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Tag "Novorossia refugees crisis"

Auslander reports about the refugee assistance program

All the women and children evacuated from the fighting areas are doing well, some better than others considering what they have been through.  I can not report much on our efforts to evacuate more women and children from the conflict area to safety. There are too many prying eyes who read this blog for information and pass it on to the Ukies and their allies, read US/EU. I am keeping

Message from Yuri Dia Konov to anybody donating to Auslander’s refugees

Yuri Dia Konov, whose book Russia’s Diamond Ruble I recently reviewed on this blog, just emailed me and asked me to post the following: “For any donations given to Auslander I will send a free copy (PDF) of my book YANKEE ANTI-ZOMBIE SURVIVAL MANUAL or any of my books from AMAZON.  No strings attached.” Check out Yuri’s Amazon page which contains a full list of his books.Once your donation is

Auslander reports on refugees from the Ukraine and how to help them

The situation in Novorossiya for civilians in many areas is critical. In the areas under heavy and continuous bombardment food is scarce. Water in Slavyansk area is stopped some days ago. Electric also. The other important part of water supply, the removal of sewage, well, the Ukes shot those plants to pieces also. The situation in Kramtorsk is even worse, so bad that there are civilian bodies in the streets,
