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Guest Analyses

Russia’s Remarkable Renaissance

by F. William Engdahl for New Eastern Outlook First appeared here: Russia’s Remarkable Renaissance   Something remarkable is taking place in Russia, and it’s quite different from what we might expect. Rather than feel humiliated and depressed Russia is undergoing what I would call a kind of renaissance, a rebirth as a nation. This despite or in fact because the West, led by the so-called neo-conservatives in Washington, is trying

The cognitive dissonance of the European Union’s position

By Mikhail Khazin Source: м.хазин, “о когнитивном диссонансе в позиции евросоюза” Translated from Russian by Robin   The problems with the European Union’s basic ideology of course involve Germany’s position more specifically. To see it with the utmost clarity, we must recall the standard mantra of the proponents of Western liberalism, whether they are from the European Union, from the United States or homegrown: the West’s main goal in relation

How MH17 was shot down – analysis by Colonel Cassad

Colonel Cassad has just published an interesting analysis about how MH17 was shot down (please see here for the original Russian text: Как убивали малазийский “Боинг”).  Uncle Martin has already made a full translation and posted it on the English version of Colonel Cassad’s blog (please see here for the English translation: How the Malaysian “Boeing” was shot down).  Since this is very long text, I will not re-post it

Beyond the ninth circle of hell: what changes are waiting for the Ukrainian society after the war

By Ivan Lisan for Odnako Source: За девятым кругом ада: какие перемены ждут украинское общество после войны   Translated from Russian by Alexander   The civil war in Ukraine is like a huge meat grinder. The hands that turn the screw conveyor kill dozens of people every day and destroy thousands of people’s lives. However, any war will sooner or later come to an end, and the wounds on the

Western sanctions broke the old economic model. Perhaps, for the better?

By Alexei Polukhin Source: Западные санкции сломали старую экономическую модель. Может, и к лучшему? Translated by Eugene   Russia has become a two-time holder of “junk” or, put it milder, speculative sovereign rating after Moody’s — the second member of the global “big three” of rating agencies – followed Standard & Poor’s in revising the credit standing of our country. While in the first instance the reaction of the Russian

East Mediterranean – Waters starting to warm up and not because of the spring

by Kakaouskia   Some worrying events happened in the Aegean the past couple of days. Turkey has issued a unilateral NOTAM reserving large swathe of the Aegean, including large part of the Hellenic FIR for military exercises with live fire from 01/03/2015 to 31/12/2015. This effectively cut the Aegean in half, but most importantly it included part of Limnos, a Greek island in north Aegean. So in effect, Turkey has

Cyprus – Russia agreements: Testing the waters

by Kakaouskia It is with great surprise that I read the other day that Cyprus and Russia have signed an agreement on allowing the use of Cyprus ports by Russian Navy vessels. Not more so than the fact that this agreement was signed by a president which two years ago spoke openly on applying for entry into Partnership for Peace. First, let us take a look at what was signed.

M. Khazin, “Relevant notes on Greece”

Source: М.Хазин, “Актуально о Греции” Translated by Mikhael   A brief overview of post-election situation in Greece. This is a translation of the Russian version, there is also a published Greek translation There is a new government in Greece. A left-wing government that has a rather complicated relationship with the “sacred right of private ownership”, particularly when it comes to Greek sovereign debt. In other words, it is leaning towards

At the finish line of deindustrialization: how Ukraine loses its industry

Source: На финишной прямой деиндустриализации: как Украина теряет промышленность By Ivan Lizan Translated by Eugene   Ukraine’s refusal to cooperate with Russia in the military, scientific and technical fields has already begun to bear fruit. Naturally, this Kiev’s policy forced the citizens of Ukraine to eat only one (poisonous) kind of “fruit”: unemployment, poverty and deindustrialization.   Thanks to the West and Kiev for this The goal of this break

How to denazify the Nazis?

by Rostisalv Ishchenko Source: Как нам обустроить нацистов? Translated by S   I hope that at present those, who thought that Ukrainian civil war would continue for years and even for decades, clearly see that the Kiev regime and the government of Ukraine will fall within several months, at the worst – in about a year. The war goes on, because the Kiev leadership, using habitual submissive inertia of the

Three fronts for Russia: How Washington will fan the flames of chaos in Central Asia

by Ivan Lizan for Odnako Source: Три фронта для России: как Вашингтон раздует пламя хаоса в Средней Азии Translated by Robin   U.S. Gen. “Ben” Hodges’ statement that within four or five years Russia could develop the capability to wage war simultaneously on three fronts is not only an acknowledgment of the Russian Federation’s growing military potential but also a promise that Washington will obligingly ensure that all three fronts

Seven countries in five years

by “Observer” translated by “lmimkac” (thanks a lot!!)   Seven countries in five years and the US dollar is raising from the dead. Ukraine fulfilled its purpose, ISIL conquering Iraq and Syria, just conquering strategic Koban. Turkey does possum, Kurdistan rejoices. Asad has yet to fall, then comes the Iran and the “New Middle East” will be finished and dollar saved. Or – weaned Russia, China and dependent dollar still

Global Politics – a war of meanings

by Nikolai Starikov Source: Глобальная политика – война смыслов Translated by DzhMM, Mikhael, Gideon (thanks guys!!!!) In the course of life today, we’ve grown accustomed to using terms whose meaning we might not fully understand. We throw them around casually, not realizing that they lose their meaning and sometimes even come around to stand for their exact opposite. This is precisely why the sense has arisen today in society that

Behind the Great Western Firewall Is the Ugly Truth

By: Jeff J. Brown Cross linked with 44 Days The Great Western Firewall vs. the Great Firewall of China: different methodologies, identical results. ( A truth untold is a lie. A fact hidden is censorship. – The Author When I recently signed off of Reflections in Sinoland, saying I was not going to do any more columns for the time being, so as to write my third book, Red Letters

Delhi poll verdict: Is Modi-led India spinning in circles?

by Jiwan Kshetry   Delhi poll results that handed down a heavy symbolic defeat to PM Modi’s party have proved that ‘Modi wave’ in Indian politics was really a wave that can rise to dizzying heights so long as appropriate momentum is there but has an inevitable tendency to come down the moment the momentum is lost. The future of electoral politics in India is no longer as predictable as

The Minsk “Agreement”

by Alexander Mercouris   Already there is debate about who has “won” and who has “lost” in the Minsk talks. The short answer is that as the German foreign minister Steinmeier correctly said there is no breakthrough but the Russians and the NAF have made progress. One point needs to be explained or reiterated (since I have explained it already and many times). The agreement does not make provision for

The proof that Kramatorsk Tornado (Smerch) strike was a false flag by the Ukrainian side

Translated from Russian by Kristina Rus on February 11, 2015   Original translation here: The proof that Kramatorsk Tornado (Smerch) strike was a false flag by the Ukrainian side   Blogger Dragon First 11 Feb, 2015 at 5:54 WHO, FROM WHERE AND WITH WHAT FIRED AT KRAMATORSK ON FEBRUARY 10, 2015? Dear readers! Today, your faithful servant tried to deal with the issues in the title. Let’s start with the

What is the Donbass fighting for?

by Edward Birov for Vzgliad Translated by Gideon   “It is abundantly clear that the crisis will continue until such times as the Ukrainians achieve harmony between themselves and society, instead of being submerged in the roar of radicalism and nationalism, will unite around more positive values and reflect the true interests of the Ukraine”, – from an interview with Vladimir Putin. “Novorussia, consisting of the pro-Russian Ukraine, Russia and

Cyprus, Russia and a geopolitics chess amateur

by Kakaouskia   It was with interest that I saw the Saker mentioning today that the government cabinet in Cyprus is actually considering granting Russia’s “wish” for an air force base on the island. Being a Cypriot, I would like to take this opportunity to provide a – very brief – history lesson for the community as well as some thoughts on the matter.   Brief history Cyprus became “independent”

Talks in Moscow – a two-part analysis

by Alexander Mercouris   Part one (On 6th February 2015) They have apparently continued for 5 hours and are still not finished though it seems some sort of document is being prepared for tomorrow.   Three comments: 1. If negotiations go on for 5 hours that does not suggest a smooth and conflict free discussion. 2. One of the most interesting things about the Moscow talks is that they mainly
