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Speeches, Statements and Interviews

Hassan Nasrallah on Donald Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on May 25, 2017, on the occasion of the seventeenth anniversary of the Liberation of Southern Lebanon Source : Translation: (Please make sure to press the ‘cc’ button at the bottom left of the video to see the English subtitles) Transcript : Let’s evoke the summit (of Riyadh). First, it was said that it was a triple [American-Arab-Muslim] summit, when

Ramzan Kadyrov on Western Intelligence services provocations

Russia: EXCLUSIVE Western intelligence did ‘everything possible to destroy’ Russia – Kadyrov     Apr 19, 2017 “Western and European intelligence agencies have done everything possible to destroy the sovereign state of Russia,” Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov stated in an exclusive interview with RT in Grozny on Tuesday. “For all these years, Western and European intelligence agencies have done everything possible to destroy the sovereign state of

Kadyrov: West will use every resource to bring Russia to her knees

RT reports: The US and its Western allies will use any opportunity to harm Russia, Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov told RT. He believes the rise of terrorism in Syria was similar to what happened to his native Chechnya two decades ago. “The West, Europe do not want to help anyone. The important thing for them is to use every resource against Russia. They want to see us kneeling before them,”

Rabbis Urge President Trump To “Act Decisively” In Syria

Dear President Trump, We write to you with angst just days before the Passover holiday when the Jews escaped the oppressive tyranny of Pharaoh in Egypt. The Assad regime in Syria appears to have conducted a nerve gas attack against Syrian civilians yesterday. At least 58 civilians have been killed in the attack, marking the worst chemical attack in Syria since the August 21, 2013 chemical massacre. We believe that

Full text of the Lavrov – Tillerson press conference

FOREIGN MINISTER LAVROV: (Via interpreter) Good evening. This has been a long day. We have had talks with State Secretary of the U.S. Rex Tillerson. Right now, we have had a long conversation with President Vladimir Putin of Russia. It has lasted for more than two hours. The negotiations have proved to be substantial and very frank. They have comprised the whole gamut of issues of importance to our bilateral

Professor Stephen Cohen – the last voice of reason in a world gone mad?

Professor Stephen Cohen is, in my opinion, the best Russia specialist in the USA.  He is also a wise, decent, honest and courageous man.  A friend send me this video of him this morning (he begins at 1:38) and I can only agree with him.  We are, once again, looking at the very real possibility, or even probability, of a hot war between Russia and the USA.  As I write

Hezbolla warns that the USA have ‘crossed the red line’ and that Hezbollah will respond to any US aggression

If I was the US President, I would take that threat very, very seriously.  But then, I am a wimp.  Trump is tough guy… A story that came up overnight, regarding a “Hezbollah statement.” Caveat, this story might be wrong. The Duran posted that the Russian military have already disproved this story Here’s what RU embassies actually put out — no red lines or threats of retaliation mentioned:  And here’s the

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview to the National Interest Magazine March 29, 2017

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with the National Interest Magazine, published on March 29, 2017 Question: I’d like to start by asking you about your forthcoming meeting with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, we’ve read in the press that the two of you may be meeting soon. Sergey Lavrov: So they say. Question: Could you perhaps tell us about your expectations and goals in dealing with Secretary

Speech of Lavrov at the Military Academy of the General Staff

  Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to questions during a lecture for senior officers of the Military Academy of the General Staff, Moscow, March 23, 2017 23 March 201714:21 For English subtitles click the ‘cc’ button on the bottom right.   Mr Kuralenko, Comrade officers, colleagues, friends, I am grateful for the invitation to speak at the Military Academy as part of the Army and Society series

A former (?) Mossad officer predicts that Trump will be impeached on grounds of treason

Thanks to “MS” who drew my attention to this amazing video.  This is an except from an RT program entitled “Watching the Hawks” (see full video here).  In this excerpt, a (supposedly) “former” Mossad officer, Juval Aviv, predicts that Donald Trump will be impeached for treason in the next few months.  See for yourself: Nevermind the telling way Aviv constantly uses “us” when speaking of the USA and nevermind the

EXCLUSIVE Interview with first head of LPR South-East Army counter-intelligence unit Vladimir Gromov

EXCLUSIVE Interview with first head of LPR South-East Army counter-intelligence unit Vladimir Gromov about paths the future of Ukraine and South-East could take. (Interview by PolitWera. Translation by V.P.E.) Can we say that partitioning of Ukraine benefits the West? If yes, why? V.G.: I would put it this way. Nobody needs Ukraine in its current configuration. The “color revolution” tactic based predominantly on destruction and division, is a US tactic.

Iran and Hezbollah respond to Donald Trump

by Sayed Hasan Since his election campaign, Donald Trump has not hidden his fierce hostility to the international deal on Iran’s nuclear program, calling it the worst of the agreements in history and promising to dismantle it. On February 2, 2017, following a conventional ballistic missile test by Iran that did not contravene the agreement, Trump said in a Tweet that Iran, as a dissipated student, had been “formally warned”

Trump does something right! Very good press conference today

After a few rather disappointing days, Trump today seem to rebound.  He had a press conference which I would qualify as very successful. The best thing about this was that Trump FINALLY directly attacked the media, especially CNN.  Hopefully, this will be just the first step in an always possible counter-offensive.  Tomorrow he will be in Melbourne, FL, just south of were I live.  I will be watching that with interest.

Vladimir Putin’s statement at the annual meeting of the FSB

Vladimir Putin took part in an annual expanded meeting of the Federal Security Service (FSB) Board to discuss the FSB’s results for 2016 and the priority tasks for ensuring Russia’s national security. President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon. These annual FSB Board meetings give us a chance to meet and not only thoroughly analyse and review the results of the agency’s work over the period, but also to discuss at length all important national security issues in general and outline the priorities for the immediate future and the longer-term. The FSB plays a key part in protecting our constitutional order

The 140 characters Trump’s diary

By GF Trump got a huge support, there was support from the most unexpected places. But, what was supported? What was Trump opinions about other countries and general issues, was it really a mystery? And is it unpredictable? He won the presidential run, wow, came out of nowhere, nobody could have imagined. But is that so? By 2014 his tweeter feed was full, packed with messages of support for a
