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Speeches, Statements and Interviews

Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov’s interview with Interfax News Agency, December 18, 2021

20 December 2021 16:56 Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov’s interview with Interfax News Agency, December 18, 2021 Question: Are our proposals to the United States and NATO regarding security guarantees an ultimatum to the West, the last attempt to reach out to them or a final warning to make them stop? Sergey Ryabkov: We do not speak in the language of ultimatums with anyone. We have a responsible attitude towards

Russian draft documents on legal security guarantees from the United States and NATO

This document is in six sections. The first is a preamble.  It is from ColonelCassad and is a machine translation.  This would form a necessary overview and is a description of the current situation. The second is Russian Deputy FM Ryabkov’s special video briefing in Moscow and contains some incisive Q&A The third is a short press release The fourth is a proposed draft treaty between the Russian Federation and

Readouts Virtual Meeting: President Vladimir Putin and President Xi Jinping

Both readouts follow.  First, President Putin and followed by President Xi Jinping. Talks with President of China Xi Jinping Vladimir Putin held talks, via videoconference, with President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping. December 15, 2021, 11:20 Beginning of Russia-China talks President of Russia Vladimir Putin: President Xi, my dear friend, I am delighted to see you. Greetings. I am happy to have this opportunity to see you via videoconference. This allows us to hold in-depth discussions on the development of Russian-Chinese relations of comprehensive

Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov’s interview with Izvestia, December 13, 2021

Russian media is discussing this interview actively today. Question: Mr Ryabkov, is there any predictability in relations with the United States today? Sergey Ryabkov: There is one-sided negative predictability, in fact. As for any prospects for improvement, everything is completely unpredictable. This is a sad conclusion based on the results of the long journey that we have travelled with the current US administration, with Donald Trump, and with Barack

Prof. Mohammad Marandi: Interviewed by Aaron Maté – JPCOA

Seyed Mohammad Marandi: Professor at the University of Tehran and adviser to the Iran delegation at talks on restoring the JCPOA in Vienna. At the Vienna talks on restoring the Iran nuclear deal, the US and EU are accusing Iran of refusing to compromise. Mohammad Marandi, a University of Tehran professor advising the Iran delegation in Vienna, says that the compromise was the nuclear deal itself, and the problem is

Vladimir Putin held talks with Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi in New Delhi.

The expanded format meeting between the two delegations was followed by a face-to-face conversation over a working lunch, lasting 3 and a half hours. Following the summit, a Joint Statement Russia – India: Partnership for Peace, Progress and Prosperity was adopted. (Ed: Joint Statement below) In addition, the two countries signed a package of documents before the Russian President’s meeting with the Prime Minister of India. They include an intergovernmental agreement on technology protection due to cooperation in space research and the use of outer space for peaceful purposes, and on building

Lavrov gives press conference after OSCE Ministerial Council in Stockholm

Please forward the video. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov holds a press conference after the 28th OSCE Ministerial Council in Stockholm on Thursday, December 2. The annual OSCE Ministerial Council, chaired by Sweden, takes place on December 2-3. The ministers are expected to discuss security issues in the OSCE area and review the organisation’s activities.

Russian Foreign Ministry Statement on the planned US «summit for democracy»

  The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation 1 December 2021 In connection with the so called summit for democracy to be held on December 9-10 at the initiative of the US administration, we consider it necessary to make the following statement. The organisers and enthusiasts behind this strange event claim to lead the world in advancing the cause of democracy and human rights. However, the track record

China, Russia and India: Foreign Ministers Joint Communique

Joint Communique of the 18th Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Russian Federation, the Republic of India and the People’s Republic of China November 26, 2021 1. The 18th Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Russian Federation, the Republic of India and the People’s Republic of China was held in the digital video-conference format on 26 November 2021. The meeting took place in the backdrop of negative impacts

Very telling admission from EU High Representative Josep Borrell

The EU High Representative Josep Borrell has just made a very telling admission, check out this video.  Here is the interesting quote (at about timestamp 29:00, stress added): “And we western people, US and EU, we have been ruling the world because we were the standard setters, we were fixing the standards, we are the masters of how technology was working. And from steel-mills to trains, railways to everything warfare,

The Russian Foreign Intelligence office (SVR) issues an unprecedented warning about US operations in eastern Ukraine

This is a machine translated text whose source is here: (Emphasis and color added by me, Andrei) ——- THE UNITED STATES PROVOKES AN ESCALATION IN THE EAST OF UKRAINE The press Bureau of the SVR of Russia reports that recently Washington officials have been actively intimidating the world community by allegedly preparing Russia for “aggression” against Ukraine. According to incoming data, the US State Department through diplomatic channels brings

Vladimir Putin took part in the expanded meeting of the Foreign Ministry Board

The meeting was devoted to the implementation of national foreign policy and future tasks of Russian diplomacy. * * * Speech at the expanded meeting of the Foreign Ministry Board President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr Lavrov, colleagues, I would like to welcome everyone here to the expanded meeting of the Foreign Ministry Board. Today, our agenda is focused on the implementation of Russia’s foreign policy and priority tasks for the future, taking into account the adopted amendments to the Constitution, which also concern foreign policy. Importantly, our Fundamental Law has now sealed such basic ideas

President Putin – Interview with Rossiya TV channel

The President answered questions from Pavel Zarubin, a journalist with Rossiya 1 TV channel. Pavel Zarubin: Mr President, tensions are escalating on the border between the EU and Belarus. The European Union has already deployed army troops. Moreover, they are building up the contingent. You spoke with Angela Merkel twice, and you also spoke with Alexander Lukashenko. Why they do not speak to each other directly is probably also a question I would like to ask you. In general, what do you think of the developments

Russian Defense Ministry issues an emergency statement on the situation in the Black Sea The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation issued an emergency statement on the situation in the Black Sea The United States is creating a multinational group near the Russian borders in the Black Sea, and is also studying the theater of possible hostilities in the region. This is stated in the message of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports. The ministry stressed that we

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with Rossiya 24, Moscow

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with Rossiya 24, Moscow, November 1, 2021 Question: Not so long ago, you said that Russia would not use ideology-based rules in its international diplomatic practices. What examples can you give to explain this to a layman in matters of politics? Sergey Lavrov: It’s simple. Ideally, any society should obey generally accepted rules that have proved their efficacy and sensibility.  Speaking about international life, the United Nations

Meeting of the Supreme State Council of the Union State: Russia-Belarus November 4, 2021 Sevastopol Documents signed during the meeting included the Decree of the Supreme State Council of the Union State that sets forth the Guidelines for Implementing the Provisions of the Treaty Establishing the Union State in 2021–2023. Also, following the meeting, the sides signed resolutions of the Supreme State Council of the Union State On the Results of Russian-Belarusian Trade and Economic Cooperation Throughout 2020 and in January-June 2021, On the Union State’s Military Doctrine, On Awarding the 2021 Union State Prize in Science and Technology, as well as the Resolution of the Supreme State Council of the Union State On Implementing the Decisions of the Supreme State Council

First session of the G20 Summit – President Putin

The President addressed, via videoconference, the first working session of the heads of delegations of the G20 member countries, invited states and international organisations. The theme of the session is The Global Economy and Global Health. The agenda includes global economic recovery, ensuring digital transformation and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, overcoming the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, strengthening healthcare systems, and implementing universal vaccination. The Summit is being held on October 30–31 under Italy’s chairmanship. * * * Speech at the first session of the G20 Summit President

East Asia Summit: President Putin

East Asia Summit The President addressed, via videoconference, the 16th East Asia Summit. The 2021 East Asia Summit was held under the chairmanship of Brunei Darussalam. The participants discussed the economic recovery of the Asia-Pacific Region and overcoming the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. At the end of the session, the participants approved a package of documents. * * * President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Your Majesty, colleagues, I would like to begin by expressing my gratitude to His Majesty Sultan of Brunei Darussalam for organising this event. The East Asia Summits provide a good opportunity to discuss the situation in the Asia-Pacific Region,

Guns and Butter: The Caucasus Conflict and Global Trends – Guest Andrei Martyanov

From Bonnie Faulkner at Guns and Butter with Guest Andrei Martyanov The Transcaucasia region, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea is discussed; Baku, capitol of Azerbaijan, oil region and birthplace of Andrei Martyanov; Nagorno-Karabakh, semi-autonomous region within Azerbaijan; political and ethnic dynamics of the Azeri/Armenian conflict; two wars between Armenia and Azerbaijan; Armenia’s Velvet Revolution; Soros sponsored NGOs in Armenia; Turkey’s involvement; Dashnaks; Armenian
