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Tag "Alexey Navalny"

Russians are the dumbest idiots on the planet!

Russians are dumb.  Hopelessly stupid.  They are amateurs of the worst kind.  Ignoramuses on steroids.  Why? Well, for one, their so-called super-dooper biowarfare agent “Novichok” seems unable to kill anybody.  The Russians must have realized that.  This is why, when they tried to kill Skripal (after freeing him from jail) they put that Novichok thing all over the place:  on the bench near Salisbury, on Skripal’s door handle, even in

Battle of fake Cossacks vs Navalny Liberals in several tweets, by Scott

A brief excursion into how the “opposition” in Russia makes fake “news,”  and political statements based on fake “news.” Alexey Navalny is a leader of so called “Anti-Corruption Foundation,” allegedly, the Western governments funded neo-liberal NGO organization. Recently, a documentary was released alleging that A. Navalny has been an MI-6 agent for over  a decade.   Tuesday May 17th, 2016 Navalny’s tweet: In Anapa airport group of dressed up clowns
