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Posts From Scott

Douma false flag ‘attack’ witnesses speak at OPCW briefing at The Hague (VIDEO)

  Video starts at 1:10   Ruptly’s description: Russia’s Representatives of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) hold a press conference at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in The Hague on Thursday, April 26. Two witnesses, 11 year-old Hassan Diab and his father, are expected to be present in order to present evidence for claims that the suspected April 7 Douma chemical attack was staged. Douma ‘attack’ witnesses

April 26, 2018: Russia Shows US Missiles Intercepted In Syria On April 25, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies established a full control of Eastern Qalamoun following a withdrawal of the last batch of militants from the area. However, the Syrian Defense Ministry still has confirm the control of the region in an official statement. It is important to note that a large number of militants remained in the area in the framework of a reconciliation deal

On sanctions

by Scott Humor On Monday April 16, a well-oiled machine of anti-Russian sanctions experienced a major hiccup. This day the US Treasury promised to announce new sanctions against Russia’s companies and persons, if  the US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley to be believed. Why would the US Ambassador to the UN do such things as announcing the US Treasury’s plans is everyone’s guess, especially since this Monday, when it

Syrian War Report – April 25, 2018: Russia Repels Drone Attack On Its Air Base In Syria On the evening of April 24, Russian forces repelled an attack by armed drones on their Hmeimim airbase in the province of Latakia. According to the reports, Russian Pantsir-S1 air defense systems shot down two drones armed with projectiles before they were able to attack the base. Some sources added that the airbase had also come under rocket attack. However, these rocket were also intercepted. Later the Russian Defense

Russia Shows Wreckage Of Trump’s “Smart” Missiles Intercepted In Syria UPDATE: According to the April 25 press briefing by the Russian military: – only 22 US, French, British missiles hit their targets; – 46 missiles were intercepted by Syrian air defense systems covering the capital of Syria and Duvali, Dumayr, Blai, and Mazzeh nearby airfields; – a part of the missiles failed to reach their targets by different, apparently technical, reasons.   On April 25, the chief of the

Syrian War Report – April 24, 2018: US Builds New Base, Prepares For Next Phase Of Conflict On April 23, according to local sources, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) destroyed an artillery piece of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) with a guided missile near the town of al-Kawm in southern Syria. The IDF confirmed the reports and justified their move by saying that a mortar shell originating from Syria had fallen in the Israeli-held area. On the same day, the SAA repelled three separate attacks by

Syrian War Report – April 23, 2018: Militant-Held Pockets Crumbling In Western Syria Syrian government forces are developing an advance against ISIS in the Yarmouk refugee camp area in southern Damascus. The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies have liberated the al-Mujahedeen mosque reaching the Taqadom district and captured a major part of the Zain district. This area is the last militant-held pocket near Damascus. If it’s liberated, the Syrian capital will be fully secured. According to pro-government sources, the sides

Syrian War Report – April 20, 2018: Operations In Southern Damascus, Eastern Qalamoun On April 19, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies supported by warplanes of the Syrian Air Force launched a military operation against ISIS in the Yarmouk refugee camp and the al-Hajar al-Aswad district in southern Damascus. The SAA also involved artillery guns and rocket launchers to support the attack. The development came after negotiations on a possible withdrawal of ISIS members from the area to the eastern

Syrian War Report – April 19, 2018: Journalists Find Boy Filmed In Staged Video Of Chemical Attack In Douma A group of Russian correspondents led by Evgeny Poddubny has found a boy filmed by the White Helmets in their video showing people “affected” by the alleged chemical attack in Douma on April 7. According to Poddubny: 11-year-old Hassan Diab is fine; He suffered no injures from the “chemical attack” because there was no attack (at least then and there); The boy participated in the video for food (rice,

Syrian War Report – April 18, 2018: Syrian Army Advances In Rastan, Reaches Deal In Dumayr After the victory in Eastern Ghouta, the Syrian military turned its eyes to other militant-held pockets across the country. On April 15, the Syrian Army and the National Defense Forces launched a military operation against Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra) in the Rastan pocket in northern Homs. They have have liberated a large number of points including Jarjisah, Ard Jasiyah, Ard Qabr Shaykhah, Zahrat Jibab and Tal Na’ourah.

Syrian War Report – April 17, 2018: Syrian Forces Repel More Missile Strikes Last night, the Syrian Air Defense Forces (SADF) repelled another missile attack allegedly carried out by the Israeli military. Missiles were intercepted in two areas: Near Shayrat military airfield in the Homs countryside – 6 missiles were intercepted (according to some sources, 9 missiles) Near Dumair military airfield in the Damascus countryside – 3 missiles were intercepted. According to reports, the SADF also used its S-200 air defense system to launch

Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry official Major General Igor Konashenkov April 16, 2018 As it was promised, the Russian Defence Ministry analyzed effectiveness of missile and bomb strike made by the United States, Great Britain, and France on Syria as well as actions held by Syrian air defence units. It is to be reminded that on April 14 from 3.42 a.m. to 5.10 a.m. (MSK) different objects of the Syrian Arab Republic were attacked air and sea-based missile carriers of the United

US-led Strikes On Syria: PR Victory Or Decisive Failure? Early on April 14, the US, the UK and France delivered a massive missile strike on Syria. The attack was publicly justified with accusations that the Syrian government had allegedly been behind the so-called Douma chemical attack on April 7. US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis described the strikes as “harder” than the 2017 strikes on Shayrat military airfield. The Pentagon said that the US and its allies had launched

U.S., U.K., France Conduct Massive Missile Strike On Syria: Details On April 14, the US, the UK and France launched a joint massive strike on Syria justifying their actions with the alleged use of chemical weapons in Douma on April 7. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the Syrian Air Defense Forces shot down 71 of 103 missiles launched by the US-led bloc. Four missiles were launched at the area of the Damascus International Airport. All missiles were intercepted.

Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the Russian General Staff Colonel General Sergei Rudskoy holds briefing for mass media

14.04.2018 (12:00)   The US alongside its allies conducted a missile strike by its air and naval carriers targeting military and civil facilities of the Syrian Arab Republic on April 14 in the period from 3.42 am till 5.10 am (MSK). The Russian air defence systems at the Khmeimim and Tartus air base timely located and controlled all naval and air launches made by the USA and the UK.

Briefing by official representative of Russian Defence Ministry Major General Igor Konashenkov Full Transcript

13.04.2018 (18:00)   The Russian Centre for Reconciliation jointly with the Syrian authorities is completing the large-scale humanitarian operation in the suburbs of Damascus – the Eastern Ghouta. In total, 170,152 people have been evacuated during the operation, including 63,117 militants with their families. All the settlements in the Eastern Ghouta are currently under the control of the Syrian government. The Russian military police has been deployed in the

SouthFront’s Website and Videos Are Fully Censored On Facebook Facebook is censoring SouthFront’s website and videos. All posts with links to have been removed; All SouthFront videos released in 2018 have been removed; No more links to can be posted on Facebook; The formal reason is that doesn’t meet Facebook’s Community Standards.

Russia’s Defense Ministry briefing on situation in Syria and investigation of Douma hoax

Igor Konashenkov, Russia’s Ministry of Defense spokesman, had a briefing for journalists on situation in Syria and said that MOD has proof of UK’s involvement in Douma chemical incident Russia’s Defense Ministry has found those who took part in filming the rent-a-mob chemical attack in Syria’s Douma. Russia’s defense ministry has evidence proving the United Kingdom’s direct involvement in the organization of the provocation with the alleged chemical attack in

Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova, Moscow, April 12, 2018

Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova, Moscow, April 12, 2018 Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Stef Blok to pay a working visit to the Russian Federation Talks between Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Stef Blok are scheduled to take place in Moscow on April 13. He will be in the Russian Federation at the Netherlands’ initiative. The two foreign ministers
