What this apparent decision means is Russia and we the people of Russia will do the work for the civilians and refugees ourselves with no official help from The West. The reality is I am not unhappy with this apparent decision from those fops in NYC. At least when we work for the refugees and citizens they will get every kopek of the money and effort we spend as opposed to perhaps 5% from that useless UN plus we will not be under their thumbs, ‘guidance’ and control while we do what is needed.
At this time we are working on getting as many civilian women and children out of the combat areas as possible. I can not give you the slightest detail of this effort. The Ukes are trying to watch everything and they do read this blog faithfully. The Ukes are following their American and EU master’s instructions and will kill evacuees they find before they let them go. That is a fact. I can not tell you where our evacuees are going, suffice it to say they are going out of the combat area. Let the Ukes figure out if it’s east, west, north or south.
All this being said, some of you asked how you can help, where can you send donations. You will have to trust me on this one. None of you, not even The Saker, know me personally, although my official US HOR is close to Saker. All I can say is I will tell you all when this is over, just as I promised The Saker some information after all is said and done. Trust me, wherever you live you will hear The Saker laughing when I give him the info promised, but before you hear the laughter you will hear a ‘Holy s//t, really? It’s true?’. You will also hear me say ‘Yes, my friend, it is true. Remember when I told you to look at ///// ////?’.
I have a very close friend, an old comrade, in USA. He runs my small hobby business in USA, extant for 14 years now, and he feeds my hobby addiction here in darkest Krim. He is like me, we are two old war horses put out to pasture. We hear the trumpets blowing ‘saddles’, we hear the roar of the guns in the distance, we run as best we can to the gate and paw the ground, knowing we can no longer serve in the line but we damned sure can pull a supply wagon. I trust this man with my life.
He has graciously agreed to help with the donations to our evacuation effort on his paypal sight. He has set up a section of my web sight specifically for donations to our efforts here. He and I will split the paypal fees of roughly 4% and add that to the monies sent to me and I will give the money to Church accountant. My wife and I will be intimately involved in this effort and we will watch every kopek as it is spent. At this time my wife and I are fronting the money, as is Father, to get this effort up and running. As of 15:00 today we are operational.
Here are the links to the sight:
If you wish to just donate, here is the paypal sight link:
Please, if you donate put in the information section ‘Donation to St. Nikolas Church’. I will handle the rest.
No, my name is not ‘bob’, that’s his name and his address on the account and his email. He forwards all to me automatically, both emails and money as it arrives. One day I’ll tell Saker and you my name. Maybe. My wife and I, as mentioned on Saker’s blog, are very private people. We discussed long and hard before deciding to go a little public and we did it for the women and children we want to get out of harm’s way. When this war is over we will go back to being private again.
A special note for Nora. Her name is Anastasiya, pronounced ‘anastasEEya’. She has taken a shine to our little black and white girl Ekatarina, aka Katyushka, and Sophia, our blue girl, and most importantly my charming wife. Anastasiya will come to us Saturday and stay with us until this war is over. There will be no photos of the child, that is the rules from Mother Russia. You may email me for more details but please keep the details private.
The blog is becoming focused on solely on military action by Russia. Be careful – energy follow thought. It’s is exactly what the US/UK wants. Via this path the US will have a diminished Europe as a real vassal.
I’m frustrated that we are missing in this analysis, the financial weapons that are being used, out of sight almost, and to great effect.
Personally, I hope Putin will remain 100% within international law and exhaust absolutely every soft, (well actually not so soft at all), option before he walks smack bang into the trap and starts another hot war that will engulf Europe.
In the mean time poor Ukraine will HAVE to live with the appalling situation foisted on it by the west.
Thanks god Putin has advisors like this to help him keep a level head find options that do not include military intervention.
Sergey Glazyev :
The website doesn’t give opportunity to specify donation, just selection of “product” or support level.
I sent in my donation. I trust your devotion, Auslander, and Saker’s reputation, too.
It would be nice to see a normal Pay Pal connection page where we could specify donation like Saker’s site.
It is easy to set a page with the Paypal connection.
It would raise comfort level for donors.
Meanwhile, charity is Love and Christ devoted his life to that teaching.
I’m sure my government is spending much more in my behalf than my donation. Hell, 5 Billion to get this war rolling and billions more for actual blood and death and destruction.
But I want to thank you and the people of the Church, your cohorts and the other good people of world who see the children destroyed and terrified and join to do something to assist them and the women refugees.
God bless you and the people of Donbass.
Please email me at etoarmor@yahoo.com.
You can, as mentioned in the blog, simply donate to bob@etoarmor.com or on the eto web sight you can choose multiples of the ‘product’ you want.
Thank you, Auslander and Saker.
Thank you and God bless you! Let
‘s hope this horror will end soon.
For those who read French, 2 great interviews with 2 refugees, one gone to Kiev, one gone to Moscow. How heart wrenching it is, no matter what side you’re on:
@G Mitchell
Agreed. Let’s hope cool heads will prevail. And yes, it would be nice to get a bit away from the purely military aspect of things, however emotionally charged they can be, and look at the broader picture in terms of who holds the cards in the gas dispute, is the dollar hegemony actually threatened, what is the real attitude of Europeans (beyond what their media say, which may not be what they do), etc.
Okay, Auslander,
Now I’m crying my eyes out. A donation will be forthcoming shortly. Our hearts are just bleeding for these poor, innocent, terrified children.
God Bless you for this and please give Anastasiya an extra hug or two (gotta go get some kleenex; this is getting ridiculous).
Damn. Us.
Good luck to you and your efforts.
Novorossiya will hopefully prevail in the end.
Btw, what is a “black and white girl” and a “blue girl”? I am sincerely confused.
Donation completed.
I want people with a strong stomach to check this video. Versions with pixelation and filtering have played. This is raw phone camera of today’s annihilation of several civilians in Kramatorsk.
Very tough to take. But we need to help refugees and we can’t do much else to shut down the slaughter.
Donations for refugees at the least will help move people to safety.
I think of little Paulina being carried away, too late to save her. And Lina, destroyed by rocket from jet plane with seven others in Lugansk. And I think of the souls burned, strangled and gassed in Odessa.
A small donation tells the people of Donbass that the world is watching and the world cares. It also sends a message to the Tyranny of our governments that we stand with humanity against war crimes and we reject Hegemony in the 21st Century.
“I will tell you all when this is over” God bless and we may pray that it will ‘all be over’ before we have arrived in the next world!
I hold out some hope that enough Ukrainians will come to their senses in time – before the mad dogs in Kiev have time to consolidate their police state. The news about the miners threat to Kiev is heartening. Hope they are able to follow through.
Any update on the general state of things in Krim would be appreciated if that is possible
I’ve never used Paypal in this way before, but it looks like if I send money directly through the PP website to my “friends or family” there are no fees attached.
Auslander, you and Bob are both so kind to do this I certainly would like to count you among my “friends” :)
Is there any reason not to send my donation this way?
Q: I am not joking. I tell the truth.
R: Really? Why on earth do you mention it? Saying/writing that makes me very suspicious and those are not the thoughts you want to trigger in anyone’s head/mind.
I would very much like to donate but unfortunately I am *extremely* hesitant to send money to a stranger on the internet.
Is there any way you could offer some kind of visibility (photo/video) of your operation, even if it’s small? It would make me feel much better.
I realize it’s easy for me to say from a comfort of my peaceful residence, but I believe it’s time for Strelkov to organize Novorossia’s equivalent of the Tet offensive.
If Novorossia has up to 20 000 armed men at its disposal ( as Parubij states, and it’s not in his interest to exagerrate the numbers), then WITH PROPER COORDINATION, they could inflict horrendous losses on junta’s troops, and force them to withdraw for good. Couple thousand of dead Nazis would do the trick.
Ukrainian military is a total joke, so sometimes I am just dumbfounded by claims of junta’s overwhelming superiority.
Paypal is not a bank, but a private entity. Whatever laws banks are supposed to abide by, Paypal can laugh at them. For my business end I’m forced to use them, because international Japanese banking fees are beyond ridiculous. Paypal pretends not to charge a buyer anything, but delays in payment or exchange rate fees will suffice and the ‘seller’ [the person who receives the $$] is charged at least 2,95%
To Daniel Rich:
Seems to me that Auslander writes in a style with certain idiomatic phrases consistent with Slavic cultures. In America the only people who say “Trust me” are Used Car salesmen, congressmen, bond traders and guys that promise not to “come inside”. In other cultures — it is a widely used phrase to assure others of ones earnest intent and truthfulness. Frankly, used by folks like Auslander it is effectively disarming. That’s a personal reaction. However, if you petitioned in the same way I’d likely dismiss you as a deceitful fraud. But that’s just me. And I intend to send $$ to Auslander. I’ve taken MUCH bigger risks.
To Life is about
1.2 billion Chinese hearts bleed with you, brother.
We’ve watched the west torch and burn for 2000 years, shaking our heads and dabbling in our quiet philosophy.
I despair every day for the people of the Slavic nations. We ask ourselves how the “true westerners” can even do this to their own people — Slavs are so much, and feel so much closer to the west than us Chinese here in the East, yet it makes no difference. They are “not good enough” for the Empire. They still die in wave after wave after wave. All these Slavic nations speak similar languages, are so brotherly and alike and have common history, and yet the west has plunged them into war.
When I first came to America I remember getting in so many fights in high school. I remember thinking to myself, “this society should not be this way.” I look forward to the day where I may meet new people and be welcomed by them, not condemned and feared as a foreigner. American politicians condemn us. American media belittle us. American people mock and patronize us. Then they roll over, and reclaim another oil-rich nation for “democracy.” It makes me sick.
I am a writer by trade. I promise you brothers, every Chinese person I meet will hear the voices of the Ukraine and the sins of the west. I will immortalize them in fiction and fantasy, that their cause and struggle may live forever, even if they will not. The souls of the damned, the Nazi scum, the fascists, the bankers, the politicians, will live forever in the hell I will write about them.
We will remember those who have fallen. We will not forget Mariupol, Odessa. We will not forget the faces of those in the most absolute of anguish as they died (for example the video of the gentleman being slaughtered in front of his wife…) and we will remember them all, just as we remember Nanjing, Suk Ching and all the others. Whether it is 1 life of 10,000 it does not matter.
God bless, and may Brother Guan watch over you.
‘Anonymous said
Btw, what is a “black and white girl” and a “blue girl”? I am sincerely confused.’
Sorry, anonymous, perhaps I should have been more clear. We raise collies and among the herd is Ekatarina, a black and white female, Champion 2 times over, and Sophia, a Blue Merle, also Champion. Blue Merles are called ‘blue’ because when born their fir is a shade of blue. As they mature and turn mostly silver, in certain lights they look blue.
I hope you get many donations. Very thoughtful and decent thing you guys are doing helping the refugees.
@ AGS,
I’m obviously not accustomed to Eastern European customs, hence my primal reaction. That reaction is not meant to divert ppl from donating, those words just rub me the wrong way [and that’s a personal thing].
Well it’s not that i wouldnt like to donate but i wont use paypal or any internet payment maybe you got a post address in the US? Or Krimea?
Okay, folks, Old Nora just had an idea and I’m wondering if there are any takers.
These. Kids. Need. Toys.
How about if — *in addition to, not instead of donating to getting women and children out* —
Would anybody be interested in donating a small amount every month for, say, six months or so, that could be set aside in a separate fund to buy at least toys for the little ones? It could go to St. Nikolas Church but be in a separate fund just for kid stuff.
These children have left everyone and everything they ever knew, under horrible circumstances. They. Need. Toys. Not just in a nursery to play with during the day, but dolls and stuffed animals and whatever, *of their own*, to hold at night, that are theirs.
Who wants to help? I’m thinking particularly of the women here, though men, of course, would never, ever, be excluded… ;~)
Who wants to help?
While wondering about what reason on Earth can be invoked for Auslander to make SG feel better, I’ll be very glad to send money to a stranger in internet.
I trust the Lord.
P.S. – Per i frequentatori Italiani di questo blog, vorrei segnalare che ultimamente si possono leggere diversi articoli di Saker in italiano, grazie alle traduzioni fatte da padre Ambrogio.
Queste sono le ultime:
Each person on this blog can contribute at least 100-200 bucks at a minimum. No excuses… we have fat full bellies and the people of the Donbas are living under extreme fascistic terror. Think of all the materialistic crap we spend $ on. Just do it… puleeeze.
I am a writer by trade. I promise you brothers, every Chinese person I meet will hear the voices of the Ukraine and the sins of the west. I will immortalize them in fiction and fantasy, that their cause and struggle may live forever, even if they will not. The souls of the damned, the Nazi scum, the fascists, the bankers, the politicians, will live forever in the hell I will write about them.
Dear friend
Thank you very much for your kind and wise words.
May God bless you and your nation.
I am a Croat, Slav.
Ja sam Hrvat, Slaven.
What’s happening is truly appalling, and has every indication of becoming yet another major humanitarian catastrophe, yet, here in Australia, the only MSM news has been about “those nasty separatists shooting down a plane and killing 49 people”.
Thank god for sites like Sakers, and Auslander’s and Juan’s sitreps, to keep us informed of what’s actually happening.
I truly despair the actions of governments…….
To Daniel Rich — Pardon my take-no-prisoners response. We are sorting through lots of cultures and ways of expressing ideas on this blog. It is challenging at times to correlate the differences. In those instances one just goes with ones gut.
We are all trying to do our best in confusing and dangerous times.
Take care. AGS
I will help. Count me in. I’ll also send money to the account set up. I don’t think that the money will be for anything else. I believe the man when he says he is honest. Not my place to judge, only on my heart to give. Looking at my beautiful grandson thinking about these other children and their mothers is just heartbreaking. Sad days indeed. Praying for the world. Blessings!
Charles Mondeley said…
Profound and wise words that make me believe that there is still a chance for this planet to survive.
Anonymous Anonymous said…
I am a writer by trade. I promise you brothers, every Chinese person I meet will hear the voices of the Ukraine and the sins of the west. I will immortalize them in fiction and fantasy, that their cause and struggle may live forever, even if they will not. The souls of the damned, the Nazi scum, the fascists, the bankers, the politicians, will live forever in the hell I will write about them.
Dear friend
Thank you very much for your kind and wise words.
May God bless you and your nation.
I am a Croat, Slav.
Ja sam Hrvat, Slaven.
And I am a Serb, Slav.
Ja sam Srbin, Slaven.
Wow! When a serb and croat can collaborate and bless a common sense Chinese person without killing each other..there is a future for Mother Earth!
Charles Mondeley said…
Profound and wise words that make me believe that there is still a chance for this planet to survive.
Anonymous Anonymous said…
I am a writer by trade. I promise you brothers, every Chinese person I meet will hear the voices of the Ukraine and the sins of the west. I will immortalize them in fiction and fantasy, that their cause and struggle may live forever, even if they will not. The souls of the damned, the Nazi scum, the fascists, the bankers, the politicians, will live forever in the hell I will write about them.
Dear friend
Thank you very much for your kind and wise words.
May God bless you and your nation.
I am a Croat, Slav.
Ja sam Hrvat, Slaven.
And I am a Serb, Slav.
Ja sam Srbin, Slaven.
Wow! When a serb and croat can collaborate and bless a common sense Chinese person without killing each other..there is a future for Mother Earth!
“Anonymous said…
I’ve never used Paypal in this way before, but it looks like if I send money directly through the PP website to my “friends or family” there are no fees attached.
Auslander, you and Bob are both so kind to do this I certainly would like to count you among my “friends” :)
Is there any reason not to send my donation this way?
18 June, 2014 21:02″
Yes, of course you can send money that way. I’m sorry I didn’t think of it to put in the instructions.
Can we donate through PayPal to you and then you forward it? Can I do that?
Sorry, I saw the PayPal email link to donate.
I’ll use that
Dominic Smith said
Sent a donation just now. For those dithering about the wording of the appeal, well, everything in life is a chance. In this case my heart says go.
I am amazed at cold water thrown at this project to help refugees.
Imagine the danger for the rescuers who have to travel almost 500 miles to Crimea from the war zone with women and children.
Probably security as well as transport and food costs.
Probably some bribery along the way. Getting into Crimea from Ukraine must be dicey.
And people are doubting whether they should assist with some money?
The church in Crimea connected with this is a big, famous church. Get on board.
If we here can finance one busload, we can sleep better knowing we helped cheat the killing machine our tax dollars and debt has paid for.
Check your conscience and join the crowd funding for charity. If they could speak to us, those kids and babies and mothers would beg us to help them get to safety.
for whatever is worth, on a serb and a croat agreeing with each other being a miracle …
I was class 87 serving in EX YU army (mandatory service). There were 3 guys in mine group that were best palls and watching each other. If you mess with one, you would soon have all 3 of them on your back.
As the story goes… one was Serb, one was Croat and one was Muslim .. from Bosnia.(they did not know each other before the army, nor they were from the same city)
4 Years later (1991+), watched everything go to shit. I simply could not compute(comprehend) the new situation. Left the place for good 3 years later. My country was dead at that time. Fighting was going for many years, left ruins in people minds and societal structures that are yet to be repaired.
p.s. I wish better outcome for Ukraine and its people. However, I think its too late.
Thanks, Lucky McGriff.
So far, you and I are the only ones! I’m really astounded at that — Fifty cents or a dollar a day could make all the difference in the world for a child. They don’t just need physical safety, they need comfort, and some soft stuffed thing of their own. Even just $5/month — and there are few people who can’t afford that — could help a little one so very, very much. And if I’m not mistaken, you can set it up via PayPal for a monthly payment.
I am so said to see this tragedy in Ukraine, people are dying because somebody sold their country interests to USA and fight for US interests. Didnt the ukranians see that their country is descending to Iraq?
If you have a pay-pal account this is easy and if everyone that can send some money it will add up fast.