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Speeches, Statements and Interviews

President al-Assad: United States and its Western allies are to blame for failure of latest ceasefire

President al-Assad: United States and its Western allies are to blame for failure of latest ceasefire November 3rd, 2016 Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad asserted that the United States and its Western allies are to blame for the failure of latest ceasefire, because terrorism and terrorists are for them a card they want to play on the Syrian arena. In an interview given to the Serbian newspaper Politika, President

President Putin Meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club

Vladimir Putin took part in the final session of the Valdai International Discussion Club’s 13th annual meeting, which this year took the theme The Future in Progress: Shaping the World of Tomorrow. Over the three-day event, 130 experts and political analysts from 35 countries examined current issues concerning development of international relations, internal political organisation, the economy, demography, and technology. The participants looked, in particular, at ways to mitigate the consequences of radical changes on the global political map and the crisis in democratic systems and their work, and discussed development roads for Russia-EU relations and what the global system

“Vatnik” – to the Ukrainians. Why would we liberate YOU?

Note: “vatnik” is a derogatory term used in today’s Ukraine to describe people in Donbass and other South-Eastern regions as well as anybody supportive of the ‘Russian World”. The word ‘vatnik” means an overcoat padded with cotton (“vata”) habitually worn by agriculture and construction workers in early and mid Soviet times. It is quite warm but hardly fashionable. The reference is to the supposedly primitive nature of the people that

President of Russia answered questions from Russian journalists following the BRICS Summit in Goa

The President of Russia answered questions from Russian journalists following the BRICS Summit in Goa President Vladimir Putin answered questions from Russian journalists     Question: Much is being said in the Western media about BRICS going through a rough patch. Since Brazil got a new president, the country has been allegedly thinking whether it needs BRICS. There is little secret about the tension that exists between India and China. In fact, the US has been increasingly proactive regarding

President Bashar Al-Assad’s interview given to Russia’s “Komsomolskaya Pravda”

President Bashar Al-Assad’s interview given to Russia’s “Komsomolskaya Pravda” US playing Syria terrorism card as part of perpetual struggle for global dominance – Assad     12 October President of the Syrian Arab Republic Bashar al-Assad gave an interview to reporter of “Komsomolskaya Pravda” Daria Aslamova. We offer the full version of the interview Question 1: Thank you very much, Mr. President. It’s a big happiness for me, and I’m

Vladimir Putin’s interview with the French TV channel TF1 (transcript)

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: How did you end up here? This is a just a small provincial town. These days, you find French people wherever you go in Russia, in every village. This is very good and we are pleased to see it. Question (retranslated): Mr President, could you explain why you are not going to Paris? Vladimir Putin: It’s very simple. We had planned to hold an official opening ceremony for the newly built Russian religious and cultural centre in Paris. From

The Spiegel interviews Sergey Karaganov, Putin’s foreign policy advisor

SPIEGEL: Sergey Alexandrovich, NATO is boosting its presence in Eastern Europe in reaction to recent Russian advances. Western politicians have warned that the two sides could stumble into a situation that might result in war. Are such warnings excessive? Karaganov: I was already speaking of a prewar situation eight years ago. SPIEGEL: When the war in Georgia broke out. Karaganov: Even then, trust between the great powers was trending toward

Interview of President al-Assad to Denmark’s TV 2: Moderate opposition is a myth…

President al-Assad to Denmark’s TV 2: Moderate opposition is a myth… We won’t accept that terrorists will take control of any part of Syria   Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad affirmed that the United States doesn’t have the will to reach any agreement about Syria, and that Syria knew in advance that the US agreement with Russia will not succeed because the main part of that agreement is to

General Konashenkov: Russia will take down any unidentified flying objects in Syria

    Oct 6, 2016 Press briefing of the Russia’s Defense Ministry spokesperson Major-General Igor Konashenkov ‘S-300, S-400 air defenses in place’: Russian MoD warns US-led coalition not to strike Syrian army Video credit Russian MoD Greetings dear colleagues. Some respectable Western media outlets reported about the leaks from the White House briefings discussing possible air strikes against Syrian Army. History tells us that often this kind of “leaks” happen

Vladimir Putin addressed State Duma October 5th, 2016

The President spoke at the first meeting of the State Duma of the seventh convocation. October 5th, 2016   President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Members of the State Duma, friends, It gives me great pleasure to welcome you and congratulate you on the opening of the seventh convocation of the State Duma. Today in this hall, we have representatives of all the 85 Russian regions, including those elected in Crimea and Sevastopol. Our citizens have entrusted you with the distinguished title of a Parliament Member. The election campaign was transparent and the competition was honest. The results demonstrate the will and choice

President al-Assad’s interview to Associated Press Video

President al-Assad’s interview given to Associated Press_ Video     22 September، 2016 Damascus, SANA, President Bashar al-Assad gave an interview to Associated Press published Thursday, following is the full text: Journalist: President Assad, thank you very much for this opportunity to be interviewed by the Associated Press. President Assad: You are most welcome in Syria. Question 1: I will start by talking about the ceasefire in Syria. Russia, the

9/11 Terror Trading: 15 years later (Lars Schall interviews Professor Marc Chesney)

Since this Sunday will be the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 massacre, I am about to post an analysis of where the 9/11 Truth movement stands today.  In the meantime, however, I am sharing with you a most interesting video, so interesting in fact that I decided to post it on the “analysis” section of the blog. Lars Schall has kindly sent me his interview with Prof. Marc Chesney, for which

Annual address of President to Verkhovna Rada “On Internal and External Situation of Ukraine in 2016”

Fellow Ukrainians! Dear people’s deputies! Dear Ukrainian Government! First of all, I would like to congratulate everyone once again on the 25th anniversary of restoration of our state independence. Yes, it is true that the parliament is made up from the ruling faction and the opposition. This is the inviolable and important feature of democracy. But sometimes there are moments when one should forget at least for a second who
