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Posts From The Saker

Palestine Potpourri: Israeli Elections 2019

by Lynda Burstein Brayer for The Saker Blog In Israel today, April 9, 2019, out of a population of approximately 8,452,841 million people, 6.3 million people have the right to vote at one of the 10,000 voting stations prepared for their convenience. The voting is executed with paper votes with voting slips and envelopes already prepared in the private voting booths. After exiting the booth the envelope is slid into

Interview: Russian Ambassador in Lebanon on Axis of Resistance

Translated by Dmitry for The Saker Blog Interview of the Ambassador of Russia in Lebanon A.Zasypkin to the Novaya Gazeta, published on March 15, 2019 Question: Now representatives of Russia on various occasions are talking about the need to facilitate the return of refugees. Lebanon is one of the most involved countries in this problem, with 1.5 million refugees concentrated here. Would you tell us how the process is

Beware of clickbaiting, sensationalism, baseless rumors, etc…

Dear friends, A little less than a year ago I posted an small warning I entitled “Why hit pieces should be ignored by our Community” and, in the same spirit, I have decided to post another warning about a related phenomenon (if only because we usually see the same parties doing both things): clickbaiting. I decided to write this because I am regularly getting emails sounding something like this: “have

Foreign backed terrorism in Iran: Part one -US/Israeli backed Salafists in Iran

By Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog While terrorism is a phenomenon most of us have come in touch with during our lifetime, much of the coverage is shadowed by terrorism in the Middle East, especially in Syria and Iraq, where US backed terrorist groups have wreaked havoc in devastating the wars that have plagued these countries. Nonetheless, terrorism is widespread across the region, even in Iran. Due to Iran’s

Basel 3: A Revolution That Once Again No One Noticed

By Aleksandr Khaldey Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: Real revolutions are taking place not on squares, but in the quiet of offices, and that’s why nobody noticed the world revolution that took place on March 29th 2019. Only a small wave passed across the periphery of the information field, and the momentum faded away because the situation was described in terms unclear

The story of a martyr FOR, and not BY, China’s Cultural Revolution (2/8)

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog Actually talk to rural people in China and you can certainly learn of martyrs FOR the Cultural Revolution; talk to disgraced party elites, abusive factory bosses, tyrannical schoolteachers, smug technocrats, pagan witch doctors or parasitic monks, and you get stories of those martyred BY the Cultural Revolution. Welcome back to the first day of journalism school! “One person’s ‘terrorist’ is another person’s ‘freedom-fighter’”.

Gilets Jaunes SITREP. ACT 19 and 20.

by the Francophone Saker for the Saker blog To try to hamper Acts 19 and 20, the government banned the demonstrators from entire neighbourhoods and perimeters. The Champs Elysées for Paris and the city centre for large cities. Any offender will receive a fine of 135 euros to be paid immediately or 190 euros to be paid later. For instance, a couple has been fined for simply wearing a sweater

The New Master of Ukraine

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with Source: Ukraine received a new master, irrespective of who will take the presidency. The master is named Igor Valeryevich Kolomoisky. It is he who detailed and implemented the scenario of the first round of voting in such a way that Poroshenko – who progressed to the second round, Tymoshenko – who didn’t progress, Boyko – who took fourth place, and

Resistance report: Washington falls deeper into the abyss and what’s holding the Syrian Army’s Idlib offensive up?

By Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog Last Monday, after much speculation Trump signed a declaration recognizing the occupied Golan Heights as Israeli territory. Trump recognizing the Golan Heights as Israeli land is a sign that Washington is falling ever deeper into the abyss.The ever so Israel friendly Trump administration is trying to give legitimacy to Israel’s occupation of Syrian territory. Who do they think they are kidding? Make no

A few initial thoughts about the first round of the Ukrainian Presidential election (UPDATED)

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] The first round of the Presidential election in the Ukraine took place on April Fool’s Day and it could be tempting to dismiss it all like a big farce which, of course, it was, but, we should not overlook the fact that some very interesting and important events have just taken place.  I won’t discuss them all right now, there will be

Pentagon Obsession: China, China, China

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with Strategic Culture) by special agreement with the author) Chinese nuclear bombers. Chinese hypersonic missiles. Chinese carrier killer missiles. Chinese cyberattacks. Chinese anti-satellite weaponry. Chinese militarization of the South China Sea. Chinese Huawei spying. So many Chinese “malign intentions”. And we’re not even talking about Russia. Few people around the world are aware that the Pentagon for the moment is led by a mere “acting” Defense

Good-Bye Home Country

by Jimmie Moglia for The Saker Blog On Mar 19, 2019 an “Italian” school-bus driver, dumped several canisters of gasoline inside a school-bus full of students, and set it ablaze. It was a miracle that there were no victims. The inverted quotes around “Italian” require an explanation. In line with the Kalergi Plan for the Western World – more later – Italian and European mainstream newspapers resort to lexical acrobatics

Report: Yellow Vests Act 20 (media heavy – loads slowly!)

by Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog Act 20 of the Yellow Vests took place on March 30th nationwide in France and happened against the background of last week’s brutal beating of a female protestor in Nice. My reports on Acts 18 and 19 can be read here and here respectively. Paris The demonstration in Paris was focused on housing expulsions, energy cuts, and expensive accommodation. It should be noted

‘Pulp Fiction’, the Mueller Report & empty Generation X politics

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog Turns out the Mueller Report isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. It is certainly a sad day for America. Get wasted on tabloid, sore-loser, unproven accusations and the hangover will be costly. But the damage to the credibility of the Democratic Party and the Mainstream Media? Incalculable. Generation X-ers are role models now, but the past two years sure wasn’t “leadership”. Millennials

How electoral fraud became the cornerstone of Ukraine’s 2019 presidential election

by Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog Of course, it comes as no surprise that both state and independent media are currently interested in the 2019 Ukrainian presidential election, scheduled to take place on March 31st. But if we are to be honest, this interest isn’t so much caused by an eager anticipation vis-a-vis the result. After all, nothing will change much in Ukraine after the election, or rather –
