
Interview with the Israeli jazz musician Gilad Atzmon

Gilad Atzmon Interviewed by Mary Rizzo The word Zionism is almost meaningless in Israel and within the Israeli discourse it is actually non-existent. Zionism may mean something to the American settlers in the West Bank or the new wave of French immigrants to Israel, but not much more than that, says Gilad Atzmon. 07/05/07 “ICH’ — – Interviewing Gilad Atzmon is never easy, but always interesting. It’s challenging because when

The High Cost of Libby’s Silence

By Amy Goodman“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,” says the preamble to the Declaration of Independence. Unless, of course, you are a friend of the president. By commuting “Scooter” Libby’s sentence, President Bush is also protecting himself and Vice President Dick Cheney. I asked former Ambassador Joe Wilson what he thought about the commutation. It was his 2003 opinion piece that refuted Bush’s

Can you guess where the Fatah al-Islam roots are?

The Arab extension of Fatah al-Islam When the battle between the Lebanese army and the Fatah al-Islam militant group broke out on the 20th of May, pro-February 14 (supporters of Siniora and his Imperial bosses – VS) media outlets sought to exploit the incident and link the militant group to Syria, overlooking the diversity in the nationalities of its members. Sultan Abul Aynain, the secretary of PLO factions said in

Cindy Sheehan – I’m Not Backing Off!

Call Out the Instigator By CINDY SHEEHAN Call out the Instigator Because there’s something in the airWe got to get together sooner or laterBecause the revolution’s hereYou know it’s right! — Thunderclap Newman I’m not backing off. I tried to remove myself from the political realm of the US, what BushCo is turning into an Evil Empire, but the blatant audacity of George commuting Scooter’s sentence (he’s not ruling out

Thousands of Palestinians stuck under appalling conditions at Rafah – 31-year old mother of five died yesterday under the blazing sun

Thousands of Palestinians stuck under appalling conditions at Rafah – 31-year old mother of five died yesterday under the blazing sun – Gush Shalom demands immediate opening of the Rafah Crossing for which the government of Israel and the European Union share responsibility After the translated press release follows a call for action Press Release, July 2, 2007 – Hebrew attached / עברית מצורף Gush Shalom, the Israeli Peace Bloc,

Fidel Casto reacts to the CIA’s “Family Jewels” publication

Reflections of President Fidel Castro The killing machine SUNDAY is a good day to read something that would appear to be science fiction. It was announced that the CIA would be declassifying hundreds of pages on illegal actions that included plans to eliminate the leaders of foreign governments. Suddenly the publication is halted and it is delayed one day. No coherent explanation was given. Perhaps someone in the White House

Fighting breaks out in Gaza between Hamas and Army of Islam

The Ma’an news agency reports that clashes erupted in Gaza City on Sunday night between the Army of Islam, with the powerful Dughmosh clan, and the Hamas movement. Army of Islam said that Hamas and the Executive Force injured the group’s leader, Khattab Maqdisi, before abducting him. In retaliation, Army of Islam kidnapped ten Hamas members. “A group affiliated to Khattab opened fire at members of the Executive Force before

Jordanian newspaper alledges US forces to occupy Gaza

Frankly, even I cannot imagine that the Imperial High Command could be that stupid. But then, considering the stage of high panic which the Neocons have obviously reached, maybe there is basis to this insane plan after all? FYI – here is the news item which caught my eye: US to deploy int’l force in Gaza The United States is to deploy international forces in the Gaza Strip so as

The Guantánamo Whistleblowers

Lt. Col. Stephen Abraham is not the First Insider to Condemn the Kangaroo Tribunals Jostling for media space in the last week–and largely losing out to spurious claims that Guantánamo is about to close–is the story of Lt. Col. Stephen Abraham, an army intelligence officer with 26 years’ experience, who has bravely spoken out against the Guantánamo regime. In an affidavit filed with an Appeal Court petition on behalf of

New NSA Whistleblower Speaks

By David Swanson A former member of U.S. military intelligence has decided to reveal what she knows about warrantless spying on Americans and about the fixing of intelligence in the leadup to the invasion of Iraq. Adrienne Kinne describes an incident just prior to the invasion of Iraq in which a fax came into her office at Fort Gordon in Georgia that purported to provide information on the location of

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez meet with Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei

Iran: US no more a wall of fear The Leader of the Islamic Revolution says the false façade of the US, which used to intimidate other nations, has dissipated. He made the comment in his meeting with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez who is in Tehran on a three-day visit. “Its shaky political structure as well as the ongoing domestic complications it has to deal with has proven the bullying policies

Three news items from the BBC (updated)

This morning I woke up the following three news items on the BBC website: First, the Imperial High Command continues with its policy of blaming Iran for its defeat in Iraq. Second, the “only democracy in the Middle-East” has sentenced one of its citizens to six months in jail for speaking with the foreign press. Third, Iran has lauched a 24 hour TV news channel in English (with an well

Tehran ,Caracas Strengthen Ties

TEHRAN, July 1— Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in a meeting with his visiting Venezuelan counterpart Hugo Chavez on Sunday said imperialism is facing a strong wave of opposition in a majority of the world regions, and added that victory is close due to the shaky pillars of the world arrogance. Ahmadinejad pointed to Iran’s policy for developing relations with independent countries, and stressed that Tehran and Caracas seek to bolster

CIA Terror Bombings, Bob Gates, and The Rise of Hezbollah

Terrorism, CIA-style Today is a banner day for aficionados of the CIA. After a 15-year Freedom of Information Act struggle, the National Security Archive has finally forced the CIA to reveal the “family jewels” — a 702 page treasure trove of documents characterized in The New York Times as a “catalog of domestic wiretapping operations, failed assassination plots, mind-control experiments and spying on journalists.” Whether or not you wade through

Israel is Bad for Jewish Ethics

Meet the New Goliath By SAUL LANDAU You can trace the current Middle East conflicts back to Moses, who was deaf. God said: “Moses, take your people to Canada.” Moses heard Canaan. One group of religious Jews believes Israel is anathema to Jewish ethics. On June 10, a group of Naturei Karta (Guardians of the City) joined a demonstration in Washington DC to protest the Israeli occupation of Palestine and

Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei: Iran won’t Give Up Nuclear Rights

TEHRAN, June 30— The Supreme Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said Saturday that the Iranian nation will not give up its nuclear rights, stressing that the Western powers’ hue and cry will not have an impact on the nation’s strong determination. Ayatollah Khamenei said the Iranian nation has shown that the government officials will enjoy public support wherever they choose the right path. The leader said

One of the Immediate Challenges to Hamas

A Comment by Tony Sayegh Hamas has displayed both political and military decisiveness in finally putting an end to the Palestinian Contras’ plans of spreading “creative destruction” in Gaza in a manner similar to Iraq and to ultimately destroy Hamas politically and militarily. As I said before Hamas had to act and it did. The swiftness of the Hamas response and its ability to rout the Dahlan Contras in just

Members of Congress prevent Kucinich from entering translation of Ahmadinejad words into the congressional record

Congress Votes to Send Iran President Before U.N. Court Office of Congressman Dennis Kucinich For Immediate Release: Contact: Natalie Laber (202) 225-5871 No Questions Asked? Congress Votes to Send the President of Iran Before a United Nation’s Court While Refusing a New York Times Translation of the President’s Remarks WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 20, 2007) – Today the House of Representatives passed H. Con.Res.21, a resolution that pressures the United Nations

The Saker interviews Uri Avnery from the Israeli Gush Shalom

Today I begin what I hope will be a continuous series of interviews with various participants in the conflicts in the Middle-East. The first person I “spoke” to (by email, actually) is Uri Avnery whose amazing life spans the entire history of Israel. From his political beginning as a 15 year old member of the terrorist group Irgun to becoming the founder of the most consistent Israeli peace group Gush

Russia revamps nuclear forces

Russia carries out successful missile testMOSCOW: Russia has carried out a successful test of a sea-based intercontinental missile from a nuclear submarine, the military said Thursday. The test on the new Bulava ballistic missile was conducted in the White Sea off Russia’s northwest coast, military spokesman Igor Dygalo told AFP. “The missile warhead arrived in the foreseen deadline” in the Kura test range in the Kamchatka region of Russia’s Far
