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Guest Analyses

Polarized Poland: The Identity Crisis Goes International

by Andrew Korybko for the Russian Institute of Strategic Studies The nationwide protests that have rocked Poland over the past couple of months have been completely misrepresented in the international media, even among outlets that are editorially sympathetic to one side or the other. The outside understanding is that this is a stereotypical struggle between the government and the opposition, represented in this case by the right and left wings,

After the Prophet

Foreword by the Saker: It is a real pleasure for me to submit to you a most interesting article about the history of Islam in general, and about a form of Sunni Islam in Saudi Arabia which is rarely discussed or even mentioned.  Being a Christian myself, a take no position on any of the view presented in this article other than welcoming an informed discussion.  What I am absolutely

Djukanovic to be Jailed after Montenegro Joins NATO

By Ion Todescu for the Dracula Blog Montenegro, the small Balkan state, is once again in the center of public attention now. In fact, the same man has been ruling that country since 1991 as the Prime Minister, the President and the Prime Minister again. He’s often called the last dictator in Europe; corruptionist and mafioso are his other names. Let me introduce to you Milo Djukanovic, the Prime Minister

The Litvinenko Inquiry: London’s Absurd Show Trial

by Alexander Mercouris for Russia Insider: Despite twisting the evidence and throwing legal procedure out of the window it failed to show the Russian authorities killed Litvinenko.  It could only say “probably” – an absurd verdict the evidence contradicts. What follows is a long and very detailed 11,000 word expert legal analysis of the Litvinenko inquiry by Russia Insider‘s International Affairs Editor, who was a practicing lawyer for 12

60 Minutes Defames Russian Effort in Syria

by Patrice Greanville for the Greanville Post Taking no chances, CBS also manages to denigrate the brave Syrian Arab Army, just about one of the most heroic forces fighting ISIL and other brutal terrorists in the Middle East. The Treachery of The Western Media Patrice Greanville There’s a mystery at the heart of American journalism. How can normally mediocre ignoramuses—I refer to the rank and file of US media, especially television

The Day After

by Soraya Sepahpour Ulrich Some final thoughts – the day after Not the movie about a fictional war between NATO forces and the Warsaw Pact and a nuclear exchange between the United States and the Soviet Union, but the Day After the Implementation Deal of the Iran Nuclear Deal. Although I said and wrote repeatedly in the past that the US stance toward Iran will not change, by now it

Heavy Metal Q&A – replies by Kakaouskia

by Kakaouskia Greetings to the Saker community and readers. It is with pleasure that I am doing this Q&A with you. Many interesting questions have been raised by the community – to make this an easier reading I have grouped the questions together by “topic”. Also, some readers where kind enough to answer some of the questions; in those cases I will simply correct thing or add a comment if

Britain Awakes to Reality: The European Crisis of 2016

by Henry Mangold Britain, once a great world power, is now in most respects ruled from Brussels, as part of the European Union. This transfer of power was carried out, essentially, by a conspiracy. To understand how this conspiracy was possible, it’s necessary to understand the present British constitution. In the eighteenth century, Britain had a hereditary king, who was responsible for defence and foreign affairs. Taxation and legislation were

The Multi-Faceted American Bankruptcy and Beyond

by Ghassan Kadi The financial collapse of the United States grows more inevitable, and more obviously so. Thus far during the Obama tenure alone, the formal and declared American debt has doubled, sky-rocketing from 10 trillion to 20 trillion dollars. Estimates of total American debt however, and which include unfunded liabilities, are much higher and range from 150 trillion to 350 trillion dollars. But even at twenty trillion, every American

Sexual Terrorism In The Heart Of Europe

by Andrew Korybko The festive revelry of New Year’s celebrations abruptly turned into a horrible nightmare of sexual terrorism for at least 100 German women in the city of Cologne. The large-scale attack seems to have been planned well in advance and coordinated among the nearly 1000 “refugees” that took part in it, and the widespread fear that it instilled in the population is leading to a backlash against the

The Volga flows into Barada

by Ghassan Kadi Syria has never been a perfect place, and probably she never will be. Yet, those who truly love Syria, do not love her because they perceive her as of some fantasy, a Shangrila, a utopia or a paradise-lost. They simply love her because they know the wonderful aspects that the Syrian culture has. Syrians are humans. Inherently, they are not any different from those who are Portuguese,

Does Erdogan really intend to eliminate all Kurds from Turkey?

By Ion Todescu December seems to be worst month of 2015 for the Kurdish minority in Turkey. In the early December additional units of Gendarmerie and Armed Forces, including tanks and combat helicopters were sent to southeastern provinces of Sirnak, Diyarbakir, Mardin, Siirt and Hakkari. A curfew has been imposed in numerous cities with checkpoints set on the roads and traffic restrictions implemented. The situation in the South-East has almost

The Ukraine is dead

by Auslander Ukraine is dead, dead on 02 May 2014 in Odessa, the coffin nailed shut a week later in Mariupol. Ukraine as such means nothing to USA or EU, 404 is simply another weapon to use against ‘The Russias’. The enemies of Russia thought they had a weapon to plunge in to the throat of Russia, instead they had a weapon that dealt an off arm wound, serious but

The truth about Islamic Fundamentalism

(cover photo above: Daesh thugs execute a group of children) by Noureddin Shami The author has written at least five different versions of this essay, all in an attempt to relay the same message at different levels of overtness targeting different audiences. Bits and pieces of it have been used here and there by some, even published, sometimes with good intentions and sometimes with devious intentions. In the wake of

2016 Trends Forecast, mega analysis by Andrew Korybko

By Andrew Korybko 2015 has proven to be a monumental year full of geopolitical surprises, with Russia’s anti-terrorist intervention in Syria being chief among them. The old world order is changing at a rapid pace as rising multipolar forces push outwards against the resistant unipolar establishment. Just as much as Russia, China, and Iran are endeavoring to change the global system, the US and its Lead From Behind proxies are

Boris Gryzlov and Ukraine: Russia brings on a Heavy-Weight

  Appointment of Boris Gryzlov to represent Russia on the Contact Group brings a key Russian decision maker into the heart of the crisis by Alexander Mercouris for Russia Insider That the Russian leadership continues to accord the Ukrainian conflict the highest importance is confirmed by a very interesting appointment the Kremlin has just announced. This is the appointment of Boris Gryzlov as Russia’s representative on the so-called Contact Group.

Al-Baghdadi Makes His “Call”

by Ghassan Kadi In an audio message (published in the link below in the Lebanese daily Assafir on the 26th of December 2015), ISIS/ISIL/IS Chief, “Caliph” Abou Bakr Al-Baghdadi gives a rather lengthy 24 minute speech. Half of the message is addressed to Muslims, all Muslims, whilst the other half is addressed to the world; especially the nations that have taken upon themselves to fight the Islamic State. The approach

Will the air campaign defeat Islamic State?

by Gavin Don The Islamic State is not yet a state (imagine IS at the UN) but I was working yesterday on economic and oil forecasts for Iraq and Syria, and the thought struck me that although IS is not a state, its economy is larger than many actual states. Consider.  IS has sliced  approximately 5 million Iraqis and probably another 5 million Syrians out of the economies of Iraq

Saudi Arabia, the mainspring of Islamic radicalism

by Nauman Sadiq If we look at the evolution of Islamic religion and culture throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, it hasn’t been natural. Some deleterious mutations have occurred somewhere which have negatively impacted the Islamic societies all over the world. Social selection (or social conditioning) plays the same role in the social sciences which the natural selection plays in the biological sciences: that is, it selects the traits, norms

Russian diplomacy achieved a trio of Security Council Resolutions over the last month which give Russia a decisive advantage

by Alexander Mercouris for Russia Insider At the  beginning of Russia’s intervention in Syria – in an interview for Radio Sputnik – I predicted the Russians would seek legal cover for their actions in the form of a Security Council mandate. In the event, months of intense diplomatic activity have resulted in three separate but complimentary Security Council Resolutions, all passed in just a few weeks. Taken together with reports
