A brief excursion into how the “opposition” in Russia makes fake “news,”  and political statements based on fake “news.”

Alexey Navalny is a leader of so called “Anti-Corruption Foundation,” allegedly, the Western governments funded neo-liberal NGO organization.

Recently, a documentary was released alleging that A. Navalny has been an MI-6 agent for over  a decade.  

Tuesday May 17th, 2016

  1. Navalny’s tweet: In Anapa airport group of dressed up clowns attacked the group of FBK (Anti-Corruption Foundation)

On a picture, one of the Navalny’s organization employee, Artyom Torchinsky

  1. Navalny’s tweet: They kicked Artyom Torchinsky while he was on the ground

  1. Kira Yarmysh, Navalny’s press-secretary tweeted:

Someone attacked Navalny and his staff at the Anapa airport. Artyom Torchinsky has been beaten up. he is on the ground. He sustained injuries to his head.


  1. Artyom Torchinsky tweeted; Waiting for our flight in the airport


  1. May 17th, Navalny tweeted: “Ha-ha-ha-ha”

test on the image from RBC News:

“Anapa district Cossack society representative has stated that “people who attacked the staff of FBK at the airport are not the Cossacks. Cossacks were just trying to separate the attackers.”

People who attacked the team of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) by Alexei Navalny near the Anapa airport are not the Cossacks, said to RBC the officer on duty for the Anapa district Cossack society Ivan Petrov. According to him, when “mister Nvalny with his companions came to the airport, he was greeted by men dressed up in camouflage uniforms”. At first, they applauded him, and shortly after a brawl erupted.

“Those who attacked Navalny and his associates, are not the Cossacks. Police are now looking for them”, — said Petrov. He said that he does not know who exactly those attacks were.

“The Cossacks — those who stood on video in black uniforms, they are guards who serve at the airport. They tried to separate a fight,” — said Petrov. According to him, after they got a report that some people in camouflage were gathering in the small park near the airport, the commander of the local Cossack militia called the chieftain, and the chieftain gave the command to strengthen the vigilantes.

  1. May17th, Navalny re-tweeted an Anonymous: “This is the best advertisement for a resort town.” On the image : “Take vacation in our resort town, bitch”

  1. Anna Velikok’s tweet: “Civil reporters” lifenews live in a free country and you’re not.”

She attached an image of someone’s post quoting: “RBC newspaper reported Kira Yarmysh, Navalny’s press-secretary, “first the attackers poured milk on the members of opposition. After that they started shouting “You hit me” and “get off our Kuban land,”  they started beating everyone including women. Yarmysh stressed that they had children with them, but they managed to shield children from attackers. “They shouted a little, but they beat us up a lot.”

The entire process was filmed by several people with cameras. “The Police were present. They saw everything, but they didn’t interfere,” press-secretary Yarmysh reported.

Later, the “operators” were asked to show their press credentials, but they refused, stating that they live in a free country.”

Anna Velikok is a student at the Department of Political Science at CEU (Central European University)

  1. Dmitry Maximov’ profile: Activist, Libertarian, member of the Libertarian Party of Russia (LPR). Love Russia, but not putinism. Patriot. 18+ personal opinions.

Dmitry Maximov’s tweet:  The danger of fascism is obvious.

Re-twit of Oleg Kozlovsky: The most dangerous that has happening in Russia in recent years is the increase in political violence. We got used to it. It has become a norm.

Oleg Kozlovsky’s profile: Activist. Agent of change. Creator of @Civil Leaders

On his twitter profile, an image of used car tires, a hint about Maidan in Ukraine that burned tire.

  1. May17th, Open Russia Foundation, Mikhail Khodorkovsky-Soros- the US State Department organization tweeted a copy of an inquiry filed on May 17th by D. G. Gudkov, deputy of the State Duma of Russia. The same Gudkov who famously stated in 2013 : “This is the Agony of the Regime”


  1. Alexander Michailov, a writer, tweeted:

“The brawl was started by a husband of Navalny’s employee, a drug addict and hooligan, Alexander Anyshkin


What had actually took place in Anapa airport on May 17th, 2016




The following day, after the massive outcry by the Western media about “regime attacking opposition,” the whole incident was forgotten like it never took place.  Compare this “fake” news and false flag attacks on the “opposition” in Russia with the reaction to real attacks and death of independent journalists.