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Guest Analyses

Ukraine As Seen Through The Eyes Of A Geologist

by Vadim Zolotaryev, via translated by Eugenia (thanks so much!!) A matter-of-fact view backed by numbers 07-12-2014: By profession, I am a geologist, not a fortune teller or a psychic. I have no way of knowing what Putin is currently thinking of or what Poroshenko and Obama talked about yesterday. I am not on intimate terms with oligarchs of different countries involved in the events in Ukraine and

Following the Chinese example, India decides on a strategic partnership with Russia

by Avarachan President Putin visited India on December 11th for the 15th annual Indo-Russian Bilateral Summit. Some interesting agreements were signed, and there are very interesting agreements in the works. According to The Hindu, The highlight of the meeting — part of an annual summit between the two countries — was the unveiling of a vision statement on atomic energy cooperation, where Russian nuclear agency ROSATOM and the Department of

A Malaysian Alternative Strategy for Russia?

by “Diogenes” First of all, let me say that with all my respect to Dr.Glaziev in person, and his economical and political views, I have to make some reservations and comments. He never worked in real sector of economy, industry or the bank. His academic education and background is so called Economic Cybernetics. His postgraduate studies and Doctoral thesis were done in Central Economic-Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of

The Importance Of The Cancellation Of South Stream

by Alexander Mercouris The reaction to the cancellation of the Sound Stream project has been a wonder to behold and needs to be explained very carefully. In order to understand what has happened it is first necessary to go back to the way Russian-European relations were developing in the 1990s. Briefly, at that period, the assumption was that Russia would become the great supplier of energy and raw materials to

Supporting the Rouble And Other Energy Exporter’s Currencies

by George Oprisko Earler, you specifically mentioned that currencies of many energy exporters, eg: Venezuela, Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia, Russia, and Ecuador have dropped sharply against the US Dollar. This essay explores the reasons behind the observed sellof(s), and debunks the myth that each currency stands on it’s own, and is a unique case, instead asserting that concerted action by one party is responsible. The party I believe to be responsible

Observations on President Putin’s call upon US not to meddle in Russia affairs

by Peter Koenig Press TV reports on 22 November 2014 that President Putin, speaking at a forum of the All-Russia Peoples’ Front in Moscow on 17 November, said “They [the US] want to subdue us, want to solve their problems at our expense. No one in history ever managed to do this to Russia, and no one ever will.” This is certainly no exaggeration. Russia has not only a solid

Official – China Recognises Crimean Referendum

by Alexander Mercouris “OFFICIAL – CHINA RECOGNISES CRIMEAN REFERENDUM” This is the clear meaning of the statement TASS reports that a senior official of the Chinese Foreign Ministry has made.  The fact that China recognises the Crimean referendum means that de facto (and surely before long de jure) China has recognised Crimea’s unification with Russia.  Note also that the official has expressed support for Russia’s Ukrainian policy. This is

The Trial Of Radovan Karadžić Enters The Final Phase

Note from the Saker: I have recently posted an excellent analysis by Stephen Karganovic of the legal farce or “judicial persecution” of Vojislav Šešelj by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia at the Hague. I was so impressed by this article, that I asked Karganovic if he would agree to update me, and my readers, about the situation of Radovan Karadžić. Karganovic kindly agreed and he sent me

Obama in retreat on MH17

by Alexander Mercouris Amidst all the hysteria about what western leaders said to Putin during the Brisbane G20 summit (answer: nothing new or important), the media has entirely ignored certain very interesting comments about MH17 that Obama made in his speech at the University of Queensland. His precise words (taken from the White House website) were as follows: “We’re leading the international community in the fight to destroy the terrorist

New MH17 satellite photos – a warning

by Alexander Mercouris I have deliberately helped back on the story about the satellite photos that supposedly show a Ukrainian fighter shooting down MH17 to see what the response would be, whether any more evidence would come to light and what the Russian government and military would say about them . In the event the Russian government and military have ignored them as I notice to a great extent have

The Šešelj Case: Justice At Last?

by Stephen Karganovic After almost twelve years of extra-judicial agony at the Detention Unit of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia at the Hague, on November 12 Serbian political leader Vojislav Šešelj returned home to Belgrade. True, the circumstances of his release (regarded as “provisional” in the terminology of the Tribunal which incarcerated him) leave quite a few more questions than they provide answers. To state just a

The European Central Bank – ECB – invented yet another tool to hold Europe hostage vis-à-vis Russia

by Peter Koenig The ECB has just launched – effective 4 November 2014 – a new watchdog to control and regulate the European banking system. It is called the Single Supervisory Mechanism – SSM. It is supposed to monitor and reign in European banks that do not ‘behave’ in terms of overstretching their investment and risk lending as compared to their capital base. In fact, the SSM is one pillar

Discovering Iran: a travelogue

by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich Marcel Proust once said: “The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” During the past two decades, I visited Iran on numerous occasions staying 10-14 days at a time. This time around, I stayed for 2 months and heeding Proust, I carried with me a fresh pair of eyes. I discarded both my Western lenses as well as my Iranian

“Ebola is a Big Lie”

Note: I am submitting the following article to your attention “for your information”.  While I personally do not have the knowledge to have an opinion about this topic, I think that leaving the MSM a monopoly of information on Ebloa is dangerous.  As always, your comments are invited.The Saker——- “Ebola is a Big Lie” — “Nana Kwame” from Ghana speaks out – and a new False Flag of horror dimensions in

German intelligence report on MH17

by Alexander Mercouris It seems the German intelligence agency the BND has provided a Bundestag committee with a report that once again attributes the MH17 shoot down to the NAF. The report has not been published but for me the single most interesting thing in it is that it apparently finally demolishes the theory that MH17 was shot down by a BUK system secretly transferred to the NAF by the

Alexander Mercouris: Deadlock and Gas Talks in Milan

Dear friends, It is a huge pleasure to announce today, specifically in response to the request of many of you, Alexander Mercouris has agreed to send me his his FaceBook analytical posts for posting here.  I have a huge respect for Alexander and I am delighted to welcome him here as a regular contributor. The Saker——-Alexander Mercouris: Deadlock and Gas Talks in Milanby Alexander Mercouris Deadlock in MilanNews from the

Is Russia Trying To Crash The American Stock Market?

by ZenVortex It appears that Russia, probably in collaboration with China, is retaliating against sanctions and oil price manipulation by trying to disrupt the Anglo/Zionist money markets and crash the American stock market. If successful, the strategy will produce an economic decline in the USA and Europe similar to that which followed the collapse of the American housing market in 2008. Last week saw a major increase in volatility in

State Crime in Iguala, Guerrero (Mexico)

By Rolando Garrido Romo In these days the people of Mexico are facing a double assault by the political and economic elite of the country, subservient to Washington, which mainly aims to strengthen control over financial and natural resources of the country through the implementation of reforms imposed by the government of president Peña Nieto; and at the same time criminalizing social protest, suppressing all dissent sample or rejection by

Is Kiev Wildly Understating Combat Deaths?

by Charles Bausman for Russia InsiderIn the past two weeks persistent rumors that Kiev has been hiding thousands of killed and wounded Ukrainian servicemen and ‘volunteers battalion’ casualties have forced their way into the Ukrainian press. The most vocal allegations of a cover-up of Ukrainian combat deaths comes not from Russian media or the leaders of the ‘separatist’ Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, but from right wing MP and Radical

Dear Children of Hong Kong

by an anonymous resident of Hong Kong Dear children of Hong Kong: Most if not all of you are very concerned about the puzzling scenes and conflicting interpretations/comments (some with fake photos) flying around, each perhaps serving some untold purposes. Concerned but not necessarily adequately informed (not as those who have followed the socio-political development in Hong Kong as a cool pursuit of truth rather than passion – to look
