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Guest Analyses

The Elusive Middle East Peace

by Ghassan Kadi for The Saker Blog Subtle news sources coming on the grapevine allude to impending Middle East fresh peace talks. The end of the “War on Syria” will bring serious and realistic opportunities for Russian-sponsored peace talks, and there are direct and indirect hints and leaks made by certain officials here and there, hints and leaks which will become overt and obvious in the near future, culminating into

Skripal vs Khashoggi: Some countries are more equal than others

by John Freeman for The Saker Blog International politics and hypocrisy have always gone together like sewers and stink, but the contrast between the recent media and government reactions to the Skripal poisoning, on the one hand, and the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, on the other, reflects a new high water mark for duplicity and deceit by the New World Order and its satraps. The blizzard of newsfeed and groupthink

A historical journey into Crimea

Washington insists sanctions will remain until Russia returns the peninsula to Ukraine, but this will never happen. For Moscow, Crimea is back to where it belongs, and this is a region that has seen conquerors come and go for centuries by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with The Asia Times by special agreement with the author) We are at the remains of Panticapaeum, the capital of the Kingdom of Bosphorus, founded in

Interpretations marinated in bias (pre-tense as bias)

by Denis A. Conroy for the Saker blog “The cause of laughter is simply the sudden perception of the incongruity between a concept and the real project”. Arthur Schopenhauer. The concept of Founding Fathers as distinct from Founding Mothers is a prime example of thought that might do more than merely titillate the collective funny bone. The tribal jocks in the West have a long history of averring the role

Ankara stalls the Sochi agreement while Washington builds new military bases in Syria: some thoughts on the recent developments

by Aram Mirzaei for The Saker Blog Three months have passed since the Sochi agreement on the so called Idlib demilitarized zone. The terms of the deal were that all jihadist rebels labelled as terrorists by all parties to the deal were to be evacuated out of the area. This responsibility would lie with Turkey due to Ankara’s clout among the jihadists. But so far there are no signs of

How the New Silk Roads are merging into Greater Eurasia

Russia is keen to push economic integration with parts of Asia and this fits in with China’s Belt and Road Initiative by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with The Asia Times by special agreement with the author) The concept of Greater Eurasia has been discussed at the highest levels of Russian academia and policy-making for some time. This week the policy was presented at the Council of Ministers and looks set to

Bellingcat’s Kerch Gaff -Kurt Volker bought Ukraine’s Lie

by GH Eliason for The Saker Blog For 5 years Ukraine has bamboozled supporters by using” independent” researchers like Bellingcat that work with Ukraine’s Intel to fabricate its innocence. On November 25th, the Kerch incident happened, worsening the West’s relationship with Russia ahead of the G-20 Meeting in Argentina. Seemingly right on cue, Russian planners couldn’t find anything better to do than cause another major international incident right in front

“Maidan” in France, or a national uprising?

By Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog Before diving into the topic of this article I would like to pay a special tribute to the late William Blum. For those who are unaware why, he passed away on December 9th at the age of 85 due to illness. For those who don’t really know who he is, I recommended reading his books – especially “Killing Hope”. It is an encyclopaedia

The U.S. Government’s Plan Is to Conquer Russia by a Surprise Invasion

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog The following combination of articles explains — and they link to conclusive evidence proving — that the United States Government is actually designing its nuclear forces now with the intention to win a nuclear war against Russia (World War III), and no longer (if they ever really were) adhering to the idea (“Mutually Assured Destruction”) that WW III would produce unacceptable catastrophe for

Ukraine sets up for a possible winter offensive in LDNR

by GH Eliason for The Saker Blog Everything is pointing to Ukraine starting a winter offensive in Donbass and the possible use of a chemical weapon false flag event to kick it off. The Ukraine of 2018 is far different than what Europe was expecting. Instead of economic and social reform that was promised at Ukraine’s 2014 Euro-maidan coup, the government of Petr Poroshenko is taking a brute force approach

Another View of the EU (European Union)

by Jimmie Moglia for The Saker Blog The MacDonaldization of words forces many to lay that reason asleep which disturbs their gayety. Among recent new entries is ‘Brexit’, a word suitable to a speaking-club made of millions, where most half-hear what, if they heard the whole, they would but half-understand. Furthermore, some words in time are debased by repetition, and can no longer be heard without an involuntary sense of

France’s Yellow Vests: It’s just 1 protest…which has lasted 8 years

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog The most important thing to understand about France’s Yellow Vest movement is that the Mainstream Media wants you to view it as an isolated incident which exists in a vacuum, when we are much better served to look at in a continuum. When the Yellow Vests started I was not foolish to say: “So what?” After all, the Yellow Vest movement is dwarfed

European Union Corruption Case Study: Ukraine

By Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog Over the past 4 years, since the coup d’etat in Kiev in 2014 orchestrated by the “civilised” West, a “team of reformers” has been at work in Ukraine. They promised to implement so-called “anti-corruption reforms” in cooperation with European countries, such as France and Germany, who, by the way, both placed a stake on installing project “anti-Russia” aka Euromaidan. But here is where

Book review: Professor Stephen Cohen’s “War with Russia?”

by Yvonne Lorenzo for The Saker Blog Over ten years ago, one of the few voices that I listened to that provided facts outside the propaganda narrative of the legacy mass media and the U.S. government on what the situation was regarding Georgia fighting with Russia was from Russia scholar Professor Stephen Cohen. I felt blessed to discover him and his work. After the events in Ukraine, where a U.S.

Khashoggi Part 4: fake-leftism identical in Saudi Arabian or Western form

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog File it under “things we’d like to be true…so we never examine it”: The West’s unstated belief that their politics are exponentially morally superior to those of Saudi Arabia. “We only work with them – we are not at all like them,” is what it boils down to. This article aims to show just how similar “Oriental despotism” is to “Occidental domination” in

Bruckner, Hitler, Malevich (part 2)

by David A. Powell for The Saker Blog Part 2 of 2 parts The case of Malevich – regardless of how it appears in most official narratives of the present (but especially those found in the Web) – is unique in the entire history of art. For the first time in history, one encounters – as Jean-Claude Marcadé has pointed out – not merely an artist writing about art among

Nations as Foreign Capital Corporations

by Francisco Fernández-Bullón for The Saker Blog As shadow banks become authentic governments of countries, the nations gradually turn into foreign capital corporations or companies, which enslave the workforce. Capital or money doesn’t have a nationality. Its homeland is the accounts, hidden by its owners so as not to pay taxes. Traditionally these accounts were in Switzerland or in the Virgin Islands, but are now scattered around the world in

The trials and tribulations of Turkish foreign policy

Professor Hasan Unal, a top political scientist based in Istanbul, explains the geopolitics of his region, the eastern Mediterranean and into the Black Sea by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with The Asia Times by special agreement with the author) When Vladimir Putin visited President Erdogan’s lavish new $500-million presidential palace in Ankara, he had one thing to say: “I’m very impressed.” Professor Hasan Unal, savoring the dry humor, derives as much pleasure

Bruckner, Hitler, Malevich (part 1)

by David A. Powell for The Saker Blog Part 1 of 2 parts This essay attempts to outline why Adolf Hitler remained unsuccessful in his efforts as an old-fashioned (“old-world”) dictator to achieve total control over art. My thesis is that while the Free World had already begun to accomplish the total control of art Hitler sought to achieve, Hitler’s failure lay in not grasping the means employed by the

Excerpts from President Donald Trump’s Statement on Standing with Saudi Arabia

by: Chris Faure for The Saker Blog “The world is a very dangerous place!” “The country of Iran, as an example, is responsible for a bloody proxy war against Saudi Arabia in Yemen, trying to destabilize Iraq’s fragile attempt at democracy, supporting the terror group Hezbollah in Lebanon, propping up dictator Bashar Assad in Syria (who has killed millions of his own citizens), and much more. Likewise, the Iranians have
