On the morning of September 17, 2018, Russia’s Ministry of Defense revealed new findings in the crash of the MH-17 flight investigation.

New evidences presented by the military prove that the missile that according to the international Joint Investigation Team (JIT) brought down Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 contained Ukrainian serial numbers.

These new revelations implicate in the MH17 international scandal the post-Maidan Kiev authority that came to power as a result of an ethnic and religious minority revolt backed by NATO and Tzahal  in February 2014.

A few hours after the MOD press briefing, Israel’s fighter jets attacked and bombed Russia’s military base in Latakia and shot down a Russian special mission electronic signals intelligence (ELINT) aircraft IL-20 with a crew of fifteen on board.

Israel is not at war against Russia, at least officially. Russian troops are not enemy combatants for Israel, at least officially. The dastardly attack of Israel on Russian troops should, in my opinion, be understood as an attempt to create a shock severe enough to redirect people’s attention away from the new evidences in the MH 17 crash investigation.

Considering all of these I decided to make my research of the  post-Maidan independence movement in Donbass available for free.

Now available to download from the Saker Community book store for free.

I want to express my deepest gratitude to my loyal readers who bought this book.

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Thank you,

Scott Humor