All the women and children evacuated from the fighting areas are doing well, some better than others considering what they have been through. I can not report much on our efforts to evacuate more women and children from the conflict area to safety. There are too many prying eyes who read this blog for information and pass it on to the Ukies and their allies, read US/EU. I am keeping Saker up to date on the effort. I will not even say where these women and children are coming from nor their routes to safety. Ukraine is actively trying to prevent evacuations and as of late yesterday is making a spirited attempt to close off the Novorossiya/Russia border to prevent anyone from leaving. They will shoot and have shot refugees en route to the borders.
Donations. Saker and I communicated last evening. At first he thought I was disappointed at the response from our readers on the blog. At this time, 09:30 Sevastopol, 37 people have donated to the refugee fund. Another 22 have expressed interest in donating. What he thought at first was disappointment he now realizes was my shock at the numbers in just the first 24 hours. Donations have come in from all over the world, from Australia to Canada, from Kamchatka to Cape Town SA, from Finland to Argentina. We had meetings with officials involved in this effort for most of yesterday. We will spend a goodly part of today doing the same. By tonight my time I will have a close idea of how much it will cost for each child or woman for transport and daily living costs. I will inform Saker of this amount and he and I will formulate a policy for the evacuees. It is Saker’s call to pass on any information he deems fit.
This effort will be an ongoing process. We will need more donations to support these poor evacuees. I think it will be another month minimum before the situation in Novorossiya is resolved one way or another and possibly more. Please, please, pass the word to everyone you can. Tell your Churches, your civic organizations, your friends, everyone you can. No donation is too small, all are deeply appreciated. As we get up and running I will have an accounting sheet listing all donations and all dispersement. This I will send to Saker and he can provide what information he feels expedient on the blog.
Situation Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Federal City of Sevastopol. V. Nuland, US assistant SecState, met on or about 16 June in Odessa with the exiled head of a small part of our Tatars in Crimea, read 5% or less. After our election of 16 March where we (including our Tatars) overwhelmingly voted to return to the Russian Federation and were accepted in to same, roughly 2000 Crimean Tatars left Crimea, most moving to Lviv in west Ukraine. Our population of Crimean Tatars is about 350,000, 10% of the total population of Crimea. You can run the numbers to see the percentage that left.
Approximately half of those who left were men, some part of the rotating cadre of fighters going to and from Syria to fight the Assad Government. Most of the men have spent the last 3 months in right sector/US/EU training camps in the Lviv area. Nuland ordered them to go to Crimea and start a guerrilla war in Crimea, pure and simple. They will comply with the orders from their paymasters. How many are now in Crimea or will make it through the border of Crimea I don’t know.
At the same time the strident propaganda pouring from US/UK/EU saying Crimea must ‘return’ to Ukraine, the election was illegal, joining the Russian Federation was illegal, we are illegal, has increased dramatically. Apparently none of the bright lights in US/UK/EU has bothered to think of perhaps asking the Crimea population what they think of this. Democracy anyone? Oh, I forgot. As Juan said, in the eyes of US/UK/EU we are Untermenchen. Our thoughts and wishes have no bearing on what those fools want to do.
What this meeting means is there is a very good possibility of terror acts in Crimea. More innocent people will die. More infrastructure will be destroyed. More turmoil will be started in the RF by Nuland and her minions. But, Nuland, know this. You may attack us, you may kill many of us as you are doing so well in Novorossiya, but in the end we will win, we will keep our freedom, we will protect our women and children, we will protect our culture and way of life. Yes, you will lose, we will win. We will pay whatever cost necessary to stay FREE.
And, Nuland, this if for you personally. As Juan so eloquently put it, damn your eyes, damn your soul, damn you to Hell, damn you back to the Hell where Satan spawned you. The blood of all our dead children, all our dead women, all of our dead men, all our dead grandmothers and grandfathers, all our dead soldiers, ALL of that blood is on your hands and your hands only. Damn you.
Thank you for the ability to give, can you tell me please if the city/town that is being surrounded by the imposter army is the city/town you are evacuating from? My heart is breaking with the thoughts of the massacre going on. Reading that the city is surrounded and these Nazis rolling in to kill entire cities, towns and villages of innocent victims. This is indeed the holocaust 2014. My eyes are weeping as my heart is breaking. God save the people of the Ukraine!
Does Nuland and the Kagans have Khazar roots? Is this about Khazaria being reestablished?
Auslander wrote:
>What this meeting means is there is a very good possibility of terror acts in Crimea.
Crimea now flies the Russian flag. I have the feeling that the Kiev ppl sending people to attack what is now official Russian soil might be a big misstep, if they do it.
Dig the curse at the end, Dude. I double it and add, in the southern vernacular, “Screw you, bitch!”.
Btw, state sponsored terrorism against Russian flag flying territory by Poroshenko’s fascist mob would be an act of war I’d assume. Then we’d see if Putin is still on holidays. Let’s hope they can’t fake new Russian passports too easily.
God is with you and the people of Crimea helping your brothers and sisters in New Russia.
I read a few days ago about the special forces and Intel personnel now in Crimea.
Tartars will be annihilated if they begin an insurgency.
There are reports of 75,000 special troops who fight in Dagestan and other hot spots of terrorism. I imagine that their experience liquidating terrorists will be used in Crimea. They neutralize very well.
Here’s a video of NDF guys giving aid to wounded junta conscripts (I think) – huge propaganda value in this if enough people see it I think:
That is good news
To Auslander et al — Be VERY suspicious of anyone (aka Lucky McGriff) asking (even in a round about way) where people are fighting or evacuating. Who cares? The fact they ARE fighting, dying and evacuating should be our only concern — and to help by contributing $$ if one can. This site is SO OBVIOUSLY full of troll, shills and psyops agitators that I wouldn’t trust ME if I were any of YOU. So don’t.
For Chrissakes — these “masters of deceit” — the ZOG lizard-people — are working overtime to corral and direct the herd. And to excuse their EVIL as “hapless or misguided foreign policy missteps” is to dishonor all the innocent blood they have spilled — and continue to spill in the name of hegemony and ZIONISM — and to set-up a fallback excuse for them when they are captured red-handed and they say “we were just misguided idiots”. Sure. As if no one read the Yinon Plan or Clower-Piven or Tavistock or PNAC or any of the scores of these lizards who like to BRAG to you about their plans before they hide behind the skirts of the nearest goyim donkey traitor they coopted, blackmailed and paid-off to obfuscate their sins in the day of reckoning. Sorry Zoggies. You and your donkey dongs are being exposed. Them for being traitors to their country and blood — and you for being the “brains” and instigators. Those dual-citizen passports might come in handy soon.
Anonymous said…
Yes.. a mistake indeed, judging by the goings on on the border…
Auslander wrote:
>What this meeting means is there is a very good possibility of terror acts in Crimea.
Crimea now flies the Russian flag. I have the feeling that the Kiev ppl sending people to attack what is now official Russian soil might be a big misstep, if they do it.
Her’s the French translation of the German undertitled video of Sergei Glazjev. I’l post it in serveral parts, due to the limitations.
Part I
Sergei Glazjev, conseiller économique du Président Vladimir Putine, extrait de son discours le 10 juin 2014.
Vidéo :
Je voudrais rajouter quelques mots sur la politique que mène Kiev. Il s’ est en effet réellement avéré que Kiev commet une politique génocidaire envers toute la population du Donbass (Donetsk+Lugansk).
Il n’ont même plus honte :ils bombardent des instituts sociales, y compris le meilleur aéroport d’Europe à Donetzk, qu’ils ont rasé complètement. Je ne parlerai même pas des chiffres terrible des victimes de ces bombardements.
L’aéroport de Donetzk était un gigantesque structure, la fierté de la région. Ils ont détruit des hôpitaux, des maternelles, des écoles et ainsi de suite. C’est à dire, ils préparent le peuple du Donbass pour jouer le rôle de l’esclave. Puis ils ne le cachent même pas. Il suffit de regarder les discours d’idéologues des Nazis de Kiev pour le comprendre. Par exemple Monsieur Ljaschko.
Mais même (le président) Poroschenko avec ses propos n’est pas très éloigné de lui.
Dans les faits, ils regardent le Donbass comme une entrée de revenus, comme un endroit, d’où l’on doit tirer du profit, et cela sur les frais de l’exploitation massive de la population locale.
Il est très clair pour nous que les États Unis ( qui contrôlent les Nazis de Kiev, le gouvernement entier et d’ailleurs le président Poroschenko personnellement ), les poussent à faire la guerre contre le Donbass jusqu’à la victoire finale.
C’est dans ce contexte que je désire contredire lintervenant qui vient de me précéder, en déclarant qu’il y avait une limite, qu’il existerait en effet une barrière pour Kiev, pour son déploiement militaire. Non ! Aucune barrière n’existe pour eux ! Ils déploient déjà les lanceurs de missiles multiples Grad !
-Interruption visuelle : la vidéo montre les fameux « Grad » en action.
Timoschenko avait menacé d’utiliser des bombes atomiques. Il ne s’agissait pas simplement d’un discours émotionnelle de sa part, sa déclaration a donné des vagues de sympathie envers elle de la part des Nazis Ukrainiens. S’ils avaient disposé d’une bombe atomique, ils l’auraient lancé, par exemple sur Slawjansk, par exemple une bombe à neutrons (ne tue que les êtres vivants, les bâtiments restent intacts), là dessus, je n’ai aucune doute, qu’ils utiliseraient la bombe.
-Interruption visuelle : la vidéo montre une bombe atomique en action.
Donc, dans les faits, ils déploient tous les moyens qu’ils possèdent, tous les moyens ! Puis ils utiliseront ces moyens jusqu’à la victoire finale, jusqu’à ce que la résistance dans le Donbass soit complètement anéantie.
-Interruption visuelle : vidéo du bombardement de Slawjansk le 11 juin 2014 par des bombes à phosphore blanc (interdits).
Traduction Sergei Glazjev
Part II
Et pourquoi Kiev utilise-t-elle tous les moyens ? Parce que cette guerre est mené par les États Unis, et dans les faits contre nous, contre la Russie. Les États Unis laissent Kiev mener cette guerre, les États Unis livrent Kiev des armes et de l’argent, les États Unis coordonnent les opérations militaires de Kiev. C’est dans ce sens que je voudrais donner raison à Monsieur Remizov qui vient de me précéder avec son discours. Il a dit que le temps joue pour les Nazis de Kiev.
Cela sonne faux, mais cela correspond à la réalité. Car beaucoup estiment que les Nazis de Kiev s’écrouleront sous le poids des gigantesques problèmes sociaux de l’Ukraine, mais même le régime de Saakaschwili en Géorgie ne s’est pas écroulé. Et si l’on a finalement réussi à jeter Saakaschwili, cela ne s’est pas produit par des révolutions sociaux, mais par les techniques démocratiques, qui en ces jours sont complètement exclus en Ukraine.
Alors, pourquoi le temps (en Ukraine) travaille contre nous ? Et particulièrement contre le peuple du Donbass ? Parce que les États Unis et leur marionnettes de Kiev ont pris le chemin de la militarisation. Parce que les États Unis désirent installer en Ukraine un régime Nazi dictatorial.
Parce que les États Unis et Kiev poursuivent une mobilisation TOTALE de la population Ukrainienne contre la Russie. Et malgré le fait que cette mobilisation ne suscite pas encore beaucoup d’enthousiasme chez les Ukrainiens, regardez donc sa dynamique !
Il y avait en décembre 2014 seulement 2000 Nazis à Kiev, en février on pouvait déjà compter environs 20000 Nazis armés. Ils étaient déjà 50000 au mois de mai, la Garde Nationale et d’autres recrutes volontaires inclus. D’ici cet été ils seront 100000, en septembre 200000
-je cible ici les plans de mobilisation pour ceux qui sont aptes au service militaire.
Et on aura d’ici la fin de l’année une demi million d’hommes en armes.
Les réserves militaires Ukrainiens, datant de l’Empire Soviétique sont en ce moment même en train d’être repris, réparées ou remis en service. L’ Ukraine possède de très grandes réserves de matériel militaire, tout est stocké dans des entrepôts en ce moment.
Mais par exemple les installations industrielles militaires à Kharkov dans l’est de l’Ukraine travaillent en ce moment à pleine puissance, les capacités de l’industrie locale sont maintenant à l’ouvre pour restituer l’ancienne capacité militaire.
Les blindés lourdes et véhicules blindées venant de ces réserves sont réparées, ceci ne demande pas beaucoup de temps ni de moyens, en ce jour ils ont déjà pris au minimum 200 blindées parmi les réserves puis les ont envoyés sur les champs de bataille.
Et tous les jours le nombre de ces chars et blindées de l’armée Ukrainienne augmente à cause de la remise en état de ces réserves. La même chose s’applique aux avions militaires. L’industrie d’Odessa travaille en ce moment de toute sa force pour restaurer ces avions des réserves et de les rendre prêts au combat le plus vite que possible.
Ouest-ce que cela signifie pour nous ? Cela signifie que nous allons prochainement être confrontés avec une puissante machine militaire, qui est mis en position contre nous.
Ce monstre militaire est empreigné des Nazis, qui sont endoctrinées idéologiquement contre la Russie et qui agissent comme des exécuteurs punitives. Et ces activistes obligent des soldats ordinaires d’aller au combat.
Traduction Part III
Sergei Glazjev
Et le but final de tous ces actions et préparations dans cette guerre c’est la Russie.
Cela veut dire que nous ne pouvons pas éviter cette guerre, car, quand le Donbass tombe, ce ne sera pas la paix, car ensuite ce sera la Crimée qui sera attaqué. Et ceci n’est pas une mauvaise blague mes collègues ! Kiev a déjà annoncé de façon officielle cette guerre. Eux (les États Unis) poussent de façon obstinés et conséquente l’Ukraine vers la guerre avec la Russie, et la raison de cette guerre sera la Crimée.
Le nouveau président Poroschenko a officiellement déclaré qu’il voulait la guerre avec la Russie, et malgré le fait qu’il ne l’a pas déclaré directement, il a dit que son but était la Crimée. Aussi Nuland (Assistant Secretary of State for Europeans and Eurasian affairs) a déclaré hier de façon claire et précise qu’elle attendait de ces agents Ukrainiens, qu’il reconquièrent la Crimée.
Cette armée d’une demi million de soldats Nazis s’attaquera à la Crimée, il n’y a aucune doute.
J’aimerai en cette occasion rappeler les fameux paroles de Churchill, qui avait dit : »Celui qui entre la guerre et la honte décide pour la honte aura la guerre ainsi que la honte ».
Ceci ne veut pas dire que nous devons envoyer nos chars à Kiev. Non, nous avons a faire avec une guerre moderne et devons mettre fin au génocide au Donbass
-nous y avons droit : le droit des Peuples l’autorise aussi.
Il suffit pour cela que nous fermons le ciel au dessus du Donbass, en imposant une zone interdit de vol. C’est ainsi que nous pourrons utiliser les mêmes mécanismes que les américains ont utilisé en Libye
-d’abord une zone interdit de vol puis ensuite neutraliser l’appareil lourde militaire de l’adversaire :
bombarder les chars-artillerie, avions, c’est ainsi que les États Unis ont mis hors combat le régime Libyen. Nous avons encore la possibilité d’employer ces moyens, nous ne pourrons plus le faire dans six mois.
Je pourrai maintenant expliquer de façon détaillé pourquoi les américains ont besoin de cette guerre entre l’Ukraine et la Russie, au cas que cela intéresse quelqu’un ici…
Les républiques de Donetsk et de Lugansk ont déjà établie un Parlement de Fédération commun, ceci est leur gouvernement. Le fait que la Junte de Kiev ne veut pas négocier avec ce gouvernement s’explique par la raison que Kiev n’est pas souverain. Car dans les faits les gouvernants de Kiev se trouvent sous le contrôle des États Unis. ET s’est pourquoi nous devons, et ceci est extrêmement important, considérer le territoire de l’Ukraine comme un territoire occupé par les États Unis !
Excepté le territoire du Donbass, ou l’on se livre à la résistance. Quand nous définissons clairement les coordinations, il devient alors clair ce que nous devons faire et comment nous devons réagir. L’Ukraine est de fait occupé par des mercenaires des États Unis, qui utilisent le régime Ukrainien de marionnettes pour endoctriner toute la population, la mobiliser et l’instiguer à s’armer contre la Russie. Les États Unis veulent d’abord organiser une guerre civile en Europe, pur ensuite procéder à une guerre mondiale. Ils veulent impliquer toute l’Europe et toute l’Eurasie dans ce plan.
C’est pourquoi il est important de voir la situation réelle et d’utiliser les concept réels. Nous appelons les autres régions de l’Ukraine de s’associer au Donbass, dans le sens du mouvement pour l’indépendance, non , nous l’appelons de se libérer de l’occupation américaine !
J’insiste ici, de bien définir notre système de coordination, qu’au fonds, les gouvernants de Kiev ne sont pas indépendants, ils sont en fait des agents des États-Unis. Ils sont des marionnettes américaines. Poroschenko n’a pas gagné les élections en Ukraine, les experts estiment qu’il a obtenu au grand maximum 40 % des voix. Ceci est d’ailleurs un thème à part, comment ce cirque d’élections à eu lieu la bas.
Traduction Part IV
Sergei Glazjev
Le territoire Ukrainien est occupé, elle est sous contrôle des États Unis. Beaucoup de faits le témoignent. Les américains ont légalisé en Ukraine le séjour de leurs instructeurs miliaires et conseillers. Les services secrets Ukrainiens sont complètement sous contrôle de la CIA. Alors, au total, l’Ukraine est complètement occupé par les États Unis et nous devons parler ici de la libération de l’occupation illégitime de l’Ukraine.
Les États Unis utilisent les médias de masse Ukrainiens pour la monté de la psychose Nazi dans le pays, ils veulent, avec l’aide des Ukrainiens démarrer la troisième guerre mondiale, non la quatrième guerre mondiale, si nous comptons la guerre froide comme la troisième guerre mondiale.
C’est pourquoi je voudrais proposer de dédier notre prochaine réunion aux raisons pourquoi les États Unis veulent cette guerre, pourquoi ils ont crée le Nazisme Ukrainien.
Les États Unis ont crée les Nazis dans l’Ukraine, pour y instiguer une guerre civile, qui devra servir de prétexte pour entraîner l’Ukraine dans un conflit militaire direct entre et la Russie. C’est ainsi qu’ils veulent d’abord créer un conflit régional en Europe, pour ensuite laisser éclater la quatrième guerre mondiale. Cette agression des États Unis ne se dirige pas seulement contre la Russie, elle se dresse en première ligne contre l’Europe. Les américains ont profité de chaque guerre en Europe, pendant la première guerre mondiale puis pendant la seconde guerre mondiale, ainsi que de la guerre froide envers l’URSS. Tous les guerres ont traditionnellement été une avantage économique pour les États Unis. La guerre en Europe est le chemin des États Unis vers une nouveau miracle économique, pour laisser éblouir l’économie des États Unis. Cela a toujours été ainsi.
Cette guerre se dirige aussi contre la Chine, car nous voyons comment le Japon et la Corée du Sud se réarment de façon intensive. Les États Unis ont officiellement annoncées qu’ils dresseraient au Japon puis en Corée du Sud des nouveaux missiles anti balistiques, et cela ne se dresse pas seulement contre nous, mais aussi contre la Chine.
C’est pourquoi nous devons comprendre que la clef pour la solution de la catastrophe Ukrainienne se trouve à Washington. A Washington se trouve « la mort du Nazisme » pour ainsi dire.
C’est pourquoi je suggère que notre prochaine réunion s’occupe de se thème, car nous avons besoin d’une large coalition anti-guerre…
Traduit par « Jefke »
“AGS said…
To Auslander et al — Be VERY suspicious of anyone (aka Lucky McGriff) asking (even in a round about way) where people are fighting or evacuating. Who cares? The fact they ARE fighting, dying and evacuating should be our only concern — and to help by contributing $$ if one can. This site is SO OBVIOUSLY full of troll, shills and psyops agitators that I wouldn’t trust ME if I were any of YOU. So don’t.”
Dearest Sister AGS,
I had my doubts and you confirmed them. Please keep on exposing them, as we are real naive about them.
Best regards,
We will tell nothing about where any evacuees are coming from nor their routes to whatever sanctuary we can offer now or how we contact them. Their plight is perilous enough and their journey is quite dangerous. There is fighting at two border crossings between Russia and Lugansk as we speak. Right sector groups are trying to take the crossings and close them, our boys are defending hard.
I appreciate your concern and worry, Lucky. Have faith, be strong, we will save those we can who are in the most danger. However, we must maintain complete operational security.
Jeffke wrote on 20 June, 2014 18:01:
[Glazyev’s speech]
Merci beaucoup pour ta traduction française.
…Let’s hope they can’t fake new Russian passports too easily…
Or they could pose as travellers from the EU. For the traveller from EU, there’s a bit of a mishmash i.t.o. entry controls and visa requirements at present. More than that, different sources are providing contradictory information to travellers.
Thus, for the time being there is a dispensation (by RF) to allow travellers with EU passports into Crimea without a visa, as though it were still Ukraine. This arrangement will be in place either until the end of July (and possible extension into Aug… Sep…) or until 2016, depending on your sources.
The most accurate information about this is currently coming not from Russian and Ukrainian embassies and legations in London, Paris, Berlin or from Moscow & Liev authorities but from the tourist companies and bureaux in Crimean towns (Simf, Sevm, Yalta, etc.)
From what I hear on the ground, at border posts and airports, it’s generally business as before and visas are being required, except for, paradoxically, ravellers transiting from RF (rest-of) into Crimea (and out of course).
Honestly, I don’t know what you are trying to imply in your round about way. I am a heartbroken American, I am against what I’m country is doing in the name of democracy! I do agree with the effort to remain secretive and re track my question. You are trying to put a jacket on my back that defiantly does not belong to me whatsoever! I’m very disappointed that you got the wrong impression of what I stand for and believe in. I do apologize and would never want to jeopardize the rescue of the victims in this horrible situation. Although I would appreciate you not including me in this ” – the ZOG lizard-people — are working overtime to corral and direct the herd.” category of evil doers. As for the truth is I just hate whats being done worldwide by the actual criminals seeking to destroy lives of the innocent. Blessings!
@Auslander I totally understand, I do apologize for the question and I truly didn’t mean to offend anyone or try to endanger you mission. Blessings and prayers!
From reliable source now:
Ukrainians buying russian passports for 10 000 eur
Yay well 2K tatars, even in guerilla, they ll be mincemeat.
Plus as i recall Putin didtn dismiss the militais in crimea. And it’s not a very large border.
There is a great up to date history/SitRep map here for Novorossiya.
I had my doubts and you confirmed them. Please keep on exposing them, as we are real naive about them.
It actually saddens me due to the fact that one day you bless me and another your so quick to condemn me. I’m exposed for having a heart that cares for my fellow humans worldwide? Caused primarily by a government I am forced to pay taxes to. I’m not to long out of the fog that suffocates America, I’m thankful that I am, although many more need to be. I am hard at work trying to tell those that are still in the fog about the truth. It’s not easy, some are really far gone. I never stop, I’m called worse names by family than even AGS can make up about me. My Lord makes me stronger with every insult thrown my way. Please don’t jump on the bandwagon of hate just because someone thinks they know who others are. We are all in this together… Blessings!
Auslander @ 20 June, 2014 18:26
“However, we must maintain complete operational security.” Can confirm and already reached out to Saker via email about IC eyeballs on this site as well as proxy trolls like Michael D. Weiss of Interpreter Mag and his ‘Khodorkovsky-paid’ (actually Qatari/Saudi mercenary illegally unregistered foreign agents) team in NYC.
But Weiss shouldn’t worry. I’m sure if the FBI ever turned against the Saudi/Qatari lobby and started bugging or arresting its unregistered foreign agents in the USA like Weiss or Doran of the Brookings Institute they would all be freed on bond and scurry off to Israel. And these scumbags selling out America to the GCC countries have the nerve to call the limited hangout operative Putin protects Snowden a traitor?
that nuland? high time that evil is sorted out. .us/uk is tryign to use tartars to make war on chritisan russia.
Mohamed, AGS, Lucky McGriff
I think AGS’ caution is absolutely correct in terms of watching for malevolent interests, many more of whom read than comment on this blog, and we still get some doozies of trolls sometimes. But I’m going to stick up for Lucky McGriff here, because I do believe her heart is in the right place and it’s a big heart. On ne sait jamais, but I trust her.
Auslander and Saker
What you guys are doing here is wonderful. I’ll pass along the info on how to help to those I know who might be willing to help with donations.
On the Tatars, I saw some info about the zionazi/mafiosa Kolomoisky hiring some Tatar zionazi quisling.
Dnipropetrovsk governor Kolomoisky, Crimean Tatar leader Jemilev sign cooperation memo
The zionazis no doubt have big terror plans for the Crimea.
“Lucky mcgriff said…,
It actually saddens me due to the fact that one day you bless me and another your so quick to condemn me.”
Dearest Sister Lucky,
You are right and I don’t know you. Islam teaches us to give everyone “benefit of doubt” for at least three times.
I don’t condemn anyone. Who I am to do this. As far as “blessing” is concerned, Islam teaches us:
1. To bless all creations in all worlds.
2. To bless all mankind in our world.
3. To bless my enemies and ask God to help them to the “True Path”.
4. Then ask blessing for me.
America lost hearts and minds of all Muslims regarding Iraq on two points:
1. On a daily press briefing at the end of it, they will say, “God Bless America”. You never even one day grudgingly heard them say, “God Bless our Allied Iraq”. They forgot the God is King of Kings.
2. After capturing and killing the two sons of Saddam, they displayed their dead bodies for days onward. Once dead, the Judgement for those two is in God’s Hand and no one else.
“I’m exposed for having a heart that cares for my fellow humans worldwide? Caused primarily by a government I am forced to pay taxes to. I’m not to long out of the fog that suffocates America, I’m thankful that I am, although many more need to be.”
In the Holy Quran it says, “Killing a human being is just like killing the whole community”.
1. Holocaust was horrible, and applying the “holocaust 2014” logic, maybe you were agreeing with the Holy Quran.
2. Maybe, it is my prejudices, which makes me see you more concerned with Ukraine than the plight of Muslims since 9/11 and well before.
“I am hard at work trying to tell those that are still in the fog about the truth. It’s not easy, some are really far gone. I never stop.”
I am glad that you are spreading the “Good Whisper” versus the only power given to satan (our adversary), “Evil Whisper”.
We have a choice. We can either be stooges of God, and spread the “Good Whisper” or chose to be stooges of satan, and spread the “Evil Whisper”. I am glad that you have chosen the former, like many of us in this blog.
“Please don’t jump on the bandwagon of hate just because someone thinks they know who others are. We are all in this together… Blessings!”
No, I will God Willing (InshaAllah) won’t jump on the bandwagon, and I believe neither the others, including dearest AGS. Most of us on this blog believe very strongly in the two basic Commandments of Prince of Peace, Jesus (as).
For this reason I love this blog so much and love Saker so much. You can tell that Saker is a Good and True Christian.
There is fire in his backyard (Russia and Ukraine) and like a normal human being, he shows his frustration on a regular basis. Then he calms down, and comes back and apologizes either directly or indirectly.
He is a True Solider of Jesus and an Ambassador for Christianity.
Blessings my dearest sister,
There could be some People who think that there might be an Unofficial Russian offer that a Reward of 500 Million Dollars for the President or Prime Minister to be captured to stand Trial in Russia.
At the Trial the Defendants could Admit that they were Greedy for Money, and that the Americans Gave them Lots of Money if they Volunteered to be Filmed in an Act of murdering someone or of having sex with a child, and that this was done to make sure that they would always be the Puppets of America.
If this ever happens then the 500 Million Dollars could could be seen as excessive, and Only 60 Million Dollars will be Paid, but this Should Be ADVERTISED Globally.
“Nora said…
Mohamed, AGS, Lucky McGriff
I think AGS’ caution is absolutely correct in terms of watching for malevolent interests, many more of whom read than comment on this blog, and we still get some doozies of trolls sometimes. But I’m going to stick up for Lucky McGriff here, because I do believe her heart is in the right place and it’s a big heart. On ne sait jamais, but I trust her”
You are obsoletely right dearest Nora and my sincerest apologies to sister Lucky McGriff.
Best regards,
There are Experts in Russia and Other Countries who wish to test their Evidence that America Controls certain Countries by means of making Puppets of some People in that Country.
The Only way to test the Evidence for each Particular Case is to have Criminals stand Trial, where they may Inadvertently Testify to having been Subtlety Enticed at first by America, but once they became involved, they agreed to be Filmed in an Act of Murdering someone, or having sex with a child, and because they do not want to go to Jail, then they will be America’s Puppet, even if it means working against Citizens of their own Country.
These Things of Puppets being Filmed in these Types of Criminal Activities along with the 500 Million Dollars Reward are Most Vital to Mention and to Keep on Mentioning in the Global Advertising for the Reward Money, because even if there is Never a Trial, then Everyone will Know how America makes Puppets of People, and why the reason for the Anti Democratic Activities of America and the Puppets of America.
That was the best Damned curse I have ever seen. As a non-believer (I have three of the Abrahamic religions in my family) I salute you for that curse. If there is a hell, there is a special place for Nudelman. I learnt a long time ago, you judge people only by the colour of their hearts, your heart is pure and therefore has no colour.
Dear Mohamed, No apology needed at all. Although, thank you kindly for the lovely words from the Quern. I do not know much about it, although it sounds very familiar to the Word I study. I am for the plight of all suffering due to the Empires evil agenda. I guess I’m really not very familiar with actually speaking about it. Here in the us, if you even say new world order people automatically assume your a conspiracy freak. Let alone know what zion is, the population is clueless. Sad state of affairs, indeed. I hate that Muslim people suffer at that hand of this messed up blood thirsty Nazi government, that truly doesn’t represent the majority of the people here. I was very young when desert storm took place, I don’t know many facts about it although I’m educating myself without the propaganda. We had no business there at all! I know it was about money and greed. The holocaust that went on and is still going on to this day is heartbreaking. I am using that word because is that not what is exactly going on . In your country as well as in the Ukraine. When will enough be killed to satisfy their blood thirst? Thank you for taking the time to respond to me. I greatly appreciate it. I am praying for you and your fellow countryman. May the Lord keep you safe in this world of madness. Blessings!