[this article was written for the Unz Review]
The Empire has suffered painful defeats in Afghanistan and Iraq, but one has to admit that these are “tough” countries to crack. The Empire also appears to have lost control of Libya, but that is another complex country which is very hard to control. We also saw all the pathetic huffing and puffing with the DPRK. But, let’s be honest, the USA never stood a chance to bully the DPRK into submission, nevermind invading or regime-changing it. Syria was much weaker, but here Russia, Iran and Hezbollah did a world class job of repelling all the AngloZionist attacks, political and military. Besides, I for one will never blame Trump for not listening to Bolton and not triggering WWIII over Syria (yet?)
But Venezuela?!
No Hezbollah or Iran backing Maduro there. And Venezuela is way too far away from Russia to allow her to do what she did in Syria. In fact, Venezuela is in the proverbial “backyard” of the USA and is surrounded by hostile puppet regimes. And yet, tonight, it appears that the US puppet Guaidó has failed in his coup attempt.
Moon of Alabama did a great job covering the events of the day, so I will refer you to the excellent article “Venezuela – Random Guyaidó’s New Coup Attempt Turns Out to Be A Dangerous Joke“. I fully concur that today’s coup was both a joke and very dangerous.
Russian readers can also check out this article by Vzgliad which also gives a lot of interesting details, including the fact that Guaidó launched his coup from the Colombian Embassy in Caracas (see here for a machine translation).
But the thing which amazes me most tonight is the truly breathtakingly pathetic weakness of the clowns who launched this latest failed operation: Pompeo and Mr MAGA. Check them out:
Let’s begin with Pompeo.
According to him, the coup failed because of Russia (what else is new?)! Not only that, but Maduro had already decided to run to Cuba, but then the Russians stopped him.
So are we to believe that the coup was a stunning success, yet another feather to the CIA’s “hat” of failed successful covert operations? Apparently so.
After all, why would Maduro want to run unless he realized that the situation was hopeless?
But then “Russia” called him and told him to stay put. The conversation must gone something like this:
Putin: Mr Maduro – you don’t need to worry about a thing. Just do what we tell you and stay put.
Maduro: but my people hate me! They all turned against me! The military is behind the coup!
Putin: no, no, it’s all under control, just stay put.
Maduro: but the mob will lynch me if I stay!!!!
Putin: no worries, nobody will touch you.
Does that dialog look credible to you? I sure hope not! I think that anybody with a modicum of intelligence ought to realize that Maduro’s decision to stay in place could only have been based on one of two possible considerations:
- The coup has failed and Maduro is safe or
- The coup is successful and Maduro will stay and fight till his last breath (like Allende did)
But tonight Maduro is safe in Caracas and the coup plotters are on the run.
The truth is that only a loser and imbecile like Pompeo could come up with such a lame excuse in a desperate attempt to “cover his ass” and blame his failure on the Neocon’s favorite scapegoat: Russia.
Now let’s check what his boss had to say:
Trump does not blame Russia. Instead, he blames Cuba!
I don’t know what kind of silly scenarios Mr MAGA ran in his head to come up with “the Cubans did it” but that is even more ridiculous than “the Russians did it”. Reading this “tweets” (how appropriate for this bird-brain!) one could get the impression that the Cubans launched a full-scale military attack (involving both the Cuban military and “militias”) and that they orchestrated a brutal crack-down on the Venezuelan people.
In the real world, however, Cuba did nothing of the sort.
But, really, who cares?!
In the Empire of Illusions fact don’t matter. At least to the leaders of the AngloZionist Empire who continue to believe that only spin matters.
In the case of Venezuela, spin alone failed.
So what’s next?
According to the typical scenario revealed to us by John Perkins, the next step should be a full-scale US invasion. And yes, he is right, that would be what the Empire would have done in its heyday. But nowadays?
Check out this interesting news snippet: Eric Prince wants Blackwater to send 5,000 mercenaries to Venezuela (does anybody know why and how these clowns came up with the 5,000 figure? First Bolton, now Prince. Do they *really* think that this is enough?!).
The point is not whether Prince will ever get to send mercenaries to Venezuela or whether the Trump administration is inclined to accept this offer. The point is that Prince would have never made this offer in the first place if the US military was up to the task. It is not, and Prince knows that very well.

The military stands by the Constitutional government of Venezuela
As for Maduro, he seems to have the support not only of a majority of his people, but of the Venezuelan armed forces. As for the armed forces, they are clearly enjoying the support of the people.
This is a very bad combination for the Empire. Here is why:
Yes, Venezuela has immense problems. And yes, both Chavez and Maduro have made mistakes. But this is not about Chavez or Maduro, this is about the rule of law inside and outside Venezuela. This is about the people of Venezuela, even the suffering ones, not willing to renounce the sovereignty of their country. Yes, Chavez did not solve all of Venezuela’s problems, but to deliver the country to the Empire would mean crushing any hope of true, real, people power. The Venezuelan people apparently have no illusions about their Yankee neighbors and they don’t want the Empire-style “democracy” to turn Venezuela into the next Libya.
I should never say never, and God only knows what tomorrow (May 1st) will bring (Guaido has called for a mass protests) but my gut feeling is that the Empire “injected” itself into Venezuela just enough to trigger an immune reaction, like a vaccine, but not enough to infect Venezuela with a toxin powerful enough to kill it.
In the meantime, US aircraft carriers are in the Mediterranean trying to scare Russia, Syria and Iran all at the same time. I can just imagine the disgusted contempt with which this latest sabre-rattling with outdated hardware is received in Moscow, Damascus or Tehran. Even Hezbollah remains utterly unimpressed.
The truth is that the only people who have not come to the realization that the Empire is broken and defeated are the rulers of the Neocon deep state and those who still watch the legacy Ziomedia.
By now everybody else has realized who utterly impotent the Empire has become.
The Empire only *appears* to be strong. In reality it is weak, confused, clueless and, most importantly, run by a sad gang of incompetent thugs who think that they can scare everybody into submission in spite of not having won a single significant war since 1945. The inability to break the will of the people of Venezuela is only the latest symptom of this mind-boggling weakness.
I will leave the last word to this charming lady who really said it all:
The Saker
PS: warning – totally off topic! I just wanted to let you all know that I am doing well, all I need is a time to rest and re-charge the batteries. I want to thank you all for your kind words and wishes: you touched my heart in a way I will never be able to put in words. All I can say is “thank you!” for your kindness. The Saker
Sometimes I think that this world has no chance to survive. And then I see the people of Venezuela rise up and say, “No. Not today.”
It is all to easy to succumb to depression watching the endless wars of the Imperialists. But today, I remember the Venezuelan people. Tomorrow I will remember the North Korean people, the Vietnamese people, the Afghan’s, the Serbians, the Cuban’s, the Iraqi’s, the Iranians, etc.
God bless Russia for her part in this. God bless all at this site for believing.
It’s really amazing how these stupid people reached to the pinacle of US power and leadership. They are so stupid and arrogant that they do not even care about their own standing and reputation in the world.
The US is left with a very cheap, uneducated and very trashy leadership, from the US congress and Senate to the Whitehouse and all executive branches of government. I cannot even describe them as “elite”, since they are so ignorant and corrupt. They are the elite of nothing.
It really makes you wonder whether the entire US society is really this stupid ? I mean not for voting for these people, but whether these leaders are statistically representative of the US population ?
A really facinating issue actually, especially from a psychological perspective.
@ Harry _ Red
…. ” … how these stupid people reached … pinacle of us power and leadership..”…
They did not reach those levels…
They were led to , selected to some post.
Somebody else cleared path before them ,
so they could reach position they were ment to.
It is not important wether he is stupid or not , but what familly he is member of.
Bush familly , kenedy family , …. and related to british crown, 3 , 4 , centuries ago.
Also military family , banker family , and positions get posted. And so on…
Bill clinton was selected to be president of usa , when he was 20 years old . boy.
…. ” us is left with a very cheap , uneducated people and very trashy leadership…”..
They are not selected to be leaders, decisions makers , rulers ,
but to follow deep state orders, and obey , not to order.
The weaker his education is , the stronger his ability to obey is performed.
Educated man might perhaps make his own decision , but masters would not like it.
… ” from us congress and senate to whitehouse … ” …
They are all clerks , obeying hard to earn their sallary.
Sallary men. Hired hands. Not some decision makers. Just pretenders.
… ” whether these leaders are statistically representative of us population…”…
Of course not. They are representatives of deep state. Deep state puppets.
They are not leaders. They are followers of orders given to be completed.
Maybe only their id card connects them with usa.
But , were not some problems with obama , not having proper birth certificate , when he was appointed to be potus. There was something foggy with his origins ?
No, the U.S. is full of really good people everywhere you go. The media is responsible for the ridiculous propaganda but I think millions are getting wise to the skipping record that is “regime change”. Most americans I know are salt of the earth and would rather our government spend it’s time helping to make us a strong nation again rather than continuous wars. A good responsible government would do it’s part to raise it’s people up to make us all healthy, strong and benevolent. Most americans I know would rather get busy doing this than support a crazed out of hand maniacal government that pushes division and perversion.
Something like that anyway.
Totally agree with the premise that the empire is now in its cardboard stage…
I think the Russian intervention in Syria has really driven the new global reality home for everyone, far and wide, to see…
The totality of Russian diplomacy [for instance dislodging the Turks from the regime change coalition…and possibly even the Saudis and others]…backed up by a very effective military operation to clean up the Salafist terrorist sewer scum that has been [and remains] the empire’s most effective weapon…well that’s been the nail in the coffin…
I think it’s pretty safe to say the Venezuela project has been stuffed…big time…we’re dealing with the empire of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck now…
The Russians are very good at applying surgical initiatives. In Syria they intervened with a small, but highly trained expeditionary force, which was used as back up for the Syrian military. In Venezuela they repeated the methods, but in a different way. They sold Venezuela high tech, like the S-300, after which they sent a small group of specialists to update the high tech and make a US military invasion unlikely, as it would be costly.
When Chavez was in power, he purchased a heap of conventional Russian weapons, which he gave to the National Guard, which acts as back up for the Venezuelan military. A smart move, as it made it much more difficult for the Venezuelan top brass to switch sides and go pro-US, as this act would have seen an armed rebellion against them. What is indicative in this coup d’etat against Maduro is the fact that the US used the services of a clown by the name of Guaido, and not the military. The clown was given the absurd task of bringing the Venezuelan military to his side. He, of course, failed, as the military did not dare go against their own people. This is probably the first time that a coup d’etat in a Latin American country was led by a political clown and not by the military, which is proof how impotent the US is in Venezuela.
And the US ? I wonder if Washington understands how much damage it has done to its self with it’s botched color revolution and coup d’etat against Maduro. Both attempts were sloppy and pathetic. All they did was show Central and South America hos impotent the US empire really is. Yes, Washington can launch a military invasion of Venezuela. However, it will pay a huge military and political price and get bogged down in another Vietnam. We shall see what it intends to do.
The latest news is that the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower has left port on the east coast and the USS Theodore Roosevelt has left port on the west coast. In both cases, each aircraft carrier was originally slated for “training” exercises, but now there is lots of speculation that they are both steaming south toward Venezuela. Support ships have also left their ports.
What does this really mean ? A bluff, directed against the Venezuelan military, both encouraging them and forcing them to go against Maduro ? Or is it really an intended invasion of Venezuela ? We shall see. However, this is again a foolish course of action by Washington, which is acting as an imperial thug.
If the intent is to scare the Venezuelan military and population, then the attempt will probably fail. However, if we are talking about a real invasion, then the consequences for the US are going to be tremendous. The following days are going to be interesting.
Perhaps it is time for Putin to sell Venezuela a couple of its hypersonic ship killer missiles. Imagine if Venezuela sank a couple of US aircraft carriers off its coast flying air support for a marine invasion.
The US did not get bogged down in Vietnam – the whole thing was a scam to boost arms sales – see Kay Griggs on YT.
The old tangled web.
If your comment is true, what an utter outrage! Our leaders at the time would kill 58,000 of our own, plus hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese just to increase arms sales. If we have such motivations, we are truly a wicked nation. This would explain our increasing vulnerability from a military standpoint. “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that His justice will not slumber forever.” Thomas Jefferson
“Our leaders at the time would kill 58,000 of our own, plus hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese just to increase arms sales.”
Not hundreds of thousands of dead Vietnamese but “millions of dead Vietnamese”. This was genocide on a grand scale. Also our saturation of that nation, with Agent Orange, still causes massive birth defects.
and has polluted the rivers and streams of that country.
When Amerika speaks of bringing democracy to your nation, be afraid, very afraid!
Thank God that Russia and China are now stopping this scourge.
Those in control in DC do not care about the damage being done to DC or the USA. Their loyalty is to their personal wealth and to those that are powerful enough to increase it. It is no accident that the treasonous war criminals in DC happen to make enemies of who the Talmudic state proclaim as their enemies.
Unfortunately, the majority of the “christian” church in the US has been corrupted as bad as the government. It no longer teaches or follows the teachings of the Christ, but has replaced Jesus with the Talmudic State calling itself Israel as it’s new Messiah.
However, i question how faithful these people ever were, when a criminal like C I Scofield and his zionist handlers could rewrite the Word of God and it be so easily accepted by so called men of God. It is because of of their own personal greed and prejudices that the Talmudic version of the Bible now used in the majority of churches, was able to spread not just throughout the church, but the government.
I wish my fellow Macedonians had the courage to stand up to the imperialists who have taken over our land. Macedonians look at the Venezuelans, the North Koreans, the Iranians and others who have maintained their dignity and honor. Alas we have knelt down and given up our own idenity. I apologize to the readers with this somewhat off-topic comment but it really saddens me that the courage displayed by so many others against the aggressors has not spread to Macedonia and the rest of the Balkans who are now nothing more than begging slaves. I hope the people of the Balkans will find the inspiration in this event and get rid of the puppets and traitors.
Maybe you should start with getting rid of the ex-Yugoslav security elements embedded in your institutions.
No Yugoslavs there. Just ordinary Croatian Ustashi secret service and Albanian drug and human organ dealers under NATO flag, training Macedonians to hate Serbs, the only people that respect BYR Macedonians the way they are.
Whatever. One thing I know for certain – you can show a balkanian the facts because s/he is never interested in them.
Good Luck
@ G
. … ” maybe you should start with getting rid of … security elements embeded ” …
Yes , your is very good advice , but very hard to follow … and complete.
For decades usa , nato , mi6 , german intel , were selecing and posting men that would follow their orders , be their agents, at highest government positions.
During nato war against serbia in 1999 nato had his man , head of general staff of serbian army , as their man. Cia_agent. Also , chief of security service , cia_man… Not to mention hordes of cia and mi6 men among politicians , judges , and so on…
And still they have their agents on highest ranking positions in government.
So, how to get rid of them , as you correctly advice ? Thousands and thousands …
Not to forget that serbia is occupied country , by usa , since year 2000.
And other surrounding countrires , already nato members ,
are also occupied countries. Nato occupied them all.
They do not have free-will. But have plenty of nato spies …
And other EU countries are in similar status. Nato occupied.
So , …
How to get rid of nato ???…
Е, моји Македонци…Не знам да ли би вам било боље да сте са Србима ратовали против Нато-а, него што сте се поуздали да ће вас Америка заштитити од Шиптара. Желим вам свако добро, баш као и свом народу.
Google translation,MOD:
E, my Macedonians … I do not know if it would be better for you to fight with the Serbs against NATO, than to believe that America will protect you from Shiptar. I wish you every good, just like your people.
” I wish you all the best – as much as I wish it to my own people..”
@ Makedonia
I like your honest words , as begining of your confession ,
but confession has to be complete and sincere , not partial…
… ” i wish my fellow macedonians had courage to stand up to imperialists who have taken our land …” …
When usa_nato , with germany , britain and vatican decided it is high time to destroy yugoslavia , they initiated civil , brotherly war inside yugoslavia.
And war brought death to many warriors , brothers.
But so called macedonians tought they were clever , they will outsmart serbs and others , in croatia and later in bosnia , who were killing themselves in batlles , and they decided they will not fight , but invite nato and give them military bases used by former yugoslav army. So nato would protect them from danger from shiptars.
But nato took military bases , but did not protect them from shiptars …
Then , why nato did not protect macedoninas from shiptars ?
Because nato and their planners knew that macedonians are serbs , exactly.
And they had no intention helping serbs ( now called macedonians ) .
No matter what name of this branch of serbian tribe is now in use.
Remeber hard and lengthy negotiations with greece and their not acceping name of macedonia for that part of land. Greeks did not recognise people living in that land as macedonians , as they knew they are decendants of serbs. And greeks also have macedonia as part of their country.
So first step , begining of resistance against nato , is for macedonians to recognise , remember them as former serbs.
To be united with all other now different nations that have origin from serbs.
Serbs_montenegro , serbs_bosnians, serbs_croatians. All one tribe. Serbs.
And there will be only serbs in lands of former yugoslavia. Not some joke of balkans.
… ” north korea , iranians , and others who have maintained their dignity ” …
What is similar with nkorea and iran ?… They have guns and are ready to fight.
To defend themselves. In war if that might be. Strong will to defend. And usa stops.
Usa does not attack country that is ready to defend. Usa had enough lost wars.
Nato war planners concluded they can enter into fight with country that has less than 5 milions population.
They might win war with such counrty.
Any counrty above 5 milion people might win war against usa. Or stop usa.
So now they are careful whom would they attack.
When rusia and china are in world game.
No more usa only, above whole world. No more free_will bombing around globe.
… ” i hope people of balkans will find inspiration in this event “…
There are no people of balkans. Non_existent.
Big serbia against big albania… ? ( former ) Big warriors against drug dealers ?
What would macedonians choose ?
As long as you place your hope in non existent people in non existent country , there is no hope , there is no chance for success.
Inspiration must be to organize strong army to defend its serbian tribe.
And then that people , warriors , would be respected , while now they are begging slaves , as yoy say.
nobody respect slaves , especially nato , as long as they want to be their slaves.
Macedonia for Macedonians. Serbia gor Serbians. That is sll that needs to be said. I will respect you for who you are if you respect me for who I am.
@ Македонија
…. ” Macedonia for macedonians . serbia for serbians… “…
Yes , that is well composed slogan , but not of value in real life , unfortunately.
Just like slogan : ” make love , not war. ” But, unfortunately , war is all around us.
Just remember saying : ” Divide et impera ” .
old slogan used by all agressors through history of mankind. Attack them divided.
Make teritory you intend to conquer weak , small , fragile , defensless.
Also remember that we , ortodox belivers would be much stronger , united.
And also very weak , fragile when fragmented. In small parts , small countries.
That is exactly what world masters are they doing with serbs tribe.
For centuries past. Whenever possible take out some part of serbian tribe.
But , remember also , that it is great honour to be part of serbian tribe.
United , not fragmented. It is very small number of real serbs left here , not more than 30-40 thousands , and all others are just some mixture of various sorts.
But those 30-40 thousands is number world masters are most afraid of.
And that they want to destroy all serbs , so that not slip those 30-40k go alive.
…. ” i am very disapointed that my original comment sparked … ” …
Yes you sparked a fire . full blown fire. Maybe unintentionaly. But fire.
Because there are other facts you ommitted to mention but are part of greater picture.
You keep saying … ” people of balkans ” … But , who are those people , how were they called , 50 , 100 years ago , in what countries they lived. Who ruled there.?
If we say … people of europe… what it would mean ? We are not talking about germans , italians , spaniards ,.and their languages ? Which is european language?
…” neither are we serbs or bulgarians…”
Bulgarians are mongolian tribe from far away asia, and you do not belong to them , but they are using any chance to convert as much number of serbs , or macedonians , and convert them into bulgarians. Who did not convert was killed.
Bulgaria always choose fascist nazi side , that allow them to kill as many serbs as possible. In ww 1 , in ww 2 , great chance to kill as they like. They are Mongols.
But being part of serb tribe is higher possibility. So called ” old serbs “. Old serbia.
But you deny it. Never mind.
… ” i am proud my country is macedonia … “..
I think latest name is North Macedonia. North macedonia pushed in Nato.
Before that name , Former republic macedonia of yugoslavia.
North state , suggesting there is also southern state. Somewhere.
… ” dismay at traitors in government … that have sold out to west ” …
Not to be troubled about that. Each , and all governments in world are sold out.
Starting with usa , rusia , china , germany , britain… All in chain of commands.
They are all ruled by masters of world. Deep deep state of world.
… ” you have traitors rulling your government … ” …
Of course , you are right. Hundreds of traitors. Thousands maybe.
Military personel, police forces , politicians , judges , university proffesors,…
But serbia is occupied country , since year 2000 , after organized colour revolution ,
by forces of nato as private army of ” deep state world ” masters. Private army !
… ” my wish for all … to stand up to aggressors … “…
Yes , that is very good wish. Sincere. But how to fullfil that wish into action ?
How many soldiers ready to fight against aggressors are in your country ?
And how many usa military bases already in use ,
and how many new military bases are to be built in your country.?
I am very worried and concerned about destiny and future part of your country ,
as it is very linked to destiny and future of serbia. And future of kosmet.
Land of makedonia is very important geostrategic place in this part of europe _
and that is why nato holds it.
From two strategic points nato controls whole europe. Whole europe.
From south there nato control half europe ,
and from north , from norway , other half of europe.
And would not let lt down.
So it is so easy to tell that whole country population is Serbian. Pathetic. This is what I meant above. Such people who try with everything they can to impose identity, alien one, into the whole of Macedonia. Macedonians alone should identify themselves! If some nation should strive for some ethic identification only the bulgarians have that right as is per historical documents.
White Eagle, it’s not worth the effort. I still remember the laughing and cheering from Skopje, as the bombs were falling..
“Bulgarians have the right”. Haha, oh boy. Time to read from real history books and not the made up nonesense of your western backed fiction writers. Dont worry “Macedonians”, keep our stolen land. Well, until the siptars and your western benefactors chase you off. Not having to deal with “Macedonian” duplicity and ignorance will be a blessing for the Serbian nation.
The sad ranting of a clueless populace whose selfishness, betrayal and ingratitude will be justly rewarded. Oh and by the way stop trying to appropriate Serbian history in your I’ll fated attempt to claim lineage to Alexander and the Macedonians. “Macedonians”, yeah ok.
@ Epithet
… ” its not worth effort ” …
Yes , i know it , but just could not let go twisted facts relate as true facts.
Semi-fact is not true fact , no matter what makedonian would like … to forget…
Land of former_yugoslav republic _ macedonia , had such name only as part of yugoslav republic. Not as separate entity. Not as state makedonia.
For those who do not know it , that land was under rule of turks , up until 1912 year, when serbian army , and only serbian army liberated it from turk rule.
That land was called vardarska banovina , not makedonia, no such name ,
as administrative unit of kingdom of serbia.
When hitler attacked kingdom of yugoslavia , that teritory was under bulgarian rule , under bulgaria , as nazi country , part of hitler rule over yugoslavia.
Bulgarians had not bulgarian man as king , Bulgarian king was :
Ferdinand Maximilian Karl Leopold Maria von Sachen Coburg und Goth.
Rather german name , not a trace of bulgarian. Trace of german rule over bulgaria.
Maybe bulgarian rule over land of so called makedonia , during hitler occupation of yugoslavia gave them impression that today they can take part of so called makedonia , and split that land with shiptars , as their idea of great albania.
… ” bulgarians have right ” … To split so called makedonia , with great albanians.
And nato would not help so called macedonians. Nato would enjoy their agony.
They will sit and watch dividing so called macedonia. Another serbian tribe lost.
And then so called makedonians would remember their serbian origin. Too late.
To all these so-called experts on Macedonia who gave replies to my comment you all seem to think that Macedonians who live in the Republic of Macedonia are either Serbs or Bulgarians. If this is so then what do you call the Macedonians living in Greek-occupied Macedonia (Aegean Macedonia)? Please don’t say Greek because we are not liguistically or genetically connected to the Greeks. Neither are we Serbs or Bulgarians. As someone from that region of Macedonia I know what I am – I am a Macedonian. Your comments are both hurtful and insulting. The purpose of my original comment was to express my dismay at the traitors in the Macedonian governmrnt that have sold out to the west. Remember you too have traitors ruling your governments in both Serbia and Bulgaria. My wish is for all the Balkans to stand up to the aggressors and progress and prosper regardless of nationality. To one of the comments previously Macedonians have always considered Serbs their brothers. They certainly did not laugh when bombs dropped on Belgrade. Don’t forget fuel tankers passed through to Serbia from Macedonia despite the ssnctions. Spreading lies of hatred between Macedonians and Serbs is truly sinful. I’m very disappointed that my original comment sparked off replies of insults and lies. As people of the Balkans, of the Orthodox faith and cultural and linguistic commonality we should be supporting each other and not waiting for the moment to shoot your neighbour down. And on a final note as I envision a flood of support from some of the readers here for the Greeks – don’t forget that Greeks use the word Slav as a derogatory term. While they seem to be your friend, everything they do is to prevent losing Macedonia to its true owners and they’ll do whatever it takes to get as nany supporters as they can. I am not proud of my government but I am proud of my country Macedonia and am proud that I am Macefonian. I will help you as my neighbour but show me the respect that everyone deserves. Very disappointing guys.
To say that Empire did not achieved any war victory after 1945, is simply not true.
America won in Grenada in 1983. It was Great Victory.
Indeed it was a crushing victory as 9000 US Marines supported by heavy tanks, helicopter gunships, and bombers managed to overcome a few dozen Cuban construction workers building the new airport in only three days. Of course they also had to defeat another few dozen Grenadian militia backed by two armoured cars, but Marines are able to overcome any resistance.
Even in Grenada the US had losses, losing choppers, which were shot down + killed on the field.
“Of course they also had to defeat another few dozen Grenadian militia backed by two armoured cars”
And don’t forget the two policemen having their afternoon nap at the station.
Don’t forget the glorious victory over ten square blocks of Panama City (to prevent an ex CIA asset from tattling on his former employers drug trafficking habit). And then there is the conquest of the American mind and memory.
Don’t forget the hundreds, possibly thousands, of poor, black, Panamanians slaughtered by the USA in capturing Noriega. Murder Incorporated just loves killing, particularly untermenschen.
One thinks of a Potemkin Village . . .
Facade but nothing behind it, just props holding it up.
The central fortress, the Pentagon, where wars go to die but never end. Nine times the number of generals that existed in WWII but not a one worthy of a Lieutenant’s bar, much less their stars.
The Palace of the Prince, the White House, where self-deceit struggles producing an avalanche of perfidy every day. Lies by liars. Mendacity always the pronouncement.
The Empire is Naked.
The World laughs at the Emperor.
But these high tech highwaymen and extortionists are always very dangerous. Especially, now that they are desperate.
Exactly none of us should be laughing!
This is an extremely dangerous wounded beast, especially given the fact that Pompeo, Pence, and Bolton are religious fundamentalist lunatics who may even fancy themselves taking center stage as their much-anticipated rapture unfolds. Given their current astonishing recklessness and hypocrisy, we can hardly imagine where this trio could take humanity.
In 2016 I was extremely fearful that HRC could get her foot in the door of the big old house and that with her plan for Iran most of humanity would end up going up in smoke. What I saw as the lesser of two evils for POTUS seemed like a small consolation at the time. That was until MAGA hired this certifiable bunch of lunatics…now I am not so sure…we could all end up looking like badly burnt crisps anyway. The final result might be exactly the same…just with a slight difference in the timeframe.
Regards from the south seas
But Sweden’s foreign minister Margot Wallström, when asked why she didn’t approve of Nicolás Maduro, replied: — Because he is a .
5000 mercenaries + Margot Wallström = Unbeatable Democracy, mind you.
There are still Rightist imbeciles in Austfailia who describe sub-fascist Sweden as ‘Leftwing’. Either comatose for forty years or just so viciously brainwashed that they might as well be dead. Still got a, compulsory, vote, however.
5000 mercenaries + Margot Wallström + a buckload of Rightist imbeciles in Austfailia = Slobs for Ukraine. They had better stay away from Venezuela except, perhaps, in the capacity as Guano’s bodyguard force.
The Tourette tic Dictator in Zionazi parlance has a certain something, coming to think of it. To wit: Dictatorship is a prevalent state of society characterized by its Head of State and other people in power being persons whom Soros and Associates never would have voted for but who wield power nonetheless since Zionazi Officialdom wasn’t given the franchise while the far more numerous ordinary citizens sadly were. In other words: Dictatorship amounts to the very wrong people being allowed to vote on very wrong candidates and winning.
Not compulsory if you don’t register.
I did vote once for Gough Whitlam, but that didn’t work out too good in the long run. Haven’t bothered since.
“Don’t vote. It only encourages them”.
Because he is a what??
“Dictator”, I assume.
Defined as:
One who refuses to take notes from those who presume the divine right to dictate All Important Empire Narratives….with absolutely ZERO dissent.
The irony is off the charts………it doesn’t get any better than this!
“The Empire only *appears* to be strong. In reality it is weak, …not having won a single significant war since 1945.”
Excuse me, but the Feral $tates of America did not “win” in 1945 — they merely happened to be on the winning side. It was the Russian Bear which chewed up 80% of the German Wehrmacht. The Anglo-Americans only had a dispirited rump to contend with at their Normandy Landing: an already beaten Wehrmacht, manned by schoolboys with Berlin already under Soviet threat, and the German defenses on the Normandy constructed of inferior French cement — by the same French cement company who built the fortifications for ISIS in Syria. The U$-NATZO Empire is a dinosaur on the brink of extinction, its vast bulk hindered by its cold blood and small brain.
Exactly, the “allied forces” only started to fight the Nazis when it was clear to everybody that the Soviets would win. They got into the war to prevent a complete takeover of Europe by the Soviets, meaning communism.
Well, they crushed japan all by themselves …
Not sure if you’re serious or not, but I’d like to elaborate regardless. The US used it’s influence and power to stop any and all energy exports to Japan. Japan has a tiny landmass with no natural energy resources, they were running out of fuel and if they waited just a few more months, their defensive and offensive capabilities would have been reduced to almost 0 over night. The US was desperate to get into the war at this point, so they offered up a juicy incentive by positioning their entire Pacific fleet at Pearl harbour. Which the Japanese, in their own desperation, had to risk attacking. The well-known kamikaze pilots didn’t do suicide attacks because it was a great tactic, but because they didn’t have enough fuel for return flights.
Once again, Washington didn’t attack anyone who could actually, truly fight back. Not to mention the completely and utterly unnecessary overkill of using the nuclear bombs, after the Japanese already decided to surrender, which they did as soon as the Soviets began marching into Japan from the north. That’s how the Russians got the Kurils.
Mum had two brothers fighting in New Guinea. Early in my life, mum told me that at one of the major battles, the Yanks were put in the front lines with the Aussies behind them with orders to shoot any Yank that ran. Most of the Aussies also were aware of the ‘Battle of Brisbane’ between American and Australian troops.
Again in Vietnam, from what I can understand, the basic problem of the Yank was extremely poor training, and lack of leadership skills.
I don’t think much as changed and Heinz Kissinger would agree as he called them all ‘Pawns’.
There was a saying in Australia about US servicemen during WWII
There’s three things wrong with Americans
Their overpaid, their oversexed and their over here
Andrew, Some thirty five years ago I heard an interesting and seemingly outlandish theory about Vietnam. The fellow, who expressed that theory was of the opinion that US lost because their army had some 80%? blacks in it.
Now, look at the US army today, it seems to be mostly white. Just saying, and I do not mean to offend any people of color.
The largest naval armada ever assembled on earth sailed halfway around the globe and no one noticed.
The best source on how the US forced Japan to attack is the book by Robert “Day of Deceit: The Truth About F.D.R. and Pearl Harbor”, The US gov’t. implemented Lt. Cmdr; Robert McCollum’s infamous “8 points”, including a total embargo on importing oil and steel.
In 1940-1941, 88% of Americans were anti-war, even after the fall of France and the Battle of the Atlantic to supply Britain. So DR needed a super-strong False Flag, and he made it happen. The last third of Stinnett’s book is packed with annotated sources.
Here’s an on-line C-SPAN interview with Mr. Stinnett
I second the Day of Deceit recommendation!! The author’s painstaking archival research turned up some exquisite gems providing primary evidence to prove his thesis–FDR knew where the Japanese battle fleet was and what its intentions were. The Neutrality Acts were effective and had to be circumvented. And the assumption that Hitler would honor his pact with Japan to declare war on USA proved correct.
What remains of the Outlaw US Empire’s strength outside of its nuclear weaponry is woeful and reminds me of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1914. Unfortunately, the propaganda assault on the US public remains considerable and one must have access to alternatives like MoA and The Saker to learn the real deal.
It goes back to Madame Butterfly – Japan was coerced into the bankster global game and paid the price.
It beat Russia in 1905 thanks to western financing. Not a mean feat for a recent medieval power.
from the Russian view on it, Japan mostly won the 1904-05 war because of a lot of different internal factors, such as longterm planning mistakes, lack of general political direction in Nikolai II’s Russia, major failures in counter-espionage with Japanese spies being able to work very effectively, and even sabotage. e.g. among a thousand other things, the artillery shells on board of Admiral Rozhestvenskiy’s fleet did not detonate in a large percentage of cases. The war was generally run rather half-heartedly and with dispersed forces, while on the other side the upcoming Japanese empire was very keen on making its entry into the world powers’ club (and had the support of the UK etc).
it all changed drastically in WW2 when the USSR under Stalin put its full attention on Japan in August 1945, and the 1-million Japanese Kwantung army was annihilated in little more than 2 weeks.
Actually they didn’t. Unknown to most Americans a Russian army of more than 1.5 million men, 26,000 artillery pieces, 5,500 tanks, and 5,388 aircraft smashed the Japanese army and air force in Manchuria in August 1945. The Russian attack had as much to do with the Japanese surrender as the two atomic bombs.
Actually, not even the two bombs:
Or the nukes were a message to Russia
China had a large impact on Japan. From 1937 to 1941, 185,647 Japanese soldiers were killed in China and 520,000 were wounded. Chinese forces also report that by May 1945, 22,293 Japanese soldiers were captured as prisoners. Many more Japanese soldiers surrendered when the war ended.
Contemporary studies from the Beijing Central Compilation and Translation Press have revealed that the Japanese suffered a total of 2,227,200 casualties, including 1,055,000 dead and 1,172,341 injured.
The US used KMT forces in SE Asia to fight the Japanese in those countries. Over 1,000,000 of General Chiang Kai-shek’s forces were casualties pinning down the Japanese in Burma, Laos, Viet Nam.
In fact, the Chinese fought the Japanese from 1937 to surrender in 1945.
Weakened by the war effort, the KMT lost to the army of Mao.
That’s what happens to many US proxy armies. In the end, they lose.
Lafarge is a perfect example of corporations profiteering from both sides of the same war, just like some filthy swedes did.
is there some research on the quality of the concrete in the German fortification on the west wall? You raised an interesting question that I never thought of.
I agree that the Soviet Union took the brunt of the Wehrmacht, especially armour and planes.
Look at how many tanks at Kursk , it’s staggering..
PS. Glad your on the mend saker, thank you for a great article.
I think the Russians killed more than 85% of all German soldiers in WWII – on the Eastern Front.
Russia won the war – in the meat-grinder.
Allied losses were tiny in comparison to the Russian sacrifice. Not even in the same universe. It is only Western propaganda that has spun the story of the US winning the war or of D-Day being the turning point (in fact, Stalingrad and Kursk were the real turning points).
Dr N G Maroudas,
you refer to the Wermacht in Normandy as a dispirited rump? They fought fiercely and well, and they were not manned by schoolboys. Check out the facts;
The news in the US today made me feel like I live under an Iron Curtain where ALL the news, other than Tucker Carlson, supported this stupid coup. I know this article is true because I thought the very same things. Trump has been captured by Bush-men neoCON warmongers and I knew it for sure when he hired criminal Elliott Abrams to run this stupid coup. Mueller is a Bush-man. Barr is a Bush-man. Trump is a Bush-man now and the neoCONs own him. And blaming Cuba was the most COWARDLY thing he has done to date.
Even the moronic Greg Hunter who fancies himself as a news ‘watchdog’ thinks this latest excursion in Venezuela is a grand idea! His silence on Assange’s plight is almost deafening as well…go figure.
Coming from USisrael, blaming Cuba is a great compliment to that sturdy nation!!!
They are not so much Bush-men and the citizen of Cheney-land. Cheney, the mascot of the ZUSA.
Cgeny is agent working for England which controls all us foreign, military and economic policies.
Saker, Thank you for taking the time to post this excellent summary during your own health assessment priorities. Glad to hear you are ok and doing well. Kia kaha.
”The truth is that only a loser and imbecile like Pompeo could come up with such a lame excuse in a desperate attempt to ’cover his ass’ and blame his failure on the Neocon’s favorite scapegoat: Russia.”
Right. Really, don’t the neocons realize what damage this obsession with Russia and Putin does to their own image as exceptional and indispensible folks, as they tacitly admit they are forever being outsmarted by inferior adversaries?
Was Guaido at the airbase….well, outside it so it appears …to try to turn it so Columbian and USA planes with forces could land in order to protect “their ” president…….is it possible to check if USA airforce and Columbian were on high alert….unusual military plane movements etc….holidays cancelled…troop exercises or call ups that could lead to easy mobilisation? USA has threatened retribution or consequences should their sacrificial lamb man be harmed in any way……all options are still on the table apparently….
Presumably that could mean provocations still….
Claims the head of the secret police has turned…. complains too much corruption in government etc.. I would have thought that was his job to report it to the justice systems…..maybe he has “used” information to set up his own networks etc to undermine the government and using the current opportunity to try and claim some kind of so called honesty to a or by way of a fraudulent cause….
”Guaido has called for a mass protest”
I almost feel sorry for him. Can’t be funny being told to make such 100% ludicrous pronunciamentos facing monumental, scornful laughter or terrible violence if his handlers don’t back off. The latter will, at the very least, have to show up at the envisaged mass protest, Kiev-style. But they won’t go there as Venezuela, unlike Ukraine, is enemy territory. Western imperialism has no popular mass base there. Guaidó is on his own.
Macron urged to seek UK help to save EU.
Imagine that.!
As I have pointed out before the cover of the Economist 2017 Year in Review magazine shows on the globe atlas depicted in the Hermit card portion of the image the external borders of the UK and France co-joined.
Alsace Lorraine is shown struck by lightning and Europe being torn apart along a line extending north to south through Andorra. The yellow vests are shown in the Hermit bursting onto the sciences from rural areas in mid November 2019 with the exact timing shown by the constellation of Leo in proximity to the moon.
On the Tower portion of the image one can see a bastion of Christianity (Notre-Dame)struck by lightning and communists (yellow vests) fighting the ethereal remnant of Christianity over the fire’s consequences.
Macron will be around to be crowned in the repurposed cathedral in 5 years time. Macron is no friend of man.
Saker, good to hear that you are OK, and thanks for taking the time to address the recent coup, in fact highlighting the lack of.
Couple of points… (someone already mentioned this) AngloZionists didn’t win in 1945 alone, WWII ended with tremendous loss of life of the USSR, hence outright attribution of the win to AngloZionists is inaccurate, and you know it better than me :) I don’t need to elaborate further.
In your assessments you always mention an Empire, but which one?
I believe that view that USA is an empire is incorrect for the following reasons (and I just briefly posted similar comment under article about 2nd BRI forum). Last known Empire would be The British Empire, commonly seen as ended after the Suez Canal events. That empire functioned thru exertion of power around the world, but it’s power was not limited to its sea power, it also relied on ability to provide canon fodder from the lands it controlled (Gallipoli – Australia and NZ). Yes, back in WWI, it had to rely on its subjects to crush the German growing industrial power. But it also dragged USA into it, thru sinking of the Lucitania, and again USA was dragged into WWII on the British side. All that was done by means of manipulation. This way British empire extended and practiced its power ever since. I view USA as some sort of a Hulk, or more like Frankenstein monster that Britain created and used ever since early 20th century. Because true power lies in ability to manipulate others to do its bidding, and this is done thru total control of the financial system created and functioning in The City of London (Federal Reserve, Wall Street are both products of it). USA may have won against Britain in mid 20th century (with Russian meddling, I might add – Russian ships in US ports in 1863, New York and San Francisco), but Britain always had control over USA thru financial system. Britain always managed to manipulate to its advantage US. Britain is the one that see Russia as it’s enemy, just think about it for a moment people in the US and in Russia of similar free spirit, as in Americans breaking away from the multiple monarchs and Russians getting rid of its own. In the past few years we witnessed British interference by injecting Steele dossier resulting in Russiagate, because Britain is afraid that it can’t control Trump, as it did all previous presidents. Then we saw clumsy operation by the Brits – the Skripal affair, that forced Trump to take action, now it appears thru manipulation, by images of dead ducks and children in hospital (how stupid is Trump?! is a different question).
The point is that US is a military empire, with balance sheets, controlled ultimately by the financial empire, and it’s not in the US. Hence, to a degree British empire never died, it’s just morphed into what it is now, metaphorically a giant snake, with its brains being financial empire and the rest being its military in a shape of US and NATO power.
And while we can point out little victories here and there, like Venezuela coup being resisted for another day, ultimately the system that we live in, as in financial system is one and the same, and it’s controlled by the invisible empire with its brains not in the US…
Same can be said of the Roman empire, it lives in the name of Catholics.
Actually, contrary to you opinion: Western Roman empire collapsed very early in AD as the Rome was overrun by the Germanic hordes two or three times (maybe more), who took over. Germanic masters continued to masquerade as Holly Roman Empire for obvious political reasons. I suggest also, checking when the name Germany came to be (XIX AD?)
The US are the spear carriers, The empire has metastasized.
Here’s an interesting article about the first Gulf War that hints about the moving parts. The most appalling aspect is that we are talking about the so-called “realists” — the neocons haven’t entered the picture.
Dear Andrei,
I believe you have missed a couple of points in History.
“provide canon fodder from the lands it controlled (Gallipoli – Australia and NZ)” The fact is that the ANZACS were dropped off at the wrong bay. They were supposed to go to Suva Bay. I think the casualties at Gallipoli were about 5,000 men from Australia and New Zealand. In Suva Bay, the British lost 22,000 men including soldiers from India. Of course once Churchill ordered the Royal Navy to bombard the Dardanelles, the Turks were well and truly aware of the coming landings.
Also, you use the Lusitania as the reason for America being brought into WW1, and again that is incorrect. The English in their ‘Perfidious Albion’ style created the ‘Zimmermann Telegram’ which was used to give Woodrow Wilson the excuse to push the Americans into the war, not the Lusitania.
Hi Andrew,
Thanks for this, but does it change my point?!
As for Gallipoli, I was making a point that Australians and New Zelanders were dragged to die for? The British Empire…
As for Lusitana, ok, I agree that it wasn’t what confirmed US participation in WWI, but it was the turning point of changing attitudes of the American people and warming up to the idea of taking part in WWI. There was no public support for it in the US prior to that. Zimmermann Telegram/Note, helped to commit to it, seal the deal. But again, with regards to British interface, it was intercepted by British intelligence, which had control over cables leading to the US from Europe, thru Room 40… that’s how British knew everything that has been communicated to the US back then. And they shared the contents of the Note risking exposure of the fact that they had access to all US cables going from Europe, nevertheless they did it, to secure US entry into WWI…
Dear Andrei,
You are correct in that your errors do not interfere with your main points.
Your comprehension in regard to the Zimmerman telegram:
Zimmerman was only ever permitted to use the American telegram service to sent uncoded messages pertinent to Woodrow Wilson’s “Peace Plan”. The Zimmerman telegram was in code, ergo Zimmerman could not have sent it, no matter what the perfidious English or the lying Americans claim. Also both of the German codes used in the scheme had been in possession of the British at the time, and the head of the code Breaking house had been replaced by Blinker Hall, an Intel officer of ill-repute.
Also consider that Zimmerman had endeavoured to end the war in November 1916 after the disastrous battle of the Somme, but a bankrupt British parliament led by a newly appointed Lloyd George refused the offer, and the war continued with all of its disasters until Allenby captured Palestine.
Had Zimmerman’s offer for peace been accepted then perhaps no Russian revolution, no Zionist incursion of Palestine and no WW2.
No bloody wonder the troops both German and English sang Christmas Carols on Christmas Eve in 1916, but their hopes were dashed by a Zionist Lloyd George.
I think the last war the Americans won, was the civil war?
No, we lost that one too.
S, first class take on the situation. If the situation wasn’t so sad, it would be comical.
As for the black water I thought: “are they really that arrogant and think that one brigade of “crack mercs” can take on a hole of country? On the other hand ISIS idea seems to be dead in the water, time for blackwater.
Also, good to hear about your positive test results, all the best again.
Re “According to him, the coup failed because of Russia (what else is new?)! Not only that, but Maduro had already decided to run to Cuba, but then the Russians stopped him.”
I very much doubt t his.
But supposing it were true?
With Eric Prince entering the equation and threatening to put a 5,000-man force into the field in Venezuela, it seems not too far-fetched to imagine the possibility that they have a plan to descend on the Miraflores (correct name?) and “Allende” Maduro.
It would be reasonable for Maduro to have a plan B.
I certainly wish Allende had had one.
Given the choice presented to him, which was to capitulate or die with honor, he chose honor.
Hi Katherine,
The ‘Allende” scenario worked because Pinochet, who executed the coup , was the head of the army. There is no such internal figure on the Venezuelen side. Therefore I do not believe Maduro could be “Allended”. All the US destabilisations which have been successful used internal elements to execute their plan (Ukraine: Bandera neo nazis, ex-Yugoslavia: Croatian Ustashe Nazis and Albanians) . A house divided against itself cannot stand…but Venezuela seems united.
Good to read your lines, Katherine.
Saker, so glad and grateful to have you back !!!
Gen, Pinochet who, we may say, was named Chief of the Army by Allende himself because he was the only General he completely trusted. Talk about clueless.
“all I need is a time to rest and re-charge the batteries. ”
Sleep is the great healer!
Get plenty of rest and eat well and you will get well!
The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for digestion and repair. It has 2 states: rest&digest or rest&repair. So if you cram all you eating into 8 hours or less(cyclical ketosis diet) in a day, your autonomic nervous system will spend more time repairing and less time digesting.
Have a nice day;)
[Please take any further discussion along this line to the MFC.
-The Mod]
I am now on Volume VI of E. Gibbon’s “D & F of the Rome Empire”. The contemporary Shell of an Empire and Minimus Mike’s [thanks, Pepe] behavior and failures remind me so much of the impotence and arrogance behind the Byzantines’ dealings with the Saracens, Turks and even Latins (pun intended).
Prediction made by Johan Galtung in late 2016 that “last four years of U.S Global Hegemony have just started ” have really been realized. 2016 was bad for Empire and since that things have gone worse. I’d compare Empire now standing in situation where Nazi Germany was in late 1943: trying to block holes of defense with dogged fighting but hopelessly with no initiative. Empire faced the destination similar to Napoleon and Hitler when stretching too too far away from home basement.
I think Galtung is in the right here. Looking back, the years 2014 – 2018 are indeed pivotal with Russia instantly spoiling the key objective of the entire Maidan Nazi Putsch in Ukraine in 2014 and then announcing her very powerful new weapon systems. The historic precedent to the latter achievements is of course when Stalin’s USSR put an end to Western imperialism’s monopoly on nuclear weapons.
This time around, the West is rotting thanks to its neoliberal cult of incompetence, evil, greed, and corruption.
A sobering assessment of hope in this holy day of First of May !
I’m still laughing at the notion of organizing an uprising of rich people for May Day. Pompous-A is more clueless than he looks. If it actually happened, I’d love to see the looks on the faces of rich people when they marched around the corner and encountered the hordes of workers having their own May Day march! Brave, Brave Sir Robin, bravely ran away.
Thank you Saker. Get well soon.
The Judeo Military Industrial Congressional Complexification of American poliics and military has been an “exceptional successs”on the mental and moral levels of warfare.
The type of values that Washington narcissistic sociopaths value highly.
The Judeo corporatization/deindustrialization and financialization of America’s economy has been a smashing success for Russia.
Despite the bellicosity from pompous and bolt-on, the usa isn’t going to invade Venezuela. Doubtful they will try missile attacks, as they did on Syrians, either. Remember when abrams was fooled by the Russian prankster team posing as Swiss banksters? He said, in effect, the u.s. would not actually attack, when asked about that, and the “military option” rhetoric was psywar. The zionazi-gays don’t have political or popular support to wage outright war on Venezuela.
I still think the zionazi-gays will try a contra strategy similar to the one abrams worked against Nicaragua in the 1980s. Hence, why they opened his coffin and resurrected him from the dead. This coup was not expexted to topple the government and my guess its purpose was cover for jail breaking the lopez quisling and to bolster the propaganda against Venezuela and her allies.
The nonsense spouted about Russia by pompous and about Cuba by the dump, convince me the zionazi-gays are mainly working psywar now, against their own people, to get them into accepting their demonization framing of Venezuela.
The Empire is not weak, this is poor analysis.
India and Europe stopped buying iranian oil. 1 billion $ of iranian oil stays blocked in China, no one wants to touch it.
Even Khamenei admitted that Europe left the JCPOA in practise.
Iran is in deep recession. Venezuela is in deep recession and is surrounded. Allmost all of Latin America now has pro-US governments. CIA linked Bolsonaro took over in Brazil. Turkey is in deep recession and Erdogan lost the big cities.
India is moving closer to the US. Europe remains a vassal. Russian economic growth is weak. The US won the trade war against China as Andrei Martyanov himself admitted.
Iraq? US troops are staying there. Syria? US troops are staying there long term. 1 third of the country containing the biggest oil fields is under US control. There is fuel shortage crisis due to sanctions. Europe is not stopping its sanctions either.
State dept officials have revealed that the wind-down period for removing the waivers on Iranian crude exports will be a year.
That means? The waivers will be extended because no one will stop importing Iranian oil.
“The waivers are ending” news is neo propaganda to cover up the failure of the Iran oil sanctions policy.
How do you tell when a neo sociopath is lying?
When their lips move.
Trump Ends Waiver Grace Period For Iran’s Oil Customers
Waivers allowing some countries to continue buying Iranian oil despite U.S. sanctions will expire this week and some analysts predict a surge in prices to follow.
On April 22, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the U.S. would not issue any exceptions to Iranian oil importers. The U.S. had granted 180-day waivers to eight countries, including China and Indian, allowing them to buy crude from Iran despite sanctions put in place by the U.S. in November. Those buyers have until May 2 to end their purchases of Iranian oil.
Really glad that you are doing well and need some rest. Please take the rest needed.
God bless you Saker, I pray for you. Hold on
Just get well Saker…..get well.
Thank you for the courage and perseverance.
Yes, the empire is weak in terms of ability to takeover, though there are caveats to that statement, i.e. notable success in getting their-preferred-candidates-in-office in Latin America.
We have more than enough data points, events and other incursions into sovereign nations recognized by the UN/international community at large (ostensibly).
The same trend line shows that the primary modis operandi is societal destruction and negation from status as an international or regional stakeholder in any affirmative means, i.e. seemingly the strategy has not been about building itself, or anything/anybody else, but negation, thus a negative sum gain approach.
As such, this is another example of negative sum gain gaming of the international, or global society.
In other words, the empire is based around a policy of destruction, and people who have lived, under the auspices of the empire, as short as forty years probably recognizes the overall decrease in the standard of living and overall quality of life.
Venezuela is yet another example of an extremist intolerance of any alternative model, and the radical methods which may be used to destroy any would-be practitioners of any model of governance which doesn’t ultimately give the empire full reign to exploit as it’s ever escalating maniacal neuroses and hatred drives it towards more and more horrific genocidal practices.
What most people under the empire don’t seem to realize is that these practices are already being used against the ‘domestic’ citizenry of the empire’s 99+%.
And like the impotent public rager, when humiliation is encountered, the rager takes it home to the family and ‘puts the hate on‘ there.
So, while a fact-based analysis demonstrates the weakness, in ability to grow, it is still plenty of strength to destroy, and as an analogy to an insane individual, may well destroy all the keeps any of us able to grow.
There is no soft-landing option available anymore in the heart of the empire.
It’s going to be messy, and/or it’s going to be slavery.
It is this capacity for destruction which needs to be addressed, but how do you deal with the insane person in control of the infrastructures of sate that the empire possesses?!
This is the question.
Saker wrote:
“The Empire also appears to have lost control of Libya, but that is another complex country which is very hard to control.”
I respond:
Perhaps the goal is to keep resource-rich 3rd world countries in a perpetual state of chaos in order to make it easier to loot the countries, to ensure that the military contractors continue to receive a steady stream of income, and to test and to showcase various weapons systems on live targets.
Saker wrote:
“But tonight Maduro is safe in Caracas and the coup plotters are on the run.
I respond:
If the coup leaders are hiding in various embassies in Caracas, would Maduro be shrewd enough to post armed guards to make sure that those leaders never leave? I am thinking he could do to the coup leaders what was done to Julian Assange. If they want out, then perhaps Maduro could negotiate with the Empire and trade these leaders for Assange.
Saker wrote:
“According to the typical scenario revealed to us by John Perkins, the next step should be a full-scale US invasion.”
One problem is that US troops are spread too thin across the globe. I wonder if an invasion could have a chance at succeeding if only troops could be moved out of Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe to South America. That would mean the Empire may have to abandon its dream of containing Russia and China in favor of controlling all of Western hemisphere. If the Empire does not have enough troops, why doesn’t the US military empty all of its prisons and use the criminals as cannon fodder? Could the Anglo-American elites ever reach a consensus?
” I am thinking he could do to the coup leaders what was done to Julian Assange. If they want out, then perhaps Maduro could negotiate with the Empire and trade these leaders for Assange.”
Precisely the same occurred to me. Well, not the “trade” part of it.
But the point that with Lopez and family now holed up in an embassy we have an oddly symmetrical situation that may have potential for some creative action of some kind.
Yes, post police around the embassy so that Lopez and his family cannot leave without running the risk of Lopez’s being served with some kind of legal papers or being arrested for treason. He must be conscious of vulnerability—otherwise he would not have “gone there.”
Assange safely to Australia or another friendly country (ot that Aus is that “friendly” to its citizen, Assage; Russia??) and then Lopez is free to fly to Miami, or wherever. Out of Venezuela, never to return.
Most US prisoners are serving drug-related nonviolent charges. The US Gov can’t just send every tom dick and harry that got caught with pot to go and fight in some ridiculous war. It would never be anywhere close to being politically feasible, and I would wager that most prisoners would refuse to fight.
Bush-Cheney admin whom Bolton was a part of came close to invading Iran. I don’t know exactly what stopped them but I have read elements of the US military (the name of Admiral Fallon comes up) were against it but there must have been other factors. The deep state is not monolithic – notice how the faction behind Hillary were really upset that she didn’t win. It wasn’t just identity politics Democrats.The military industrial complex would certainly be for an invasion of Venezuela. Although it might not be the cakewalk i would have thought without thinking deeply, the US military still knows how to turn a country into rubble. It doesn’t seem to be important anymore to have clear victories.Why are we still in Afghanistan? If the global financial elites can keep the economy muddling through leading up to 2020 then there might be a chance the Trump wouldn’t want to invade. If there is an event causing the inevitable next economic fiasco and the economy tanks – Trump would certainly go for it. What elements of the people who actually make major decisions are against invading Venezuela?
“Why are we still in Afghanistan?”
1. to extract opium, rare earth metals and uranium
2. ideal location for narco-aggression against Iran and Russia
3. ideal location to stymie China’s OBOR initiative
Thank you for everything Saker ! You opened a lot of doors for me. Stay strong!
“A day may come when the courage of Men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day.
An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the Age of Men comes crashing down, but it is not this day!
This day we fight!”
Nice to think that the word of Aragorn at the Black Gate weren’t necessarily fiction.
Perhaps we should bear them all in mind, for the day that might come when we need them.
Glad to hear you’re doing ok, Saker, and thanks for taking the time to compose the excellent analysis. “Out dated hardware” sums up perfectly the state of the Empire crafted by the degenerate Lords of Capital.
The US is going to be destroyed – New Lies For Old. And Ben Freedman
The wars are all theatre to distract. If the US brought its full firepower and int services against ISIS it wouldn’t survive weeks.
The best laid plans of mice and men, however……………. climate collapse
One could start with searching Texas flood
Not supplying ISIS would help too.
What significant war did they “win” in 1945? The war over Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Dresden, i suppose.
If Maduro continues with his relative sloppiness in countering the coup plotters, he will end up like Egypt’s Morsi, regardless of The fact that M.B. ideology runs counter to Bolivarian Revolution
Venezuelans should study the success of Khomeini & Erdogan in countering the coup attempts against their respective governments. The latter was more successful, learning from the former’s mistakes: US Embassy / NATO military bases (wherein coup attempts were being coordinated) was not physically occupied in Turkey as opposed to Iran (despite US’s breach of diplomatic protocol) by the former. Turks rather astutely used barricading pro-government protestors to technically quarantined “the Den of Spies”
”If Maduro continues with his relative sloppiness in countering the coup plotters, he will end up like Egypt’s Morsi”
Deeply regret to inform you that Maduro’s resolve comes across as stiff and potent, especially compared to the arrogant deluded nonsense which passes for Neocon plotting — personified by Pompeo, Bolton, and their Guano ”Interim President”.
Maybe we’re watching a movie and Trump is trolling the Empire that tried the Urinegate Coup against him.
Some Americans actually believe that we weren’t a 100% rotten empire from the get-go and that America cannot EVER be either “Great” (like the British so modestly declared themselves) or even any damned good..……. in letting the Empire of Lords and Masters over their “Loyal Subjects” walk us around the world as their pit bulls terrorizing the world into maintaining the City of London and their Wall St Junior Partners as the Great New World Order Imperial Parasite Sucking Tribute from the Earth’s population…..because growing numbers of Americans are finally realizing that their “deplorable” selves are also considered expendable hosts under such an imperial order.
Maybe deception is still (unfortunately) necessary and the real battle is still in DC..…and not Caracas…or any other side show….., quite yet.
And the imperial ineffectiveness is no accident of stupidity, but rather…..on purpose among a very few visible new actors…and the same old typecast roles among the rest of the cast is being played out until the end…….when they and The Empire…are permanently retired.
Trivial – but just for the record and for anyone who actually does not know – the “Great” in Britain is a geographical description – as opposed to Little Britain (Brittany).
Doesn’t matter who you “vote” in as President, because our western governments are corrupted to the core by the big money psychopaths who run everything. Look what happened to Kennedy when he went against the Deep State. No President since has dared to call them out. People in the west don’t realize the scope of the propaganda machine the ultra-rich has been using against us. The Ultra-rich love mayhem and war because most of them are psychopaths. I don’t think the public are going to wake up until the psychopaths running our lives have us in a nuclear war with Russia. It will be far to late by then.
Thanks fortheinformation andforyourcourageanddecency.
I’m thinking here of the way Japan was set up by Churchill and Roosevelt back in 1940 with the oil embargo. America is now in a similar position to that of Japan.
Originally Israel wanted America to take on Iran, and then just recently both Israel and Saudi Arabia made the move for America to take out Iran. However Iran’s expected counter to that attack has always been to close the Strait of Horvitz. This move would deny America oil, oil vitally needed in any war against Iran, and thus America needs to have an oil supply and the reality is that Venezuela fulfils that requirement.
Russia is also well aware of that need, much the same as they realised Hitler’s need for oil back in 1940 and the denial of that oil was what gave the USSR the ability to win that war.
Again though America really cannot afford to fight two wars at once, so that means that Venezuela has to be taken quickly and easily, so they can then turn their attention to Iran.
For some strange reason I think America has bitten off more than they can chew and Madura has his bases covered. America will be denied that oil and thus the ability to attack Iran. .
Yes, the comments of Fatso Mike Pompeo and Donald Trump are ludicrous, but the American Empire, its regime leaders, and the so-called Free World increasingly live in a Goebbelsisn reality of their own creation.
No matter how absurd or ludicrous, America and the Free World believe–or at least pretend to believe–these “alternative facts” and alternative reality itself.
The comments of a Bush Regime official to reporter Ron Suskind in 2004 explain the bizarro logic and worldview of these people:
The aide said that guys like me were “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernable reality.” I nodded and murmured something about Enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. “That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create reality. And while you are studying that reality – judiciously, as you will – we’ll act again creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors … and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.’
Welcome to the America Matrix!
So, it is a fact that a majority of the Venezuelan people support Maduro, not Guaido? If so, I’ve learned something, I’ve heard just the opposite and that the election of socialist, dictator Maduro was very fraudulent.
The Empire is not so much falling than being pulled down into chaos so that the theocracies of old can live and rule again. A one world government suits the Pope of Rome. Not one word about the horrors of the Western system visited upon the world at large. No. Just advice to lay down and be run over with joy in your heart as a shining example of sacrifice on the altar of his luciferous quest to rule mankind.
Como siempre muchas gracias por la claridad de tu análisis…. cuidate!!! Un abrazo desde cdmx
yandex translation
As always thank you so much for the clarity of your analysis…. cuidate!!! A hug from cdmx
Saker, my prayers are with you. My God God heal you entirely and give you long life. Amen.
The Western Partners know for sure that their Eastern Partners just bull suiting to save their faces and to fool the masses the asses. They will not taxes their finger to defend Venesuela. Putin indicated it to Hugo Chavez during his Russia visit. It was true then as is true today. Only hope for the world is the fulfilment of the Fatima prophecy. The Jews will push for ww3 to speed up return of their mashaia. Good for them and the world because it will be the end of all. They deserve of it.
The next pussy riot.?
Macron wants to be the man who defeats Putin.
Empire gearing up for war with full spectrum psyop propaganda effort rolled out for recruits and onlookers
The USA didn’t even do well in WWII. The Battle of Hurtgen Forest says it all.
US can conquer VZ military handily. Hopefully VZ will not overstock with shaped charge landmines and state of the art sniper rifles. These will make our stay in VZ vacation land somewhat unpleasant.
In a recent May 2019 interview on CNN regarding Venezuela, John Bolton said the following as regards attacking the Maduro government: “as in the case of many authoritarian regimes, what looks like a pretty imposing structure, sometimes one kick at the door, and the whole rotten edifice falls down”.
Compare Boltons words with this quote attributed to Hitler in June 1941 prior to attacking the Soviet Union.
“You only have to kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down,”
John Bolton quote at minute 5:50
Your analysis of what’s going on is spot on. The US simply doesn’t have the leadership, resources or political will among the population to bend the world to it’s will. The average American is fed up with sending their sons and daughters to foreign lands for wars they’re never going to be told why they’re kids are even fighting. The average American is completely cynical in regards to the state and their “leaders”. The nation at large is fractured politically, racially, economically and in every other way possible and despite the media’s best efforts this fractured population is not going to unite behind fighting Russia, North Korea, Iran or for any other cause led by the current “establishment”. To say that it’s weird times in America is an understatement. It’s as if most of the people here are just going to through the motions to avoid being crucified for violation of “political correctness” and trying to live it up while their dollar still has purchasing power and their lives are still comfortable. There’s largely no faith whatsoever in the political leadership here and for most the idea of the “American dream” and “American liberty” has become a snarky joke. I think all of us realize, even if it’s just in the back of our mind that the system as it exists cannot be sustained and change of some sort is coming soon enough. Though I doubt the change will be any good for us, the average American.
The only way to negotiate with such an adversary. A good read 🇰🇵