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Guest Analyses

From Balkh to Konya: Discovering Rumi’s spiritual geopolitics

By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted KONYA – Mystic poet, Sufi, theosophist, and thinker, Jalal al-Din Rumi remains one of the most beloved historical personalities in history, east and west. A wanderer in search of the light, he famously characterized himself thus: “I am nothing more than a humble lover of God.” The era of Rumi’s father – Sultan Bahaeddin Veled (1152-1231) and son (1207-1273)

A Community of Common Destiny?

by Jean-Pierre Voiret for the Saker blog A fact practically never mentioned in the Western mainstream media is the fact that the People’s Republic of China has recommended a few years ago that in the interest of peace and development, our humankind should feel as a ‘Community of common destiny’ (Ren lei gong tong xiu: 人类命运共同休). This recommendation was not only stated as an essential foreign policy goal of

The New Economic World Map – No Polarity: What it Means for Smaller and Weaker Countries

By Marwan Salamah for the Saker blog It has always been about the economy. What is the use of hegemony without economic gain? It is like throwing a party and no one comes. Or, going to war for purely egoistical or ideological reasons (aka shared values). What is even worse, is going to war and winning militarily, but discovering that the costs were horrendously too high, and the net results

The End of Castle Europe and the First Day of Freedom

By Batiushka for The Saker And they filled the whole land with these castles. They sorely burdened the unhappy people of the country with forced labour on the castles; and when the castles were built, they filled them with devils and wicked men. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 1137 Introduction: The Three Aims of the SMO Revised It has now been officially admitted that the three aims of the Allied Special Operation in

American Diplomacy as a Tragic Drama

By Michael Hudson and posted with the author’s permission As in a Greek tragedy whose protagonist brings about precisely the fate that he has sought to avoid, the US/NATO confrontation with Russia in Ukraine is achieving just the opposite of America’s aim of preventing China, Russia and their allies from acting independently of U.S. control over their trade and investment policy. Naming China as America’s main long-term adversary, the Biden

Masters and Emissaries The Spectacular Collapse of German-Japanese Relations under Forced Globalism

By Thorsten J Pattberg for the Saker Blog In June 2022, I happened to attend a public lecture by the German Ambassador at the German House in Tokyo. What the good man was chatting out of the political box … that was foolish of him! I wanted to write about it right away, but then I felt sorry for this bungling oddball. It seemed he “is not needed in Tokyo.”

Europe hypnotized into war economy

By Jorge Vilches for the Saker Blog Thirty two years ago Germans enthusiastically took down the Berlin wall. Now, captured by cunning Anglo-Saxon global elites, Germans are helping other European “useful idiots” to erect a much higher and thicker wall to cut themselves off from Russia leading them into a war economy. But as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has warned… “the approach has clearly failed — sanctions have backfired

‘The Special Relationship’: How the British Reconquered the United States and Established an Anglo-American Empire

By Cynthia Chung for the Saker Blog “Neither the sure prevention of war, nor the continuous rise of world organisation will be gained without … a special relationship between the British Commonwealth and Empire and the United States…not only the growing friendship and mutual understanding between our two vast but kindred systems of society, but the continuance of the intimate relationship between our military advisers”. – Winston Churchill, ‘Iron Curtain


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Open thread for today

There is an amazing amount of current news to discuss. Gazprom does not like the paperwork accompanying the Canada-returned gas turbine. And another one is being taken offline. Deliveries via the Nord Stream from July 27 will be no more than 33 million cubic meters per day (against the current maximum of 67 million cubic meters). Lavrov is making incredible statements on his major Arab League and African Tour and

A short essay on conscience and trust

By António Jacinto Pascoal for the Saker Blog Things are not going as well for the western world as expected. Of course, we can condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (or “special operation” as the Russians call it), but it’s not possible to look back at events, erasing what happened in Maidan Square in 2014, with the extreme-right coup d’état (Svoboda party used considerable resources, which included thousands of ideologically committed

Logistical nightmares for the Ukrainian army

By Batko Milacic for the Saker Blog In early July, right after Lisichansk was won by the Russian forces, the Russian military and its allies from DNR and LNR, put on display there a large number of captured Ukrainian military equipment. Rows of tanks, rocket launchers and armored vehicles stretched for hundreds of meters. All this was seized by the Russians in just one sector of the front alone. Let’s

On the Future of Europe: A Proposition from 1 January 2023

By Batiushka for the Saker Blog Almost one thousand years of Western Imperialism are coming to a shameful and self-inflicted death, one way or another As schoolchildren will tell you, the names of the continents begin and end with the same letter, A: Asia, Africa, America, Australia, Antarctica. There is one exception: Europe, which though still beginning and ending with the same letter, the letter is not A, but E.

For those about to rock, NAM 2.0 salutes you

NAM 2.0 drive – of which China is a key player – stands in stark opposition to how the Empire of Chaos – and Lies – wove its toxic net, via the war on terror, since the start of the millennium. By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted Those were the days, in 1955, at the legendary Bandung conference in Indonesia, when the newly emancipated Global

Go East, My Son!

By Marwan Salamah for the Saker Blog American nineteenth-century folklore tells of a young man asking his elders’ advice on what calling he should take up. The answer was a firm “Go West my son and grow!”, or to that effect. The gist of the advice was that the American West was at the time viewed as virgin, not yet settled and built up by the European immigrants. In fact,

Heat wave in Europe causes forest fires, which are treated differently compared to those in the Brazilian Amazon

By Guilherme Wilbert for the Saker Blog The imperialists want your riches South America! U.S. SOUTHCOM Commander:”This region is so rich in resources.. it’s off the charts rich.” “60% of the world’s lithium is in the region; you have heavy crude, you have light sweet crude, you have rare earth elements, you have the Amazon..” — Kawsachun News (@KawsachunNews) July 20, 2022 The environment is one of the key

Oligarchy or Patriarchy? Rule by the Few or Rule for the Many?

By Batiushka for the Saker Blog Introduction: Capitalism or Communism? A commentator on this site recently accused me of being ‘a visceral anti-Communist’! I was quite amused (but also grateful, as he has inspired this essay). Such an accusation goes back to the old twentieth-century apparent abyss between ‘Left and Right’. Actually, although I have always been a social conservative, I have also always been for social justice, as I

Western currencies will fail

By Jorge Vilches for the Saker Blog slowly then suddenly The extremely-abused Western fiat legal tender currencies will fail As We Know Them and for good reason the euro has taken the lead. But the deep interconnection of Western economies and finances, basically “joined at the hip” – also means that the other three major Western currencies will follow. Accordingly, we shall witness a cascading devaluation of euros, dollars, pounds,
