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Guest Analyses

Putin prefers a bad peace

By Israel Shamir   In February, it is a long way to the spring, lamented Joseph Brodsky, the poet. Indeed, snow still falls heavily in Moscow and Kiev as well as in the rolling steppes that form Russian-Ukrainian borderlands, but there it is tinted with red. Soldiers are loth to fight in the winter, when life is difficult anyway in these latitudes, but fighting already flared up in war-torn Donbass,

War in the Ukraine

by Alexander Mercouris   Russia Insider has published my latest piece on the course of the Ukrainian war. It is a more refined and thought through version of the piece I previously wrote on this Page. The Ukrainian Army Is Bleeding to Death   1. My key point is that it is not minor tactical movements that are determining the course of this war. It is the level of casualties

Open letter of the members of the French Resistance to President Hollande

The voice of France, the UN and Russia, an open letter to Monsieur le Président de la République Monsieur le Président de la République Fascisme is reemerging everywhere in Europe, singularly in countries which have been freed from the USSR where powerful and dark forces are using NéoNazism as an ideological vector for their national emancipation and their territorial sovereignty .In these circles and beyond them, the Ukrainian crisis, which

EU sanctions meeting

by Alexander Mercouris   As Eric Kraus has pointed out there is complete confusion in the media today about how to spin the latest EU sanctions decision. Did Syriza fold as per Reuters and Bloomberg. Or did the meeting expose growing splits within the EU as per the Financial Times and the London Times. The best answer is that nothing definite was decided at the latest EU Council meeting but

And Hell was following them…

source: И ад следовал за ними (Translated by Eugene)   I don’t know who exactly (Turchinov? Poroshenko?) commanded the Ukrainian army to disrupt the truce. But I am sure that this decision was taken in Washington. It is not an accident that this suicidal provocation was preceded by the visit of G. Soros to Kiev. This elderly “philanthropist” who, together with the US Department of State, sponsored all post-soviet fascist

The limits of what can be expected from the SYRIZA government

by Wayne Hall   Syriza: Voting to join a realm of shared, sustainable prosperity The above analysis of the politics of SYRIZA and its government does not say anything that is untrue, but it leaves out of account a number of points that are relevant in estimating the political potential of the new Greek government. For a start, SYRIZA does not touch on any taboo “conspiracy theory” issues, such as

” When the word comes ‘it’s time’ “

By Aleksandr Zakharchenko [ Note from editor: This article was MISTAKENLY attributed to Alexander Zakharchenko. See here for details: Ouch – we screwed up… ] Translated from Russian by J.Hawk for FortRuss   If one is to speak without geopolitical complexities and nuances, the situation is extremely simple. This is a battle for the continent, for the international system, for one’s own taiga. They are desperately attacking us and are

Syriza: Voting to join a realm of shared, sustainable prosperity

by Mario   Recap: In 1971 Bretton Woods failed. The United States implemented a new strategy: Disregard its twin deficits and act as a gargantuan vacuum cleaner that sucked in the trade surpluses of Germany, Japan and later China, attracting into Wall Street between $3 to $5 billion net on each working day. Forcing productivity and zero real wage rises created a further daily 5$ billion domestically for corporations. All

Europe’s addiction to Russian gas: How long before withdrawal symptoms set in?

by Leonid Krutakov for Odnako (translated by: Robin)   In mid-January, EU Energy Commissioner Maroš Šefčovič held talks with Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller and Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak in Moscow. After the talks, Mr. Šefčovič expressed surprise at three circumstances. First, Gazprom has no intention of building the South Stream pipeline. Second, in the future natural gas will be delivered to Europe via Turkey. And, third, Russia is not

Glorification of terrorism: a teenager prosecuted in France because of a cartoon on Facebook

by numerama, 17/1/2015 Translated by Jenny Bright for Tlaxcala   A 16 year-old teenager in France was indicted for glorifying terrorism after he published a cartoon representing a character with the Charlie Hebdo journal, hit by bullets, with an accompanying ironic comment. The current situation is, to say the least, paradoxical. Last weekend, following the terrible attacks that took place right in the middle of Paris, large rallies were held

Hungary: Next Stop on the Putsch Express

Submitted by Andrew Kahn for Voice of América (Twitter @akahnnyc)   Once is a conspiracy theory. Twice is a coincidence. Thrice gets people wondering. Four times and the polished denials begin as conspiracy theory has become neoliberal reality. So it is in the Balkans, Central and Eastern Europe and former Soviet regions. Yugoslavia, Croatia, Chechnya, Georgia, Ukraine. And where next? The number has gone way beyond four – the time

A key day in the Ukrainian Conflict?

by Alexander Mercouris   This may turn out to be a critical day in the evolution of the Ukrainian conflict. 1. The Russian Security Council met today. We do not (obviously) have a full account but Putin’s website has provided some details. Strikingly, Putin referred to the junta as “official Kiev” and not “the Ukrainian government” or “the Ukrainian side”. He also referred to the two east Ukrainian republics as

False flags and how to start a ‘colour revolution’ in Argentina

by Mario   How it starts: 1987–88 Iran signed three agreements with Argentina’s National Atomic Energy Commission. The first Iranian-Argentine agreement involved help in converting the U.S. supplied Tehran Nuclear Research Centre (TNRC) reactor from highly enriched fuel to 19.75% low-enriched uranium, and to supply the low-enriched uranium to Iran. December 1992: The US Embassy in Buenos Aires informs the Argentine government that a continuation of the Iran-Argentine nuclear cooperation

Mindfriedo SITREPs to resume!

Touching Base by Mindfriedo   Commitments and hard times in “Meat Space,” as Saker calls it, have kept me from contributing to the Saker and his unrivalled dedication to the truth. Having said that, I will try and sift as much as I can, from whatever news is out there and post it as often as I can, which I hope to be at least once a week.   Iraq:

Givi Nets a Big Fish

By Yurasumy Translated from Russian by J.Hawk for FortRuss Commander of the 93rd “Zhitomir” Brigade, Oleg Mikats, taken prisoner at the airport.   At first he was described as a battalion commander. But it’s not so. Oleg Mikats is the commander of the 93rd Brigade. He was the third on the Right Sector party list during the recent Rada elections [he is shown in illustration above in the top row,

Who Stands to Benefit From Terrorist Attacks in France?

by Mikail Khazin   translation by: Mikhael (thanks a lot Mikhael!! The Saker) The scale of the events in France and the intensity of the ensuing panic turned out to be so massive that even the most politically unprepared people realized that the stability of EU is facing an enormous threat. And it doesn’t even matter if the French authorities are successful in neutralizing the current situation – it may

Ukraine Goes to War – and Always Will as Long as Maidan Holds Power

by Alexander Mercouris for Russia Insider As the economic situation in Ukraine goes from bad to worse the response of the Ukrainian government’s attention is focused instead on resuming the war in the Donbass. Over the last few weeks we have heard boasts from President Poroshenko that the combat capabilities of the Ukrainian military have been fully restored since its defeat last summer and that all its losses in armour

Trolling Russia

By Israel Shamir   The edifice of world post-1991 order is collapsing right now before our eyes. President Putin’s decision to give a miss to the Auschwitz pilgrimage, right after his absence in Paris at the Charlie festival, gave it the last shove. It was good clean fun to troll Russia, as long as it stayed the course. Not anymore. Russia broke the rules. Until now, Russia, like a country

The Myth of a Chinese takeover in Siberia

submitted by “Mister Unknown” of the Hidden Harmonies China Blog   As an avid follower and enthusiast of modern trends in Sino-Russian relations (and media coverage thereof), I saw this “jewel” of an op-ed in the New York Times earlier this week, titled “Why China will Reclaim Siberia“. This type of Sinophobic fear-mongering is nothing new in the western media. With amusement, I read through it with the slight hope

A Grim and Fatalist Post-Holiday Sitrep for the Dream that Was “NovoRossiya” and the People of the Donbass

by Mark Sleboda   Russia will obviously not allow the West-backed and installed Kiev regime to conquer the rump “NovoRossiya” by military means. This latest “offensive” of theirs will either peter out quickly or will end very badly for them if it expands in the Spring. But the NAF is even less a coherent and organized force than the UAF/batallions (and that’s saying a lot because Kiev has very limited
