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Blog, Community News and Announcements

Saker Podcast #2 on YouTube

Dear friends,Since some of you have requested it, here is the YouTube upload of the 2nd Saker Podcast.  By the way, there are a couple of instances (4 I think?) of a kind of echo in the latter part of the podcast.  This is already the case in the original audio track and I am not sure whether my microphone (Zoom H2n) or my software (Audacity) is to blame.  Sorry

Second Saker Podcast available for download and streaming

Dear friends, I just finished recording the 2nd podast.  You can grab it here: always, I look forward to hearing your comments, suggestions and criticisms.  Please let me know how I can do better.As I might have mentioned it in the past, the long term solution I have chosen is to have the future podcasts embedded in the new website (which is still being worked on by volunteers).  For the

Mini post off the road

I am quite sure that the photo of the MH-17 being shot down is fake.  The military aircraft appears to be a SU-27, the angle is wrong, as is the side of the attack, and this is not a satellite picture.  To Pen Gun, the 68 year old offended hippie: in the Russian context “liberal” means something very different from what it means in the USA.Now I hit the road again.Next

Various news updates and housekeeping issues

Dear friends, A boring but important post today about housekeeping issues along with a news update. First the housekeeping: 1) We are working on the new blog and we will display most of the logos/pictures you have sent me. These are the ones selected so far: Can I ask each one of you who sent me these pictures to please email my webmasters at and say which picture you

Weird problems with Blogger

Today I posted two more items: a warning about a blogger disruption and a post about “Various news updates and housekeeping issues”.  Now I either see these two and miss the rest of the blog, or the rest, but without these two.  The weird thing is that the blogger disruption should be over by now.I will give blogger a few hours to get its act together and I will try

Saker Podcast #2 in preparations – please post your questions now!

Dear friends,In a week or so I plan to record my second podcast.  So now is the time for you to post your questions right here, in the comments section under this post.Please do not email or post these questions elsewhere, only here, okay?If you have emailed me before or if you have posted a question elsewhere, please do repost it again here.If it ain’t here by Friday 1800UTC I

Mini Post: use the Vineyardsaker IRC channel

Friends,I want to remind you that since 2008 I have opened my own Internet Relay Chat channel.  At the time I wrote: For those of you familiar with the concept here is the info: server: channel: The_Vineyard full URL: irc:// For those of you who are no familiar with IRC, this is a virtual place were people can chat (via keyboard) with each other very informally and, unlike a

One more thing (mini-post)

I have go to work for the rest of the afternoon, but I want to remind you all of the following: when the real Ukie offensive materializes (maybe later tonight, maybe not) the Novorussians will most definitely retreat along certain axes.  This does not mean that they will be “defeated”, only that they are retreating which is a defensive tactical maneuver.  So, please, let’s not have a repeat of the

Soundcloud “Go Unlimited” plan purchased!!

Dear friends,I just wanted to let you know that a member of our community – palmtoptiger – sent me the full sum to pay for the Soundcloud “Go Unlimited” plan!  Before that, Larchmonter445 also made a donation towards the same goal.  So we got it!  Full Soundcloud for a year :-)Thanks a lot to both of you – this will certainly provide the best and most flexible option for the

Podcast options – the choice is yours

Dear friends,I wanted to give you a heads-up on my response to your numerous comments and give you a choice of where to go from here.First, thanks a lot for all your comments.  And, no, no, no, no, no – I do not sound like Bibi Netanyahu!  Or do I?  :-)Seriously, your comments were useful and I will follow your suggestions:Technical:1) I will increase the microphone gain2) I will decrease

A few more hyper-short items + open thread (IMPORTANT UPDATE!!)

Dear friends,I am exhausted.  Badly.  Had to spend many hours on the road this week-end so here is my schedule:Today I will, insha’allah, answer the most (all?) the emails I have to answer.  Then I will write a bunch of emails to try to get a few apparently stuck “balls” rolling again. Tomorrow I should be back with an analysis of what happened in Novorussia.Thanks a lot for all the

Three hyper-short items + open thread

Dear friends,There hyper-short items: I will be gone all day on Monday (this is why I did the podcast on Sunday). Winter (especially early winter) does not at all prevent military operations in the Ukraine (forget that Jack Forst nonsense).  Voentorg might. Looks like Zakharchenko won the elections in Novorussia by a large margin (“hurray-patriots” will be enraged). The SakerPS: the open thread is yours for the day :-)

First Saker Podcast now available for download and streaming

Dear friends,It is with some (a lot, really!) trepidation and nervousness that I am announcing to you that my first podcast ever is now available for download and streaming.  Please simply to to the following page to access is: you will be able to download the podcast in mp3 format from Google Drive or download and stream it from Mediafire and 4Shared.  The reason why I am not posting the

Podcast project – let’s give it a first try, okay?

Dear friends,Since several of you have expressed interest for this, let’s give it a try.I invite you post your questions in the comments section below (on any topic) and I will try to record a podcast with my replies.  Please do not send me questions by email (I have way too many emails to answer already!).  Also – and just to make clear – I don’t promise to necessarily reply

Blog news update – decisions, decisions…

Dear friends, Wow!  Really.  Wow!  Your response to my Community Brainstorming: I am swimming against a Tsunami post was nothing short of massive, huge.  I got more donations then ever before, I got long and very moving letters of support, and I got a lot of very good advice and suggestions.  Frankly, I had never expected such an outpouring of support and I am immensely grateful to you all for

Which logo do you prefer? (UPDATED!)

Dear friends, I need to decide which logo to use on the new blog.  Which one do you prefer?Thanks,The Saker UPDATE: it just ‘hit me’ that we are a community, right? Okay – if you want to submit a logo of your own, please do.  I make no promises to use it, but if I like it I will add it to the list of logos submitted for comments in this survey

Community “counter-Tsunami” response: fantastic!

Dear friends,I just wanted to thank you all for the huge response you gave to my appeal yesterday.  Not only did donations come in as never before, you also gave me extremely valuable advice (in both public comments and private emails).  You have also pointed out some mistakes I have made in the past which I shall not repeat again.  In the very near future, I will write up a response

Community brainstorming: I am swimming against a Tsunami

Dear friends,As I mentioned yesterday, I have come to the conclusion that I need to share with you the problems which I and my blog are having and, frankly, to ask for your help.  I have been trying to avoid this, but several good friends have strongly urged me to do so and time has proven that they were right.First, I will begin by a short “state of the community”

Major problems for me and this blog – community brainstorming tomorrow, okay?

Dear friends,As many of you have noticed, the new blog was down, now it is back up, but with a older version which is missing at least two posts and many comments.  My fault, my bad.  Now I need to fix it.  I will.  Still,To be honest, I am having major problems and, to be equally honest, I need you guys to help me.  I am too tired right now

New Blog down

Dear friends,The new blog is down (good thing I kept this one open).  As soon as I find out what is going on, I will let you know.  In the meantime, the big news is that following today’s ballistic missile strike on Donetsk, Zakharchenko has declared the ceasefire over.I apologize for all the problems with the new blog. The Saker
