
BREAKING NEWS: military coup in progress in Turkey! (OPEN THREAD)

Russian, US and EU sources are all reporting that a military coup is in progress in Turkey. It is way too early to comment on these events, but I have to say that while I was hoping for exactly such an events for the past 7 months, the timing here looks very suspicious to me and I wonder which side is behind it. This is huge and I am creating

Srebrenica “Genocide” Resolution in the Serbian Parliament

by Stephen Karganovic of the Srebrenica Historical Project The Srebrenica Lobby in Serbia has launched a stealth campaign to pressure the Serbian Parliament to adopt a resolution about the “Srebrenica genocide” that allegedly took place in July 1995. The proposed resolution is scheduled to be presented to parliament for a vote in a few days, following a “fast track” procedure designed to be completed in time for this year’s Srebrenica
