[this analysis was written for the Unz Review]
It is sometimes helpful not to look at any one specific issue in detail, but rather make a survey of ongoing processes instead. The resulting picture is neither better nor worse, it is simply different. This is what I want to do today: to take a bird’s eye view of our suffering planet.
Putin trolls the Empire:
It is all really simple: if the Ukrainians will give passports to Russian citizens, and we in Russia will be handing out passports to the Ukrainians, then sooner or later will will reach the expected result: everybody will have the same citizenship. This is something which we have to welcome. Vladimir Putin |
It appears that the Kremlin is very slowly changing its approach to the Ukrainian issue and is now relying more on unilateral actions. The first two measures taken by the Russians are maybe not “too little too late”, but certainly “just the bare minimum and at that, rather late”. Still, I can only salute the Kremlin’s newly found determination. Specifically, the Kremlin has banned the export of energy products to the Ukraine (special exemptions can still be granted on a case by case basis) and the Russians have decided to distribute Russian passports to the people of Novorussia. Good.
Zelenskii’s reaction to this decision came as the first clear sign that the poor man has no idea what he is doing and no plan as to how to deal with the Russians. He decided to crack a joke, (which he is reportedly good at), and declare that the Ukrainian passport was much better than the Russian one and that the Ukraine will start delivering Ukrainian passports to Russian citizens. Putin immediately replied with one of his typical comebacks declaring that he supports Zelenskii and that he looks forward to the day when Russians and Ukrainians will have the same citizenship again. Zelenskii had nothing to say to that :-)
Zelenskii finally finds something common to Russia and the Ukraine
I have been thinking long about this “a lot in common” between Ukraine and Russia. The reality is that today, after the annexation of the Crimea and the aggression in the Donbas, of the “common” things we have only one thing left – this is the state border. And control of every inch on the Ukrainian side, must be returned by Russia. Only then will we be able to continue the search for [things in] “common” Vladimir Zelenskii |
Well, almost. He did eventually make a Facebook post in which he declared that all that Russia and the Ukraine had in common was a border. This instantly made him the object of jokes and memes, since all Russians or Ukrainians know that Russia and the Ukraine have many old bonds which even 5 years of a vicious civil war and 5 years of hysterically anti-Russian propaganda could not sever. They range from having close relatives in the other country, to numerous trade and commercial transactions, to a common language. The closest thing to a real Ukrainian language would be the Surzhik which is roughly 50/50 in terms of vocabulary and whose pronunciation is closer to the south Russian one than to the Zapadenskii regional dialect spoken in the western Ukraine and which is used (and currently imposed) by the Ukronazi junta in Kiev.
The malignant manatee threatens the planet with fire and brimstone
We have Pompeo, a malignant manatee looking to start wars in which he will not risk his flabby amorphous ass also parading his Christianity. Bolton, a mean sonofabitch who belongs in a strait jacket, at least doesn’t pose as someone having a soul. And the Golden Tufted Cockatoo, too weak to control those around him, preening and tweeting. God save us. Fred Reed |
The term “malignant manatee” is not from me, the brilliant Fred Reed came up with this one, but I can only fully endorse it because it fits. Perfectly. And our malignant manatee sure is on a roll! Just this week he managed to threaten Venezuela, Iran, and even Russia and China together. I think that it is high time to declare that Pompeo is a bona fide nutcase, a dangerous, arrogant and ignorant psychopath whose crazy statements represent a direct threat to the entire planet. Not to say that his pal Bolton is any less crazy. Now combine these two rabid thugs with the spineless “Golden Tufted Cockatoo” (to use Fred Reed’s equally hilarious but accurate characterization) and you see that the planet is in big, big trouble.
Turns out that Putin is a crypto-Zionist and an Israeli puppet.

Putin with his Jewish buddies
Here I won’t even bother with any quotes. The alternative Internet/blogosphere has, again, been hit by a wave of articles declaring that Putin is Netanyahu’s puppet and a crypto-Zionist. I have debunked that nonsense in the past (see here and here) and I won’t repeat it all here. Besides, what this surge in “Putin the Zionist” propaganda is, is not so much the result of a gradual realization about the true agenda or Putin himself as much as it is, yet again, a desperate scramble for clicks. I already discussed that recently too (see here). I will just reiterate my conclusion here: clickbaiters are never experts and experts are never clickbaiters.
Frankly, to all those who email me and ask “Is it really true? Putin is an Israeli puppet? He helps Netanyahu in Syria, does he not?!” I would suggest simply looking at what the Israelis and Zionists write about Putin (for starters, you can click here, here or here). Even better, ask the defenders of Putin the crytpo-Zionist to explain the hysterically anti-Putin campaign the US legacy Ziomedia has been engaged in for the past years! But don’t hold your breath for an answer – since Russia has comprehensively foiled all Israel’s many plans for Syria, it takes a remarkable determination not to see that Putin is hated by Neocons and Zionists alike, and for good cause, I would add.
Oh, and Putin is a crypto-Muslim too!

Putin with his Muslim buddies
Yes, besides being a crypto-Zionist, Putin is also a crypto-Muslim. This latest nonsense usually comes from Alt-Right circles who can forgive Putin his friendliness to Israel, but not to Islam. These are the folks who believe that Putin is not a real defender of the “White Race”. They are opposed by those who believe that Putin and the Moscow Patriarchate will somehow jump-start the “Christian West”. We are talking about some hardcore “single-issue” folks here whose main disagreement is whether Jews or Muslims are to be hated (and feared!) most.
[Having had to deal with both groups myself – I have been accused of being a Jew, a Jew lover and a Muslim and a Muslim lover many times! – I know that reasoning with these folks is a total waste of time. Their paranoid hatred is completely incompatible with any fact-based and logical discussion. Besides, by arguing with them you threaten their income and livelihood – which due to their lack of expertise depends entirely on their ability to generate clickbait revenue. If you do engage with them, they will call you a Jew-lover or an Islam-lover and that’s it. Not worth your time IMHO].
The quasi-comical truth is that the Alt-Righters don’t get Russia *at all*. They keep transposing their narrow horizons on a nation with which they have absolutely nothing in common, not even religiously or racially (even if they think otherwise). Hence their love-hate relationship with Putin: on one hand, they would love to have a champion like Putin (Ann Coulter or Milo Yiannopoulos do not qualify), but on the other, they hate Putin for not endorsing their racist and fascist agenda. Truth be told: Russia has no use for these intellectual midgets.
Russia is “selling out” to the Taliban?

The Russian Ambassador to Kabul with his Taliban buddies
Well, since we are making a (tongue-in-cheek) “inventory” of all of Putin’s (and even Russia’s) sins, let’s include cozying up to the Taliban (who even agreed to put on Saint George’s Ribbons!) and… … and what exactly is happening here?
How about trying to bring peace back to Afghanistan? You know – the same thing Russia is doing in Venezuela, in Syria and elsewhere. This implies talking to the other side, and even striking smiling poses when asked by the press.
Needless to say, the thugs running the AngloZionst Empire have accused Russia or aiding and even arming the Taliban. And why not? This is no more ridiculous than saying that Saddam and Iran are helping al-Qaeda, or than saying that Russia “hacked” DNC computers, or told Maduro not to run for his life. Hey! We are living in “Skripal times” and the rules of evidence have changed to “highly likely” – so why not claim that Russia is also selling out to the Taliban (maybe even on Netanyahu’s orders?).
In the meantime, Russian soldiers are busy ducking missiles…
Yep, apparently unaware that their Commander-in-Chief is a puppet of both Israel and the worldwide Islamic Ummah, Russian servicemen are ducking missiles in Syria. The latest attack saw them shoot 36 missiles (and one targeting drone) out of the sky. This is good news, of course, but this just goes to show that these (US and Israel backed) Islamists shooting these missiles have not been informed that the Russian military in Syria is here to help Netanyahu and Trump. Somebody should probably tell them ;-)
Conclusion: just one more crazy and terrifying week, with many more to come
I tried to be a little tongue-in-cheek here, but the reality is that what is taking place before our eyes is both absolutely insane and most terrifying. Why? Because the world is now ruled by a most dangerous gang of ignorant thugs who are very rapidly losing their grip on our planet and who is simply neither intellectually equipped to understand, nor deal with this very complex and rapidly changing situation.
What we are seeing is a full-spectrum collapse of the unipolar world and its gradual, but also inexorable, replacement with a multi-polar world in which things like “speaking with your adversaries or even enemies” becomes the norm rather than the exception. Even more importantly, this is a world in which US threats always fall on deaf ears simply because nobody takes the US seriously anymore. While the US military probably has the capability to re-invade Grenada or “bring democracy” to the inhabitants of the North Sentinel Island – no adults in the room will be impressed (least of all the Iranians!).
It is this quiet indifference which enrages the likes of Pompeo, Bolton or Trump – for all their narcissistic chest-thumping – they are, and will forever remain, the ultimate losers – folks who simply couldn’t get *anything* done. Even more terrifying is their sense of total impunity. If Obama was “democracy with a human face” then Trump is “democracy with a simian face” – not much better.
When I think that a “Golden Tufted Cockatoo” (to use Fred Reeds wonderful image) has the authority to press the nuclear button I feel terrified. I also realize that the survival of the human species will depend on Putin and Xi and their ability to gradually disarm or neutralize the US threat without triggering a nuclear war.
These are truly terrifying times. If you are not terrified, then you are delusional.
But if being terrified is a natural and absolutely normal reaction, we need to overcome it and fearlessly resist. Like Maduro does, surrounded by his men.
This refusal to be afraid, even while being terrified, is how we will eventually defeat the Empire!
Venezuela is, by far, the weakest link in the chain of resistance to the Empire. But look at these faces! All I can say is this: may the courage of the kids protecting not only Maduro, but also the sovereignty of their country, be an inspiration to us all, no matter how terrified we are.
The Saker
UPDATE: turns out that it was not Russia or Cuba which are responsible for the failed coup. According to Neocon US Senator from Florida, Venezuela regime change crusader Marco Rubio, it’s the Chinese! I wonder whom the US leaders are going to blame next? Any guesses?
“The first two measures taken by the Russians are maybe not “too little too late”, but certainly “just the bare minimum and at that, rather late”. Still, I can only salute the Kremlin’s newly found determination. Specifically, the Kremlin has banned the export of energy products to the Ukraine (special exemptions can still be granted on a case by case basis) and the Russians have decided to distribute Russian passports to the people of Novorussia.”
Rather than Russia acting late in pursuing these policies, I think it is more fue to changes in the ukraine with the zionazi-gay appointment of their zelinsky (spell?) quisling. This indicating zionazia is intending to go more hardcore, and past Russian policy of working to reduce tensions has become obsolete.
The Russian policy changes indicate they expect increased aggression from israel’s ukronazi colony. I think this will mean Russia will back Novorussia more overtly and are preemptively working to weaken any ukronazi aggression economically. IE: Russia doesn’t expect any progress from ukrainians in dealing with the zionazi’s nazis any more. At least not anytime soon.
Great photo of Maduro and the soldiers.
vot tal
As I have written before, there is one quality which Russians and Chinese have over the west, and that is patience. In Russia there is a saying: “We wait”.
As far as I can see, Russian foreign policy towards Ukraine has indeed been brilliant, based on the Russian tradition of patience. I have read many articles from people why wondered why Putin did not unite the Donbass with Russia. There is no need for this. Why would Putin unite the Donbass with Russia when he can unite at least 75 % of Ukraine with Russia, bearing in mind that at least 75 % of Ukraine was created on historical Russian land ? Personally I think that in the end this will turn out to be inevitable.
When it comes to overall foreign policy, both the Russians and Chinese have applied the military strategy known as the offensive-defensive. Both have given priority to their infrastructures and modernization of the military, as well as creating international economic organizations. After that both have applying a step by step approach towards the rest of the world, encouraging other countries to join the organizations they have created.
And the US ? It has given priority to globalist plans first and domestic infrastructure second. I believe that Trump has so far reopened just a single factory, although I could be wrong. The US is showing the same mentality every empire has showed once it begins to decline, namely retaining the empire at any cost. And the result ? The empire collapses, while the infrastructure is reduced to what we now have in Ukraine; it’s falling to pieces.
What about the US Government and people like Pompeo and Bolton ? The impression is that they don’t know what they are doing nor do they have a clear picture of what they are supposed to do. They are applying old methods of subversion, giving priority to those countries which have the greatest potential for possible plundering, like Iran and Venezuela. I see that Washington is very surprised indeed that old methods did not work with Venezuela. A US invasion of Venezuela ? Always possible, but even Washington must know what the consequences on the international field would be. A military invasion of Iran ? Only if Washington has gone completely insane.
No matter what Washington decides to do, it cannot prevent the rise of Euro-Asia.I wonder if it is capable of grasping this point.
You said…”A military invasion of Iran ? Only if Washington has gone completely insane.”
Looking in from afar the big problem appears to me that the two most influential ‘people’…[Bolton and Pompeo] in this unfolding disaster are already comprehensively certifiable…of course, this begs the question…surely the Orange Crested Cockatoo must be too since he made the astonishingly reckless decision to appoint these dangerous morons in the first place.
Regards from the south seas
Col, Satan-yahoo gets his beloved ‘New Purim’ and the Sordid Barbarians get more headless, leg-less, arm-less corpses for their Wahhabist death-cult, and the US MIC genocide-machine gets big profits, if the USA attacks Iran from a safe distance. These Thanatopian ‘warriors’ love killing for ‘democracy’ and ‘Western Moral Values’, but really hate dying for it. If Iran, or Hezbollah, dares to fight back, you can expect the vermin of the Western fakestream media to immediately declare them the ‘aggressors’ as they do with the imprisoned Gazans.
I fully expect there will be a false flag attack by Iran staged any day soon…the playbook is as old and tattered as it is predictable…these are very dangerous times…as far as we are both geographically distanced from this looming conflict, it ain’t far enough.
I fear that both Bolton and Pompeo want a major war with Iran in the ME so they can play their psychopathic center stage role in their much-anticipated rapture. Meanwhile, the Orange Crested Cockatoo is so busy preening himself that he won’t even realize that these two lunatics threaten the very survival of humanity until it is all too late.
Orange Crested Cockatoo (warning fowl language)
Wise Adviser
Haha, that’s a good one, Azorka.
Trump, er., I mean Pebble, is a hoot!
…yep fowl indeed…love it!!
Jesus…. I don’t think you’re far off the mark Col, and also remember Pence is a raving rapturist loon as well. We are in dangerous times… Greetings from a fellow Kiwi in Aussie – and even tho we’re way down here, I don’t think it’ll matter how far away we are when it all hits the fan.
‘Waiting is.’ The civilizations threatened by the debased theocratic death-states of Talmudistan, Thanatopia and Sordid Barbaria, plus their scurvy crew of running-dogs, hypocrites, double-dealers and Sabbat Goy stooges ie the EU, the Five Eyes and sundry poor world death-squad regimes, must just wait it out. I put the risks of the dying rabid beast that is ‘Western Civilization’ in its decrepitude destroying us all at 90% and growing by the day. But if there is any chance for humanity to survive in any but an Oldawan condition, it lies with China, Russia, Iran and, if it comes to its senses, India, despite their own fallibilities.
” The US is showing the same mentality every empire has showed once it begins to decline, namely retaining the empire at any cost. ”
I don’t think every empire has done this.
My impression—not an expert on dutch colonial history—but my impression is that the Dutch very cannily withdrew from overt imperial/colonial relationships while retaining the best of what they had previously conquered, to enrich their culture and their society, in both senses of the word “enrich.”
From the start they concentrated on . . . just making money, not controlling and oppressing distant populations!
“This reflected the primary purpose of the Dutch colonial empire: commercial exchange as opposed to sovereignty over homogeneous landmasses.”
After WW2 they basically just said: So long, it’s been good to know you—but why don’t you come to Amsterdam and open some really good Rijstafel restaurants! And we would love to continue to do horticultural research in the great botanical gardens we set up here. And we also plan to continue to trade in and import coffee, tea, chocolate, sugar, rataan, tropical woods, ginger and other pleasant and useful things. Tot straks!
And to think that the “resistance” domestically merely amounts to (And this is being charitable) another form of imperialism. When I saw that two carrier battle groups were being dispatched, one on the Atlantic the other on the Pacific, I thought we were headed for a scenario similar to that in David Michael Greer’s “Twilghts last gleaming.”
But we find out it was merely a scheduled deployment that Bolton and Pompeo described in menacing terms – the menace dutifully parroted by the corporate media.
I find that watching this empire fall apart is a little like watching a big 18 wheeler careen out of control as it’s headed toward you on a highway. The only thing to do is try not to take a direct hit.
You’re not going to stop it.
Love the analogy! Too bad it’s true! Paul the NZ city dweller!
“…the survival of the human species will depend on Putin and Xi and their ability to gradually disarm or neutralize the US threat without triggering a nuclear war.” Very much agree.
The struggle of the 21st century is to neutralize, defeat, or exhaust the US Empire and every way I look at it I don’t see how we will avoid WW3 but from studying history I know that even the neocon and neolib vipers could be derailed by the human spirit that is within all of us. So I despair and hope at the same time.
That is a wonderful picture of the people with Maduro.
” So I despair and hope at the same time.” I feel the same way. We should not be ashamed of our uncertainties – the world is pushing us into this posture. It is an honorable place for an aware person to be.
I’ve long believed that humanity was destined to self-destruct due to the efforts of the 10 to 20% of our species who are psychopaths of more or less virulent type. They created a system, Free Market capitalism, that empowers them at the expense of all others, and they have already done the job by engineering the ecological Holocaust, in search of infinite growth to sate their insatiable greed, that is currently consuming Life on Earth. The rise of Trump, the existence of Bolton, Pompeo, Satan-yahoo etc, and the craven, hypocritical, vicious complicity of stooge regimes like the EU, Austfailia and the Latin American death-squad regimes, seems to me to be certifiably the last scene, then-exeunt omnes.
Hi Mulga,
I think your assessment is apt, but here is a twist.
What truly causes the collapse that you describe; the psychopaths themselves, or the apathy and naivety of the rest?
As a population, we are collectively deemed to be cattle for good reason. Reminds me of a Gary Larson cartoon, of one enlightened sheep (surely about to be ostracised) trying to explain to his incredulous fellow sheep, ‘I’m telling you, the dog and the farmer are working together.’
Both, occasional. In the past the rabble in the West were kept in line by bribery, hatred and fear of others (Divide and Rule and colonial and Imperial aggression) and the knout. This century the masses were brainwashed by propaganda through the fakestream media, advertising, PR and ‘entertainment’, particularly Hollywood. But that doesn’t work in a financialised, Free Market Fundamentalist capitalist state where inequality, mass poverty, insecure work and huge indebtedness have blown the propaganda lies of ‘Western Superiority’ out of the water. Hence the frenzied hatred, born of fear, of China, where the system works so very much better for all, and no Zionazi will ever write legislation for the Government to slavishly rubber-stamp, as AIPAC does in the USA.
Further exploration of this topic, from evolutionary point of view:
US foreign policy is indeed a criminal enterprise.
The premise of US foreign policy, is that all others who are not vassals, must remain face down in the mud, because if they get up off the ground, then they threaten the US, just as if they were an escaped convict from prison. Not least Iran, who put its country smack in the middle of all these US bases, a clear provocation.
What is amazing, is how easy it is to whip up that same attitude in the citizenry, who are ready then to go to war against any poor nation, simply for being there. The crazies have no power without mass public ignorance, but it is the gift that never stops giving.
David Icke said recently, and surely an unrelated topic, ‘Netanyahoo re-elected as President of the US.’
Mulga…. While nearly all the World, especially in fully subservient vassal states like Australia are either fast asleep or fully brainwashed by the presstitutes or too busy going shopping. There’s a brilliant site called Neoliberalism Softpanorama that is huge, and blows the lid off the dogma of Neoliberalism. Many subsections such as ‘neoliberal rationality’ ‘neoliberal brainwashing’ ‘neoliberalism and inequality’ ‘audacious oligarchy and democracy for winners’ etc etc. Can’t remember if I told you about it already, but check it out.
Thanks Gezzah-I’ll check it out. ‘Neo-liberalism’ is simply laissez-faire capitalism, ie ancient parasitism plus the hatred of others, allied to advanced technology, with the Pentagon, CIA, NED, NSA, IMF, World Bank, WTO etc as enforcers. It is simply the outcome of the reaction that set in in the USA after the Powell Memorandum of 1971, the work of the Mount Pellerin Society and the growth of Zionazi power in the West. The latter, I think, is the most crucial, because the Zionazis represent that strain of Judaic thought and culture that emphasises hatred and contempt for the goyim, a xenophobic ideology that well fits with the class and race hatred of the Western Sabbat Goy elites. The Zionazis have cleverly targeted the heights of power in the West, by ensuring vast over-representation in US Ivy League colleges, the entry points to elite power, the take-over of strategic Government agencies, particularly the Treasury and ‘Justice’, by controlling the brainwashing apparatus of the media, advertising, PR and ‘entertainment’, and, most pertinently, by simply buying the servile obedience of the political vermin by straight bribery.
Neo-liberalism is essentially a Zionazi phenomenon, as the predominance of Milton Friedman (‘Capitalism is good for the Jews’)and his acolytes illustrates. Moreover its Evil twin, ‘neo-conservatism’ is even more plainly Zionazi in origin and devotion to Israel. Basically, since at least 1967 and Israel’s victory in the Six Day War and impunity to retribution over its attack on the USS Liberty and deliberate murder of US service-men, the Zionazis have controlled the USA ever more completely, a control that now extends to the EU and the Five Eyes stooge regimes. And with absolute power comes absolute corruption, nowhere better illustrated that in the personality of Bibi Satan-yahoo, and the Sulphur Crested Sabbat Goy in the White House.
Why hasn’t any country every tried to copy the US Bill of Rights? What about incorporating some of the best elements of the US Constitution into the existing Russian one? Would Putin be up to the task?
I would like to think that Russia is working actively to dismantle Neoliberalism inside Russia. Is it? Paul Craig Roberts thinks most Russian elites and oligarchs are still trying hard to make Russia a vassal of the Empire. In that sense, is Putin “selling out” to the Anglo-American elites:
Someone might consider it if they saw the United States at least observe its own original constitution and its own bill of rights, which they do not see, because the United States simply does not do so.
No disrespect to Paul Craig Roberts – to the contrary – at least he is terrified, and not delusional. I think he gets very scared to think Russia will not be there to rescue the rest. He places a heavy burden on Russia – a burden that is probably not even theirs to carry. He talks about loans – he forgets to to talk about gold. He also forgets to talk about the many alternative economic mechanisms that Russia is taking part in, and even developing. He also is not taking a very clear look at what the Russian Central Bank in reality is doing – and it may be using Western mechanism, but is beginning to use that in a very different way – to support internal Government/Private economic initiative.
Russia is carrying something like 60 sanctions from the US alone – and despite that they are running an economy that is consistently growing, but not at a blistering pace. There is good economic management there. What we should be terrified at, is if the Chinese says that they will not longer negotiate Trump’s trade war. OK, they are negotiating for form only, but at least when the talking continues, the missiles do not yet fly, and the world economy is not yet falling like a row of dominoes.
If Russia began following the “advice” given to her by the likes of roberts and others of far right western ilk, then I’d be worried. But fortunately, Russia knows better and are pursuing their own home grown destiny. There wont be another gorby sellout, that bird doesn’t fly no more.
That is the ‘Damned if you do, cursed if you don’t’ dilemma. If the global economy does not collapse, then it destroys the habitability of the planet for our species. If it does, then the parasites ensure that everyone but they pay the price. Only a complete transformation of every aspect of human existence on the planet can guarantee continued human occupation of the Earth-and we needed to start thirty years ago, or so. It is the global ‘Samson Doctrine’, of the Western elites-if we cannot rule over the Earth, and do as we please, then we will destroy it all.
don t worry.
Most countries have copied the US constitution in the past – and are lately copying the american contempt, overlook and systematic rule breaking.
Are U saying the US is a model of rights and democracy or did I take you wrong?
I had thought that that ‘good cop’, good western movie hero’ had been abandoned back at the time when on US person (colin powel in the UN) produced a speech for the most massive lie calculated for worldwide consumption we ever saw.
Neo-liberalism is simply yet another manifestation of parasitism and the hatred of others in human societies. The parasites have one great advantage-they love to kill to get their way. Despite the clear evidence that co-operation and mutual support is hard-wired into humanity’s DNA, behaviour and history over hundreds of thousands of years, the blood-suckers have usurped power through their operating system, capitalism, which is a type of neoplastic death-cult, dedicated to turning all that is living, diverse and inter-connected into the dead sludge of money, or ‘wealth’, to be concentrated in as few hands as possible. Now that the parasites have the required technology at their disposal, they can move on to their final solution for the ‘useless eaters’ problem-the extermination of the 99% of humanity that they despise and fear. Thermonuclear war being too destructive even for these monsters, I fully expect bio-warfare at some stage, probably quite soon.
Here are some interesting comments from Mike Pompeo about Donald Trump’s role in the Middle East and why he was elected:
So much for that Russian meddling narrative that Washington is so fond of perpetuating.
What we have are the deployment of economic war and the threat of the real thing. War as actually waged by the Empire is impotent. Everyone knows it.
For targets to be terrified and angry is what the Empire wants. The brain doesn’t function well when occupied by emotions.
The targets of the Empire’s aggression should be ridiculing, ignoring, acting unilaterally and engaging with each other economically in transactions not based on the dollar or euro. That, and establishing sovereignty over their own skies because the Empire’s militaries and proxies are dead meat without air cover. The ultimate goal: a full, complete and enforced divorce from the Empire. A federation of countries who are 100% sovereign. An Empire cut off by their own sanctions.
Reconcile only if and when the Empire changes from threatening to begging.
Agree with the strategy you have outlined! What comes in the way, however, besides fear, is also greed. Most people in the world seem to harbour the delusion that a better life awaits them if they mindlessly follow the allegedly successful ‘western’ model.
As always, history remains our best teacher, as well as our mean to gain insight into the present, and potentially future events. Not because I believe that ‘history repeats itself’, it’s rather that the knowledge of the processes which took place in the past, help us understand our world today. History has its own progression curve and dynamism. The assessment of the events that take place today often depends on putting them in the correct historical context.
When applied to the topic of Russia/Empire relations today this principle brings us to interesting observations. The US Empire and its establishment continue with the old British Imperial policy towards Russia: containment. Significant differences in the approach and method exist, however. Whereas the British were the masters of the fabled ‘balance of power’ strategy that sought to weaken geopolitical rivals by driving a wedge between them and strengthening their opponents at the same time. During the Cold War, these principles were also followed by US diplomacy, still competent at that time until the collapse of the USSR made the US political establishment believe diplomacy is no longer necessary for an indispensable nation and the only global hegemon.
Back to my initial point: containment, it’s interesting to note that this word has remained in the dictionary of top-ranking US officials when referring to foreign policy towards Russia, until very recently, that is, the Obama administration. The failure of the containment policy is obvious from today’s perspective: not only it all but disappeared from the dictionary of US officials, the aggressive behavior of Washington has worked to bring China and Russia closer together. We will see no repeat of the ’70s when Kissinger could successfully get closer to Beijing and isolate the USSR, by exploiting the disagreements between Moscow and Beijing.
From an even broader historical perspective, the West’s collective strategy in dealing with Russia was containment as a precursor to aggression (though not always the full-scale invasion as in the cases of Napoleon and Hitler). The bearer of this policy was first the Vatican, whose crusades against Orthodox Slavs are now mostly forgotten, then the British Empire, which it remains to this day, albeit under a new guise.
Napoleon had been used as their tool, although it has to be remarked that the British, not Russia, had been his main enemy.
Germany had inherited France as the principal continental power in Europe, the country which possessed all the means to achieve and maintain continental hegemony and potentially bring the continent together in some sort of a political and/or economic union. This, of course, threatened Britain’s political and economic interest. The prevention of any continental power to dominate Europe, with all of its resources, technology, and human potential, remained the primary concern of British policy throughout the XIX century. The rise of Germany, the rapid development of its economy and naval power following the unification, caused panic among the British establishment. Last but not least, they feared a potential Moscow-Berlin axis, which would effectively diminish the importance of the British control of the seas, world shipping and the flow of resources. German technology, Russian resources, and immense development potential would certainly rival the British domination over global trade, by creating a large bloc able to control the Eurasian landmass.
It’s is in this context, I believe, that we should view the tragic history of the XX century. The role of the British and (Jewish) banking and financial elites in the Bolshevik coup, the subsequent support of the City of London and Wall Street in financing Hiler’s armament programs, but also their deliberate causing of the economic disaster that hit the Weimar Republic, greatly contributing to upheavals which paved way for Hitler’s coming to power.
Only after great suffering, at huge human costs, did the Soviet Union manage to defeat the Nazi invasion. As a result, a bipolar world emerged, the ruling Anglo-American elites got their ideal enemy, the one they could say threatened their way of life. Russia had been forced to spend its resources on paying for the development of the war-ravaged areas, the development of the other Soviet republics, and an arms race with the US which it was bound to lose in one way or another.
As a result of both foreign pressure and internal mistakes of the Soviet rulers, Russia emerged from the SU weakened, contracted, devastated economically and demoralized. All those peoples who have been liberated from the Nazis at a terrible cost eagerly turned their back to the ‘Asiatic Russia’, seeking a brighter future as Europe’s periphery.
London achieved what it wanted: the breakup of the old rival, a stranglehold over the European continent, now ‘protected’ by the US military muscle.
As if often the case, the collapse of Empires begins once they reach their zenith after which they begin to follow a downward trajectory, almost impossible to reverse if a civilization enters the stage of irreversible cultural, moral and spiritual decline.
The passing of the hegemony from London to Washington signals the last stage in the history of the Western Empire, that had its beginning in the early modern era, with the rise of global trade and colonialism by which the West had dominated other civilizations and exploited them to fuel its own material development. Imperialism and Capitalism represented the very last stages of the development of the Western Empire.
The incompetence and hubris of its leaders, the corruption, collapse of moral values, endless wars and economic crashes are the manifestations of the slow, but steady, decline of Western Empire.
Russia is acting in the only way possible: preparing for the emergence of a new world, where we’ll no longer have one civilization destroying and assimilating all others based on a self-righteous, amoral, universalistic ‘humanist’ ideology.
As a bearer of Orthodox civilizational model, Russia should provide a viable alternative to the decaying Western global Empire. Christian West has died long ago, even though there may be hope for some sort of revival on its periphery. Orthodox East, while not unaffected itself, must be the source of a return to a different kind of world, the one where the money is not the ultimate measure of all things and where the human race is not doomed to a slow spiritual death.
Russia is certainly not alone, China is a bearer of an ancient and vital civilization, the Arab world may yet emerge from its ‘dark age’ and the peoples of Africa and Latin America may also play a key role in the creation of a new world.
We’re witnessing the birth of a post-Western world. It may last for many generations, but eventually, there is going to be a new stage in world history. It’s already happening.
It seems like the containment shoe is now on the other foot.
It is the USA that somehow must be contained.
An article by Ray McGovern published in antiwar.com quoting a memoir by German describing the quiet folding of the opposition to Hitler by the social democrats ( as well as the German CP due to its own opportunism)
All those smiling Chavistas, Hugo would be so proud. If any US politician tried that, he’d get fragged on the spot.
I understand the ‘fear’ of the big one……………but once one turns ones fate over to God (there is no fate btw, every thing is planned), then the fear is irrellavant. God controls everything; if it is to be, it will be, meanwhile go on doing what you are doing and live life. Many people live in fear of ‘terror’ having never experienced it (tv’s good for that). I have experienced terror first hand, personally. There is nothing one can do, it is what it is, you learn to live with it, knowing tomorrow may be your last day, no needd to worry about nuclear armagedeon when the terror is happening right in front of you. One could also step off a curb, and catch a bus. Fall off a balcony. Who lives in fear of crossing the road, or standing on a balcony?
If it’s your time to go, nothing one can do about it. That’s why it is important to live each day like it’s your last. Oh, and be nice to your neighbours, it’ll help when the pearly gates come in to view.
From all I have heard, the Venezuelans are an exceptionally peaceful folk, who welcome visitors and would much prefer to live quietly than to fight.
But the photograph reminds me of the stirring words, so long ago, of Prince Alexander Nevsky:
“Those who come to us in peace will be welcome as a guest. But those who come to us sword in hand will die by the sword!”
Pompeo and Pence remind me of the so-called Bible literalists who feel the need to start a war out of an interpretation of scripture that is decidedly figurative. In fact, if what I hear about them is correct, this is exactly what they are.
Their level of delusion and idiocy recalls a Bible verse referencing the end times: “The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.”
Here, in their homeland, we call those crazy blighters ‘Sulphur Crested Cockatoos’, and I rather think that Trump simply exudes a sulphurous miasma, as do all his fellow monsters. ‘Golden’ he ain’t.
You’ve probably seen this Mulga>>
Trump, psycho ( emphasis there) analysed.
Very interesting. Trump is a broken man, a lost soul, and a puppet for his Zionazi masters. A creature who is truly less than the sum of his parts.
Defeat of an Ideal: A Study of the Self-destruction of the United Nations
Book by Shirley Hazzard
Dear Mulga
Have you read this brilliant study by your (recently departed) countrywoman? Shirley Hazzard painstakingly documented the flaws of UN many decades ago,including the peccadilloes of one Roy Cohn, mentor of Trump. ‘Broken’ is very polite understatement.
I do not know everything that could be known about Russia, or the Russian Federation, or President Putin. However it is clear to me that the Russian Federation is doing the right thing, and doing what it must. President Putin seems to me to be doing an extraordinary job in the execution of his duties as the leader of his government and his people. I have not seen even one of his statements with which I disagree. As for the Donbass, Novorussia, I find it very difficult to disagree with what President Putin has done. In fact, I do not disagree at all. These people are kin and countrymen, and have been so since anybody’s grandfather’s granfather’s time, as far as I know. Furthermore, it is easily seen that these people are in need of all possible help and relief that can be had. Personally, I believe that they have every right to determine their own destiny for themselves as well. I do hope, and pray, for the best for these people. I also pray that peace will come soon.
“What we are seeing is a full-spectrum collapse of the unipolar world.. Even more importantly, this is a world in which US threats always fall on deaf ears simply because nobody takes the US seriously anymore.”
The Empire is not weak, this is poor analysis.
India and Europe stopped buying iranian oil. 1 billion $ of iranian oil stays blocked in China, no one wants to touch it.
Even Khamenei admitted that Europe left the JCPOA in practise.
Iran is in deep recession. Venezuela is in deep recession and is surrounded. Almost all of Latin America now has pro-US governments. CIA linked Bolsonaro took over in Brazil. Turkey is in deep recession and Erdogan lost the big cities.
India is moving closer to the US. BRICS is disfunctional with India and Brazil often dancing to the US tune. Europe remains a vassal. Russian economic growth is weak. The US is has the upper hand vs China as Andrei Martyanov himself admitted. Huge tariffs are coming for chinese goods. Companies are being forced to move from China to India and other asian countries. Chinese growth is at 30 year low and on a downward trajectory.
Iraq? US troops are staying there. Syria? US troops are staying there long term. One third of the country containing the biggest oil fields is under US control. There is fuel shortage crisis in Syria due to the sanctions. Europe is not stopping its sanctions either.
US debts? Retirement age can be increased to pay for that. A standard procedure in such cases. It will prolong things for at least 20 – 30 years.
The dollar? China is not ready to ditch it, see plenty of analyses on that. It will happen, but in the medium turn. wait another 20 years.
There are few places where the US is losing ground, such as Ukraine and Afghanistan.
There is no doubt that they will be weaker in the future, but they will fight hard to stop this and gain time. As long as Europe, Japan, Canada, Saudi Arabia and Australia are supporting the US, with India and Brazil helping them too, this decline will take a long time.
Breeze, Chinese growth is at a 30 year low because of the Law of Large Numbers. You do understand that, don’t you. Chinese growth will track lower as its economy grows in size, because adding 10% to a two trillion economy is much less than adding 5% to a twenty trillion economy. Already, in PPP terms, China is 25% larger than the US, having surpassed it in 2014. Moreover, China has huge surpluses, huge reserves, huge savings, magnificent infrastructure and the greatest scientific/technological establishment on Earth, training many times more scientists and technologists than the USA every year, and creating more patents than the USA, despite the typically racist lies and delusions that it relies on ‘theft of US intellectual property’. Moreover the Chinese economy makes things and creates services while the US economy is increasingly dominated by the parasitism of the FIRE rentier blood-suckers.
One could add the 32 pages of communications between Assange and Seth Rich into the mix if trying to measures the empires decline.
“I also realize that the survival of the human species will depend on Putin and Xi and their ability to gradually disarm or neutralize the US threat without triggering a nuclear war.”
That is the challenge. A safe landing for the Empire.
In a way it is good that Pompeio and friends are doing what they are doing. It will simply prove to them that it does not work anymore.
The question is, will they go for the nuclear option when they realise they are not going to win.
For this reason it is important to have the “nuclear war is not an option” meme spread out more extensively. Especially since they are so fond of the phrase “all options are on the table”.
Every time that phrase is used I just wish someone would ask- “Does that include using nuclear bombs?”
“They range from having close relatives in the other country, to numerous trade and commercial transactions, to a common language. The closest thing to a real Ukrainian language would be the Surzhik which is roughly 50/50 in terms of vocabulary and whose pronunciation is closer to the south Russian one than to the Zapadenskii regional dialect spoken in the western Ukraine and which is used (and currently imposed) by the Ukronazi junta in Kiev.”—Surzhik is just “Russukrainian” like much of what passes today in both Ukraine and Russia is either “Ukrenglish” or “Russenglish” and none of these are true languages.
Noted are many mentions that Ukraine cannot last as a real country because more than one language is spoken there.—But look at Afghanistan where two languages are official, Dari and Pashto, and many other languages are spoken. In Belgium roughly half the people speak Dutch and half speak French and there is no official Belgian language at all. In China there exist many variants of the Chinese language, and no one seems to be saying over there that such and such variant of Chinese is “artificially created” and not real Chinese. But there is Afghan identity, Belgian identity, Chinese identity, etc.—except that there is no program out there to dismember and obliterate Afghanistan, or to dismember and obliterate Belgium,—not as far as known.—But there is definitely a program to dismember and obliterate Ukraine including all distinctive Ukrainian language, culture, music, art, architecture, the people themselves….. And ironically a program exists out there to do the same to Russia. Some outsiders are inciting Ukrainians against the Russians. Other outsiders like a certain person with initials G.E. and definitely not sounding Russian by name are busy inciting Russians [and the whole world if possible] against Ukrainians.—Just working from both ends toward the middle.—If Ukraine can stop being a battleground for outside forces and instead become a fortress of neutrality and non-alignment then this country can also become a fortress of stability-harmony-peace and constructiveness in the region.
Thank you Saker,
let’s never forget to fight Evil with Love and Truth, the ultimate weapons.
Dont insult cockatoos please. They are far smarter than this bunch of imbeciles.
I don’t know whether you are familiar with the TV series NCIS, but in many episodes the famous character Leroy Jethro Gibbs is presented some forensic or technical evidence, and then he gets this glazed looks in his eyes and says ‘what the hell am I looking at?’
That’s about the feeling that I get when I lean back and overview what is happening. I mean, never in my life have I seen such loonies in places of power, and they are obsessed to the bone.
Just take Hilarious Clinton, for example. Three years ago she lost an election, which could be predicted weeks in advance if reporters and/or analysts would have scrolled down in the reported polls, to check what in statistics is called ‘oversampling’ (if you deliver such a paper in math class, it will be torn and thrown away).
And still recently she is whining that she had a ‘right’ on the presidency and it was ‘stolen’ from her. She’s obsessed. Why doesn’t she go home to bake cookies for her grandchildren?
(I mean, somebody that stores highly classified mails on a private server, opens a phising mail from a Romanian bloke and activates this by clicking on a porn link, do we trust this tempered woman anywhere near to ‘the button’? I don’t.)
If I would place my bets on where the Empire would overplay their cards at first, I would think Iran. That little apartheid state (just read the leaked Palestine deal, it’s former South Africa 2.0 with their ‘homelands’) that pulls all the strings in the West, rests on a tripod that Laurent Guyenot describes so nicely as a ‘jealous God’, ‘chosen people’, and ‘greater Israel’.
This ‘Eretz Israel’ is an obsession, based on a fairytale. There is no historical or archeological clue or proof that this has ever existed. On the contrary. And still many there claim that they have a ‘right’ on that.
But, there is some obstacle. The main obstacle is Hizbollah, and Hizbollah knows their weak spot: the loss of too many ‘precious Jewish souls’.
But this elephant in the room carries something on its back: nukes. I have more confidence in the reluctance of India and Pakistan before using them, than in Israel. Already a few times were they on the brink of using them.
And one day or another, they will. We are dealing with obsessed psychopaths.
Dangerous times.
Cheers, Rob
Excellent and informative, as usual. Though I object strongly to associating Pompeo with a manatee. It’s a gross insult to a very amiable animal. And calling Pompeo an ass would be an equally objectionable insult to donkeys.
I’d say he is a natural clown without need of specific training. As examples, it began with calling Guaido’ “Guido” (an involuntary accuracy, for Guaido’ is the perfect picture of Guido-the-Pizzamaker). And it continued when Pompeo started his address to the Venezuelans with “Ola”, masterful evidence of his command of Spanish and of his apprehension of the Latin culture. Considering that after the ‘Ola’ came a sequence of threats.
Returning to the article, it is still somewhat puzzling why the Syrians (and/or the Russians) do not respond in kind to the persisting Israeli attacks on Syrian soil.
I am currently reading a thesis (written by a Jew and graded with honors by the US college where the thesis was written) in which Putin is portrayed as a filo-semite. I have not yet read the thesis completely to form an opinion, but I think the construct interesting.
Thank you Saker for another brilliant analysis of the warped World we live in, even if it was a bit tongue in cheek. I am actually grateful for Putin’s calm headed rationality as opposed to the insane escapee’s from the loony bin. Imagine if someone like Yeltsin was in charge of Russia? Would we even still be here commenting? No. Your analogy of the monkey playing with the grenade, and how to get it away from the monkey is very accurate. And to state that Pompeo is a Christian is actually an oxymoron. All his actions are the very antithesis of Christianity. “Their impunity is even more terrifying”. Its nuts what is happening, and sadly I don’t see any massive Gilets Jaunes type uprising happening anywhere in the U.S.
The United States government, including the House of Representatives and the Senate on Capital Hill, is 75% controlled by several dozen Trans-national corporations, who operate within the Federal bureaucracy, key lobbying firms, such as the US Chamber of Commerce and Business Roundtable, and are supported by a very controlled Press. (Over 90% of the Press answers to 6 mega-editors.)
No surprise, President Trump must negotiate with Capital Hill about every Cabinet and Sub-Cabinet appointment. And, no surprise, most of his Cabinet reports to globalists and not to the man in the Oval Office, whom they nominally serve.
There is one area where President Trump has a freer hand, namely Foreign Trade.
Since all prior Presidents were globalist creatures — and since factory-closing / job outsourcing is felt very hard in local districts, Capital Hill delegated that painful matter to the President, who is deemed responsible for national but not local issues.
So, whatever the craziness of US foreign initiatives, President Trump has been promoting a rational policy of returning manufacturing to the US and encouraging the substitution of imported goods with “buy American.”
As a consequence, US steel manufacturers are opening new foundries in the US and Mercedes Benz / BMW / VW are following Japanese companies by opening new assembly plants in America, to avoid 25% tariffs.
Meanwhile, Mexico re-negotiated its free trade compact with the US by agreeing that assembly workers in Mexico were to be paid $16 per-hour wages, instead of $4, and that the parts being assembled needed to be made of US steel. Alone of his foreign trade initiatives, this new Mexican trade agreement requires approval by the US Senate.
Since 40 + of Republican Senators are beholden to the Trans-nationals, on its face President Trump should have no success in the Senate. But, the Democrat party, which is equally beholden to the globalists, needs to appear on the side of working people and is likely to vote for the trade agreement, if only to preserve appearances. And, “clinching-the-deal” President Trump as assured the Democrat leadership that he will use moneys collected through 25% tariffs on rebuilding local infrastructure. Cutting ribbons at renewed airports, roads, libraries, town halls, sports stadiums, clinics and such is the dream of all politicians.
As for malignant manatee and other swamp creature projects, am I the only one to notice that funding expensive foreign adventures is never approved by the Oval Office? Candidate Trump wooed voters he would withdraw from foreign adventures and he seems to be keeping that promise.
Terrified? Don’t make me laugh, Saker.
How can anyone be terrified of schlemiels and schlimazels?
What’s the difference between a schlemiel and a schlimazel?
The neo schlemiels spilled their soup on the Anglo Schlimazel Empire.
Besides, how many schlimazels do you know, who are unlike the neo schlemiel, John Bolton and are willing to die for the AZ Empire in a rice paddy in a war already lost?
Yield curve is getting closer to bigly financial crisis/inversion.
Saker is so frickin’ right, even former US military can see through what is going on! https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-05-10/us-army-colonel-pentagons-latest-china-report-budget-ploy-bleed-taxpayer
Do you see how you are being bled to death for the Military Industrial Complex? And the American people dutifully file and pay taxes every single year on April 15… I will rot in a jail cell before I give them one more cent.
There is an honorable and dishonorable way to die. Participating in that insanity is the dishonorable way. Christ taught me so and I believe him.
All this historical perspective sounds so wise and well reasoned, but it leaves out the fact that our time on Earth is probably coming to a close very soon. Yes, the end of human history is clearly in sight now. All the learned analyses will go out the window as the inexorable vice of karmic causality closes down and squashes human civilization to dust. Our thinking is irrelevant to the real physical forces that are gathering now to take us down in the near future. We will still be playing intellectual games when nature’s hammer falls on our failed human experiment.
The only thing I would change is the comparison to our simian cousins. At least what they do is on instinct and, unlike the human variety, have not brought the planet to the brink of destruction while still claiming to be an “intelligent species.” Biologist Ernst Mayr might have been right: “intelligence is a fatal adaptation.” If humans acted more like Bonobos many of us would be much happier. I’m all for making love, not war.
I rather think that it is ‘low intelligence’ that is proving deadly for our species and Life on Earth. As JS Mill observed, ‘Although it is not true that all Conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are Conservative’. If you replace ‘Conservative’ with ‘Liberal’ or ‘National Party’ or ‘Rightwing’ here in Austfailia, that observation appears to me to go the heart of the problem. Every really intelligent person I’ve ever met was humane, decent and spiritually aware, unlike all the Rightwingers I have known, or seen in action in public life. When these lower intellects gain hold of the reins of power, then you are in really deep, deep, trouble. As we are now.
It may be falling, even crashing, but here is their new guide for traducing every natural law.
It certainly does look like a very bad week for the empire. First the flop in Venezuela, and now that fiasco with the sabotaged frieghters in the Gulf; obviously a botched false flag event. Seems like the CIA is having some very bad days.
What a ruler the US is. Everywhere abounds madness under its gaze. A multi nuclear state America’s is just over the horizon and that is a good thing.? What empire allows such things.
Maybe Bolsonaro has already got a nuclear sponsor.
The only way to negotiate with such an adversary. A good read 🇰🇵