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Guest Analyses

Postscript: Looking back and looking forward with the Yellow Vests

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog (Now available! This book has just been published in paperback and E-book form, and in French too!) Western culture has been so prevalent for two centuries that I think much of the world assumes that they already intimately know a major European country like France. Many outside of the West may be saying, “We know the West, but the West doesn’t know us!”

Where to Start?

By Francis Lee for the Saker Blog When everybody talks of new eras – blissfully unaware of the fact that soon he will be talking of the hopeless failure of capitalism – an increasing volume of business is being done on the assumption that things will continue to boom. A superstructure of such transactions rises above what is substantially sound and comes down with a crash as soon as, under

Dear Sakerites, Saker’istas and Cafe’istas – welcome back to your favorite Saker Blog (UPDATE!)

“The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.” – Carl Jung Yes, we will have a captcha. Yes we are under ddos protection. This is both excellent, but also frustrating. I will say, seemingly this time the intent was to take us down, forever. It was a new world to watch the server statistics, see The Saker Blog being restored,

While The Saker Blog Was Down, Japan‘s ABE Shinzo Assassinated, Country To Remilitarize

Assassination In Japan: ABE Shinzo, Former Prime Minister, Shotgunned By Ex-Soldier Buddhist By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker Blog The former Prime Minister of Japan, ABE Shinzo, just got assassinated by a combat veteran in the streets of historic Nara, close to a train station. The ‘Cool Japan’ showman and ex-Leader of the Liberal Democratic Party was apparently gunned down by a certain YAMAGAMI Tetsuya (41), who had military

The ´Rape Russia´ plan backfires

By Jorge Vilches for the Saker Blog The war in the Ukraine will be short, not long. Contrary to what today´s Western casino politicians and MSM talking heads tell us to expect, come 2023 — or even before – Europeans will no longer withstand the tremendous burden that their ´Russian sanctions´ bear upon themselves, not Russia. European public opinion has become ever louder and impatient in this respect and EU

Unbelief or Real Belief: Johnsonland or President Putin

By Batiushka for The Saker Blog Introduction: Going, Going, (and Nearly) Gone Great Nations are born in real belief and enthusiasm. They die in unbelief and cynicism. Speech to Students in 1939, by Alfred Noyes, English Writer (1880-1958) Bojo the Clown has resigned – though he has not quite gone. Even so, only three days before his resignation on 7 July, this self-deluded figure had stated that he would still

Letter from a friend, an Average Russian

The Letter, published with permission for the Saker Blog An acquaintance asked me by email what my predictions for the near future are (he’s from another country, and wanted to see what the perspective of an average Russian looks like).  I sent him the attached points and this map. I thought maybe it would be interesting to a wider English-speaking Western audience. This is by no means some fancy analysis

The Art of Lying

By Batiushka for The Saker Blog Let us not live by a lie. Solzhenitsyn Introduction They used to say ‘lies’. Then it became ‘propaganda’. Then it became ‘editorial control’. We shall not disguise it. We shall call it lies. Millions of people are employed worldwide in the industry of lies, that is, in the Western news media, and hundreds of millions believe in them. At one time the Soviet Union

Christian Culture: Young Russia vs Young U.S.

By Walt Garlington for the Saker Blog It is often claimed that the United States is a Christian country (the most Christian country, according to some), but the development of Christian culture within that union of States is in sharp contrast to what one finds in the history of Orthodox countries. This distinction is shown with remarkable clarity in the life of the Holy Prince Andrew Bogoliubsky (‘God-loving’) of Vladimir

The Empire is not done torturing Afghanistan

Despite its resounding defeat, NATO is not quite done with inflicting misery on the land of the Afghans By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and cross-posted with The Cradle Once upon a time, in a galaxy not far away, the Empire of Chaos launched the so-called “War on Terror” against an impoverished cemetery of empires at the crossroads of Central and South Asia. In the name of national

Why don’t the African cosmos support the West in its sanctions war against Russia?

By José Francisco Lumango for the Saker Blog The answer may not be simple. But the memory of European colonisation in Africa, and its harmful effects, are still visible despite the independence of its states, may be a reasonable way of understanding it. An African adage teaches that “One should never forget the lessons learned in times of pain”, which seems to be the source of inspiration for the African

Open thread: Multipolarity

By Amarynth for the Saker Blog The stark difference is imperialism vs multipolarity Historically multipolarity undermines imperialism, maximalism, and a single point of control over the whole world for example, long arm of the law jurisdiction where US law seemingly is obeyed by lackey countries and groups. Productive power and ability have spread sufficiently widely to displace the west from being the only central ruler of the world order.  Larger

The Unravelling of the UK and the Western World and Their Reconfiguration

By Batiushka for the Saker Blog Introduction: The UK The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) has a population of 67.1 million. It is then the fourth most populous country in Europe, after Russia, Germany and, just, France. This UK as such has existed only since 1921, after the independence of Eire or the Republic of Ireland, which had been forced into union with Great Britain, that

Human Rights: the United States and Western Style

By Mansoureh Tajik for the Saker Blog The United States of America and its European posse regularly make allegations of human rights abuses against any nation that opposes their policies in the world, resists their aggressive rules, and creates obstacles to their hegemony. In atrocities committed against humans and their rights in real and tangible ways, however, said horde is not only an avant-garde of convoluted methods but also a

Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan: an attempt at a color revolution from the West?

By Guilherme Wilbert for the Saker Blog Uzbekistan, a relatively small country wedged between landlocked Turkmenistan to the south and Kazakhstan to the north, is undergoing state reshaping and suffering from protests that some analysts are calling “foreign interference” in what is known as Karakalpakstan. Karakalpakstan is a relatively sovereign region within Uzbekistan. Relatively because it shares veto power over its “state” decisions (the territory is not a de facto

What the Yellow Vests can be: a group which can protect Liberalism’s rights, at least

By Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog Now available! This book has just been published in paperback and E-book form, and in French too! “All the chorus of calumny, which the Party of Order never fail, in their orgies of blood, to raise against their victims, only proves that the bourgeois of our days considers himself the legitimate successor to the baron of old, who thought every weapon in his
