
Givi shares details of his tank fight on Putilovsky bridge on 18/1/15 [eng subs]

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One millon Muslims and Orthodox Christians in the streets of Grozny

Over a million people – Muslims and Orthodox Christians – have taken to the streets of Grozny to protest against the caricatures of Prophet Mohammed by the Charlie Hebdo magazine:   [Note from editor: The image is not available any longer.]   Their slogans were: “We love Prophet Mohammed” “No to Mohammed cartoons” “Islam is a religion of peace and creation” “Violence is not the method” Orthodox priest from Chechnia

Meet “Matros” (Sailor) the company commander who booted the Ukies out of the new terminal of the Donestk airport

This is a photo of “Matros” (Sailor), the commander of the company of the “Sparta” battalion (commanded by the famous “Motorola”) whose men, during a counterattack, succeeded in storming the new terminal of the Donestk airport and who booted the Ukrainians out of the last location of the airport under their control.   [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments of the articles from blogspot

Trolling Russia

By Israel Shamir   The edifice of world post-1991 order is collapsing right now before our eyes. President Putin’s decision to give a miss to the Auschwitz pilgrimage, right after his absence in Paris at the Charlie festival, gave it the last shove. It was good clean fun to troll Russia, as long as it stayed the course. Not anymore. Russia broke the rules. Until now, Russia, like a country

19.01.2015 Ukrainian crisis news. Peski, Poroshenko, IAmVolnovakha, War in Ukraine

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Machine translated news and open thread

Dear friends, I will be gone all day today so I will make this one short. So far, and regardless of the hilarious misrepresentation of the events in the western MSM, the Ukrainian attack as failed everywhere. Peski has been partially taken by the Novorussians (helped by Serbian volunteers), Ukrainians forces around Mariupol are on the retreat and the overall intensity of combats is “medium”. For details, the best I

Novorussia SITREP: Intensive combat operation all over the line of contact in Novorussia

Things look very bad today and very intensive combat operations, in particular artillery strikes, are reported everywhere in Novorussia. At the very least, in the following locations: 1) Donetsk Airport: the Ukrainians attacked with a fairly large concentration of armor and under heavy artillery fire. As for tonight (local time) all of these attacks have been successfully repelled but intelligences sources are reporting a sharp rise in the number of

The Myth of a Chinese takeover in Siberia

submitted by “Mister Unknown” of the Hidden Harmonies China Blog   As an avid follower and enthusiast of modern trends in Sino-Russian relations (and media coverage thereof), I saw this “jewel” of an op-ed in the New York Times earlier this week, titled “Why China will Reclaim Siberia“. This type of Sinophobic fear-mongering is nothing new in the western media. With amusement, I read through it with the slight hope

A Grim and Fatalist Post-Holiday Sitrep for the Dream that Was “NovoRossiya” and the People of the Donbass

by Mark Sleboda   Russia will obviously not allow the West-backed and installed Kiev regime to conquer the rump “NovoRossiya” by military means. This latest “offensive” of theirs will either peter out quickly or will end very badly for them if it expands in the Spring. But the NAF is even less a coherent and organized force than the UAF/batallions (and that’s saying a lot because Kiev has very limited

Short news: Donetsk, Ingushetia, France, Banderastan

1) The Ukrainian claims that they retook the terminal are false. The attack was beat back.   2) Contrary Ukrainian claims, Motorola is not dead. In fact, a radio-intercept of him commanding the counter-offensive tonight (9PM local time) has been posted on YouTube:   3) The Ukrainians do not have the forces needed locally for an effective counter attack.   4) In Ingushetia, 20’000 people too the the streets to

In the Charlie Hebdo psyop double standards, logical fallacies and crass ignorance are everywhere

Many of pointed out that apparently the French and most westerners seem to be much more upset when 12 people die in Paris then when hundreds, thousand and tens of thousands die elsewhere. It appears that the 1980s slogan “don’t touch my pal” which was originally supposed to denounce racism now has been “re-worked” into a, if not racist, then at least a chauvinistic mode: don’t kill French leftists no

Excellent RT documentary about MH17

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Zakharchenko offers to return their flag to the Ukrainians

I like Zakharchenko more and more. First, there was this exchange with a Ukie officer near the : Then Zakharchenko’s men finally took the airport, and Zakharchenko invited Poroshenko to negotiate face to face at the airport. And then there was this – Zakharchenko’s offer to return to the Ukrainians the flag they died under at the last terminal they controlled at the airport: [Note from editor: That video does

Apparently this clarification is needed

  “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” Jesus Christ – Revelation 3:16   The truth is that Voltaire never said “I don’t agree with what you are saying, but I will fight to the end for your right to say it”. This is just “democratic” lore. And yet “demodrones” like to invoke that before they shut your

16.01.2015 Ukrainian crisis news. Epic Urkainian victories, War in Ukraine

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Message from Sheikh Imran Hosein to the French People

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15.01.2015 Ukrainian crisis news. War in Ukraine, USA, NATO, Germany

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Je Suis Donbass

by Tura Kurkinen.   Propaganda, or more precisely, manipulation of minds is one of the most important elements in modern warfare. One aspect of it is creating enemies, where there are no real enemies. Good example of it was 9/11, a moment that changed our world permanently. After what happened in New York, we saw how new kind of a warfare rapidly took place, the war against terrorism. Very flexible,

“Examining Key Premises in the “Je suis Charlie” Discourse”

by Jonathan Revusky   When I first saw the news about Charlie Hebdo, I concluded very quickly that it was some sort of staged event, a “false flag”. The basic story, that disgruntled Muslims had shown up in the middle of Paris with Kalashnikovs and a rocket propelled grenade launcher to settle their grievances towards some cartoonists struck me as something out of fantastical fiction. Once I saw the cheesy

Novorussian forces take control of most of the new terminal of the Donetsk airport

It appears that the Novorussians have take control of the entire Donetsk airport with the exception of a few floors in the new terminal where the Ukrainians are surrounded from above and below. See this footage which shows how the Novorussians are finishing off the remaining Ukrainians with explosives and anti-tank weapons. No translation is really needed, it’s mostly combat footage and Novorussians soldiers explaining what they are doing.  
