[This analysis was written for the Unz Review]
The re-nomination (albeit somewhat reshuffled) of the “economic block” of the Medvedev government has elicited many explanations, some better than others. Today I want to look at one specific hypothesis which can be summed up like this: Putin decided against purging the (unpopular) “economic block” from the Russian government because he wanted to present the EU with “known faces” and partners EU politicians would trust. Right now, with Trump’s insane behavior openly alienating most European leaders, this is the perfect time to add a Russian “pull” to the US “push” and help bring the EU closer to Russia. By re-appointing Russian “liberals” (that is a euphemism for WTO/WB/IMF/etc types) Putin made Russia look as attractive to the EU as possible. In fact, the huge success of the Saint Petersburg summit and the Parliamentary Forum is proof that this strategy is working.
This hypothesis is predicated on one crucial assumption: that the EU, under the right conditions, could become a partner for Russia.
But is that assumption warranted? I personally don’t believe that it is, and I will try to lay out the reasons for my skepticism:
First, there is no “EU”, at least not in political terms. More crucially, there is no “EU foreign policy”. Yes, there are EU member states, who have political leaders, there is a big business community in the EU and there are many EU organizations, but as such, the “EU” does not exist, especially not in terms of foreign policy. The best proof of that is how clueless the so-called “EU” has been in the Ukraine, then with the anti-Russian sanctions, in dealing with an invasion of illegal immigrants, and now with Trump. At best, the EU can be considered a US protectorate/colony, with some subjects “more equal than others” (say, the UK versus Greece). Most (all?) EU member states are abjectly obedient to the USA, and this is no surprise considering that even the so-called “EU leader” or “EU heavyweight” – Germany – only has very limited sovereignty. The EU leaders are nothing but a comprador elite which doesn’t give a damn about the opinions and interests of the people of Europe. The undeniable fact is that the so-called “EU foreign policy” has gone against the vital interests of the people of Europe for decades and that phenomenon is only getting worse.

Welcome to Europe!
Second, the single most powerful and unified organization in Europe is not even an EU organization, but NATO. And NATO, in real terms, is no less than 80% USA. Forget about those fierce looking European armies, they are all a joke. Not only do they represent no credible force (being too small, too poorly trained, under-equipped and poorly commanded), but they are completely dependent on the USA for a long list of critical capabilities and “force multipliers“: command, control, communications, intelligence, networking, surveillance, reconnaissance, target acquisition, logistics, etc. Furthermore, in terms of training, force planning, weapon systems procurement, deployment and maintenance, EU states are also totally dependent on the USA. The reason? The US military budget totally dwarfs anything individual EU states can spend, so they all depend on Uncle Sam. Of sure, the NATO figurehead – the Secretary General – is usually a non-entity which makes loud statements and is European (I think of that clown Stoltenberg as the prefect example), but NATO is not run by the NATO Secretary General. In reality, it is run by the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), who is the head of the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) and these guys are as red, white an blue as it gets. Forget about the “Eurocorps” or any other so-called “European armies” – it’s all hot air, like Trudeau’s recent outburst at Trump. In reality in the EU, as in Canada, they all know who is boss. And here is the single most important fact: NATO desperately needs Russia as justification for its own existence: if relations with Russia improve, then NATO would have no more reason to exist. Do you really think that anybody will let that happen? I sure don’t! And right now, the Europeans are busy asking for more US troops on their soil, not less and they are all pretending to be terrified by a Russian invasion, hence the need for more and bigger military exercises close to the Russian border. And just to cover all its bases, NATO is now gradually expanding into Latin America.
Third, there is a long list of EU governments which vitally need further bad relationships with Russia. They include:
- Unpopular governments which need to explain their own failures by the nefarious actions of an external bogyman. A good example is how the Spanish authorities blamed Russia for the crisis in Catalonia. Or the British with their “Brexit”. The Swedes are doing even better, they are already preparing their public opinion for a “Russian interference” in case the election results don’t turn out to be what they need.
- Governments whose rhetoric has been so hysterically anti-Russian that they cannot possibly back down from it. Best examples: the UK and Merkel. But since most (but not all) EU states did act on the Skripal false-flag on the basis of the British “highly likely” and in the name of “solidarity”, they are now all stuck as accomplices of this policy. There is *no way* they are simply going to admit that they were conned by the Brits.
- EU prostitutes: states whose only policy is to serve the USA against Russia. These states compete against each other in the most abject way to see who can out-brown-nose each other for the position of “most faithful and willing loyal servant of the USA”. The best examples are, of course, the three Baltic statelets, but the #1 position has to go to the “fiercely patriotic Poles” who are now willing to actually pay Uncle Sam to be militarily occupied (even though the very same Uncle Sam is trying to racketeer them for billions of dollars). True, now that EU subsidies are running out, the situation of these states is becoming even more dire, and they know that the only place where they can still get money is the USA. So don’t expect them to change their tune anytime soon (even if Bulgaria has already realized that nobody in the West gives a damn about it).
- Governments who want to crack down on internal dissent by accusing any patriotic or independent political party/movement to be “paid by the Kremlin” and representing Russian interests. The best example is France and how it treated the National Front. I would argue that most EU states are, in one way or another, working on creating a “national security state” because they do realize (correctly) that the European people are deeply frustrated and oppose EU policies (hence all the anti-EU referendums lost by the ruling elites).
Contrary to a very often repeated myth, European business interests do not represent a powerful anti-russophobic force. Why? Just look at Germany: for all the involvement of Germany (and Merkel personally) in the Ukraine, for all the stupid rhetoric about “Russia being an aggressor” which “does not comply with the Mink Agreements”, North Stream is going ahead! Yes, money talks, and the truth is that while anti-Russian sanctions have cost Europe billions, the big financial interests (say the French company Total) have found ways to ignore/bypass these sanctions. Oh sure, there is a pro-trade lobby with Russian interest in Europe. It is real, but it simply does not have anywhere near the power the anti-Russian forces in the EU have. This is why for *years* now various EU politicians and public figures have made noises about lifting the sanctions, but when it came to the vote – they all voted as told by the real bosses.
Not all EU Russophobia is US-generated, by the way. We have clearly seen that these days when Trump suggested that the G7 (or, more accurately, the G6+1) needed to re-invite Russia, it was the Europeans who said “nope!”. To the extend that there is a “EU position” (even a very demure and weak one), it is mostly anti-Russian, especially in the northern part of Europe. So when Uncle Sam tells the Europeans to obey and engage in the usual Russia-bashing, they all quickly fall in line, but in the rare case when the US does not push a rabidly anti-Russian agenda, EU politicians suddenly find enough willpower to say “no”. By the way, for all the Trump’s statements about re-inviting Russia into the G6+1 the US is still busy slapping more sanctions on Russia.
The current mini-wars between the US and the EU (on trade, on Iran, on Jerusalem) do not at all mean that Russia automatically can benefit from this. Again, the best example of this is the disastrous G6+1 summit in which Trump basically alienated everybody only to have the G6 reiterate its anti-Russian position even though the G6+1 needs Russia far more than Russia needs the G7 (she really doesn’t!). Just like the US and Israeli leaders can disagree and, on occasion, fight each other, that does not at all mean that somehow they are not fundamentally joined at the hip. Just think of mob “families” who can even have “wars” against each other, but that does not at all mean that this will benefit the rest of the population whom all mobsters prey upon.
The Ukrainian crisis will only benefit anti-Russian forces in Europe. There is a very high probability that in the near future the Ukronazi regime will try to reconquer Novorussia (DNR/LRN). I submit that the outcome of such an attack is not in doubt – the Ukronazis will lose. The only question is this: to whom will they lose:
- Option one: they lose to the combined forces of the DNR and LNR. This is probably the most likely outcome. Should this happen, there is a very high probability of a Novorussian counter attack to liberate most of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, especially the cities of Slaviansk and Mariupol. Since past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior, we can be pretty darn sure of what the reaction in Kiev and in the West will be: Russia will be blamed for it all. The AngloZionists will *never* admit that the Ukronazi regime lost a civil war to its own people because the Novorussians will never accept a Nazi regime ruling over them. Thus, a Novorussian victory will result in more hysterical Russophobia.
- Option two: the Ukronazis succeed in their attack and threaten to overrun Donetsk, Lugansk and the rest of Novorussia. Putin simply cannot allow this to happen. He has made that promise many times and he has recently repeated it during his “open line” with the Russian people. If the Russians are forced to intervene, this will not be a massive ground invasion – there is no need for that. Russia has the firepower needed in the form of missile and artillery strikes to destroy the attacking Urkonazi forces and to impose a no-fly zone over all of Novorussia. If Kiev pushes on and launches a full-scale attack on Russia proper, the Ukrainian armed forces will be totally disorganized and cease combat in about 48 hours. This scenario is what I call the “Neocon dream” since such a Russian intervention will not be imaginary, but quite real and the Kremlin will even confirm it all very publicly and probably recognize the two Novorussian Republics just like what happened in 08.08.08 when Saakashvili decided to invade South Ossetia. So, AngloZionists will (finally!) have the “proof” that Russia is the aggressor, the Poles and Balts will prepare for an “imminent” Russian invasion and I think that there is a pretty good chance that NATO forces will move into the Western Ukraine to “stop the Russians”, even if the said Russians will have absolutely no desire (or even possible motive) to want to invade the rest of the Ukraine or, even less so, Poland, Sweden or the Baltic statelets.
I will admit that there is still a small possibility that a Ukronazi attack might not happen. Maybe Poroshenko & Co. will get cold feet (they know the real condition of the Ukie military and “dobrobat” death squads) and maybe Putin’s recent not-so-veiled threat about “grave consequences for the Ukrainian statehood” will have the needed effect. But what will happen even if this attack does not take place? The EU leaders and the Ukronazi regime in Kiev will still blame Russia for the Ukraine now clearly being a failed state. Whatever scenario you find more likely for the Ukraine, things there will only get worse and everybody will blame Russia.
The crisis in Syria will only benefit anti-Russian forces in Europe. It is becoming pretty clear that the USA is now attempting a reconquista of Syria or, at least, a break-up of Syria into several zones, including US-controlled ones. Right now, the USA and the “good terrorists” have lost the war, but that does not stop them from re-igniting a new one, mostly by reorganizing, retraining, redeploying and, most importantly, re-branding the surviving “bad terrorists” into “good ones”. This plan is backed by Saudi money and Israeli firepower. Furthermore, Russia is now reporting that US Special Forces are already working with the (new) “good terrorists” to – you guessed it – prepare yet another fake chemical attack and blame it on the Syrians. And why not? It worked perfectly already several times, why not do that again? At the very least, it would give the USA another try at getting their Tomahawks to show their effectiveness (even if they fail again, facts don’t matter here). And make no mistake, a US “victory” in Syria (or in Venezuela) would be a disaster not only for the region, but for every country wanting to become sovereign (see Andre Vltchek’s excellent article on this topic here). And, again, Russia will be blamed for it all and, with certifiable nutcasts like Bolton, Russian forces might even be attacked. As I wrote already many times, this is far from over. Just as in the Ukrainian case, some deal might be made (at least US and Russian military officials are still talking to each other) but my personal opinion is that making any kind of deal with Trump is as futile as making deals with Netanyahu: neither of them can be trusted and they both will break any and all promises in a blink of an eye. And if all hell breaks loose in Syria and/or Iran, NATO will make sure that the Europeans all quickly and obediently fall in line (“solidarity”, remember?).
The bottom line is this: currently, the EU is most unlikely to become a viable partner for Russia and the future does look rather bleak.
One objection to my pessimism is the undeniable success of the recent Saint Petersburg summit and the Parliamentary Forum. However, I believe that neither of these events was really centered around Europe at all, but about the world at large (see excellent report by Gilbert Doctorow on this topic here). Yes, Russia is doing great and while the AngloZionist media loves to speak about the “isolation” of Russia, the truth is that it is the Empire which is isolated, while Russia and China are having a tremendous success building the multi-polar world they want to replace the Empire with. So while it is true that the western leaders might prefer to see a liberal “economic block” in the new Russian government, the rest of the world has no such desire at all (especially considering how many countries out there have suffered terrible hardships at the hands of the WTO/WB/IMF/etc types).
The AngloZionist Empire is not based in the USA, or in the EU, or Israel, or anywhere else on the planet. It is a trans-national entity with regional variations and which includes different interest groups under its umbrella. You can think of it as a gigantic criminal gang racketeering the entire planet for “protection”. To think that by presenting a “liberal” face to these thugs will gain you their support is extremely naive as these guys don’t care about your face: what they want is your submission. Vladimir Putin put it best when he said “They do not want to humiliate us, they want to subdue us, solve their problems at our expense”.
However, if the EU is, for all practical purposes, non-existent, Russia can, and will, engage with individual EU member states. There is a huge difference between, say, Poland and Italy, or the UK and Austria. Furthermore, the EU is not only dysfunctional, it is also non-viable. Russia would immensely benefit from the current EU either falling apart or being deeply reformed because the current EU is a pure creation of the US-backed Bilderberger types and not the kind of Europe the European people need. In fact, I would even argue that the EU is the single biggest danger for the people of the European continent. Thus Russia should use her resources to foster bi-lateral cooperation with individual EU member states and never take any action which would strengthen (or even legitimize) EU-derived organizations such as the EU Parliament, the European Court of Human Rights, etc. These are all entities which seek to undermine the sovereignty of all its members, including Russia. Again, Putin put it best when he recently declared that “either Russia is a sovereign country, or there is no Russia“.
Whatever the ideology and slogans, all empires are inherently evil and inherently dangerous to any country wanting to be truly sovereign. If Russia (and China) want to create a multi-polar world, they need to gradually disengage from those trans-national bodies which are totally controlled by the Empire, it is really that simple. Instead, Russia needs to engage those countries, political parties and forces who advocate for what de Gaulle called “the Europe of fatherlands“. Both the AngloZionist Empire and the EU are undergoing the most profound crisis in their history and the writing is on the wall. Sooner rather than later, one by one, European countries will recover their sovereignty, as will Russia. Only if the people of Europe succeed in recovering their sovereignty could Russia look for real partnerships in the West, if only because the gradually developing and integrating Eurasian landmass offer tremendous economic opportunities which could be most beneficial to the nations of Europe. A prosperous Europe “from the Atlantic to the Urals” is still a possibility, but that will happen only when the current European Union and NATO are replaced by truly European institutions and the current European elites replaced by sovereignists.
The people of Russia, EU and, I would argue, the United States all have the same goal and the same enemy: they want to recover their sovereignty, get rid of their corrupt and, frankly, treacherous elites and liberates themselves from the hegemony of the AngloZionist Empire. This is why pushing the issue of “true sovereignty” (and national traditional values) is, I believe, the most unifying and powerful political idea to defeat the Empire. This will be a long struggle but the outcome is not in doubt.
The Saker
PS: just as I was sending this article away I came across this article by Paul Craig Roberts “Is Europe Too Brainwashed To Normalize Relations With Russia?” – make sure to also check it out!
UPDATE: those of you who understand Russian, here is a great video about what kind of stuff goes on in the EU and to get a feel for these folks:
On the topic of the SPIEF, how do individual foreigners (not mega corps) invest in Russia or China? Are there large finance houses there with mutual funds denominated in the local currency (I’m thinking the equivalent of a Fidelity or Vanguard). Or are we plebs stuck with dollar denominated funds in US institutions that buy bits and pieces of foreign corporation’s stocks and bond issues? Anyone here know?
Hi Andrew,
Unfortunately the US sanctions have been used to try and stop investment into Russia along with the collusion of the western banking system.
There are several funds in the West that do invest in Russia but sometimes they are called “emerging markets” or “BRICS” type funds which include Russia. ETF’s (Exchange Traded Funds) are available or currency funds.
Russian Bonds are doing well as an investment vehicle.
Before you approach an investment firm, put some time into researching the types of investments that are best for your portfolio. If you feel comfortable doing so, track down an investment service in Russia that is willing to work with overseas investors. You’ll be able to save money by working directly with an agency in the country. You also may be able to get better insights into the interest rates you can expect on various investment types.
Here is a link to one such mutual fund:
Here is a link to: MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION (sorry about caps – just copying from site)
Also check out prominent Russian investor, Jim Rogers, an American living in Singapore. He gets interviewed a lot about investing in Russia.
Hope that gives you a start.
Thank you Veritas, this looks like a good weekend project. I literally did not know where to start.
What if, the parasites that are in control of the US “governing” bodies realized that the host is drained and dried beyond its limit and decided to push it into the abyss. Trump mission would be exactly that –finish the job of destroying the empire, while the parasites would transplant themselves into some fresh pastures elsewhere, perhaps even in Russia. The theatrics of squabbles are just for the plebs, and perhaps some real infighting is just the desired byproduct of these tactics. We’re dealing with a tribe that successfully sucked the blood of many civilizations for thousands of years. I think they know how to cover their tracks. Maybe examining this reality is akin of looking at the TV and thinking it is all real…
I think you are correct, but this time they can’t just walk across a split sea and hope the waves fall on the pursuers they will have to burn this world down completely as we live in the information age and too many people have been red-pilled already, the parasites are going to have a hard time finding an accepting body unless they conquer it by force.
“Option one: they lose to the combined forces of the DNR and LNR. This is probably the most likely outcome. Should this happen, there is a very high probability of a Novorussian counter attack to liberate most of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, especially the cities of Slaviansk and Mariupol. ”
-I find this unlikely, for the reason that anything liberate by LDPR Russia would need to pay for, LDPR is not self-sufficent and it is Russia that is keeping the population fed and with medicines and so forth. There lives 500000 people in Mariupol, that is half a million more people Russia would need to pay for.
Also, I don’t believe people in these areas really wants to be in LDPR.. Yes I think most support LDPR and I think most support Russia.. However the living standards inside LDPR worse then inside Ukraine + you are regular bombarded and killed by Ukrainian forces, and you food is cut off and water, and you lose your pension and social care.
I doubt many in Mariupol would cheer if they were liberated..
To be honest I can’t really see how the situation can be resolved without Ukraine first collapsing.
Yes, Russia or NAF could defeat UAF.. But then what? Conquer areas that does not want to be conquered? And then Russia needs to pay for them forever? And how much to conquer? If you only conquered a little Ukraine would rebuild its army again and attack again in 5 years… Or does Russia intend to drive all the way to Kiev and depose the government? This all sounds very messy and difficult. And I doubt a pro-Russian occupational government would find any support anywhere among its population or internationally.
We see the Italians moving toward leaving the Sanctions regime.
Austria and Hungary sound likely to split away on Sanctions, also.
This doesn’t mean the fracture of the EU. It signals lose of control by the Hegemon.
Trump may be a great asset for Russia, yet.
He’s made the EU leadership nervous and encouraged the very few courageous to think rationally.
The next half year could crack lose a few more sovereign-seekers.
Syria will be a test shortly for Putin. The Syrians want the Soutwest zone under their control. The US has threatened them with tonight’s report from the State Department. However, the Russian military will decide the matter in the long run.
Donbass and Novorossiya has already been decided. If the Ukies attack, Putin will break apart the Ukraine.
As for the Europeans and Russian energy, the price of US Natural Gas in the form of LNG decides the issue. EU would be destroyed in trade if it had to use the +20% more costly US gas over the Russian pipeline gas. Whether they like Russia or not, the Russian gas is dependable in supply and far cheaper.
The NATO threat is a posture. The absolute last thing that organization wants is its bluff called by Russia.
There are no partners worthy of the name in Europe. They are at best customers.
In several years we will not recognize the new configurations. And then, a few nations will partner with Russia on mutually beneficial relationship. Change first. Trading partners later. Russia doesn’t much need them now. There’s Eurasia, ME, Africa and Latin America waiting.
And yet the neo- progressive liberal left zombies (especially in Capital cities where the deep state re-animates government servitude lifestyles) are literally roaming the streets, hungering for the flesh of any living thing that disagrees with their deeply embedded programming. Watching them feast upon any dissenting view on social media as they gorge themselves mindlessly on anti-Russian propaganda … is alarming, even frightening.
So we can understand how the special relationship between our neighboring Atlanticists infects the living with rage, 28 Days Later style.
Truly, the popular fascination with The Walking Dead has its roots in a real life horror story, of people you thought you knew, even loved ones, who have risen from the dead to devour you, so that you too can rise soul-less among them.
The propensity for humans to adopt a fierce, instinctual hatred against what they have been taught to hate through the constant brainwashing and conditioning of the ministry of propaganda is every bit as Apocalyptic as any Night of the Living Dead production.
The two legged lab rats have risen, and they will attack in hoards.
Yes to you, and no to the Saker. In essence you are right, Larch: the global lead that the Russians are taking is ‘anti globalist globalism’. In other words Russia with China etc, are defining what it is to be a sovereign nation in a globalised world. This is radically at odds with Anglo Zionist one world ideology. What you outline in the movements of other nations is the way in which this Russian lead is swaying decision making, especially in Europe.
To answer the Saker’s title, ‘Can the EU become a partner for Russia?’, the answer is ‘no’. That is not what the Russian’s want, after hundreds of years of betrayal.
The following article is critical in understanding where Russia is heading, published in one of Russia’s most important foreign policy framing forums, equivalent to the US’s Council of Foreign Relations or the UK’s Chatham House: http://www.globalaffairs.ru/global-processes/Odinochestvo-polukrovki-14-19477
The best translation I can find is on this mostly quack and sometimes interesting site: https://www.sott.net/article/384651-Essay-by-Putin-Advisor-Vladislav-Surkov-on-Russias-Eurasian-Future-We-Began-a-New-Era-in-2014
It is written by this guy, a hugely influential advisor and intellectual at the elbow of the Kremlin: http://ciceromagazine.com/features/the-gray-cardinal-of-the-kremlin/
It outlines a profound and melancholy vision of commitment to a lonely struggle to establish the truth that sovereign nationhood must stand in opposition to and suffer the slings and arrows of the dictatorship of supra-national government ideology. It is thoroughly contemporary Russian having at its heart a sense of betrayal combined with an immense courage and confidence in its history of confronting, sometimes suffering and sometimes defeating evil doctrines. It is a tragic read that also fills you with admiration. Saker needs to read, if he hasn’t already.
Yeap! Saker, you nail it again. Keep up the good information and visions while keeping the focus.
I know where to go to get “straight” genuine news.
My donation underlines my words of appreciation.
Thank you for your dedication and courage.
I still believe (I’m crazy) that President Trump is “a trump card” and is talking behind the scene with Chineese President and President Putin. In a few years, Europe will have to wake up and leave USA’s hand-outs.
Gabriel, I have also not given up on Trump. He is a good negotiator and has already done a lot for the US economy. He has longterm plans he can’t tell us about. Things are not what they seem to be. Day by day I see him doing things that make Soros and other enemies crazy. Soros (Schwartz, black) does not believe in God and will one day be surprised.
Anon on June 15, 2018 · at 5:30 am EST/EDT
I really don’t see that Trump has the capability to make decisions, and certainly not ensure that they are kept.
He’s seems completely subordinated, by… you-know-who, dah.
But, we’ll see within two years.
I may yet sound like a pessimist but I won’t count on man that breaks his promise. Whether the Iran nuclear was a bad deal or not like, a deal is a deal and must be honoured. Who are we without our word?
To believe the same man as having any beneficial motives for the betterment of humanity after all what he had done to Palestine, Iran and even their so called allies both in Europe and the Persian Gulf. Permit me this smacks of hypocrisy and good no water.
I took a look at the Iran deal and was surprised. Iran can start producing uranium or polonium in a couple of years. Obama was not a good negotiator, but Trump is. I think I know one of the things Trump is doing, but I don’t want to tell his enemies. Trump is bashed in our oligarch media and also on the net. Trump and Putin are being demonized and I will not take part in that.
I took a look at the Iran deal and was surprised. Iran can start producing uranium or polonium in a couple of years. Obama was not a good negotiator, but Trump is.
The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is an agreement between the US, China, France, Russia, UK plus Germany (P5+1) and Iran. You want to make us believe that the negotiators of China, France, Russia, UK and Germany are blatantly incompetent?
We were discussing Trump, so I concentrated on him, but you are of course right about the deal. My main point is Trump is being underestimated. I have watched him with surprise and finally can see some things I couldn’t see before. He has become a praying man. An embassy in Jerusalem only confirms what has been a fact of life since the 60ties. Diplomats have been coming from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem för years. The rights of Muslims and Christians must be respected and we must watch Israel in that regard, but Trump is not the danger. He has even taken some soldiers or materials home from Syria.
Every new nuclear power changes the balance and Russia is very aware of that. Trump doesn’t want that problem in the Middle East and neither do I. Israel has nukes, but Trump is not in a position to do anything about them. Politics is the art of the possible.
It is enough that MSM gives Trump a hard time, we shouldn’t help MSM. He promised to save the US and look what happened to the unemployment rate. He never promised to help the whole world, but he was successful in Singapore. He respects Putin and Xi, but not the leaders of the EU. He is on the same side as many EU citizens who see the incompetence in Brussels. The last I heard was that he wanted a meeting with Putin and was ignored by his aids. He is fighting a big battle.
Anonymous, I doubt that you are an American if you fell for that bogus unemployment rate of 3.8%. If you are an American, can I interest you in the purchase of a bridge connecting lower Manhattan with Brooklyn? John Williams is a premier statistician who publishes Shadowstats. He attempts to eliminate the fraud from the current government statistics. I’ll give you a case in point. The 3.8% May national unemployment rate is the one that the MSM runs with and it is simply the percentage of people who are collecting unemployment benefits against the working age, able bodied population at large. It is called U-3 and depends to a degree on the state, but none offers benefits that exceed 9 months and many less. Once they are used up, one becomes a non-person. The worst thing that could happen to the US workforce is for the U-3 to drop to under 2%. This would mean that the number of workers who have exhausted all benefits has increased to an astounding amount. When Williams calculates unemployment in the USA based on the 1970 government algorithms, he finds it well in excess of 20%, similar to the Great Depression.
The truth is that the USA never has recovered from the 2008 GFC and is mired in a depression. They have papered it over by fraud and rigging all the markets. If one can know in advance how the shadow government and the bankers intend to rig the markets on a day to day basis, one can play the markets to great advantage. Of course the insiders all know this, but it is also possible to be an outsider who has been red-pilled and knows it.
As to Trump, though I don’t like him personally, I am still agnostic on what his agenda is. I tentatively go along with Catherine Austin Fitts in this regard, who claims that the deep state has split into two camps at war with one another. One camp is what the Saker would call the AngloZionist Cabal which is headed by the Rothschild banking crime syndicate. I personally refer to them as the satanistas. They decided long ago to parasitize slowly the living carcass of the USA to reinforce their world empire. The other deep state camp does not want to see the US destroyed as a nation to save the empire. Trump is the frontman poster boy for this group, and it has its greatest strength in the military in general and the Marine Corp specifically. This, of course, is speculation.
You have basically stated that the enemy of my enemy is my friend and should not be criticized when fighting for its life. Another group says that one has to hold Trump’s feet to the fire when he does something really evil or stupid. Take your pick.
You are right, I am not an American. What you say about the unemployment rate is also true, but it went down considerably after the tax cuts, implying that jobs were created then.
The big problem, as I see it, is the poverty rate. If Trump can create more jobs, wages will go up. I doubt the median income of Americans has gone up since the year 2000. An American said many years ago that the US
was like a third world country.
We will see what Trump can do. So far he has been winning and his enemies hate it.
No US (aka Thanatopia) regime in history has ‘kept its word’ once it becomes to their benefit not to. Just ask the US indigenous people how many treaties Thanatopia honoured.
Hi Saker,
As a European I beg to disagree on a few points:
– The EU is a consensus based body. That means that it is very slow in changing positions. Until now that has worked in favor of the US. But Trump risks to have the tanker change course. And if that happens the US may find it quite hard to change it back.
– The fiercely anti-Russian countries in the EU are the Baltics and Poland. This is the same region in which most Russia hating neocons in the US have their roots. There are additional benefits too, like having the US lobbying for you in Brussels. For the tiny Baltics the economic impact of US military activity certainly counts. For Poland it helps to feel less dependent on Germany.
– Sure, the EU countries could have been more brave in the Skripal case. But in this kind of cases you need to pick your battles carefully. The damage in the Skripal case is largely symbolic. Why would EU politicians risk to be painted as a Putin puppy when more important battles are waiting?
– The same applies to Ukraine. For the average European Ukraine is far-away-country. Economic relations are weak. And the country with the deepest relations is Poland…
– There are no easy solutions for the EU. Yes, it is to a certain extent a straight jacket that suffocates countries. But on the other side: size counts and if you want to be heard in the US or China it helps to be united.
So yes, the EU can be a partner for Russia. And it is so to a larger extent than is often recognized. But it will take time and patience to expand the cooperation.
How does this figure in? I’ve heard this before, that Poland, Hungary, etc really want the break-up of Ukraine so they can get pieces of it.
The Swedish pamphlet is not only about war, it is also about problems of different kinds. Loss of power, for example. The people needs the information. The pamphlet was published during the cold war several times and then it was only about war. I still keep an old copy in a Bible.
Putin says Medvedev and some other ministers have already worked on improving the situation. New ministers would need about two years to learn and Putin is in a hurry to fix the economy.
Kudrin may have been rewarded for having created the two reserve funds. They saved Russia for a long time.
Russia has paid most of its foreign loans and all of the debts of the USSR. IMF doesn’t like it. Lagarde has tried to intervene, but the Central Bank says foreign loans will only be considered if they are needed for investments.
The West has looked fondly on Medvedev and even said he and Putin were not on the same side, but Medvedev still works for Russia.
The Atlanticists know what is best for them, but some like Chubais I don’t trust. He was at a Bilderberg meeting.
Gazprom has had a victory in a Swedish Court. Its money can’t be confiscated for the time being, but the Court has not ruled on the case yet. Gazprom says an outside body was involved in the confiscation of assets and that is not allowed. Perhaps this will end as the Yukos case. The Court had no jurisdiction. Russia was also convicted only one day after the MH17 disaster, but the ruling was kept secret for a while, so that nobody would suspect eventual casuality. There were tree judges and one of them was against the ruling. This brings me back to 2014 when this blog was like a lighthouse in the dark.
Not long ago, Russia preferred to deal bilaterally in Europe. Neither Russia or the US is especially fond of the EU.
“Unemployment remains painfully high across much of Europe, with the jobless rate standing at 9.2 per cent in France, 11.2 per cent in Italy, 15.9 per cent in Spain and 20.1 per cent in Greece.
Nearly 14million people are out of work in the eurozone – including 2.4million under the age of 25.
The International Monetary Fund has warned that the jobs crisis crippling the eurozone could lead to a lost generation of youngsters who may never find work.”
Maybe that might wake up their governments….
The EU is run for the parasitic elites, ONLY, like all neo-liberal capitalist kleptocracies. A united Europe, run for the benefit of ALL its people, and for the preservation of the natural world, ie for all future human generations, is absolutely antithetical to ‘The Market’, aka highly financialised parasitism. The future of the EU, particularly after the next, imminent, stage of the financial implosion under debt and inequality, is Greece, a society devastated with pitiless sadism to protect the interests of the financial parasites. Until the Europeans wake up to their pauperisation, serfdom and debt peonage and revolt-properly.
It seems to me the logic of the opening is problematic. – The hypothesis entertained is that Putin put together the old “new” government to appeal to Europe, draw Europe “in” or “away” from the US. The hypothesis, further, is then that the St. Petersburg “summit” (International Economic Forum) and the Parliamentary Forum “is proof that this strategy is working.” But then the critique of the hypothesis is that Europe is not fit for partnership with Russia. – Is this critique aimed at the hypothesis, as it is stated to be, or is it aimed at Putin? Or, put another way, is the real critique that this is Putin’s hypothesis, and is the real assertion that this hypothesis is wrong?
The issue or question seems salient because, among other things, Putin said during his Q&A marathon that it was a joke that “first we intervened in the US elections to get Trump in, then as a thank-you Trump gives us Europe.” “It’s a joke,” Putin asserted. The assertion of the article seems to be that, no, it is not a joke. If the insinuated hypothesis off the article is that this is Putin’s hypothesis, he said it is a joke. (And it is a joke from the German DER SPIEGEL, so it is an Atlanticist joke.)
Whatever. – I suggest that we should not try to decipher Europe’s conundrum at the moment on the basis of a serial unfolding of events, e.g. latest trade war kerfuffle, EU (or actually G8 -1-, -1) and the mechanics of trade flows. The key thing shaping the non-public discussion and thinking in this so-called “Europe” is the discussion that transpired between Putin and Macron on the fringes of the SPIEF: there are video clips available. Putin said that Macron – in off-camera one-on-one discussion – had said (ostensibly) that Europe depends on the US for security, to which Putin replied that he did not see any problem, “we will help you with that.” This was Putin reporting on the discussion. Let’s admit that, on a superficial reading /listening, it makes no sense. And what makes no sense is what Putin said Macron had said: what did Macron actually say? Had Macron said that Europe needs the US to defend against a possible Russian aggression, it would not only be inane, it would make no sense of Putin’s reported (by Putin) reply: he sees no problem, and if there is a problem, “we will help you with that.” If, on the other hand, Macron was not inane, then he said that the US has Europe over a barrel, the US /NATO is an extortion racket, Europe – and that means Germany most directly – is nothing but a bargaining chip for the US to negotiate with in a limited nuclear war.
None of this has to do with Trump and what may look like Trump’s extortion. No, it is a fundamental strategic configuration discussion, and it takes us back to the “Schlesinger Doctrine” of limited nuclear war, and it takes us back to the era of Charles De Gaulle. And we know that Putin has “erased” the Schlesinger Doctrine from the options-blackboard. There can be and will be no limited nuclear war in Europe – or anywhere else, so the history of Europe as the bargaining-chip is over. And, as it happens, the slogan “NATO is obsolete” means the same thing. – Putin’s response to what Macron really said shows that he and the French president were discussing his March 1st speech. De facto Putin has already released Europe from its bargaining-chip role and status, but – as any strategist in and for Europe would have to see – that has nothing to do with anything Europe itself has accomplished. So Europe is experiencing a real conundrum.
If we wanted to joke about it, we might suggest that Germany and France – at least – buy the Russian S400, because the idea – oh, and it is a real idea – of developing or acquiring “Europe’s” own nuclear weapons makes no sense: France already has them, the British also, and if you think “united Europe” is a mess or a joke now, just try to imagine the Germans negotiating with the French and Brits over the targeting plan for their nucs: Why should the Germans be interested in exchanging their role as a bargaining chip for the Americans with being a bargaining chip for the French or the British, and do the British or French seriously want to take over the US role as targets for Russian weapons? – Hilarious: “united Europe” gets a Nobel Peace Prize.
Europe” – as for the PR – can only be “important” if it is united, but even when it sells its unity, it is impotent and irrelevant (Mideast, Iran, Libya, refugees, Far East). So “united Europe” splits at its many seams, some countries drifting toward the attraction of business and politically reliable Russia, while the big discussion is “who is going to lead united Europe”, where Europe is “united”, it will be united by the Germans, right? (Giggle, giggle.) So they suck up Skripal like a sponge, but the BND gets caught cooking its own Nowichok, and knew it was not a Russian concoction from the start, and the German government has now declared all details concerning its buttering up Theresa May to be “a state secret.” That is a hard act to follow, but just last night on German TV we learn that a 2nd-German-Television jerk who supposedly did research on Russian sport-doping (and was awarded the German Bundesverdienstkreuz by the President Steinmaier – big friend of Russia — for the stunt, with no documentation) has been certified by German security services to be in such dire danger if we he went to Russia for the World Cup that he has been handed an official recommendation not to go. So now we have a German Skripal-Case where nothing at all happened. And, of course, critical journalists get killed on a regular basis in Russia, you know? – What?! You don’t know that? Hey, but everyone knows that, so you get a splattering of names on the TV screen. Ukrainian playbook anyone`?
But who is this junk aimed at? – At Russia? Certainly not. “Creative babbling” is what Putin calls it. No, it is not aimed at Russia, it is not even boot-licking the State Department: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Germany “leading Europe.” Looks pretty desperate, doesn’t it? It is tantamount to “betting the farm”: if they lose this, they lose it all. And it splits Europe: Juncker wants to stop Russia-bashing and the Germans go all-out bashing. This is not the occasion for moral indignation: this is state-policy (Bundesverdienstkreuz, no less), this is based on calculations. Declare the German role in the May-Skripal-Case to be a “State Secret,” the “real evidence” for any danger to any German journalist in Russia is likewise a “state secret.” – Now, the German government may collapse, not, of course, for any of these reasons but because of Merkel’s refugee policies (ostensibly).
Still, as I see it, Putin is right: DER SPIEGEL is propagating a joke that Trump has handed Europe over to Russia, but it is a German joke, and the joke is on them. With Macron Putin can discuss the depths of real strategic problems, things usually, at least sometimes, considered top secret, and it is an open question how Europe can respond to being released from its hostage or bargaining-chip status. Trump has released them also, so “Europe” has some real thinking and work to do. As I see it, Macron is personally less important than the “Gaullist” potential to see that the strategic opening is there for Europe to grasp. Konrad Adenauer needed De Gaulle because no one in Europe could trust the Germans: now the Merkelists have brought about the same situation. And they are trying to bully Europe into submission with Russophobia (what the French did earlier is hardly relevant now). As Helmut Schmidt said long ago, Germany cannot lead Europe. The German Marshall Fund, the Atlantic Council and Chatham House still expect the Germans to lead. These are very desperate people indeed. These Merkelist Germans will not and cannot lead.
With Obama-Clinton-Nuland gone, Merkel is the only one who can claim to be in charge of the “Project Ukraine.” When Dunford meets Gerasimov for 6 hours in Finland, it is no longer Merkel’s game. The fact that nothing of substance was reported form that meeting says everything: there is an “understanding.” Dunford is not John McCain, speaking symbolically. McCain left the door open for Merkel’s games. We do not know how Dunford may have closed those doors, and time will tell: Porky is on a leash. If there is an “understanding,” there will no attack. Trump is not interested in solving Merkel’s problems. Putin’s “grave consequences for Ukrainian statehood” sets the red line.
Konrad Adenauer needed De Gaulle …
Could’ve been the other way around as well. Maybe Adenauer got the order to avoid France from forming an independent European Union. Afaik De Gaulle wasn’t too fond about US leadership. Adenauer was related to the first High Commissioner of Germany John Jay McCloy (both of their wives were cousins). Another historical “anomaly” is that Adenauer tried to supply the German military with nuclear weapons. Luckily his plans failed, because this decision would’ve been against the will of the German citizens.
thank You for this very precise picture of the moment, and yes, the disfunctional EU / U.S are the variable that will make the real changing possible…
but yes…. the moment is indeed very gloomy…
This could be a prelude to a world divided into two economic blocs.
One following the current US hegemony system.
The other, something different.
Each system competing to get more countries into its bloc.
It’s deja vue all over again.
Yes, jiri, but the ‘neo-liberal’ ‘Rules Based Order’ of the US-controlled bloc can and will only offer its ‘citizens’ an existence of perpetual serfdom, precarious ’employment’, falling living standards, grotesque inequality, no upward social mobility, huge personal indebtedness, regular financial crises, austerity and social sadism and ecological collapse. In other words, ‘The Free World’. Who could resist?
you described what I have seen in the UK/USA in last 30 years or so
The Saker is on to something good here, but has mis-identified the enemy. Let us take his core argument and redirect it at the real problems in Europe.
The *Christian* citizens of Russia, European nations, and, the U.S. all have the same goal and the same anti-Christian enemies. The Islamic & Atheist Empire led by George Soros and his Globalist cabal.
Pushing the issue of “true sovereignty” (and national traditional *Christian* values) is, a powerful political idea to defeat open borders migration and the resulting the Islamic Invasion of Europe. This will be a long struggle and regrettably the outcome is very much in doubt as some European countries still willfully suppress information about Muslim immigrant violence and the threat of Sharia displacing traditional Christian values.
The Jewish citizens of Israel are under the same threat of forced conversion to Sharia (or possibly genocide). Thus Israel is a natural ally to the *Christian* Russia-Europe-U.S. Alliance as long as Islamic Invasion is the core threat to survival.
Islam, like Christianity, promotes the golden rule, and equality under the supreme being, also allowing/enabling conversions to their faith, and respecting those not of their faith; that’s what their holy texts say.
One of the the three major monotheistic religions is not like the others…. can you guess which one is not the same…
One of the three monotheistic religions promotes rabid discrimination, insists on indoctrinating the adherents that they are chosen above all others, and has a very advanced program to control who can become part of their value proposition.
One of the guiding texts of one of the three major monotheistic religions is a detailed procedure to discriminating against all out-groups, so much so that it really more closely resembles a political ideology, rather than some kind of a spiritual guidance system.
Despite not believing in any of this … power-base creation ideologies, I am somewhat comforted by the building of bridges by Orthodox leaders with representatives of Islam.
… yet, again, one of these three major monotheistic religions is not like the other, can you guess which one is just not the same?
Well, IMO opinion Judaism isn’t actually a religion.
What are the spiritual values?
The only item of belief is the belief in the superiority of the Jews.
In fact, Jews think they are so superior that they even bargain with God.
Jews have developed a culture, but it is not a *religious* spiritual culture. It is one that is anchored in rules for living day to day, and following orders of rabbis, or coming up with mental tricks to get around the rules.
Some of the food is OK.
I aggree, Judaism is not a religion, it is a political ideology meant to preserve an promote Jewish supremacy.
Anybody who looks into objective fact-based review and analysis of 20 hours will come to the same conclusion.
If a preponderance of people in the empire were to read The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed, then the veil of deception would be lifted, and intelligent discussion on how best, and least destructive, methods for resolving this catastrophic issue could be advanced.
Unfortunately, this information is heavily censored by the extra-governmental Gestapo-like agencies of the parasite, i.e. ADL, and the many, many of the like; potentially anybody adherent to the collective is an agent, (just like the movie; an incredibly reflective allegory).
The French late 19th century French Jewish intellectual, Bernard Lazare, an early defender of Dreyfus and opponent of Judeophobia, was honest and intelligent enough to ask one question. Why had Judeophobia arisen in virtually every country in which the Jews had lived over the millennia, despite differences of race, religion, social order, customs, geography and history among those disparate societies? Could not some, at least, of the blame be laid at the door of ‘Israel'(ie Jewry) itself?
Today, such an opinion is absolute anathema-‘antisemitism’ at its vilest, from a plainly ‘self-hating’ Jew. In the Western regimes controlled by Zionazi money power, Jews have asserted the status of absolute perfection for themselves. No Jew is capable of committing a crime or even an error, or making a mistake. Any, and all, criticism of any Jew or of Israel is everywhere and always nothing but Jew-hating bigotry, ‘antisemitism’ promulgated by Jew-haters who deny the ‘Holocaust’, spread ‘blood libels’ and ‘support terrorism’. Even if you criticise the regular mass slaughter of children in Gaza, you are nothing but a vile ‘antisemite’, and you will be hounded from public life, or actually prosecuted for crime as occurs in the French slave state, and is an increasing possibility elsewhere as ALL criticism of Israel, of Zionism, of Israeli barbarity, is made illegal as ‘antisemitic’ bigotry.
It beats me if there is a comparable situation in history where a tiny group, the Zionazi elite, have come to control not just the global hegemon, the USA, but the rest of the West, so completely, and driven their elites to such travesties of justice, human rights and moral decency. And what is even more chilling is that Zionazi demands and ambitions are, essentially, limitless. As the repulsive and repellent campaign by the Zionazi elites in the UK, to destroy UK Labour and Corbyn using utterly fraudulent and invented denunciations of ‘antisemitism’, in open alliance with Blairite traitors inside Labour and the UK fakestream media, shews, the Zionazis demand total control. They demand and expect a veto over the politics and governance of a country of sixty million where they represent the elite of one tiny group of c. 1% of the population.
The danger here is not just to Zionazism’s victims, the eternally imprisoned and freely butchered Palestinians, the Iraqis, Syrians, Libyans etc living in smashed societies courtesy of Zionazism’s ‘Oded Yinon Plan’, or the Western states suffering austerity to protect the financial parasitism of the elites among whom Jews are massively over-represented (if you’ll forgive the ‘antisemitism of facts’), but to the Jews themselves. As Israel becomes ever more racist, fascistic, barbaric and aggressive, its demands upon the rest of humanity only increase, to be admired, adored and worshipped, even as its crimes grow like topsy. And thus it is breeding hatred for its behaviour around the world. When peaceful efforts like BDS are met with maniacal abuse, vilification and legal aggression, when the US ‘First Amendment’ and ‘Freedom of Opinion’ throughout the West are flushed down the toilet to suit one tiny, racist, tyranny, hatred can only grow. But that, unfortunately, only suits Zionazis like Netanyahu, whose very existence is an expression of hatred, of the Talmudic hatred of the goyim, of the European settler fascists’ hatred of the ‘natives’ who must be expunged so that the Western herrenvolk can gain their God-ordained lebensraum, and the Zionazis’ hatred of anyone who, as Jabotinsky said, ‘…gets in our way’. And that maelstrom of hatred will eventually destroy Israel itself, and probably take the rest of us in the process. All because the Western political elites, corrupted by Jewish money power, have not the guts to stand up for decency and morality, and like good friends, not slaves, warn Israel off the self-destructive course that they have long followed.
very well said
I think it’s all fake when it comes to their ‘superiority” – I have met many Jews while living in the US (also UK) many were very wealthy- I have never met a confident Jew (if you are not confident – it’s obvious you don’t really feel superior – let alone are superior). I’ve only met a couple of happy ones – most were depressed and kind of self-hating
when I studied with Jews at some of world’s best unis – all my Jewish friends there were average despite the fact that they were the geekiest and probably worked the most.
Jewish superiority is BS – hence their obsession with money, status and greed – usually indicators of insecurity and lack of integration.
I am not religious but when I think about it – Judaism is best described as a psychopaths’ club – everyone is welcome as long as they lack empathy, are greedy, deceiving and a backstabbing psychopaths versed at orwellian renaming and other lies.
“The Jewish citizens of Israel are under the same threat of forced conversion to Sharia (or possibly genocide). T”
Not sure what this means.
But, Talmudic law and the nonsense enforced by jewish rabbits I mean rabbis is as bad as Islamic Sharia, or worse. Much more mumbo jumbo to have to sit through. Just as much social pressure to conform and believe shibboleths of various sorts.
Personally I would rather wear a scarf on my head than a wig.
It does not mean anything. It is just diversionary talk. Jews and Judaized people can not think of them but in terms of eternally ‘persecuted’, eternally under a threat or another. The most hilarious thing is when it is asserted that they are the innocent ‘victims’ of the ‘Zionazi’ scarecrow.
The so-called ‘Islamic invasion’ of Europe (led by George Soros!!???)is the direct result of the alliance between ‘Christian’ USA, Wahhabist (ie Islamophobic) Sordid Arabia and Talmudic cum secular fascistic Israel, and their aggression against the Moslem states of the Middle and Near East and north Africa. If the Islamic world was left in peace and allowed a decent standard of life for its people, as Iraq and Syria and Libya in particular, once enjoyed, there would be no ‘invasion’ of Europe save that of mutual interchange and benefit. Islamophobia is simply one of the Zionazis’ favourite weapons to promote their ideology of the ‘Clash of Civilizations’ that envisages endless war between an aggressive West, and ‘enemies’ like Islam, Orthodox Russia and the Godless Chinese.
+all empires are inherently evil+
Even the Roman (later known as Byzantine) empire? an interesting sentiment from an Orthodox ;)
Yes, and Empire is by its very nature imperialist. The fact that Rome became Christian does not change that fundamental truism. Christian Rome also spilled a lot of innocent blood and started plenty of wars of aggression. As did the Russian Empire later.
The Saker
Well… “The priesthood and the Empire are the two greatest gifts which God, in His infinite clemency, has bestowed upon mortals; the former has reference to Divine matters, the latter presides over and directs human affairs, and both, proceeding from the same principle, adorn the life of mankind; hence nothing should be such a source of care to the emperors as the honor of the priests who constantly pray to God for their salvation”.
(Talking about the right kind of Empire of course…)
I do not object that a lot of terrible things happened in the Roman empire, too; yet “inherently evil”?! No way. You know well this Church hymn which goes, in Greek, “Νίκας τοις βασιλεύσι κατά βαρβάρων δωρούμενος…” (giving victories to kings over the barbarians), which we now sing simply as “победы над сопротивныя даруя…”
The irony is that the AZ Empire (the epitome of the ‘evil empire’) was built on the fight against the Christian Empire(s). Liberalism was the ideology of ‘anti-imperialism’.
It is less ironic to equate the fight for the defense of Christianity with ‘wars of aggression’. The underlying assumption is that the ‘innocent blood’ spilt by the evil Russian Empire was the blood of Muslims and Jews, as if the Muslims aggressions against Russia were normal and justified and the response ‘evil’.
I don’t get it. Having said that: “The bottom line is this: currently, the EU is most unlikely to become a viable partner for Russia and the future does look rather bleak.’, Saker goes on to talk about how “… Russia and China are having a tremendous success building the multi-polar world…”
FWIW, I think there’s more than a few Europeans who also see that the geo-economic winds are blowing directly opposite to the party line. Seeking continued success in “the world at large” is exactly how Europe will find itself attracted to Russia once America begins to withdraw from the European theatre and the RoW.
That’s not as far away as Americans may think it is, and in any case it’s not America’s call anymore.
Putin (et al) have taken Mackinder’s Heartland and put it firmly under Russian control. That puts Russia in the Grand Arbiter’s Chair on the Eurasian continent, and perhaps even the whole of Mackinder’s World Island. If Europe is to have a role in the world at all, it will be as the Western counterbalance to the 800lb gorilla at the other end of the continent. If they go for it, the fulcrum is Russia, and that’s what Putin et al have been preparing for and working towards with every move they’ve made for the last 2 decades. The Geographical Pivot of History is finally pivoting.
We just saw SCO at 43% of population on the planet, but only 20% of the GDP, express itself.
No one in the West heard the words or understands, because relevance comes from Wealth.
When the Eurasian Development begins to move that 20% to 40-50% world GDP, then the balance will change.
It can come swiftly because of the integration and the late stages of development will skip over increments of evolution. Infrastructure, connectivity and integration can change a third world emerging economy into a vibrant developing nation-partner in Eurasia.
But, for now, the developed Wealth of the West still will dominate. And the military and hybrid tools of the Hegemon will keep its vassals in camp to cause as many obstacles and as much chaos along the Belts and Roads of OBOR as possible.
We see the Hegemon force its way back into Latin America, set fire to Africa and move the takfiris to Central Asia, as well as groom the Southeast Asian Wahabbis in Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia.
Size matters, and scale matters. But the most relevant is Wealth/GDP.
Once that market truly forms in Eurasia, with 4.6 billion consumers buying and selling digitally like the developed world does elsewhere, the War against Hegemony will be won.
But when the “crash” comes, anytime soon, and the grand ponzie scheme is revealed, the described 20% (which is likely much more valid than the empire’s fiat accounting), will be inverted and become much more like the preponderant proportion it effectively is (just not recognized/acknowledged).
We see a global dichotomy, with the Eurasian integration plans mapping a strong, steep, unparalleled leap in prosperity and ignition of self-sustaining economic engine, and the empire, negative-sum-gain game-playing, sucking all value and economic forward propulsion from the enslaved societies.
Within ten years time, the fruits of the Eurasian infrastructure investments will be coming in and the empire will be bankrupt and in chaos, declining at an accelerating rate.
I want to get a place in Crimea!
Where’s that other guy?! (the smart one who already has a place in Crimea)
The fly in that ointment, X, is that any further great economic leap, in production, consumption, demand etc will cause the ecological Holocaust already besetting the planet to deepen at accelerated pace. While the world is convulsed by the death-throes of the Real Evil Empire the greatest existential crisis in human history goes unaddressed, or even, bizarrely, simply denied, often with ever increasing frenzy.
I share your concern about increased production levels and the survival of the biosphere.
However, if the model is tweaked, as it could be by managing partners, i.e. China (and to a lesser extent, Russia), production could be made to be environmentally neutral, and even foster the development of an environmental support/regeneration industry.
I see signs that China will be looking to re-naturalize their environment, as their global authority becomes more credible. Remember, this is the large nation-state with the most forward-thinking strategic vision; they know that to rule all, there must be something left to rule.
I know this goes contrary to the seemingly culturally ingrained obsession for “business“, but it is one of the better future path possibilities.
btw: I enjoyed reading your post above about… you-know-who
Thanks, X. The Chinese authorities are determined to create an ‘ecological civilization’ ie one that can persist indefinitely without destroying the life-sustaining biospheres. They have been liaising with Western and other experts in various environmental fields over many years, and Xi has made it a priority. We don’t hear about it in the West, because ANY positive reports concerning China are ABSOLUTELY verboten in the fakestream media. I recently read that their research has convinced them to cease transferring rural populations to large cities, and instead they are concentrating on developing small and medium sized conurbations. And Wuhan, a city of > 10 million, redeveloping a large area as an ecological city, in co-operation with French experts. Similar experiments are occurring in other cities, in the usual Chinese practise of trying things out, and seeing what works best in real conditions.
Hi Larch,
“We just saw SCO at 43% of population on the planet, but only 20% of the GDP, express itself.” I’d check those numbers. According to the IMF, China’s GDP (PPP) is already ~$5T above that of the US, and approaches 20% of world GDP (PPP) on its own. Toss in India and Russia, and it rises to >36% World GDP (PPP).Toss in the rest, and we’re very close to your magic 40%. That’s not even speaking of the “real economy”, which in the US has been winding down for decades. Take out Wall Street’s and the City’s “trading” and “financial engineering”, and there’s very little there there.
As for the West’s “developed wealth” and digital economy, a few weeks in China will change your mind on that.
The West is not even close to what China is doing in the world of infrastructure or the digital marketplace. It’s not even not even close. On Nov 11, 2017, Alibaba markets (primarily T-Mall & TaoBao) handled 1.5 billion transactions worth $25.3B at straight exchange. In PPP terms, it would be some 40-60% higher. Yes, Nov 11 is special, but the digital infrastructure to handle 1.5B (yes, B!) transactions incl payments, is pretty awesome.
What keeps the West going is inertia. With the USM’s exposure as a paper tiger, that inertia consists of its control of the international institutions that control trade and it has kept the West’s critical mass above the tipping point for the past few years. It may indeed continue to do so “for now”, but how long is that? My own feeling is that it will tip over in my lifetime, and I haven’t got much of that left.
The Hegemon will lose its vassals, and soon. It simply can’t afford them any more. Trump is jettisoning them even now.
Interesting post. The West is probably going on fiction fumes?
“The West is probably going on fiction fumes?”
It has been for a while. The financial chasm that opened in 2008 was life threatening, but was hastily patched over with $Ts of printed money. The West’s “developed wealth” has been on life support since. The next chasm is showing signs of opening up soon, and printing $Ts will not prove to be as effective as it was in 2008.
The fiction itself is coming apart at its many seams. That’s why its propagation is getting so shrill. Expect the shrillness to reach a final grand crescendo just before the next financial chasm opens and implodes the whole of the edifice.
Dear Saker,
the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) is not a EU derived organization or at least not under EU umbrella, as Russia is also a partner in European Convention on Human Rights that the Court bases its jurisdiction on. (Don’t mix ECHR with several EU-courts.)
I wish not to take a stand on the benefit or usefulness of ECHR in toto, only say that it has improved the human rights situation in my country, Finland, essentially. EHCR has defended citizens in many occasions against the abuse of power by executive state organs, most importantly the police. For example, in Finnish law there is no effective remedy when police conducts an illegal house search. Finnish courts can only declare the search illegal, but nothing else follows, no punishment for the police officers responsible. ECHR has declared this as contrary to the spirit of the Convention. Secondly, ECHR has more liberal interpretation on the freedom of speech than Finnish courts, very important in this day and age.
ECHR is also not an organization ABOVE the national courts in the sense that it could repeal the convictions by the national courts. It can only make the states compensate (monetarily) to the offended party. For example, it cannot negate your criminal register.
My point was not to say that all these organizations are directly dependent on the EU but that they are all limiting the Russian “re-sovereignization” process (besides also being mostly financed and controlled by russophobic countries and civil servants).
The Saker
A very interesting article, as always from The Saker. However, I have to disagree with certain points.
First of all, I do believe that the Anglo Zionist Empire does indeed have it’s centers of power, which are London and Wall Street. Britain is ruled by the Rothschilds from the City of London (an independent state by the way), while the US is ruled by the Rockerfellers, the two families working in collusion.
When it comes to the EU, it is indeed one of the worst fates that fell upon Europe. The EU is a banker creation, based on the US Federation. Both the EU and US have private central banks controlled by private bankers. The EU was created to destroy the power of sovereign European states. It is nothing more than a civilian component of NATO. Both the EU and NATO instigated that coup d’etat against Yanukovich in 2014, the aim being to bring Ukraine into the EU and NATO. Why ? Dr Paul Craig Roberts gave the right answer. NATO wanted to place it’s missile systems right against Russia’s borders and give Russia an ultimatum: Either surrender or perish. Well, it did not come to that.
Can the EU become a partner of Russia ? Completely unimportant in the long run. The EU exists contrary to the wishes of most Europeans, especially after the staged migrant crisis, when the EU imported huge numbers of false refugees in order to break the back of sovereign Europeans states. It is controlled by private bankers from London and Wall Street. When Crimea was reunited with Russia, sanctions were instigated. By the second half of 2016, the EU lost 100 billion euros in trade, with EU politicians and producers screaming in protest. What did Germany, the economic powerhouse of continental Europe, do ? It accepted the sanctions, losing money. However, 500 German industrialists went Russia, openly conducting negotiations. Germans built subsidiaries in Russia, which according to one analyst employ 140.000 Russians. The US wanted to terminate the building of the Nord stream – 2 gas pipeline. Germany said no. France, too, “respected” Washingtons decree regarding sanctions against Russia, also losing money. However, France invested in the Yamal gas project in the Arctic, and is again making a new investment, contrary to existing sanctions.
The point is that the EU is a heterogeneous institution. It has no legs to stand on. Yes, the EU political elites are under Washington’s control, for the most part. However, what about those under them ? The industrialists and business people ? Are they going to sacrifice their interests to gratify Washington’s imperial tastes ? Certainly not, with analysts stating since last year that a rift is going to occur between European and US elites. The success of the St.Petersburg Forum is proof of this, it being a great success for Russia. Yes, Trump wanted to bring Russia back into the G-7 and the EU said “no”. This is of no importance. The EU bureaucrats said so, and not the industrialists. Russia, on the other hand, did not take the offer, pointing to the importance of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Eurasian Economic Union. Analysts are already stating that the G-7 will soon become unimportant.
The point is that the EU cannot function any more in it’s present form. It will either have to be drastically reformed, to suit the needs of sovereign states, or else it will have to be dissolved. In both cases Russia wins.
When it comes to NATO, it is indeed a US institution, with Europe providing limited contribution. The only countries the US can rely in NATO is Catholic Poland and the tiny Baltic countries, traditional enemies of Russia. The Poles were always Catholics first and Poles second, doing what the Vatican told them. Now quite a number of Poles are having second thoughts about the EU and NATO.The Balt’s were traditional German allies, joining the Teutonic knights in the 13th century during the invasion of Russia, when Alexander Nevsky defeated them. Washington cannot even rely on Croatia, whom it helped to break the former Yugoslavia, as Croats have always been traditional German allies. As for Sweden, it has been making those silly warnings against a Russian “threat”. The Swedish political elite did as told by others. However, the right wing SD political party is making huge progress in Sweden, going against the political elites.
Washingtons military presence in Europe is pointless. For the most part it cannot rely on Europe for any combat activities against Russia, nor are such combat activities possible, bearing in mind the power of the Russian military. NATO can only be used to back the EU in it’s present form and prevent a German-Russian economic alliance, which would subsequently bring others into it.
We have the question of Ukraine. I have to admit I am slightly surprised. I was expecting a Ukrainian military attack against the Donbass either during the Russian presidential elections, or during the World Cup. It did not come to that. Now I am reading that so far 8.000 Ukrainian conscripts have deserted, 500 of them from one brigade alone. A few days ago I saw a video, where one Ukrainian conscript in the Donbass region openly stated in a video that if Poroshenko attacked, he will have nobody to fight with, as he will get mass desertions. A Ukrainian attack is now becoming unlikely, but not impossible. If Poroshenko does attack, the Donbass Russians will certainly defeat the Ukrainian military. In the last few years the Ukrainian Army has staged local attacks against the Donbass, testing its strength. Each time it got a bloody nose, with the Russians in the Donbass openly stating on the Internet that they are dug in and prepared for any Ukrainian attack. Any US pressure on Poroshenko to launch an attack will see negative repercussions, with Poroshenko getting a Maidan in reverse. The country might even break up into three parts, as stated by some analysts.
Finally, we can conclude that Washington’s imperial policies in Europe are coming to an end. This process will take some time, and it cannot be stopped. Washington likes to control the political elites of a country. However, those elites have to answer to their domestic populations, especially when it comes to military and economic matters. As for industrialists band business people, the old rule applies: Money talks. Interests come first, as seen in Austria, where Putin was given a warm welcome. Europe is sick of Americas wars, and it certainly has no intention of becoming Washington’s imperial stooge, certainly not when the “master” is a former colony.
”The Swedish political elite did as told by others. However, the right wing SD political party is making huge progress in Sweden, going against the political elites.”
SD is certainly not going against Sweden’s political elites. On the contrary, the latter are most grateful as they correctly perceive SD as a growing reactionary outfit with a genuine mass base — immigrants included, mind you — blaming immigration when the elephant in the room is neoliberalism. So far, SD has not had any complaints about privatizations, corporate tax cuts, NATO, or even Sweden’s own decaying infrastructure; the very end result of this all-out financial racketeering and rampant corruption.
Bottom line: SD is a zio-capitalist party appealing to the most backward, reactionary sections of Sweden’s petty bourgeoisie. SD is also renowned for its apparatchiks’ flair for violence and lawlessness. Makes Sweden’s ruling elites look respectable by comparison.
I am having trouble accepting what you wrote, as it is contrary to everything I have read so far. Neoliberalism created the immigration mess in Sweden, the Swedish political elites obviously been placed under foreign control. To state that the SD attracts the “petty bourgeoisie” is a simplistic approach, as it attracts both the “petty bourgeoisie” and ordinary, working class people, middle class included.
This tactic is a trend in the nations under the yoke of the empire.
This is their latest little clever trick – aren’t we so clever!?
Expect more of it.
The way Sweden was taken over was scary, and reinforces the notion that the culture of open, naturally occurring common good, trust associated with survival at the beginning of the first millennium is a ripe value system for subversion by the parasite.
Please review media dramatic over-representation by specific self-identifying group(s).
There is not a more stark example of the success of the tactics of subversion than the Swedish case.
”The way Sweden was taken over was scary, and reinforces the notion that the culture of open, naturally occurring common good, trust associated with survival at the beginning of the first millennium is a ripe value system for subversion by the parasite.”
As if a substantial part of Sweden’s majority population didn’t swallow neoliberalism’s gospel of bogus ”individualism”, easy credit, and ”freedom of choice” along with EU membership and Zionazi Hollywood garbage. With Sweden irrefutably deteriorating under the firm guidance of Western imperialism, these suckers now seek protection and consolation where there is exactly zero to be found — well, except of course the ”consolation” hearing some all-out charlatans cursing immigration and Islam without mentioning imperialist war and plunder. Better still, SD won’t ”deliver” any restrictions upon immigration either — it’s a zio-capitalist party firmly committed to the status quo, come what may. The imperialist wars in the Middle East are kept going precisely with the aim of these population transfers into the EU so as to smash pesky labour laws and wage levels in the imperialist countries. This poses no threat to SD whatsoever. Talk is cheap, after all.
I am having trouble accepting what you wrote, as it is contrary to everything I have read so far. Neoliberalism created the immigration mess in Sweden, the Swedish political elites have obviously been placed under foreign control.”
BF, the West’s political elites are the same everywhere as they deliver the same liberal blessings to their subjects at home and to the immiserated peoples abroad. The latter now enjoy a slim chance of legal immigration in a sea of total imperialist lawlessness.
”There is not a more stark example of the success of the tactics of subversion than the Swedish case.”
This is quite true, even though it’s likely for a different reason. The most prominent Swedish business community organization SAF, today known as SN, launched a carefully prepared noisy, vulgar campaign that lasted a full decade starting in 1980. It was a massive neoliberal onslaught which had no real counterpart elsewhere in Western Europe. Thatcher and the Tories played a similar role in the UK, but in Sweden’s case the capitalists literally took to the streets and chose to by-pass the plethora of politicos and foundations, doing the popular mobilization job all by themselves. This campaign was, by any standards, an immense success. It reached all its goals, even though Palme’s murder most certainly was unintended, collateral damage.
Bottom line: European values and Western victimology don’t look too impressive these days.
What you say in essence is that SD is a controlled opposition. They are there only to prop the respectability of ruling elites or in the case of loss of power of current ruling elite to step into the their shoes as a replacement. Being compromised from the start they will easily be subverted (if they are not already, my take is that they are at the top but lower echelons are not aware of that) or turned into a bogeyman to scare the voters in the desired course at the next crucial elections.
This sounds familiar. It is a standard operating procedure in “democratic” countries. If the opposition is not smothered then it probably is not authentic. If they are allowed to operate there is a reason why the ruling elite are allowing them to do so in the so called democratic countries.
We are now at a level that we should even look to the level of suppression of opposition to gauge their authenticity. How far the democracy has progressed…or better say how low.
Yes, Dragan. That’s essentially SD’s main political function. Suffice it to say that their electorate doesn’t seem to mind as long as there is steady moaning and groaning about immigration.
Dragan, the controlled opposition of Blairite UK Labour, firmly in the Imperial and neo-liberal camp, was threatened by Corbyn. Despite a ferocious hate campaign led by the scum presstitutes of the ‘Fraudian’ and the rest of the fakestream media brainwashing system, and the ruling UK elite, Corbyn thrived, led a renaissance of mass participation in Labour politics, and almost won an election in which the UK fakestream media lie-machine had assured us that he would be smashed.
So the ruling elites fell back on one of their tried and tested methods for destroying an enemy-false charges of ‘antisemitism’. The campaign was ferocious, frantic and typically hysterical-and 100% fraudulent. But it was prosecuted with that frenetic hatred and arrogance, and absolute confidence that it would succeed, that we know so well from Zionazi predations throughout the West.
Corbyn more or less surrendered, stabbing old comrades like Wadsworth and Livingstone in the back, as the Zionazi lynch-mob demanded total obedience, and also demanded the criminalisation of all criticism of Israel or Zionazism as ‘antisemitism’ the new and eternal ‘Supreme Crime’.
The Zionazis have laid off, for the time being, Corbyn’s groveling seemingly satisfactory for now. But, as one Zionazi interestingly observed, surely in an excess of over-confidence and unwitting candour, one of Corbyn’s ‘antisemitic’ sins is his ‘Leftwing policies’. UK Jews, apparently, don’t like that sort of thing-well not the moneyed elites, that is.
”The Zionazis have laid off, for the time being, Corbyn’s groveling seemingly satisfactory for now. But, as one Zionazi interestingly observed, surely in an excess of over-confidence and unwitting candour, one of Corbyn’s ‘antisemitic’ sins is his ‘Leftwing policies’.”
Reminds me of Swedish Social Democracy in general and Olof Palme in particular, especially in view of the thinly veiled threats directed at Corbyn from within the British military. In the paranoid world of right-wing extremism — where the Zionazis hunt for ’anti-Semites’ and the rest either hunts for Muslim ’terrorists’ or ’Kremlin agents’ — what takes precedence is not how much or how little a targeted adversary grovels, but how ingrained the insane hallucinations have become in the minds of the believers. Corbyn seems to have got the message, possibly with Palme’s fate as a highly convincing precedent. Corbyn, like Palme before him, will have to abandon any progressive political aspirations at home and abroad without compunction. Still, even that might not be enough. If Corbyn were to announce that he is going to have a plain meeting with Assad, Kim, Putin, or Xi then all bets are off. If not before, Palme got his death sentence set in stone when he communicated his planned trip to Moscow (scheduled for March 1986) to see Gorbachev. In hindsight of Gorbachev’s High Treason and capitulation to the West, the judgment capabilities of right-wing extremists become quite obvious.
“First of all, I do believe that the Anglo Zionist Empire does indeed have it’s centers of power, which are London and Wall Street. Britain is ruled by the Rothschilds from the City of London (an independent state by the way), while the US is ruled by the Rockerfellers, the two families working in collusion.”
Both Rights and Wrongs. First the Rights. Your view IMO is somewhat coming much more closer to the real truth, as opposed to all the other comments under this article (including the article). In my opinion all the other views and scenarios including the ones delivered in the article are not much coherent and tend to fall apart when you try to glue them together. Lots of things can not be explained with one “Anglo-zionist” or “hegemon” theory. Indeed it seems that the West has really two centers of power (I don’t like to call it Anglo-Zionist Empire, because then you fall again into singularity).
Now the Wrongs (IMHO). The powers you describe above are sometimes working in collusion but sometimes work against each other (They were in collusion during the Soviet Afghan war for instance). Currently, we don’t see a collusion but a war being waged in between these two groups. I think it is highly self evident, so much so that it is happening almost all in the open. In the modern history we haven’t witnessed such a openly fought war ever before (between these two powers). All is at stake and the war in between these two is vicious. Thus you can explain Trump’s attitude towards EU, everlasting character assasination of Trump by certain opposing circles in the US, high level resignations, the state of confusion of Nato and much more. If this theory is right (and I think it is much more viable than any other theory that I came across in the Alt-Med), this makes Russia firmly embedded into one of the camps. Unfortunately, the position that Russia took makes him not a sovereign power but on contrary puts him into a subservient role. The late actions of Russia, especially in Syria, is quite telling IMO. I know people who admire Russia get quite frustrated when they hear such a scenario and outcome, but this is possibly the only way Putin believes that Russia can survive. Thus it explains his latest house clean-up of Euroasian integrists. Even worse, if you believe in this scenario, it brings Russia and China against each other especially in the long run. This scenario also put a full stop to the idealist Euroasian multi-polar world order. For all those reasons it is not a very inspiring and popular theory, which doesn’t sell much and many people generally shy away from even thinking along this line. It is always difficult to accept something that plays against all what you have believed upto now. However, if it makes one happy, one is free to believe in anything he or she wants. That’s why we have so many ferry tales on our planet, which appeal to the hearts and souls of many people. That is fine and others are of course free to call the theory above a ferry tale or conspiracy theory. No problem. After all I believe that the only remaining free media is the Alt-Med. Some even think that ETs are controlling us and UFO invasion is about to happen.
Here is the link to an older video in Russian with English subtitles. The guy’s name is Andrei Fursov and he has some interesting things to say regarding this subject. This interview was just before Obama was elected but is still quite relevent. His newer videos seems to have lost steam, possibly because he is working for some state connected Russian institutions and think-thanks and thus I think he is somewhat restricted. After all it is again the famous “Game Theory”, isn’t it?
You’ve written a pretty good analysis in a comprehensive style.
Regarding migrant crisis I have to object.
The EU exists contrary to the wishes of most Europeans, especially after the staged migrant crisis, when the EU imported huge numbers of false refugees in order to break the back of sovereign Europeans states.
The migrants (be it from war zones or from poverty) are a Western creation. Instead of assisting poor countries in raising their living standards the West either assists instigating wars or pushes countries into debt slavery.
”The migrants (be it from war zones or from poverty) are a Western creation. Instead of assisting poor countries in raising their living standards the West either assists instigating wars or pushes countries into debt slavery.”
Exactly. The only case I know of where the notion false refugees makes complete sense as opposed to being used as a cynical slur would be the Euro-squatters in North America, coming there fully determined to steal land and commit genocide and ecocide. The hapless people trying to make it into the EU are an entirely different breed, brutalized by premeditated imperialist violence and oppression.
The richest woman in Nigeria is Folorunsho Alakya ($2 billion). The richest man in Nigeria is Oliko Dangote ($21.6 billion).
Tell me – if poverty in Africa is a Western creation, is wealth in Africa a Western creation, too?
Short answer: Yes it is with the exception of those African countries whose economies are growing thanks to booming Chinese investment. I’ll bet my entire ”fortune” that extremely wealthy Nigerians are bribed by the wealthy oil corporations polluting and poisoning the country.
Tell me – if poverty in Africa is a Western creation, is wealth in Africa a Western creation, too?
Everything is interconnected. I’m not too familiar with names of African billionaires. Probably the career of Oliko Dangote resembles those of some Western billionaires.
The information I got on Folorunsho Alakija looks different. In May 1993 she applied for the allocation of an oil prospecting license and in September 1996 she entered into a joint venture agreement with a company wholly owned by Texaco. The short time frame and the joint venture with a Western company look suspicious. Aren’t Africans able to search and drill for oil themselves? Texaco doesn’t enter business deals out of sheer altruism. It’s all about making bucks. Why else would someone get search results dealing with Nigeria, when searching for the keywords africa leaking oil pipelines? A reuters article (Oil rises as Nigerian pipeline leak overshadows supply worries, published June 9, 2017; https://www.reuters.com/article/us-global-oil/oil-rises-as-nigerian-pipeline-leak-overshadows-supply-worries-idUSKBN19002R) mentions government mismanagement and rebel activity. If Nigeria is such a prosperous country, why aren’t authorities able to clean up the mess caused by oil leaks and why do reports mention rebels?
Basically some African wealth is a Western creation as well. Big (oil) companies come along and hand out generous bribes to the most influential (and most corrupt) persons in African countries. In return those persons do the bidding of the Western companies (oil extracting companies and mining companies). They push poor farmers from their (valuable) land and use the poor for doing the physically demanding jobs for low wages. It works that way in South America, in the ME and some Asian countries, too. A similar system works even in Europe. Why else is Western Europe overrun by Eastern Europeans?
“… the G7 (or, more accurately, the G6+1) …”
I think it would be more accurate to call that little collective, the “G1+6”.
However, in broad terms, the whole notion of international grouping (@scale <G20) can be best described as a binary bifurcation of a notional "G9" — i.e., into either the "G9-7" (Russia & China); and the "G9-2" (the USA & its attendant 6 poodles).
“…on Jerusalem) …. The AngloZionist Empire is not based in the USA, or in the EU, or Israel, or anywhere else on the planet.”
This short outline (video below) is good discussion on the topic. Gets to the core fundamentals.
“Rabbi Shapiro Reacts to Jerusalem Announcement” (2017) [7:10]
I doubt the situation in the EU is as dire as you fear, nor as lasting. Merkel’s position, for example, is not that strong. The most recent German election ended in September 2017, but Merkel was unable to form a government for half a year. So Germany is clearly ready for the end of her rule. When she is gone, the AngloZionist Empire might be able to install another puppet, but that will be difficult as the forces against them are clearly very strong.
More evidence of Merkel’s weakness is that she could not stop Nord Stream 2, in spite of Trump’s threats. Europe is turning from the Empire: even Sweden the loud bear-baiter has recently given its approval for Gazprom’s project.
Of course, Russia’s resources are important to Europe, and will be even more crucial in the future. However, I think there is another major reason Germany won’t be able to resist the pull of the East for much longer, and that is the fact that Europe is growing slowly, while China is growing quickly. Will the European corporations happily stay in their small continent when they could be making much more money in China? That’s unlikely.
Therefore, I think there’s reason for some optimism.
Jeez Saker. And I thought things were going pretty good. Junker says Europe needs to stop attacking Russia, Trump says Russia should be back in G7 and he wants to invest in Russia, and Putin is entertaining sports fans everywhere with “World Cup Soccer.” Europe needs Russia or it will go broke. Remember Deutsche Bank is no longer investment grade and interest rates are now going up despite the high employment. If you can’t tell, Europe is in trouble and with the trade wars it will get worse. Politically, Russia-phobia is all done with smoke and mirrors, and the people who run governments know it. Trade is real money, and that is what they need. And Russian banks are still linked with European banks. You seem to be saying a nuclear war with NATO (and it would be nuclear) would be preferable? or just more likely? Sounds quite pessimistic to me. Is that in the best interests of Europe? Is that in the best interests of the Russian people? And you assume we would be safe on the other side of the Atlantic? Maybe you under rate Putin as a practical diplomat working to improve the standard of living of Russians.
Remember Deutsche Bank is no longer investment grade and interest rates are now going up despite the high employment.
Deutsche Bank, like all other banks (UBS, JP Morgan, Citi, …), is a criminal entity. Basically it’s (probably the usage of past tense would be more appropriate) a large law firm backed by a huge amount of money. May I ask for the source of your information concerning rising interest rates and high employment? According to the latest news ECB announced to keep interest rates low. The high employment rates you’re writing about don’t apply to Greece, Spain and Italy. Probably employment rates in most of Eastern European countries won’t be any better than in the aforementioned countries.
Some of the trade wars you’re mentioning are a result of European strategy. Right after the announcement of the European Central Bank to keep interest rates low the exchange rate of the Euro dropped. Without tariffs the US will keep importing European (probably mainly German) produced goods instead of buying US made products. That’s good news for everyone who likes drinking coffee: the US will have even more people looking for jobs as baristas.
You seem to be saying a nuclear war with NATO (and it would be nuclear) would be preferable?
Maybe I’ve read an entirely different article, but I didn’t read anything like this. Just in case I missed a subtle message which expressed a longing for a nuclear exchange, I would like to add my own two cents: aim for the temples of the money changers (the headquarters of the banks) and for the headquarters / bunkers of the politicians. In such a scenario I’ll be some collateral, but that’s okay with me.
Although I regard government statistics as questionable, perhaps even bogus, the official unemployment rate is at decade lows and interest rates are rising on consumer debt (say mortgages), the discount rate, and in the bond market. A Russian war breaking up the Ukraine which the Saker did discuss, would cause NATO involvement as has been threatened for years. I don’t think the Russians wanted war with the US over Syria, but was closer than reported by the Saker. Russia would go to war with NATO (Europe and US) over an attack on “New Russia.”
Although I regard government statistics as questionable, perhaps even …
Government statistics may have been reliable in the past. In present times they’re not questionable, they’re outright bogus. For years I’ve wondered when German car manufacturers would announce the invention of the perpetual motion machine. It was fascinating to read auto magazines praising their cars getting ever larger (especially SUVs) and more powerful while simultaneously reducing fuel consumption. Who would’ve thought that the politically approved driving cycle (previously NEFZ/NEDC, now WLTP) doesn’t fit reality? The whole game reminds me of a child pulling a towel over its head and thinking its invisible, because it can’t see anyone else.*
A Russian war breaking up the Ukraine which the Saker did discuss, would cause NATO involvement as has been threatened for years.
Probably NATO would get involved in such a conflict, despite Ukraine not being a member of that organization. The best way to avoid any conflict with NATO would be for the Russians to back down. A dissolution of this organization is improbable. As long as it exist it will keep on pushing harder and harder.
No way, because the EU is a supranational entity created by the Globalists Usurers thru CIA and the Nazi Bernhard, Its main purpose is to submit first all the European nations as vassals states and finally extinguish them to construct, in conjunction with the North American Union, the African Union and others of the same kind, the Jewish Usurers’ World Dictatorship. All the Eurocrats are conjured lackeys to that purpose. Therefore the EU is a irrevocable enemy of a free Russia and the latter by any way cannot have any confidence in the EU and its politicians. First, all the peoples of the European Nations must regain their sovereignty and terminate the EU for their own survival. The Multipolar World that advocate Vladimir Putin of Russia and Xi Jinping of China is a free association of Sovereignty Nations in a relationship of equals without no importance of their size and mainly not submitted them to any supranational entity.
I don’t believe the US system will last much longer in Europe, despite its strengths. Washington has left no wriggle-room for its humiliated political agents so their credibility and their electoral mandate are all but gone.
The outlines of the Emperor’s birthday suit are beginning to emerge. Even in England, which R.H. Tawney called ‘the oldest and toughest plutocracy in the world’, change is in the air.
Of course, Vlad can’t say it like that, “They do not want to humiliate us, they want to subdue us, solve their problems at our expense”. So he says it like this.
Humiliation is a method to undermine, and it is used as part of a toolkit of subversive procedures.
I enjoyed the article, thank you.
Negotiate/engage European (formerly) nation-state entities directly, by-passing the high-level control nodes of the empire. – totally agree
Of course, the empire toadies will be there too. While I know (the sad and pathetic) Britain is a special case, the activities of The Lobby (please see fabulous Al Jazeera documentary https://www.aljazeera.com/investigations/thelobby/ ) are existent is all of the European (formerly) nation-state entities; tilting the entire playing field against independence from the empire.
Nonetheless, this control can be overcome! But Russia needs to stay clear, the peoples of Europe (and the rest of the empire-subverted nations, worldwide), need to be able to show this minimal level of independence, or as you say they are decision-incapable.
Another incredibly saddening situation of the empire sacrificing an entire nation to advance their megalomaniacal obsessive control disease. I’m not talking about the orcs tyrannizing the country, I’m talking about all of the innocent people. One way or another, the prospects for these people are declining on a day-by-day basis.
Unfortunately, again according to trend, it would be consistent for the empire psychopaths to launch their action while the soccer world cup (in Russia) is underway.
I’m not so sure about Merkel…
The role of Germany on the Ukrainian debacle is clear, and the people know it; I am hoping that her ability to stomach the toxin of the empire has been compromised.
Nonetheless, all sorts of more advanced offensive weapons systems have been delivered to the Ukraine, and the trend on the orcs in charge is very, very clear, whether Poreshenko wants it or not; his days are numbered, as soon as he gets off-script, it’ll be the Saddam Hussein treatment for him, and posthumously will be used to attribute much of the orc’s anti-social activities to his dead person.
While I totally agree on a direct Russia-EU (as a unit) partnership unlikelihood, people are feeling the growing instability of the effectively neurotically insane empire suzerainty.
We see the most volatile of the populations already publicly rejecting the empire overlordship, first with Greece (it is truly atrocious how the empire made a malicious example of Greece), subsequently quelled, but it may not be so easy to quell the unrest in Italy. But we shall see.
On the higher level, I still see a catastrophic collapse of the empire’s huge ponzie scam, aka their finance system sooner, as many erudite analysts have written about, rather than later, and I would love to see this analysis over-layed on your article above.
When that happens, and it is only a matter of when, the entire geopolitical dynamic will change!
When the citizens’, under the empire, are smacked with a drastic decline in the expectations, their eyes will be opened and the systems still (barely) keeping them enthralled will fail en mass!
It is already happening, just slowly, at the margins, like a thread unraveling the fabric of the illusion, in part because of little oases like the Vineyard, here, which you have created.
Thanks again.
Some detailed comments
Most revealing, Trump leaves little doubt @10.38 in this video
Excellent analysis, I agree with the conclusion that the real enemy seems to be an international criminal network that has taken over entire nation-states.The nation-states controlled by the network may look like independent entities on the surface but in reality all of them are joined together, like a multi-headed hydra.
Can the EU become a partner for Russia?
Yes, but at a price. Give the seat on the Security Council to the EU, sell 51% of all resource companies to Western groups, renounce any and all claims to territory or alliances west of the Russian border (including Crimea), and sign a denuclearization deal. Russia can only have as many nukes as the EU has, or something like that.
In other words, Russia needs to never have the possibility of threatening or seriously inconveniencing the West.
Or, the current world system breaks, in which case, Russia may be able to partner with parts of Europe or branches of whatever EUs come out of the mess. The question, though, is What does Russia want? We understand that not being pushed around by the Western financial oligarchy is the reactive side, but what is the positive?
To Saker’s point, the Medvedev tried and true, trans-national liberal economic block appears totally unnecessary to reconciliation between the European nations and Russia. A recent example of trans-national, don’t give a d*mn about the pleebs, action is revealed in the Twitter account of Michigan governor, Rick Snyder. Posted on June 12.
“In honour of our strong 25-year partnership, the Latvian Ministry of Defense today unveiled a new street in their training center – “Michigan Avenue!” I was honored to mark the occasion w Hon. Nancy Pettit, the U.S. Ambassador to @Latvia_USA and Maj. Vadnais of the @MINationalGuard”
Yes, that’s a 25 year investment in partnering the Michigan National Guard with the Latvian Ministry of Defense. Let that sink in. Yesterday, Canada’s Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland met with incoming Ontario Premier Doug (–>) Ford (<– ) to declare solidarity in the trade dispute. "Standing shoulder to shoulder", "across the aisle" apparently.
What you do not understand, The Saker, is that you can not break so abruptly with the Empire. They have created an entire international infrastructure that benefits them, and breaking with it has to be gradually, gradually.
which part of “gradually disengage from” do you find ambiguous?
The Saker
When the crash comes, and it most certainly is coming, any rats that can flee the burning and sinking ship, surely will, and fast, resulting an acceleration of the disintegration on the ship.
I respectfully disagree with the preponderance of the analysts on this one.
I believe that cited “entire international infrastructure that benefits them” will collapse like… well, much like the world trade center planned demolitions, and just like that, the ones that planned and executed it, will not be in the building, when it happens, but safely on the sidelines, “helping” for profit.
At that time, the fledgling international infrastructures of the SCO will look like rock-solid ground for the empire’s survivors, and the entire geopolitical reality will shift, very, very quickly.
I can’t see “gradual” associated with the magnitude of the pending collapse.
I totally agree with the Saker and PCR that the Europeans under the current EU configuration are not a suitable partner for Russia.
However I challenge anyone to provide viable alternatives to the current economic policy pursued by Russia (and China). Both countries have made their currency available for international trade within the SCO and Eurasian union and therefore cannot enact capital controls a la Glazyiev. They also cannot introduce a gold backed currency for now as the West can still manipulate the price and drain their gold stores.
The economic policy of a free floating currency & high interest rates by a central bank is far from perfect. However within the current geopolitical context, it is the only option that has allowed trade bypassing the USD, has saved various Russian companies from bankrupcy and prevented hyperinflation.
The specific example provided by PCR about Soros crashing the GBP is not applicable to Russia as it was a situation where the exchange rate was fixed by the European exhange rate mechanism and Soros sttacked the GBP peg. This is not the case of the free floating ruble…
Excellent analysis Saker! I have to read it twice so interesting and informative. Yes people in Europe are increasingly fed up with their politicians what will may happen when (if) they vote them out, It will be accepted by the “system”? A dictatorship imposed by the NATO criminals claiming that the outcome of elections was due to Putin? Will they accept and retreat?
I would argue that most EU states are, in one way or another, working on creating a “national security state” …
You don’t have to hesitate with your assessment. Probably most EU states are following the example of the US and implement ever more laws to spy on their citizens and to crack down dissident voices. A militarization of police forces is taking place as well. It’s simply a matter of time until EU will be an identical copy of the US.
Huh? You know Andre Vltchek’s articles? Sometimes a little harsh towards his Western readers, but generally he’s on point.
I would even argue that the EU is the single biggest danger for the people of the European continent.
At this point I have to repeat the sentence, which I’ve already written a few lines further up: You don’t have to hesitate with your assessment. With continuing neo-liberal economics in combination with privatizations and austerity for the citizens the future of Europe’s population is written on the wall.
Hm, Italy as pro- Russian and Poland as anti- Russian. My personal poll out of curiosity in both countries and involving hundreds of people last summer showed that Poles regard Russians as brothers with whom they have quarrels at times and Italians regard Russians as enemies. I
What a great recipe: go there and see and listen – it will make you wiser.
When a while ago I was enraged against certain steady Pole-bashers and proved them wrong on a then current topic, I had the idea too late that I should have added that recipe: „Take a boat, have a look, and enjoy and relax…“
I myself had – no idea where from – silly prejudices against two European countries that in my opinion were superfluous, an unneccessary complication of the map of that region. I changed my opinion in the first case some minutes after I had set foot there, pushed by my better half to try for some time, and there overwhelmed by its obvious beauty, and in the second case my opinion was changed by a short contact with one of their inhabitants – I then travelled there… and found everything to be ok, sympathetic. Thus I was freed from two pieces of garbage i had to shlepp around before, namely my thinly argued prejudices. So I can generally recommend to everyone to *travel to the country you hate most* – since normal people tend to be normal everywhere, an experience of meeting normal, not spiteful people doing normal things is nearly guaranteed. But, yes, there may be exceptions…
As to the Pole-bashing (or debasing Pole-analyzing) and Balts-bashing here, I‘d like to recommend to keep in mind when table-top strategizing about present and future (under changed conditions) loyalties of „these madmen over there“ :
1. People that are vocal and get published usually have sponsors pushing them up with their own agenda. How did Wim (at June 15, 2018 · at 4:41 am) find out that „The fiercely anti-Russian countries in the EU are the Baltics and Poland“? He gives a clue: „This is the same region in which most Russia hating neocons in the US have their roots“ – and this means? That the ex-Baltix and ex-Poles who „fleed to the US“ because they personally had reasons to hate and fear (or fear and hate) Russia and/or the Russians spend money for propaganda against the people they hate and fear, and this money makes the publishing possible? Possible, right? Are the writers also *paid* for writing as „their“ opinions what is the opinion of some old, entrenched warmongers in the US? Easily possible. Is it possible that without such sponsoring those Baltix and Poles who think that the Russkies are „ok, normal humans, no worse than us“, will not be able to publish this opinion in printing? I would bet on it. When, after this became clear, we find that in the published opinion of, say Estonia, the relation of anti- vs pro-RU voices is 10:1 or 10:0 – what does this tell us about the number of Russia-haters in Estonia (Poland)? That really 90% or 100% of all Estonians (Poles) hate Russians? Not really, nie? Is this good or bad for us?
2. Things get more complicated when you take into account that not Poland but the Baltic states have mixed populations with a high percentage of Russians. They may not turn up in reader polls, but they do in elections, and also in everyday life. Imagine: there is intermarriage resulting in mixed families, and in each one of them the Russkies-hatred should be much lower than in the model Wim has in his head and takes for granted.
3. Wim‘s insight „This is the same region…“ makes things even clearer: „It‘s the geography, stupid“ (Harold Mackinder): The Baltic states plus Poland are the border region with Russia (PL and LT with the Kaliningradskaja oblast‘ and BY), so *they* have to be prepped for the war that not only their fled ciminals, but in the first place The Empire wants. They have to be heated up with propaganda, and they are, but that does not tell us anything about what they will choose when in a far or near future they should have a real choice. Will Estonia want to attack Russia when nobody else wants? Does today anybody in Estonia want to have a war with Russia? Are all Estonians really convinced that US missile bases on their territory will make their country immune against an attack? Or are there some among them who point out that such bases necessarily attract preemptive strikes from the enemy they are meant to keep at bay? Are there already Estonians who see the problem, and are they perhaps, against all odds, published? Do we here, or does anybody in the world follow the Estonian press and has a realistic picture of what the Estonians think? Aw naw, a tiny shitty country with an unknown language… isn‘t it much more practical to simply state that the Estonians are all idiots, pardon me, *fierce* idiots?
4. @B.F. – „The Balt’s were traditional German allies, joining the Teutonic knights in the 13th century during the invasion of Russia“ – or, again, the other way round: The Pirate organisation of the „Teutonic knights“, pathologically eager to steal territory for becoming a European power, subdued the Baltic tribes, then forced them to do their will, perhaps also in their march against Russia. „Allies“ are people at least theoretically on the same level, with equal rights to decide about goals etc – none of this was the case for the other humans these specialised predators used and abused. Later the territories occupied by the TKs were populated with Germans among others, who thus became subjects of the TKs, but not their allies. Germany could not be their ally because it did not exist for another 500 years – what kind of „tradition“ is that. With such words a „bond“ is mentioned of which it is not clear if it exists at all, and if yes, what it means. I remember that in the 90s a (1) German, a businessman?, took some thousand D-Marks from his safe, went to Estonia, and with so much money became at once the most important candidate for the upcoming presidential elections. I did not pay attention how this joke ended, but it was again no „alliance“.
5. @B.F. „The only countries the US can rely in NATO is Catholic Poland and the tiny Baltic countries, traditional enemies of Russia. The Poles were always Catholics first and Poles second, doing what the Vatican told them. Now quite a number of Poles are having second thoughts about the EU and NATO.“ – Is not one of the Polish wonders this that they are Poles as well as Catholics first, which is a conviction that both lines of thought cannot really be in contradiction. They tried to live namely *this* conviction which was defnitively not what the Vatican wanted from all Catholics. The Polish way included religious from early on, although the Vatican did not tolerate such a disorder elsewhere, and Germany had to fight for thirty years until the borders between the Catholic and Protestant territories were fixed. Apart from Protestants, also Orthodox Poles exist, true Orthodox and „Greek“ Orthodox (who recognize the pole position of the Pope). So what the Vatican can rely on is that Poland is Vatican friendly, but not that it can give orders which will be blindyl followed. All others who think this is possible get bitterly disappointed, but the Vatican seems to have it accepted. Not so long ago it was the other way round, and the Vatican did what one Pole wanted, and, who would have thought that, what this Pole wanted was – allegedly – dictated by German bishops who made this „alliance“ the precondition for voting him into popedom. Thus the German rollback strategy against Russia became the Vatican‘s program – it is German, not Polish. How blindly Poles will follow foolish orders just because they come from Americans, remains to be seen. In WW II Italians refused foolish orders from their German masters, e.g. in Yugoslavia re. exterminating unworthy lives, and I expect similar self-think from Poles, too, should it once become necessary. In my experience Poles are first intelligent (they cracked the code of the Enigma, not the vile english crap who usurped this fame – therefore the fear of the Polish plumber), second pleasant humans, as Russians or Italians, each with their own notes of course, and third they can become nasty when they feel someone wants to dupe them… perhaps similarily to French behaviour. My suspicion is that all those who hate Poles from their heart did not take this third point into account.
6. THE NATO country is Belgium with NATO headquarters and similar institutions – and this although Belgium is unreliable? Or is the count of the only countries the UScan rely on incorrect?
What all of this means for the stability and firepower of EU and NATO I don‘t know. President Kaczynski, who got murdered in 2010 by the first of the plane „accidents“ so typical for the time of the regime of Angela Hitler and her old and new wehrmacht hands, is said to have planned to revise his former strictly anti-Russian politics – murdering such a person for such a reason is Western mainstream politics, isn‘t it? Yet „the Poles“ pretend that Putin did it! Yes – those Poles whose press is financed by Americans and Germans. When I was last in Poland and bought a Catholic journal (Tygodnik Powszechny) for a change from the titles of the „Patriots“ (Gazeta Polsky etc.), I could read that many Poles had done the same during the last time, so that the Russia-bashing press had lost readers in a dramatical manner, while this Catholic paper had profited from it and had a huge increase. Thus, even there, under the rule of Kaczynski_2 (elected because „everything is better than this Merkel-licker Tusk!“), the sympathies and behaviour of the Poles are clearly changing, while the cliché remains the same: „those stupid Poles, always only doing what the catholic priest tells them to do…“
In other words: I recommend more precise writing which will necessitate more precise thinking, which will make us „mine“ more truths.
bp, thank you for your insights. they reminded me of some details that I’m forgetting sometimes, too: Stereotypes of others and common history are used to manufacture unity.
Regarding Poland I would like to add some interesting fact: Poland has a native Muslim Population which dates back several hundred years.
Point 5 is quite interesting to read. Whilst it may be difficult to prove, it’s entirely possible that there’s more than a grain of truth in your version of past events. For centuries the German Kaiser (derived from Caesar) had to be approved by the Pope and many Popes were installed by German royalty. Concerning the Vatican you’ll find lots of stories that make you wonder as to what is going on behind the scenes. For example one of the victims of the Susurluk car crash had ties to Mehmet Ali Ağca who had attempted to kill Pope John Paul II. The surroundings of the death of Roberto Calvi (a banker with close ties to the Vatican Bank) also lead to even more questions.
P.S.: I’m a different Anonymous (not the one you’re responding to).
Excellent, mind stimulating analysis by Saker on partnership between EU and Russia.
But what if we all are underestimating Trump? What if Trump is continuing to implement his election promises in spite of media opposition? One of his election promises was to improve relations with Russia. Now why would he want to improve relations with Russia? Maybe he understood Mackinders Heartland theory that Russia allied with China is undefeatable? To defeat both Russia and China it would be necessary to break that alliance. If he was not allowed to improve relations with Russia due to threat of impeachment, he had to achieve his election promise in another way, namely by making America great again by starting a trade war with EU and China, thus forcing rapprochement between EU and Russia. Once sanctions and trade barriers between EU and Russia disappeared, and trade agreements between these two countries were signed, Trump could simply end trade war with EU, and rapprochement with Russia is achieved without having to declare it.
Trump would also be praised for unifying the white race. Then he could right his other election winge about “USA being financially raped by China” , by defeating China with the combined financial and military strengths of USA, EU and Russia, ie repeat of 55 days in Peking.
”Trump would also be praised for unifying the white race. Then he could right his other election winge about ’USA being financially raped by China’, by defeating China with the combined financial and military strengths of USA, EU and Russia”
Not sure if the quoted passage is serious but if it is, then here’s my sincere and honest reply:
Let it be known that Trump, for all his exceptional and indispensable credentials, is an utter nobody, indeed a powerless fool, next to George Soros who will have none of it, period. Personally, I find it extremely amusing envisaging this ”unity” between the sexually confused Euro-trash, violence-addicted Pindos and Ukros, and the civilized people of Russia. Moreover, with regard to the anti-Chinese psychobabble, it is Russia that will have none of it. Russia doesn’t care about race but does value honesty, decency, and plain mental faculties when estimating her trading/business partners, mind you.
So far I don’t see on this thread any consideration of the role of Brexit in the current EU existential situation.
The size of the UK’s economy and military make Brexit of great consequence to the potential for the EU to free itself of vassalage to the USA.
At least, I think that is one of the main messages of a very interesting article in the London Review of Books, by Helen Thompson, “Will It [the EU] Hold?” Although the specific focus is the effect of Brexit on the EU and also on the UK (Thompson suggests that Brexit may lead to the breakup of both the EU and the UK), she discusses a number of issues currently limiting the viability of the EU. This ends up with the strong implication that no one, including Russia, wi ll be dealing with “the EU” as an entity, but rather with individual countries.
Here is a link and the first graf (not free for nonsubscribers at this point):
“If the real point of the European Union is to achieve an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe, the British have never seriously wanted a place in it. If we follow the logic, Brexit makes the EU a more viable political entity. But the EU has always been about much more than gradual European political unification. Currently, it is set up in a manner intended to enable it to manage the varying problems of its member states and to contain Germany. Brexit reflects more than just the difficulties of bringing an island state with a singular constitutional and legal history and a fear of monetary integration into a union created by other states to contain problems Britain did not share. Brexit is part of a larger reality in which the European Union must navigate faultlines deriving from its political structures and the turbulence beyond its borders.”
You can copy paste the article via Pastebin and post the link here.
Half of Russia’s US Treasury Bonds Sold in April
“In April, Russia sold $47.5 billion worth of Treasury Bonds, according to the data released on Friday.
The sale puts Russia at 22nd place from 16th in the list of US Treasury bondholders.
The sale comes following the two previous decreases. In March, Russia reduced the amount of US Treasury securities it holds, shedding $1.6 billion of treasury holdings.
In February, Russia reduced its US Treasury bond portfolio by a massive $9.3 billion from the previous months. Previously, Russia had been increasing its treasury holdings, which increased from almost $70 billion in March to more than $92 billion in December [think this is supposed to be Mar. 2017-Dec. 2017 – vt].”
Something to think about, eh?
Can a Globalist-Homo become a partner for Russia? That´s it folks.
”Can a Globalist-Homo become a partner for Russia?”
Absobloodylutely! Imagine the scum Navalny and the Pussy Riot harridans in the function as Russian Government Officials — all the world’s Globalist-Homos would instantly flock to Russia.
The continental Europeans must free themselves from their Anglo American overlords before becoming an *honest* partner for any nation–Russia or otherwise.
Unfortunately, the Anglo American Empire has an increasing military occupation of continental Europe with military bases, troops, and CIA-style “black sites.”
Moreover, the entire European political class has been brainwashed since the end of World War 2 to be pro-American whores and vassals.
It will take massive political, economic, and military rebellion in Europe to free themselves from their Anglo American masters.
Honestly, the only way that happens is through a major war on the European continent.
Failing that, Europe is an Anglo-American Trojan Horse.
Finally you understood that the only way to defeat this satanic elite is fighting the Liberal-Marxist ideology and valuing and promoting the Christian and conservative values
The goal of the zpc/nwo oligarchy is to isolate Russia, cold war, now that their regime change plans failed and actual war is not feasible. This is plan b. So a move by Russia to isolate herself plays into their hands. It’s what the zionazis/nazis want Russia to do.
Regarding the hysteria about Medvedev staying, I think this is misplaced. Russia continues to gain economically, despite sanctions. Living conditions continue to get better for Russians. Foreign trade and relations continue to improve. They must be doing something right, eh.
Changing horse’s now would be putting the breaks on and cause delays that would be completely unnecessary. Medvedev works well with the west, they like him. Maybe it’s time to stop viewing him as a westerner working to subvert Russia to the west, and instead see him as a talented manager, good at getting the best that can be had from a very hostile zpc/nwo for Russia.
Remember, the end goal is not to pick up the ball and go home, but get the other players interested in playing, despite the dramatics. Most Europeans are not hostile to Russia, it’s the zionazi-gay owned/operated leadership that is. It is the people Russia continues to build a positive relationship with. In the end, they will deal with their quisling leaders.
The OBOR strategy is not to cut Europe out, but to include her.
I actually think you short comment is more accurate than the article itself. V.V. Putin has made few errors in his time, and appointing Medvedev is hardly one of them, he is trusted by Europeans so be it.
But the EU has had to walk a thin line, but an American trade war hurting European industry is probably the Red Line for European Industrialists, they will not take kindly to this, on top of sanctions against Russia, deeply hurting to most of Europe. One thing is politics, another is bottom line…
The EU has always been a thorn in the US foot, and they have tried, but they will fail. The US financing far right parties in Europe, hostile to the EU has been noticed and noted. Now we are rid of the sycophantic utrapoodle Brits, who leaked everything to their fascist corporate masters, EU will be more free to pursue her own interests, which historically always have been eastward.
To OBOR, EU is the anchor at the other end, the two (soon) largest economies in the world linked by a trade route, with larger nd smaller economies tapping in along it, it cannot but bring wealth to all connected.
Trump is not a representative of tthe true masters of Europe and the USA. That’s why they were able to say no.
It is not often I can say I agree with ever view in an article, as I do for this one. The only thing I can figure that is driving Vladamir Putin is the desire to avoid a major war which would be catastrophic for humanity. Thus, the gamble that maybe he can lure European countries out from the grip of the empire. It’s quite a long shot. Mr. Putin is a student of history and understands the treachery of the west very well. They cannot ever be trusted. So please Mr. Putin, stop referring to them as ‘our partners’. If a massive economic collapse would put a stop to the wars, I could wish for it to happen now, regardless of how much even I would suffer. Otherwise, sooner or later there is bound to be a confrontation between Russia and the west.
President Putin, Sergey Lavrov and many other Russian politicians are professionals and use diplomatic language. As long as they’re referring to others as partners you can be sure that they’re attempting to reach out to the addressed people.
Add to the video of the Saker’s article
Its title: “Please, no photos with Putin” (ru ” Прошу, никаких фото с Путиным”)
You can change of this video’s subtitles to English
Its link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nHj6W1mZRU
The video was made by Anatoliy Shariy (ru Анатолий Шарий), published 15.06.2018
Shortly about Anatoliy Shariy
He is a Russia friendly Ukrainian journalist, author and youtuber (born 20.08.1978, in Kiev)
In 2008-2011 he criticized the organized crime in Ukraine. In 2012 he had to flee Ukraine.
Since that time he lives in the European Union, exact location is not known.
In Russian: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A8%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B9,_%D0%90%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D0%90%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87
In German: