Posts From The Saker
Quote of the Day, George Galloway: Gaza people are all Sunni. But the only people helping them are all Shia, Think! In the last two SITREPs part of the short analyses was justifying Shia actions and Shia militias. This video linked by augmentedether, in my opinion, justifies in part the anger, hatred, and hurt felt by many of the everyday Iraqi Sunnis (on the receiving end of some of these
I will begin this SITREP by re-posting the video of the interview made by Ukrainian TV by phone with a solider of the Ukie forces in the so-called “southern cauldron”. Please make sure to press on the ‘cc’ button to get the English subtitles:Speaking of videos, the I wanted to point out that the video I posted yesterday of what appeared to be Grad systems firing a Ukie forces from
1. Strelkov has allowed the Uke Army to enter in to a trap of their own making in a narrow long corridor between Army of Novorossiya and the Russia Border known as ‘The Cauldron’. Never underestimate your enemy. In this case it seems the Ukeland Army has violated that truism. 2. Minimum 35 Uke soldiers have been taken across the border to Russia for medical treatment. Confirmed.3. Border point near
This video reportedly shows Russian MLRS inside Russia firing salvos at the Ukie forces retreating from the “southern cauldron”. This video was made near the town of Gukovo, inside Russia, and the target(s) are inside the Ukraine: The Ukies will complain, of course, and the Russian will deny it, of course. None of which will prevent the Ukies forced for further being wiped off.By now there is overwhelming evidence that
Thank you everyone, Saker in particular, and open minded Sunni commentators who were open about my “sectarian” post and only sought to guide me in their replies. I will try to keep religion out till the next library burns. But I have answered some of the issues raised in this SITREP. Quote of the day: I am a Muslim, neither Shia nor Sunni, and I go to Shia Mosques as
15:50 – July 16, 2014 – Briefing From the Militiatranslated by Gleb BazovMarinovka has been taken by the Militia. The punitive forces have been totally encircled. The southern cauldron has been firmly sealed. The Ukrainian forces have only one chance to survive – to surrender to the Militia or to be interned on the territory of Russia.On other areas of the southern front, the Militia also continues an active offensive.
Ukrainian Soldier’s Cry for Help: We’ve Been Retreating for Four Days Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov Video: A Call from the ATO Zone – We’ve Been Retreating for Four Days Ukrainian Soldier: I am currently the area of Sverdlovsk, Krasno-Partisansk and Izvarino. There are only 400 of us left out of almost 800. Reporter: Describe the situation. What is happening now? Please tell us. Ukrainian Soldier: What is
Dear friends,I am sorry to report that I will again have to be away from my keyboard for most of the day. Therefore, I will again leave an open thread for you to use to keep the discussion going. Please do not use that time to attack anybody personally.Right now I will just say this:There are reports from different sources which all point to the same fact: it appears the
Briefings Combined for end of July 14, July 15 and beginning of July 16, 2014Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov July 14, 2014 – Notes from a Lugansk Militiaman Over the past two weeks (starting with the 1st of July) LPR [Lugansk People’s Republic] militiamen inflicted substantial losses on the enemy, eliminating over 800 men, with 4 militiamen killed. In addition, over 50 armoured vehicles were destroyed (just over the
Quote of the Day, Lebanese Sunni Scholar Sheikh Maaher Hammoud: If you want Arabs to fight Israel, tell them Israel converted to Shiaism Quote of the Day Two, Patrick Cockburn: In some areas, being Shia is akin to being a Jew in Nazi Germany Thought of the Day: Enemy of Enemy is my Friend? 15th July: Tribal Fighters in Dhuluia have fought and forced out Daash Fighters from the entire
Dear friends,I will be gone most of the day and unable to do much besides moderating comments from my car. If I get SITREPs today I will post them this evening. I just wanted to let you know that I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what the hell was really going on at the Lugansk airport and my best guess is that the Ukies are still
Oh I know what some will say about this video: that is a lie, that this man is not from Afghanistan, that he is getting paid, etc. etc. I don’t post this here for them. I post this for the rest of you.The Saker
I think that this well made video is a “must watch” at a time when the Ukie junta in Kiev is clearly absolutely desperate to draw Russia into a war: ( please click on ‘cc’ on the bottom right of the video to see the English subtitles) If Youtube censors the video under the usual pretext, the you can also see it here.Now let’s see if those who accuse Putin
It is too early to post a formal SITREP simply because the situation is way too confused, but I want to give you all a small heads-up on what is happening right now. Take a look at that map: Combat situation as of July 13th The city on the top right is Luganks, center Left Donetsk and to the south you have the border with (Russia indicated by РОССИЯ). In
Quote of the Day, US Senator John McCain: the restraint of the Israelis, in my view, is admirable Thought of the Day: What if this man had won the election along with Sarah Palin? 14th July: Unconfirmed: Sistani has sent a verbal message to Maliki to find a replacement for his post within a week. The Marja has said that failure to do so will force him to take a
Ukraine’s Démarche Against Refugees – To Be Interned, Split and Forcibly Utilized as Soldiers Preamble: The document below was published by LifeNews as a true copy of a letter prepared by the acting Ukrainian Minister of Defence, Colonel General Mikhail Koval, who addressed it to the President of Ukraine, Pyotr Poroshenko. Unless I receive a specific request—and due to lack of time and volume of work—I am not going to apply
Galina Pyshnyak – Eyewitness Account of Ukrainian Atrocities in Slavyansk (Subtitled in English) Preamble by Gleb Bazov: Considering the controversy this eyewitness account has already generated (and will continue to generate), it deserves a thorough review from the standpoint of legal and evidentiary rules. That review will be generated and provided over the next several days. For now, I can offer you my professional expertise, as a courtroom advocate with