone. At least at it’s real worth.
Have hope. And patience.
Btw, nice that you mentioned Eduardo Galeano. Many years ago I read an impressive book by him, ‘Memoria del fuego’, about the history of South America from the memories of the Mayas to our present time, in all kinds of forms; histories, traditional tales, descriptions, to even paper articles. Very impressive and I can recommended it to anyone. I may read ‘Las Venas Aberties de America Latina’ too in a while, please in a translation in English or German because I understand some Spanish but not enough to read a book like that.
Cheers, Rob
can there now be any doubt that the west is a fascist entity working under the umbrella they call democracy? Look at Ukraine and the youth gangs of the right sector and others, look at soft coup in brazil, look at vox party in south of spain and that marie le pen called to congratulate them on doubling their seats in parliament, look at pinochet, the shah of iran, and any other host of politcal actors in the world today. The beginning of fascism started just after the bolshevik revolution when europe and the usa tried to help defeat such. as this revolution was the greatest threat to the western order as one saw a movement that once and for all destroyed the faux royal aristocratic class. well, in russia it worked but spain still has a king and england a queen. and the sad thing is that most people in western europe or the usa do not see it. that is how pervasive fascism has been for a 100 years, yet more and more that ugly head is peeping up to high and hopefully people are beginning to notice.
There is of course the Lithium angle – and the Morales decision to start industrializing and start exporting their own lithium after adding value .. in other words in the form of batteries and not raw compound.
Oh boy, poor Tesla and poor poor German Company that mines the raw Lithium now. So, Morales said .. out and we will value add our own lithium. Then came the coup, and then Tesla’s stock price increased on Monday.
Lithium is of course a very necessary and highly sought after element now that the western world has decided to change the complete profile of western energy to electric energy – under the guise of climate change – but to use that to change the flow of money from those pesky countries with oil, to their own pockets of course.
Bolivia is just one of the few countries with stacks of it Lithium … others being, wait for it, you will for sure recognize these names from very recent news .. Chile and Argentina. You thought the West was tightening its tentacles over the South of the Americas just for fun? Oh no, there are minerals of lots of kinds,
Bolivia, it so happens, has oodles of lithium and it is now able to mine it themselves and it is just that that Evo Morales was setting out to do.
(And then there is the need for Lithium in medicine to keep some bodies and souls from fracturing).
Geo-economically this move to go to EV may trade the world’s dependence on gas and oil to a dependence on other kinds of naturally occurring elements. This may just have been Evo’s problem – he is a dolphin and they let out the pool of sharks against him.
Might be worse than that, tesla’s in hot water about battery fires and the inability to control them under a number of scenarios, its not totally made the news but the threat of the lack of the need for the resources could cause a similar situation.
It all goes back to that borrowed IMF money, where did it go and who approved of the transaction and why.
Where there are Nazis there must be Croatian Ustashi around.
You probably have Mr. Branko Marinkovic on your mind when you talk about this
Marinkovic is sworn enemy of Evo Morales and I do not know much about that relationship between them.
What I know is that Marinkovic is a very bad man. He was born in Bolivia and I do not know if he speaks Croatian at all. Apparently he has Croatian passport.
Marinkovic is actually not completely ethnic Croat, his mother is Serbian … actually she was of Montenegrin origin and Montenegrians are part of Serbian nation. So Marinkovic has two surnames, Marinkovic – Jovicevic, and Jovicevic is typically serbian surname. So it would be very weird if one declared ustasha take serbian surname and has 50% of serbian origin.
Also, Marinkovic’s father is from Croatia region where has never been one single ustasha. All his family belonged to partisan movement.
And what is interesting that in all this coup was involved famous Serbian NGO activist Mr. Srdja Popovic and his CANVAS organisation, well known CIA assets, specialized for destabilizing and overthrowing governments unwanted by USA all over the world. And there is hardly any coup or political mess in the world that he and his activists are not involved.
Very interesting
You know as well as I do that the majority of Croatians have Serb ancestors. Hence the fact that I as a Serb cannot distinguish Croatians and Serbs by names nor do I even try that anymore. I have met people that call themselves Croats with Serb-sounding names like Andrej, Mihajlo, Slobodan, Jovan, Ratko, Stevan… and surnames like Jovic, Milosevic, Petrovic, Popovic… They are what they say they are and I do not judge. I just take it for what it is.
It seems that you are right as it looks like the Canvas terrorists have been at it again.
Serb ancestors??? Always same old stories.
Nonsense. The truth is that Serbs and Croats have the same roots, same language but religion divided them.
But it does not mean that everyone in ex-Yugoslavia has Serbian ancestors. Will you ever stop with that stupidities.
But some surnames are typically Serbian or Croatian although 80% surnames can be found in both ethnic groups. But JOVICEVIC is definitely NOT one of such surnames, it is typically Serbian.
Marinkovic can be ultra right politically in Latin American way, but I do not think that he can be ustasha.
Father from pure and 100% partisan region, Serbian mother, and he took second Serbian surname … maybe I am wrong but I do not think that he has anything in common with ustashe.
But anyway, the truth is that he is a piece of rubbish.
Yes, apparently Marinkovic holds a Croatian passport.
Not a Serbian or Montenegrin passport, despite his mother’s alleged Montenegrin origins.
There are Croats in Montenegro too.
In 2009 Marinkovic was accused of funding a failed attempt to kill Evo Morales.
On 16 April 2009, Bolivian police shot and killed alleged hired assassins Rózsa-Flores and Michael Dwyer during a raid in the Las Americas hotel in Santa Cruz.
Two others, Mario Tadic, a Croatian, and Előd Tóásó, a Hungarian were arrested.
Eduardo Rosa-Flores and Michael Dwyer had fought on the Croat side during the 1990’s wars in Yugoslavia.
“During the 1990s, Rosza fought on behalf of the Croatian First International Platoon, or the PIV, in the war to separate from Yugoslavia. A Croatian journalist told Time that the “PIV was a notorious group: 95% of them had criminal histories, many were part of Nazi and fascist groups, from Germany to Ireland.”
Marinkovic mother is Serbian from Montenegro. And his second surname is purely Serbian
Croats in Montenegro are maybe 1% of population. Maybe less.
So what if he has Croatian passport. Why is that a problem?
And so what if some scumbags went to fight in all that mess ex Yugoslavia. There were such dogs of war on all sides
And they were not very effective in combat. Because they usually did not come to fight but for some other reasons.
When war finished they vanished because nobody want such persons
And problem of Bolivia and entire Latin America is not four or five criminals of different nationalities and dogs of war. They can be violent but they are nothing.
Problem of Bolivia and Latin America are Military, police, secret services, media, oligarchy class … all of them not loyal to their peoples and countries but to interests of ruling class, Deep State and military industrial complex of USA.
Problem is Monroe’s doctrine.
“So what if he has Croatian passport. Why is that a problem?”
No problem except to those who claim that Marinkovic is not really a Croat.
Since he was born in Chile and chose to hold a Croatian passport ( rather than Serbian or Montenegrin ) suggests that he considers himself a Croat, don’t you think?
That he hired killers who had fought in a notorious unit on the Croat side during the 1990’s also suggests that he has strong connections with Croat catholic extremists and Ustashi sympathisers in Croatia.
The fact that at least one of the hired killers, paedophile Rózsa-Flores ( “Chico” ), was a member of Opus Dei is also not insignificant.
I would throw the book at him to see if he was genuine.
So what if he is Croat, although I think that reason for his conflict with Morales is much deeper than some political extremism that was defeated in World War Two. It is some conflict of interests.
Who cares about couple of crooks and mercenaries. Also, Marinkovic and his pals are nothing and nobody and he escaped to find protection from Bolivia to America … not to Croatia.
Opus Dei this, Opus Dei that … ridiculous
Problem in Latin America is Monroe Doctrine and absolute USA control over Latin America’s oligarchies, militaires and secret services.
And problem are all those NGO’s and CIA assets like that Serbian guy Srdja Popovic and his friends who are involved in almost every single mess and coup in the world.
Dear Serbs should talk a bit more about him and his friends, not about some criminal gang like Marinkovic and his pals who are nothing and nobody.
And Latin America will never be free unless some sort of revolution happens there. Revolution which will wipe out all those mighty structures that do not serve to their conutries and peoples but to Deep State and military industrial complex in USA
Most Serbs would rejoice if Srdja Popovic were to be hit by a bus tomorrow.
He is about as representative of Serbs and Serbia as Alexei Navalny is of Russians and Russia.
Revolutions are not an effective way to change things.
Almost from the start most of their leadership is corrupted by the very people they are trying to fight against.
There is no substitute for masses of people demanding justice where justice is due. The problem is the masses are easily steered into supporting the wrong people and wrong policies.
This site, along with countless others, is the only workable solution to the problem. Educating people outside of the MSM propaganda realm which is a very time consuming process.
Re-educating people about what is morally and legally wrong:
It is legally and morally wrong for USA to wage war (overt or covert) against sovereign nations without Congress declaring it.
There is no legal basis for 95% of what the CIA is doing worldwide.
The only thing those Fascists understand is violence and force,that needs to start NOW,those images in the vid remind me of Pinochets Chile.
The Brazilian military doesn’t want to invade Venezuela because they know it would be a blood bath, not only does the army support Maduro, but Venezuela also has a civilian militia of around 3 million members.
These South American countries have two distinct demographics, an indigenous population and a population of European descent. The oligarchs, of European descent, who own the major corporations of these countries regard the indigenous population as subhuman, this is why when parties which represent these oligarchs are in power the indigenous people have no political representation and as a result suffer greatly. The United States has always conspired to maintain these oligarchs in power, because they have the same goals as American plutocrats, corporate profit. The plutocrats who run the US don’t care about human rights or democracy; these terms are just used as false pretexts to win public approval for their crimes.
As time passes by, I am increasingly of the opinion that Trump is just another figurehead who represents the elite in the US. This narrative of Trump being an anti-establishment president and of the Democrats trying to remove him from power is nonsense. It’s all a show to keep the masses arguing among themselves while the US continues terrorizing the world. It’s like wrestling the supposed bad guy and good guy wrestlers fight each other in public and after the fight, away from public view, they all sit down together to enjoy a great meal.
Besides, the oligarchs, of European descent, and the indigenous population, Brazil and Colombia have also a massive black population, descendent of former slave from sugar and cotton plantations.
We have a new trend – the trend of the self-declaring president.
Bolivian Senate Opposition Leader Declares Herself Interim President
Sad times! I’m happy that he got sanctuary in Mexico, but he will not be safe there, I’m afraid. To close to the source of Evil …
I think he should go to Cuba or Russia. And in the meantime, take a real good care of what he eats and drinks. Otherwise, he might became yet another victim of that strange cancer epidemic among those South American leaders that are not very much liked among Washingtonians …
It is about a mindset. A realization of the absolute reality. A will to embody and personify the realization without losing your humanity. It is very difficult to allow yourself to accept the use of force that is often enough necessary to defend yourself against aggression, and still be able to live with yourself because of the effect of the use of that type of force. This moral dilema has been difficult for all good men, and all good peoples, to overcome since just about forever. Unfortunately, it has never so much as aroused a fart from the evil men of this world.
Another sad day for justice and democracy.
Who can say whether it is better to stay and fight, or run and live to fight another day?
In any case, here is the soundtrack from the other ‘9/11’ c.1973.
[11 Sept 1973; or 9 Nov 2019 — take your choice]
“Salvador Allende’s Last Speech with English Subtitles”
more or less off topic.
There are sign that the military will be again let loose on the streets by the goverment (Chile).
Wish us all the luck, we have to defeat this.
“As for Cuba, it has resisted the combined might of the US Empire for many decades, so they also know something crucial.”
They cut out the cancer, IE: removed the rightwing elements.
So, as responsible landlords, why don’t they do the world a favor and cut out that cancerous tumor in Gitmo Bay?
Because they are waiting for you to arrive to lead the charge, davey.
One thing Correa had the wits to do and fast: shut down the School of the Americas and make every officer who had attended there attend re-training at a Community Policing College. He also kicked out the Americans from their base at Manta, and the Constitution has been re-written to ban foreign military from being based here. Not that they aren’t trying to get around that one.
I dont think Moreno has that much support from the military here in Ecuador. So far things are quiet – but I’m getting uncomfortable living here. I’m predicting a wave of expats will be returning to US soon – which will impact the economy of Cuenca at least, somewhat. But there’s a feeling of unrest and quiet uncertainty here now.
Where’s a direct meteor strike when you need one??
Do you have more information or links to the Nazi evangelists in the video?
Surprisingly, so far nobody seemed to have noticed that there are exactly fifty two years since the liquidation of Che Guevara by President Rene Barrientos. Barrientos may be considered the first ‘indigenous’ president of Bolivia, being of mixed Quechua and Spanish ancestry, and he alighted from the ‘Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario/Revolutionary Nationalist Movement’, a leftist movement which furthered the rights of the indigenous Quechua and Aymara.
‘Nobody is Using Word Coup’: As With Venezuela, OAS Aids US Attack on Bolivia’s Sovereignty
“[Former Venezuelan President Hugo] Chavez came from the military, of course. And that was crucial, not just because be was from the military but because he insisted on building what is known as a civil-military union in the country, meaning that the military was very involved in the day-to-day operations in the country … one of the positives that came out is that social movements became involved with the military as well. The Bolivian military completely turned on Evo – and not just the military but, just as importantly, the federal police,” Flores explained, highlighting why the coup failed in Venezuela but succeeded in Bolivia.”
I do not understand that Evo Morales ruled so many years and did not purge military, police and security services.
He will be back or somebody like him, but why those guys like him very often make the same mistake that Allende did. They are probably afraid with reactions from the West but it is a nonsense, because West will try to destroy them anyway.
And also they need to neutralize domestic oligarchy loyal not to their people but to USA.
And also media that is under their control. R. Correa in Equador made the same mistake with media.
And why they let all those NGO to make mess in their countries.
Organizations like CANVAS led by Srdja Popovic, paid by CIA an specialized to destabilizing governments.
Latin America needs different approach. Take power and BAN all political parties and organizations that serve interests of foreign factors like Washington or London.
Without mercy and with NO hesitations.
Playing democracy with them does not work. Latin America will never be free and sovereign by following this way..
what is the military going to do in Bolivia now?
their first priority would be to ensure that there must never be revolution in Bolivia ever again..not even the pink tides of Evo Morales. if as a poster here claims that the imperialist gloves are off, then Bolivia should run red with the blood of the progressives and maybe even a major depopulation event.
I am not unhappy the Morales is alive and well in asylum but are his people safe despite whatever deal he made to protect them from harm. is Morales in trust of the deal and word of the military..especially relative to the health of the people?
that would be unwise! and if the situation goes really ‘right’ what would be the positive point if any of Morales’ time as president? this coup is a reaction that Morales should have anticipated. such anticipation and response, stuffing it..that would have been the real protection of the Bolivian people
I cannot agree with with and sing praises to Lula and Dilma and Morales. I am not berating them either but my point is clear. this is where I came in: the situation is clear..there is no solution to the human social problem save the elimination of exploitative social organization..the elimination of capitalism and all social elitism. that is the goal…the answer. all else is stop gap, playing games, wasting time..exposing lots and lots and lots of life to grave danger.
what in the hell was Morales doing that was so progressive if after so many years in power he has been so easily removed by reaction should have anticipated and prepared to stuff it…
but all here know that story..and it is not sufficient
I’m quite ignorant about the whole Evo Morales thing but if this essay is any indication written by someone from there well here’s the other side of the story.
a short excerpt a guy named Marcos:
So Morales, the communist cocalero, is gone. Before your automatic conditioning makes you yell “the CIA did it!”, why not pause for a moment and reflect if the Latin American people are not able to make their own decisions and choose the path of freedom and honesty without the help of the US?
Consider that, first and foremost, Morales is a radical Marxist, a union leader who started his career supported by the Communist Party, who considers capitalism the worst enemy of mankind. Not everybody agrees with that. Also, consider that this dictator has been in power since 2006, having changed the constitution to stay in power forever, ignoring the will of the people expressed in a referendum. Finally, he stole the election once again; this time leaving a paper trail of evidence. You also would be upset.
Before anyone says that Morales is a champion of the fight against the bankers, consider the agenda that he supports.
Global Warming BS: Since 2009, Morales calls for a financial transaction global tax to fund climate change mitigation.
In 2010, he oversaw the World’s People Conference on Climate Change and Rights of Mother Earth in Cochabamba. He also says he is a devotee of the Pachamama Earth goddess.
Social Change: Morales created a ridiculous “Unit of Depatriarchilization” for Women’s Rights, declared a new Sexual Minority Rights Day in Bolivia and promoted a gay-themed TV show on the state channel. He also promoted racial and cultural hatred between whites and Indians, for example by forcing public servants to learn Indian languages.
Global Government: Morales has always been involved in the promotion of the Unasur, or Pátria Grande, a plan to institute a Marxist supranational political entity, much like the USSR.
Two armored trucks meet Morales’ plane in Asuncion)
The rat has fled to Mexico, to enjoy the fortune he has stolen. Meanwhile, his gangster friends are setting fire in Bolivia. I just saw a video where people stop a van with Cuban agents fleeing the country. They said they were Brazilians but couldn’t speak Portuguese. Police (Morales people) were escorting them.
In Chile, the Antifa communists paid by Maduro and Cuba have set several buildings on fire, including a historic university building and desecrated a church. Here in Brazil, convicted criminal Lula said that the Left must stop being defensive and should attack, like in Chile. Of course, pushing violence is a crime itself, and several Congressmen requested his arrest. (Nothing will happen)
In the Ordo ab Chaos motto, the Left is responsible for the chaos role.
see website by the way for a pic of him and the Pope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
strange goings on that I simply do not understand?
“… Here in Brazil, convicted criminal Lula ” — gives it away.
I met someone at a small conference earlier this year in Australia who was from Brazil and seeking future trends etc. Polite enough and seemingly cultured until the word “Lula” was mentioned. Then the glaze fell over the eyes and foam started collecting at the corners of her mouth. It seems there is a fascist cult rising in Brazil driven by the desperate comprador class. Read Pepe Escobar. If one scratches a little deeper usually the dank odor of Ayn Rand can be detected. And in this case, also the weird cult parading as “Singularity University” had its banner on the goods. Caveat Emptor!
Your mention of Ayn Rand I find interesting. I think you are not familiar with Brazil too much.
Brazil is an example of the failure of socialism in the modern world. A country that chooses this path cannot be competitive in the world and their standard of living will degrade as Brazil’s did. As Venezuela’s did.
Since the workers have all of these rights, cannot be fired etc… they make substandard products. Imported products are higher quality and better priced so they must have high enough duties on them to discourage buyers
Did you know you can’t really by a foreign refrigerator in Brazil? For most it is way, way too expensive so they must buy domestically manufactured ones which are substandard and past 3 years on average.
I worked with Brazilians alot for 5 years. Getting things through customs was a nightmare. Basically goods are held up in customs for ransom til they get their kickback. Their “penalties” for this error or that error were arbitrary and nothing more than a shakedown. Believe it or not, it was easier for me to get things into most countries in Africa than it was in Brazil.
Really good people down there, really corrupt system they live in. Lot of potential but I don’t think most are willing to change enough for the place to become what it could be.
Really kind of blows my mind that so many think socialism is the answer when it has been proven so often that it does not work.
So, circling back to Ayn Rand and her beliefs in capitalism. Capitalism works until the government becomes corrupted. Socialism pretty much never works from the start. Broken capitalism provides a higher standard of living than broken socialism. Want proof? Capitalism is broken in the US. Socialism is broken in Venezuela. I don’t have to break into a zoo in the US if I want to eat meat.
My response to the patriot:
“Brazil is an example of the failure of socialism in the modern world.”
According to a former friend, whom I ditched while he was director of Sao Paulo’s Goldman Sachs Brazil office, Lula had a meeting with BR garchs and bankers soon after his first inauguration. The former GS employee said one of the first things Lula asked his masters at that meeting was “What do you need”?
I have been living in Brazil for all but five years since late 1999; I know Lula and Dilma never laid a finger on the garchs — in terms of making them pay their fair share of taxes. The non-c sections of the middle class, who freaked out over paying a 25% tax rate while watching their former live-in maids (slaves) go off to school or higher pay, foolishly sided with Globo & The Garchs during the 2016 coup. What did they get for that? A fascist clown who scares away foreign money like measles and the zika virus. Trump & Hitler wannabe Bolsonaro is so overtly crazy, even large sections of BR’s military command structure are worried.
Brazil is not a socialist country, never was. It is a right-wing oligarchy, always was, always will be.
You mention Venezuala, which never stood a chance against two decades of attacks by Tio Sam. (And that’s just since Chavez was elected.) Maybe the VZ gov would have turned it into the basket case it is, but we — especially Guido supporters — will never know. Tio Sam choked it to death. That’s on the USG, patriotic American voters, and the VZ comprador class.
“Imported products are higher quality and better priced so they must have high enough duties on them to discourage buyers.”
That has almost always been true in Brazil. The import tax is simply the crudest sort of theft, and it existed long before Lula’s election. That’s on all military and civilian BR governments during our lifetime. And the fact BR products are of low quality is down to garch laziness and stupidity. Always has been. For example, Brazil exports more coffee than any other country, but it’s instant-shite. Coffee “barons” could invest time and money into developing good quality coffees (grown by skilled employees) for the domestic and external markets, but they don’t. Why is that? Don’t answer, I already know. Another example of BR garch & Bozo briliance is selling majority ownership of one of BR’s most strategically important industries — Embraer — to Boeing garchs. Why would an independent country do that? Please don’t answer that because I already know, and it has nothing to do with socialism.
“Getting things through customs was a nightmare. Basically goods are held up in customs for ransom til they get their kickback.”
That has been true since at least the mid 20th century, not just during Lula & Dilma’s terms. It never had anything to do with socialism. It has everything to do with, erhmm… being Brazilian.
“Really good people down there, really corrupt system they live in.”
I also lived in the US for more than forty years, and there are a lot of similarities between the so-called really good people who endorse these two corrupt systems with their votes. Why would “good” people endorse filth-buckets on election day every time they get a chance? Please don’t answer, I know why.
“Circling back to Ayn Rand and her beliefs in capitalism. Capitalism works until the government becomes corrupted.”
Corrupt government — a boneless state served up by garch employed mercs and militarized police with flags on the shirts — is prerequisite to the kind of capitalism you refer to, and it only works for yellow socialist garchs and their lapdogs. (See USA! USA! USA! for an example.) And again, regarding broken VZ, I already said responsibility for that lies at the feet of the country that attacked it. I know, I know… It’s also Iraq’s fault for being a pile of rubble, not the country that attacked it, so goes logic in the mind of an historically challenged reptile.
The issue is not evil, hard-core socialism in Brazil. Brazil’s right-wingers want their slaves back. This is the root of the conflict between the right and left here in Brazil, and American Patriots™ are as clueless about what is going on here in Brazil as they are about what’s going on in “their” country.
“Corrupt government — a boneless state served up by garch employed mercs and militarized police with flags on the shirts — is prerequisite to the kind of capitalism you refer to, and it only works for yellow socialist garchs and their lapdogs. (See USA! USA! USA! for an example.) ”
No, that is not the capitalism I am referring to. Have you read Atlas Shrugged? Do you understand the message?
What you are referring to is what we have now in the US. Capitalism/Globalism Beast with corrupt governments support. A system which has departed from the rule of law and flagrantly violates the US Constitution. As system of Crony Capitalism/Globalism which destroys innovation outside the chosen ones.
The US does not need that form of capitalism to flourish, we are a very competitive nation without any of that.
Maybe you have lived in Brazil too long to recognize how uncompetitive it is. Most of your workers have no initiative. The majority are lazy. There are very smart people down there, people that care, work and do a good job but they are in the minority. I have worked with Petrobras and a number of other companies that I will not name but you could figure out just by me naming Petrobras. Been down there many times to walk projects through, drag people along to where they needed to be. That is what I did, traveled the world and dealt with people who thought it was ok to screw up, be late – fail. I could not enforce consequences due to the liberal labor laws in those places so I had to find other ways. I did this by telling them to clean their own house or we would no longer send projects to them as they were not realiable and their whole plant would close for lack of work. I sent projects to South Korea and Singapore instead numerous times. I even sent projects to Mexico instead of Brazil to make the point clear.
First hand I know how uncompetitive Brazil is compared to many other countries in the world. Left/Right call it whatever you want but the problem is that there are so many social protections for workers that there is not that motivation to really work hard and put themselves out there to advance. Corruption is far worse than in the US.
Whatever you see as the problem down there, it is actually the people themselves too dependent on the state. Same as why Europe is becoming less and less competitive in the world in manufacturing.
Born in Jim Crow, Texas, I have been familiar enough with Ayn Rand fans since the 70s to understand what happens to libertarians afflicted with autism. I’ve heard and seen enough of utterly self-centered religions; I do not need to know more about them.
It should not be strange to hear repeated complaints about workers with too many rights in a country so stubborn in its adherence to wage slavery as Brazil, but I hear them often. I need to accept this goes with the times, and is scripture in a business culture intent on everyone else’s elimination. I’ll skip a pissing contest about intelligent and motivated, or dumb and lazy people I know in Brazil, and point out that compared to the USA’s levels of corruption, Brazil’s are in the minor leagues. Admittedly, BR’s permanent and self-destructive concentration of wealth is comparable in degree if not scale, and BR would be as corrupt as the US if Brazil’s Real was a world reserve currency, and BR had as many weapons as the US, but it doesn’t, so it isn’t. Would be the most corrupt if it could be != is the most corrupt.
The US’ yellow socialism and giveaway of its own industrial, middle class economy to China, a giveaway being pushed down Brazilians throats today and tomorrow at the BRICS meeting in Brasilia, are part of the evidence. (By the way, mentioning other regions’ lack of manufacturing competitiveness is something no self-aware, contemporary American should ever do.)
The US’ ridiculous degree of hypocrisy in foreign relations, Pentagon & Alphabet Stasi budgets, its rank and file’s voter approved affinity for torture (I’ve experienced enough of that too, thanks to more public teat-suckin’, freedom-lovin’ American Patriots than I can count), their unprovoked, unwinnable, purely offensive wars, and the consequent mountains of corpses and oceans of refugees are also part of the irrefutable evidence.
The Brazilian nation state and the comprador oligarchs who run it are corrupt, no doubt about it. The American nation state and the garchs that run it far surpass its Brazilian counterparts in scale of corruption because it can, for now.
Workers there give up their chances for growth (financially and otherwise) in exchange for labor “protections”.
I believe in labor protections but I lso believe I have the right to hire and fire as I choose in my business. I am a business owner btw.
Even in the US, most people are more comfortable putting all their eggs in one big corporation basket than going and starting their own small business.
Ayn Rand’s point in Atlas Shrugged is that business owners shoulder nearly all the risk in creating that business. The workers, they benefit from that risk by going in and performing mostly fairly simple and mundane tasks to contribute and earn a pay check. Both business owners and employee’s get compensated for their contributions and risk they are exposed to.
Comparing any nation–whether Brazil, Venezuela, etc.–to America in terms of standard of living is completely disingenuous American propaganda.
Only one country on this planet possesses the “exorbitant privilege” of its currency being the world’s only reserve currency: the America Empire.
This system–called American Dollar Imperialism–allows the USA to live beyond its means and devour enormous amounts of goods and services from the rest of world and essentially “pay” for it in US Treasury debt that the USA will never fully pay back
American Dollar Imperialism is like a having a no limit credit card that you do not repay.
Defending Dollar Imperialism
As such, the United States has, in the words of Michael Hudson, been the beneficiary of the greatest Free Lunch in history.
Super Imperialism: The Origin and Fundamentals of U.S. World Dominance
Or to put it in more Politically Incorrect language, America is a parasite on the global economy.
U.S. is a ‘parasite’ on the world economy and a threat to financial markets, says Putin
America is a parasite that ruthlessly exploits workers in other countries and then–in Orwellian fashion–whines about foreigners taking Amurican jobs or being the victim of “deindustrialization.”
But America is not a victim.
America is a victimizer–one that disguises its true predatory nature behind the mask of Freedom and Democracy.
America: Host or Parasite?
About 95% of what you say I agree with.
Still doesn’t change the fact that socialism is a failed ideology.
Nor does it change the fact that if you took the USD hegemony away, the US would still be a prosperous and competitive nation.
Ending American Dollar Imperialism would drive a stake through the heart of the American vampire.
There would be chaos in the “prosperous and competitive nation.”
That is why the USA has been so aggressive in attacking nations that have had the temerity to dump the US Dollar–particularly the Petro Dollar–like Iraq, which started denominating oil sales in the Euros rather than the Dollar, leading to America invading it in 2003. Or Libya, which was proposing the use of the Gold Dinar as a currency for Africa, leading to America attacking it in 2011.
America and its Way of Life are parasitic to the core.
This American parasite will not go peacefully. It will have to be excised–with extreme prejudice.
The US is at war with Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran, Russia, All to protect the Petrodollar
And Brazil is infested with the Pentecostal poison, an Evil imported from the USA, that infected Brazilian society after the patron saint of priestly paedophiles, Wojtyla, and death-squad allies, destroyed Liberation Theology in Latin America, thereby telling the poor and wretched to go to Hell-in this life. And here in Austfailia, Morrison our current PM, in my opinion a truly Evil, sadistic, bullying thug, is a Pentecostal, too-our bunyip Bolsonaro.
Pentecostal movement originates in the US from the Great Depression of the 1930s, it was a tool of the elites to neutralize the US Communist party among the working classes (their ideology of ‘prosperity’ was a fanatical fence against marxist ideas), Pentecostalism and fascism have a lot in common.
Thank you for mentioning Scott Morrison. I was figuring the same as you.
And once again, he was NOT voted in.
I cringed when I heard his Christian roots, while others, in the same group as he, cheered.
Our country is almost lost. “Land of the Free” sounds very hollow now.
You seem to understand fairly well what is going on.
It’s just that you are kind of on the wrong side, from a governance and justice P.O.V.
Good,as always.
Saker, give me three days to give you my perspective from Mexico and tell you about some interesting stuff is already happening here. Things are getting hot!
I am kind of busy at work right now.
Uri, I look forward to reading your sitrep in Mexico.
An update from Anya Parampil
As well as a written update with necessary background from The Grayzone
Flaming heck……the story is there. Are there any other countries that could be identified to be vulnerable to a similar strategy … nowhere safe now? Something going on in Moldova at the moment……seems to me world chaos is on the march…some one stirring the pot…hubble bubble toil and trouble.
The US-Based Center for Economic and Policy Research has posted an article titled:
“No Evidence That Bolivian Election Results Were Affected by Irregularities or Fraud, Statistical Analysis Shows”
What happened? I thought it was real democracy in action taking place in Bolivia?
Excellent comments by Saker and the rest of the Vineyard. Leftist leaders can’t get it through their naive heads that fascists will never peacefully accept electoral defeats, especially when the unlimited funny money of the empire can bribe, bomb and brainwash whoever. Bringing millions out of poverty and providing them with housing, education, literacy and healthcare doesn’t mean a damn thing to the capitalist class. A better, smarter more secure working class is a threat to capitalists everywhere.
Dear Saker,
could you please comment on the underneath linked article, because the j-Conspiracy denouncing jMakow and his contributers are not precisely “Lovers” of the Neocon Empire, but still see Morales as what he really is.
Makow and his contributors just seem to be able to look through the more subtle “Ab Chao Order Divide et Impera” strategy. The problem, as you well know, is not just economical. To be left in economics, like the Soviets a hundred year ago, is just a facade for a quite different agenda. So too with Evo Morales and his likes, they are clearly Christ and Natural Law hating “cultural marxism” (God and man-hating lgbt, climate-religion, etc.) pawns.
You have a Sound Christian mind. So you perfectly understand what a pawn is ! Pure fake, but with an attractive facade for the pauperized peoples and nations, abused and smashed between a rock and a hard place, or rather Skylla and Charibdis, Left and Right, anti-Christian and fake-Christian…
This said, no Christian or simply “humane” person could be on the “Empire’s” side either. We are neither on the Solve nor on the Coagula side, neither “here” nor “there” as our Lord, the God-man has warned us:
Good Riddance Evo Morales
it is a sad day for all of us who resist the Empire. Evo Morales was one of the most visible and easily recognizable symbols of the resistance against the US-led Imperial juggernaut and Bolivia was at the forefront of resistance along with Venezuela, Iran, Russia, and other countries. There’s no need to go into all the positive things he achieved during his presidency (such as a significant reduction of poverty in the country). The fact that the military ousted him from power shows that CIA methods in toppling regimes they want removed across Latin American had barely changed since the 60’s and ’70s. The military remains their biggest asset, or to be more exact, the extremist reactionary faction within the army. What’s surprising to me, to some extent, at least, is that Morales had failed to cleanse the army of 5th columnists and ultra right-wingers during his 14 years in power. In Venezuela Maduro managed to retain the support of the army and it proved to be crucial to his and his country’s survival against the US attacks.
Dark times are ahead for Bolivia but the new puppet’s regime ultra-reactionary policies are bound to cause a backlash among the majority of the population. It can only lead to a spiral of repression and violence. Let’s hope it will be a very bitter and short-lived victory for the Empire on steroids.
A good article from MoA,that echo’s Saker argument,
Here are a few points from it :
“During his twelve years in office Evo Morales achieved quite a lot of good things:”
Illiteracy rates:
2006 13.0%, 2018 2.4%
Unemployment rates
2006 9.2%, 2018 4.1%
Moderate poverty rates
2006 60.6%, 2018 34.6%
Extreme poverty rates
2006 38.2%, 2018 15.2%
“But Morales failed to build the defenses that are necessary to make such changes permanent. The leadership of the military and police stood against him. Why were these men in such positions?”
“Morales had clearly won a fourth term in the the October 20 elections. The vote count was confusing (pdf) because it followed the process defined by the Organization of American States:”
“Evo Morales found asylum in Mexico. Bolivia will now turn into a neoliberal hell and a quasi-dictatorship. It will take time, a lot of effort and probably a civil war to regain what was lost through this coup.”
What can one learn from this?
1.As one person remarked to me: “When one wants to win and keep a socialist revolution one has to bring guillotines.”
2.Socialist movements who come into power must neutralize their biggest local enemies. They need to build their own defenses. They can not rely on those institutions, like the military and police, they inherit from previous regimes.
3.Such movements must never rely on U.S. affiliated organizations like the OAS or on military and police personal that had come under U.S. indoctrination.
4.A movement needs a public voice. It must build its own media locally and internationally.
“Hugo Chavez knew this all this. As soon as he won the presidential election in Venezuela he built the necessary forces to defend the state. It is the only reason why his successor Nicolás Maduro defeated the coup attempt against him and is still in power.”
I don’t think tactics are the issue. Socialism is a failed ideology better left in classroom debates.
Socialism lacks the driver for innovation and reward for excelling over others. Which means the ideology is lacking the drivers needed to compete against others successfully.
Competition is unavoidable in the natural world.
Even in China, with their hybrid communist/capitalist creation, they are still lacking. They have the drivers to do the work and excel but they fail on innovation. They are copycats, too set in their ways. Born and raised conformists. Great replicators, not so great innovators.
“They have the drivers to do the work and excel but they fail on innovation. ”
Yah-dah yah-dah.
Even if it were true, so what?
Look where the technological progress meme has actually gotten the world
It just so happens, however, that the Chinese are pioneering a lot of technologies.
But the comment also relies on a very narrow concept of “innovation” and the ways in which “innovation” can manifest. Innovation can also manifest in a new form of social organization. And in many other ways. For example, Jesus Christ was an “innovator” big-time! As was his disciple Paul.
This post is just another example of the infinite egotism of much of “the West” and many of its narrow-minded denizens who think they represent the apogee of human development and can set the terms of their constant self-serving invidious “comparisons.”
“Even if it were true, so what?”
It makes all the difference in the world! Take Russia for example. Back in the days of the USSR they were lacking in innovation, all they could do was try to match pace of USA advances and where outspent so they lost that battle. Once Putin really got control, he turned that around. For their MIC not to just try to keep pace but to think different, approach problems different and come up with innovated ways to counter that were within their budget. They went from a losing battle of trying to maintain parity to exceeding US in effectiveness of weaponry. This has since been applied to other aspects of their economy and policies.
China is different story. China is just trying to reach parity the simplest way they can. They use Western capitalist greed against itself to be taught by West how to build things. It’s a pretty good strategy, its taken them this far. But, the current trade war shows the weakness in this. The spigot of knowledge is getting shut off as is the willingness of Western companies to have their stuff manufactured there. If that continues, they will have to innovate on their own. Innovation is a very hard thing to teach in a classroom. It requires creativity and creativity usually comes from broad life experience. You can’t raise someone in a box, carefully feeding them only info you want them to know and expect them to be creative.
Innovation is an extremely interesting subject which applies to every nation and builder. Big business stifles innovation almost as much as socialism does. Much like socialism, the little guy in big business world they don’t like to share the wealth opportunity with. In the design world you hear much talk about “generative design” which is an effort to replace true creativity with AI.
It’s a subject that deserves more thought than just writing it off to “Egotism of the West”
Even innovation has a poor track record of passing the test of time, it uses convenience to advertise and sell but also adds additional weak links which once a failure occurs, rather than try to improve on an older design, simply recreates said new design with further convenience and weak links.
As I am about to say about designers, if you could not get it right by now, you never shall.
And until a truth in design and advertising is mandated by law, a weak link will(and has been) always be incorporated into said design for a number of nefarious reasons. This is why manufacturing should never have been allowed to be exported overseas, if you cant get to Mr. big about his company’s designs here, how in the world does one expect to talk to him in a far away place like China?
But then again, politicians and business men never were the sharpest tools in the shed, they willingly let their minds be made up with the persuasion of, money.
“As I am about to say about designers, if you could not get it right by now, you never shall.”
I like that comment!
So much I’ll share personally a little.
I spent 1 1/2 years designing what is basically a simple, commonly used product for a high-end/niche market. My design intent was to push the limits of what resources I had (CAD/CAM/CNC/Materials) to the limits to create something which reflects the best of what technology can do.
How does this differ from other designer’s goals? I did not care how expensive the product was to manufacture because I am in a high-end/niche market where exceptional quality is what defines its success. It does not matter to me that it takes 3 times the machining time to produce and leads to nearly 50% raw material waste. That is priced into product.
What was really interesting is that the products I compete with at that price point. Their design and manufacturing technique is still one that leans to manufacturing efficiency. Both in function and aesthetics, their product is inferior to mine because of this.
There were numerous reasons I did this all, primarily I just wanted to see what COULD be done. But a side-effect to this which was planned that that it gave me protection from those who would try to copy it. Have numerous patents on it, but in this world patents only matter so far as you have the resources to protect them. I designed a product that is in too small a niche and is too expensive to manufacture to be attractive for either big businesses or China to copy.
That is what innovation entails.
Innovation doesn’t stand the test of time?
Everything evolves, that is the natural way of things.
I can type a response to you wherever you are at in the world and exchange ideas near instantaneously. That’s petty cool and thanks to someone’s innovations.
No so call “progresist’, “socialists of the XXI century”, or just “patriots with good intentions of a social justice” can survive longer in Latin American countries as long their oligarchies still with their hegemony and privileges of social class keeping all their unfair wealth. The only solution is the Cuban way. The expropriation and elimination of such parasite social class. Their option as such is to finish in Miami. Period.
There is another aspect to the story.
A week ago Bolivia stopped a lithium mining project.
Without lithium no electical cars, “green” projects and so on.
To get the green agenda going again some Indios had to be sacrificed. Otherwise some viable ideas may be discussed, be that synthetic fuel, hydrogen, a look at Nicola Tesla’s research or whatever else.
The current insanity has to go on.
Sad for Bolivia and everybodyvelse on the planet.
I miss in this analysis and discussion the money trail, maybe that comes in a more in-deep study of what is going on.
I feel sad for the Bolivians who lost the first nayive leader since some 500 years.
It is ludicrous disinformation to blame a ‘green agenda’ and not the Real Evil Empire for the debacle in Bolivia.
Mulga, the evil empire did it.
You can say they did it amongst others in Iran for oil, Chile for copper and Bolivia for Lithium.
The same evil people want to destroy industry in Europe under the CO2 label.Real protection for the environment is desperately needed but the plant food CO2 is evil.
People may find it ludicrous, but it is true. Lithium is a highly sought after element for the green agenda, I mean, the hidden one. In fact, without it, there is no green agenda whatsoever. Is it a renewable? No, today it is accepted that it is not and is finite. The ‘Real Evil Empire’ wants it all, before it runs out, because the real evil empire is sucking up money for changing the energy profile in the Western World. It will be disastrous and there are other ways.
Proof of the pudding is the increase of all electric vehicle stocks on Monday – day after the coup. That there Lithium is now safe in capitalists hands! The warnings to investors and conglomerates went out days before the coup … Hey Boys, Better Check your Stocks incase this little Putsch does not succeed.
Morales today: “We had big plans in the field of exports.
Yet, the coup plotters “do not accept the nationalization of natural resources.”
The strings that move the ‘green agenda’ from the Evil Empire have never been so clear.
Yes, it’s a bugger to wake up.
Cheers, Rob
This version of the “green agenda” seems to be predicated on total control . . . not in reduction of energy use but in introducing new technologies that disincentivize conservation, encourage increased energy use but from a “green” source, and actually require and justify total economic and social control—by “the West,” of course.
I despair of and for the human race, and every living thing. Humans are on a hellish course of self-destruction that will take with it everything of value that human society has managed to construct.
Saker, “patriotic resistance” inside the brazilian military is just a fantasy of delusional people that don’t even live in Brazil. Under Bolsonaro’s rule, there are hundreds (if memory serves me right, more than 500) of military men in key posts at the government, even more than there was at the last military regime of the 60’s.
disgusted and sad. YES.
As to Mexico (I live on the US side of La Frontera) I think AMLO is genuinely trying to shift Mexico away from neoliberal-US influence, but I don’t know enough about it either. So far he seems to be walking a tightrope, doing some “good” things and some not so good. Offering asylum to Morales is definitely one of the former.
Ojala que Morales comes back, as he says. And get rid of the school of america types, yes indeed.
Reasonbly decent article on the coup in Bolivia and the fascist thugs with foreign (of course) involvement:
When my wife was in Peru a year ago she saw the advantages the christian groups and those from the US take with the poor. It’s very obvious and disgusting.
Turning the religion of the Prince of Peace into a blood-sucking, fascist, cult that despises the ‘meek’ with genocidal fervour is one of the true fruits of American Exceptionalism.
A wise person would look closely at this. If we in the wealthy nations ever get up the courage to do what Morales stood for what do the very people who overthrew him have in store for us. Could it be a boot planted in your face. We say we are free but if we try to change our very corrupt and broken system we will find out otherwise.
Dear Saker: Indeed is a sad day to learn that the Bolivian neocons are back in power. The problem I see is that Morales failed to secure a successor. According to the law in Bolivia, the President could only a number of terms. Mr., Morales decided to go on and the neocons decided to act in his mistake. The could have amended the Constitution or he should have chosen a successor. In spite of his popularity and all the good work he did he did a serious mistake running against the Constitution.
“The bestiality of imperialism. A bestiality that knows no limits, that has no national frontiers. The bestiality of Hitler’s armies… is like the North American bestiality…like that of the Belgian paratroopers…and that of the French imperialists in Algeria. For it is the very essence of imperialism to turn men into wild bloodthirsty animals…determined to slaughter, kill, murder and destroy the very last vestige of the image of the revolutionary or the partisan in any regime…that they crush under their boots because it fights for freedom. The statute of Lumumba…destroyed today but rebuilt tomorrow reminds us the tragic story of this martyr of the world revolution…and make sure that we never trust imperialism. In no way at all! Not an iota!”
—- Ernesto Che Guevara
Hasta Siempre Commandante!
But they so effectively market it under other names that people still fall for it.
Globalism, Global Climate, etc…
Greta Thunberg never mentions the greatest polluter in the world – China. Why is that?
Globalism is direct threat to all nations participating in its corrupt intents.
If people and the governments that represetn them truly cared about the environment, they would manufacture and grow locally everything they could to reduce the emissions of VLCC’s and ULCC’s (Very Large Crude Carriers & Ultra Large Crude Carriers) which 5 of them pollute the world more than all US vehicles combined.
“if you want to openly defy the diktats of the Empire, make absolutely sure the commanders of your armed forces are loyal to you.”
This is so true. The reason Chavez was able to come to power in Venezuela is because, unlike other South American militaries, the military there is dominated by leftist politics; dark-skinned people join the Venezuelan military because racism blocks them from other jobs.
The left in general seems to be bad at seizing centers of bureaucratic power. They are not ruthless, strategic, or power-hungry enough, but the fascists are. Erdogan is probably still in power because he placed loyalists in important positions in the Turkish military.
The OAS has discredited itself. It must be full of the usual “class enemies” that seem the norm in South American countries. They are a modern incarnation of colonial types.
Please let us be a bit more discerning and critical !
Evo Morales & The Left-Right Charade
Banker Otto Kahn – “These opposites … meet again … in the remaking of the world from above by the control of riches, and from below by revolution.”
I´m also a reader of Makow, and its an interesting discussion. But you don´t get any(I saw that you tried earlier here in this thread) comments and I have seen the same phenonomen before here. The devil is still outsmarting a lot of goodhearted people, even in this highly informed community. I don´t blame, in my own experience its a long journey to cut throw all the layers of He has wrapped us in. I also recommend Luke 10:21.
You two need to be looked up in an asylum.
can we really trust Putin..Zi J Ping?
Roberts rings bells that are not easy to dismiss
Ah, my fellow good faith beached submarine commanders, it is profoundly sad that Morales has been ousted by another cheap, dirty, ‘colour revolution’ facilitated by the empathically-demented ‘landed’* socio-economic elite.
Another example of a tactical weapon being used against an entity that has not yet come to terms with this latest weaponized technology.
Even in Hong Kong, we can see this … can we say evil, tactical assault seemingly successful, against China, the world’s leading production economy and rapidly assuming the lead role in technological development.
But this is the last stand of the empire.
This is why they seem like a one-trick pony; it’s the only trick they have left to exert their influence, and this last trick, over-used, as is the custom of degenerating empires, tactic, will cause the resistance to develop inoculations, and leaders who have not yet emerged, to have theoretical systems of countering these tactics ready to try to implement, when they come to power.
While the one side of the coin is sadness at the ouster of Morales, the other side of the coin is that Morales was there, and required the empire to use their only potentially successful tactic again.
The pattern is becoming clear to more and more people, despite the propaganda agencies and their ‘deep-state’ controllers, censorship of the facts from the majority.
Don’t forget, there is no requirement to have the majority in possession of the facts, but only a critical mass of ‘early adapters’ and their influence upon the ‘first followers’ or in business-school terminology, the ‘capitalizers’.
Despite their increasing association with, and/or in the socio-economic elite and the parasitic class, history shows that this group is ultimately driven by egotistic-narcissism, which trumps affiliation (even in the parasitic class!)
(pun well-intended).
You are the early-adapters, and the ‘capitalizers’ are always stealing their ideas from you (for their personal glory).
Sometimes an early-adapter will step into the role of capitalizer, as some amongst you, may well do.
So, succor your sadness with the facts:
1. the need and subsequent exposure it caused, to address the success of Evo Morales
2. Evo is reportedly safe, for the moment
3. The empire controllership is consuming itself at its heart, at the same time, having redirected their coup d’etat tactics to their own ‘democratically selected’* executive leadership
Keep the faith, the in-good-faith among you continue to do well in your commandership of your selves, and contribute to the revolution with your sharings; ‘thank you’, by the way.
While the events in Bolivia, at this point in time, seem sad, they were unfortunately, completely predictable.
The empire is in a death-spiral, and we must look forward to containment of the completely predictable ‘burnt-earth’ policy these psychopaths will not hesitate to attempt, at the same time as continually nudging the meaningful facts into the minds of more early adapters, and the first-follower cohort.
BTW: thanks for all the chuckles
*1. ‘landed’* socio-economic elite: the 0.1 top socio-economic elite are not aligned nationally, as are the majority of the 99%, they wear the flag, as ‘situationally‘ most advantageous at the moment; i.e. many, if not all of the confederates in coup in Bolivia, have the capability, by wealth, to have residency in one of the empire nation states; they are ‘patriots only of convenience.
*2. [empire] ‘democratically selected’* executive leadership: regardless of what you think of the Trump presidency, and Trump as a person, according to the actual system, he won as fair and square as is possible, and the alternatives, many among you would agree, seemed and still seem, worse, and were found factually, to have overtly cheated to progress through the gating system, i.e. DNC corruption constraining the Bernie candidacy in 2016
A Canadian perspective from our indigenous people link below. We removed the fascist leaning foreign minister Christina Freeland who said that the fascist coup in Bolivia was democracy. What to expect from a fascist Russophobe and supported of Ukrainian Fascist but this despicable act of betrayal of Ivo Morales.
Mr Aram
Thanks for the update on Iran. I have 2 comments and a question.
(1) Religion is good for personal salvation but bad for use as a tool for political governance of a country.This is an unpalatable truth that Iran has to tackle at some point in time.
(2)The Empire is strong militarily and economically.It has many puppets (UN NATO, etc). It deploys propaganda and dominates the narrative in media space to hypnotize its victims (citizens, friend & foe) War against it is suicide,but passive resistance plus wide media coverage might deter it from a counter strike.
My question is, why aren’t we seeing true patriots of Iran coming to the rescue of government by embarking on huge ‘Humanitarian’ protest march (millions) to European capitals like Berlin & Paris demanding the ending of sanctions?
are trying to catch up with Poland as the most abjectly subservient voluntary slaves of the Empire. These countries all know that both Maduro in Venezuela or Morales in Bolivia were honestly elected and that all the rumors about a stolen election are nothing more than crude lies . In sharp contrast, the so-called “US allies” in the region are all spineless prostitutes who are in power solely because of the support of the AngloZionist Empire.
Teh West needs precious metals for mandatory Electric Vehicle migration in the US and England. Can’t have those poor poor corporations footing the bill themselves now can we?
Last week, Chilean model Valentina Schnitzer sparked outrage by declaring, the sea belongs to Bolivia at a South American beauty pageant.