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Posts From Scott

Lukashenko asks Putin to accept Belarus as a part of Russia, by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and subtitled by Scott Humor Original video Vladimir Putin’s trip to Minsk and closed-door talks, which took unusually long time, attracted attention of many political experts. The president of Russia flew to Belarus on June 19th. On June 22nd, after only a couple of days, Alexander Lukashenko publicly admitted that the republic could become a part of “some state.” So, should we say welcome to the Belarusian Federal

Syrian War Report – June 25, 2018: Government Troops Make Rapid Gains In Southern Syria On June 23, militants in 11 settlements in southern Syria surrendered to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and declared their readiness to fight ISIS and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra), the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement on June 24. According to pro-government sources, about 900 members of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) joined the SAA. On June 24, the  SAA and the Tiger Forces liberated the

Yemeni War Report – June 21, 2018: al-Hudaydah Airport Still Remains Contested Fierce clashes between the Saudi-led coalition’s forces and the Houthis are ongoing near the port city of al-Hudaydah in western Yemen. On June 19, the coalition’s forces once again entered the al-Hudaydah airport claiming that this time they really captured it. However, they were not able to establish full control of this important facility because of a fierce resistance from the Houthis. On June 20, clashes in the area

Syrian War Report – June 20, 2018: Syrian Army Attacks Militants In Daraa Province On June 19, units of government forces attacked positions of militant groups near the village of Buser al-Harir northeast of the southern Syrian city of Daraa. Sporadic clashes in the area continued on June 20 but no major advance was carried out by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies. Pro-government sources described this development as a trial balloon ahead of possible advance in the area. If the

Why do we need the World Football Cup? By Ruslan Ostashko

Translation and subtitles by Scott Humor Edited by Leo original video I have read many articles, social media posts, and readers’ comments  searching for answers to the question: “Why do we have to do this World Cup? This, pardon my French, Mundial?” Let’s talk about this. I want to discuss this issue in a context of which little is being said. To begin with, I disagree with those who claim

Syrian War Report – June 19, 2018: Many Govt Fighters Killed In Alleged US Strikes In Eastern Syria On June 18, the US-led carried out airstrikes on a position of government forces at the village of of al-Hiri, located southeast of the border town of al-Bukamal, the Syrian state media said describing the attack as an attempt to raise morale of terrorist groups that are losing the war to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). The SANA also accused the US of providing ISIS with various support in

Battle For al-Hudaydah Can Become Turning Point In Yemen War The Saudi-led coalition and its proxies are developing their military operation to capture the western Yemeni port city of al-Hudaydah from the Houthis. This very advance started on June 13 after a series of failed attempts of the coalition-led forces to reach the city along the western Yemeni coast. Over 25,000 of coalition-backed fighters and at least 1,500 UAE troops, backed by a large number of military equipment, including

The Americans have found Nazism in the Ukraine, by Ruslan Ostashko

  (Click “CC” for English subtitles) original video   Description: Where have you seen Nazis in the Ukraine? This question to our global neighbours and liberals must now also be posed to American human rights activists. But why have all these NGOs suddenly turned their attention to this problem? Aren’t they undermining Poroshenko? Transcript: The Internet knows a special genre of humour concerning Ukraine. It has no official name, but

How Finland and Estonia fooled laws of nature and Russian gas, by Ruslan Ostashko

  Dear friends, here are some perplexing news. I read and reread them several times, checked sources and encyclopedia, and still couldn’t understand what exactly is happening. Hopefully, together we will get to the bottom of it. Estonia has decided to fight for its “energy independence” and decided to buy natural gas from… Finland. There is only one question regarding this otherwise normally sounding news. What is the source of

Syrian War Report – June 15, 2018: Russia, Turkey Reportedly Reach Agreement On Tell Rifaat Russia and Turkey have reached an agreement on the situation in the town of Tell Rifaat in the province of Aleppo, the London-based newspaper al-Araby al-Jadeed reported on June 14. Under the agreement, units of the Turkish military will allegedly be deployed in Tell Rifaat side by side with the Russian Military Police, which was deployed there a few months ago. The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Kurdish

Yemeni War Report – June 14, 2018: Battle For Hudaydah On January 13, the Saudi-led coalition launched a new operation to capture the Yemeni port city of Hudaydah from the Houthis. “Liberation of the port is the beginning of the fall of the Houthi militias. It will secure navigation in the Bab al-Mandab Strait and cut off the hands of Iran,” the Saudi-backed government of Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi said in a statement. The ground operation is reportedly supported

Syrian War Report – June 13, 2018: Italian Troops Deployed In Eastern Syria The Syrian military is deploying additional Pantsir-S1 short to medium range air defense systems in southern and eastern Syria, according to pro-government sources. Additional Pantsir-S1 systems had been deployed in the area near the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, the Hezbollah media wing in Syria said on June 12. This move is clearly aimed at strengthening the air-defense capabilities of the government forces in case if Israel reacts to a military

Syrian War Report – June 12, 2018: Army Repels Militants’ Attack Coming From US-held Area On Palmyra Early on June 11, pro-government forces, supported by the Russian Aerospace Forces, repelled a militant attack coming from the US-held area of Al-Tanf in eastern Syria on the ancient city of Palmyra, according to the Russian military. Syrian troops reportedly detected a group of militants with motorcycles and vehicles equipped with machine guns near Tall Ghurab. Five militants were killed and a vehicle and a motorcycle were destroyed in

Syrian War Report – June 11, 2018: Syrian Army Repels Series Of ISIS Attacks On Al-Bukamal Last weekend, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies repelled another series of ISIS attacks on the town of al-Bukamal at the Syrian-Iraqi border. ISIS used several suicide bombers and car bombs to break the SAA defense but failed to capture any key positions. In clashes that took place from June 8 to and June 10, about 35 pro-government fighters were killed, according to pro-opposition sources. In turn,

Syrian War Report – June 6, 2018: YPG Forces Withdraw From Manbij Units of the Syrian Army’s 11th Armoured Division have been delpoyed in the northern part of the Syrian-Lebanese border where they are set to replace Hezbollah fighters. The area of Qusayr has been one of the key Hezbollah footholds in western Syria. It is unclear if it will be abandoned. According to some pro-government sources, Russian military police units are also withdrawing from the border area. The situation over

Syrian War Report – June 5, 2018: Roadmap For Manbij, Explosion Near US-French Military Base On June 4, the US State Department officially acknowledged that Turkey and the US had endorsed a roadmap for the northern town of Manbij. The announcement came after a meeting between Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu and U.S. State Secretary Mike Pompeo in Washington. Manbij is currently controlled by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Kurdish YPG and YPJ forces are the core of the SDF. Ankara sees them

May 31, 2018: 9,200 Locals From Eastern Ghouta Join Syrian Army More than 9,200 locals from the Eastern Ghouta region near Damascus have joined the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and several pro-government groups since the liberation of the area on April 14, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported on May 30. Under the reconciliation agreement reached in the area, 18-42 y.o. men got a six-month period to settle their legal status and join the SAA if they have not

Israel Carries Out Massive Strike On Gaza, Locals Protest Against US-backed Forces In Syria Tensions between the local population and the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are growing. Protests against the SDF have recently erupted in the cities of Manbij, Hasakah and Raqqah. The predominantly Arab local population protested against behavior and policies, including forced conscription, implemented by the SDF. Forces of the US-led coalition were even forced to intervene into the situation in Raqqa in order to stop infighting between the Kurdish

May 28, 2018: Su-57 Stealth Fighter Carries Out Strikes In Syria Four Russian military advisers have been killed and three others have been injured in the Syrian province of Deir Ezzor in a shelling carried out by militants, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement on May 27. According to the statement, militants attacked an artillery battery of pro-government forces assisted by Russian military advisers. Two Russians were killed on the scene. Two others died from wounds in hospital.
