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Guest Analyses

The power troika trumps Biden in West Asia

The presidents of Russia, Iran, and Turkey convened to discuss critical issues pertaining to West Asia, with the illegal US occupation of Syria a key talking point.  Oil and gas, wheat and grains, missiles and drones – the hottest topics in global geopolitics today – were all on the agenda in Tehran this week. By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and cross posted with The Cradle The Tehran

On Liberating Europe

By Batiushka for The Saker Blog And they had tails like scorpions and there were stings in their tails and their power was to hurt men for five months. Apocalypse 9, 10 Introduction: ‘The End of History’ Just over thirty years ago the Communist USSR went bankrupt – it could not raise enough money to pay off its debts on capital markets. The West should have gone bankrupt at the

The Xin-Civilization – What The Chinese Can And Cannot Do

By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker Blog This week there will be an Academic Forum in Beijing on ‘Civilizations Amid Profound Changes’. It is organized by the world‘s largest academy for the social sciences: The Chinese Academy of Social Science or CASS. You have never heard of it. You can never find it on Google, in the Western media, or wherever you think information should be available to you

Open Thread for Today

Use as open thread for those aspects of our blue marble that falls within the general Saker discussion sphere. The Big News of the day is that Shoigu took the brakes off and told his commanders in the field that there is a need for speed and bigger and intensified action in the Ukraine.  The timing is epic!  On July 17, 1942, the Battle of Stalingrad began, one of the

Ideologies are no longer the way we know them and this means that the world is being reconfigured

By Guilherme Wilbert for the Saker Blog I try to bring a reflection in most of my texts about what competes for the international diplomatic and monetary future after Operation Z in Ukraine, but also, I always try to bring the ideological part into the discussion because this still makes many people’s heads spin. Or are Ukrainian flag-wavers not ideologized? Capitalism and communism have always been enemies at their core,

To Hell or Not to Hell?

By Batiushka for the Saker Blog The Barbarian West By the fifth century AD the barbarians had moved into Western Europe in significant numbers, bringing about the fall of Old Rome in what is now Italy in 410. Curiously, the barbarianism they brought with them, combined with the systematic brutality of Old Rome by the most brutal of them, the Franks, survives today. Indeed, we can state quite clearly that

In Eurasia, the War of Economic Corridors is in full swing

Mega Eurasian organizations and their respective projects are now converging at record speed, with one global pole way ahead of the other. By Pepe Escobar, posted with permission and cross-posted with The Cradle The War of Economic Corridors is now proceeding full speed ahead, with the game-changing first cargo flow of goods from Russia to India via the International North South Transportation Corridor (INSTC) already in effect. Very few, both

In Search of Enemies

By Femi Akomolafe for the Saker Blog A confession: I borrowed the title of this article from a disillusioned CIA agent, John Stockwell, who wrote the book, In Search of Enemies: A CIA Story. Let me share some quotes: “The CIA was casting about for the next war, amoral, ruthless, eager to do its thing. Its thing being covert little games where the action was secret and no one kept

The Stupendous Tale

“Gold is money, everything else is credit” J. P. Morgan. Tarik in the Vinyard for the Saker Blog Empires, dynasties, new eras, they rise not on ideological abstractions or brute force, but with intellectual or moral discipline. Then they wither not by rigorous reason or righteous fury, but with pompous and extravagant proclamations. That’s just the way it is, that’s what they all do. This particular version of the age

The Reason of Things

By Jimmie Moglia for the Saker Blog – plus a fundraiser for the Saker detailed in the video below The mythical average citizen probably believes that the universe is under the perpetual superintendence of uncontrollable forces. And that the hallucinating social changes currently occurring – and of which he is sometimes the victim – are akin to a force of nature. Meaning that the slings and arrows of outrageous prevarication,

´Rape Europe´ is next, stupid

By Jorge Vilches for the Saker Blog useful European idiots “ Washington and London have drawn ´useful European idiots´ into an economic war against Russia ” – said former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev – adding that “the onset of a systemic crisis in the Eurozone is beginning to come true.” He added that Anglo-Saxons on both sides of the Atlantic conned EU members “like a couple of shell-game tricksters” by

Old Way, New Way

By Dmitry Orlov and posted with permission The hardest part of living through a time of wrenching change is that nobody particularly bothers to inform you that the times have changed and that nothing will be the same again. Certainly not the talking heads on TV, who are often the last to know. You have to figure it out for yourself if you can. But I am here to help.

Russia and China haven’t even started to ratchet up the pain dial

by Pepe Escobar and posted with the author’s permission The Suicide Spectacular Summer Show, currently on screen across Europe, proceeds in full regalia, much to the astonishment of virtually the whole Global South: a trashy, woke Gotterdammerung remake, with Wagnerian grandeur replaced by twerking. Decadent Roman Emperors at least exhibited some degree of pathos. Here we’re just faced by a toxic mix of hubris, abhorrent mediocrity, delusion, crude ideological sheep-think

Letter from Faina Savenkova: To my friends from America

Faina Savenkova, Lugansk, Two events have recently occurred in the world. In America – in the suburbs of Chicago – people died during the celebration of Independence Day. And during these three days, 5 children died from artillery shelling of Ukraine in the Donbass – in Donetsk and Makeyevka. A 10-year-old girl was torn apart by an incoming Ukrainian shell. According to the data and evidence collected by the Russian

The international political debacle proves that the unipolar system is crumbling

by Guilherme Wilbert for the Saker Blog With the recent political events involving such different parts of the world, but usually for the same reasons: popular dissatisfaction, rising prices, and the like. And these causes arise with the decision-making errors of Western leaders, who end up suppressing popular opinion, in what generates a kind of democratic government in the archetype but doesn’t really care about its people. The most practical

Arms for victory over Russia? No, for their resale!

By Batko Milacic for the Saker Blog Hardly a day passes by without Europeans and Americans hearing about new statements coming from Ukrainian politicians. “We will win, we will stop Putin!” they say and start asking for more arms supplies. Ukraine has already received thousands of man-portable anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons, hundreds of armored vehicles and howitzers, but it keeps asking for more. The Ukrainian military loses something on the

The Judgement of the Nations

By Batiushka for the Saker Blog A frequent topic among both contributors and commentators on this site is the discussion as to whether the Special Military Operation in the Ukraine will take a few months or a few years. It is a common question and there are different opinions. Let me say now that I am not qualified even to speculate on this, let alone have an opinion. I do
