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Blog, Community News and Announcements

Short update from the Saker

Dear friends, First, I know the German and Russian Saker blogs are down. Please do not worry, we are transferring domain names and we even have fallback options. Please be patient. Second, today there are A LOT of news out of the Donbass, all of them very bad for the Nazis. So stay tuned for a SITREP tonight. Third, I cannot answers emails right now, I am way too busy.

Blog news (all of them good this time)

After a week of absolute horrors (more then I can publicly reveal), I can finally come back to report to you some very good news. First, the French Saker blog is back online, this time with a new domain name and a very good team with many (or possibly most) of those who worked for the original French Saker blog. Second, my appeal for IT help was heard and

To all my friends

Dear friends, I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the outpouring of support you have shown me over the past days: thanks for the numerous emails, comments and donations. Speaking about which, I am happy to report that I now have received enough money to cover my legal costs and to pay my webmaster – so no need to send more! I cannot discuss

Blog News: banned topics

Dear friends, Some of you might now that I have banned the topic of climate change. I did not do a very good job enforcing that. I have to now add two more topics to the banned list: any discussion about the former French Saker or former Serbian Saker blogs or anybody associated with them or any entity linked in any way with any of the persons associated with them

A follow-up to my Open Letter

Dear friends, First, the words “thank you” don’t even begin to cover the gratitude I feel for the outpouring of support from all of you.  You have apparently also drowned out the haters who have suddenly turned very shy :-) The crisis is far from over, but here are a few rapid items I need to share with you: a) If you want to contact me to help with technical

Open Letter to the Saker Community and all our friends

Dear friends, What is happening right now is huge, we are dealing with nothing less than a full-scale “French September 11th“, no less.  At this point, I am not saying that the French state did it, or even let it happen.  But what is certain is that at the very least the French state and the corporate media are making maximal use of the various terrorist murders in France to

Welcome to the new Saker blog!

Dear friends, Christ is Born! Welcome to my new blog! There still might be kinks here and there, especially in the archives before 2014, but generally it looks solid to me. Most of the work on the new blog was done by Gevorg from Armenia who did an absolutely *phenomenal* amount of work which included many, many hours of hard labor including patiently tutoring me on the capabilities of the

Saker schedule update + 2 open threads

Dear friends,Today Orthodox Christians like myself celebrate the Eve of the Nativity (aka “Christmas”) and tomorrow will be a major feast day for us (Orthodox feasts always begin on the previous evening). Icon of the Nativity On Thursday I will have to spend the day on the road to drive my daughter to college so, God willing, I will be back only on Friday.   I have a hotspot in the

Blog news update: short break, BIG plans for 2015 and a small request

Dear friends,Over the next couple of days I am going to try to “life the foot off the gas pedal” and only concentrate on one thing: an “end of year report” combined with an assessment of possible events in 2015.  Other then that, I will not post anything written by me.I have high hopes that by the Orthodox Nativity (January 7th) the “new new blog” or “new blog v 2.0″

Fourth Saker Podcast now available for download and streaming

Dear friends,I invite you to go to the (temporary) Saker Podcast page: where you download the transcripts of the first two podcasts and then to the Fourth Saker Podcast page: you can download the fourth and last Saker podcast of the year.  I will record the next podcast sometime after the Orthodox Nativity (January 7th).  This is also the planned time for the launching of the “2nd new

Upcoming Saker Podcast & transcripts

Dear friends,Next week I plan to record my 4th podcast.  As always, I invite questions, but also comments.  Please post them here until Sunday evening 6PM UTC/GMT time.  Please do not email me but only post your questions in the comments section (in English, French, Russian, German, Italian or Spanish – I can translate them into English during the recording).  Any and all topics, from very serious to totally non-serious

Important appeal for help to all Russian speakers!

Dear friends and readers,Today I am writing to you to appeal for your help.  By now it must be clear to everybody that what is taking place today is not just some “Cold War v2” or some “East-West tensions”, but a full-scale total war between not only Russia and the USA, but  between the entire AngloZionist Empire and the Resistance (lead by Russia and the BRICS).  Make no mistake, this

Request for help with Sheikh Imran N. Hosein

Dear friends,I would like to ask for your assistance in the following two matters:First, I was asked by the Russian Saker Team to get an English transcript of the presentation of Sheikh Imran N. Hosein I have recently posted entitled “Islam and Russia’s Tryst with Destiny“. If somebody could write such a transcript and send it to the Russian Saker Team Leader at we could then make a translation

Big and good news!! The Latin-American Saker blog is now officially active!

I had been waiting for this one with great anticipation and finally it has happened!  The Latin American Saker blog is now officially online, up and running at the following URL: is nothing short of fantastic as it bring in not just a language, but an entire culture, one of the most diverse and dynamic ones on the planet.  Furthermore, Latin America is, for sure, one of the main poles

Weird stuff again (only for Window$ users)

Okay, some of you are getting redirected to with a title page of “Advert”.  appears to be related to some kind of malware. Some of you have reported:  Trojan.Win32.GenericI doubt that it comes from Google who has a very solid security. However, others have had that problem too:!topic/blogger/_rwBSluJk5k One person claims SiteMeter might be compromised, so just in case I removed it too (it is useless anyway)

Third Saker Podcast now available for download and/or streaming

Dear friends, The 3rd Saker Podcast is now available for download and/or streaming from Soundcloud, Mediafire, YouTube and the Internet Archive.  Since corporate America prevents me from posting even 30 seconds of copyrighted music, I recommend you download/stream the podcast from the Internet Archive.I also remind you that the main purpose of these podcasts is to serve as a reminder that my work depends on your donations, so if you

The Italian Saker blog is now officially online!

Dear friends,I have the delight to inform you of the officially ‘birth’ of the latest member of our Saker Community – the Italian Saker Blog which you can now visit by clicking on the following link: think that Italian speakers will be delighted by this event.  The folks working on this blog are truly very interesting and good people, and I am sure that a top-quality community will now coalesce

Of Podcasts, Donations and Books

Dear friends,I would like to announce that I will be recording the next Saker Podcast #3 the coming week-end and, hopefully, make it available here by Monday morning on the (temporary) Saker Podcasts home page: note that thanks to the kind help of a wonderful lady “A” the Saker Podcast #1 transcript is now available for download from Mediafire (one zipped file containing the transcript in ODT, PDF and RTF

Today meatspace won. See you tomorrow

Dear friends, Today has been a really bad day in meatspace for me.I need to bounce back and a night of sleep.I will get back to you all tomorrow.I have authorized all comments today (as I don’t feel like reading them), including even one from a Ukie propagandist who wrote them with the hated CAPS on, but whatever – who cares? I will try to get things rolling tomorrow. Sorry

Before hitting the road :-)

Dear friends,I am about to hit the road and do what I like most: jump in the car with my wife, leave everything behind, and spend a couple of days in the Florida wilderness.  God willing, we will be back on Friday.In the meantime, I want to leave you with a few short notes:1) Podcast: there definitely was some kind of glitch in the 2nd part of the podcast and
