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Speeches, Statements and Interviews

Reaction of Elena Isinbaeva, two-time Olympic gold medalist, a three-time World Champion and current world record holder

Reaction of Elena Isinbaeva, two-time Olympic gold medalist (2004 and 2008), a three-time World Champion (2005, 2007 and 2013), the current world record holder.  She has never been implicated in any doping scandal. Translation: All which an athlete had to do what to jump high enough, pass the test and compete.  Thank you for the funeral of track and field athletics.  This is motivated solely by political expediency.  All the

The Turkish Coup: For Russia From Turkey With Enough Love To Last Until The Great War

by Imran N. Hosein Turkish President Erdogan is, of course, quite correct that there was US (and hence NATO) involvement in the attempted coup against his government. He is also quite correct in his accusations against the Turkish Sufi Shaikh, Fathullah Gulen, accusing him of involvement in the coup. It would have been more honest of Erdogan, however, if he had also disclosed that he knew that the coup was

China’s President XI Jinping speech on the 95th anniversary of the Communist party of China [Updated]

XI Jinping: Russia and China may form an alliance before which NATO will be powerless Chinese President XI Jinping in his speech on Friday the 1st of July, noted the strategic need for an alliance between Russia and China, which he believes will determine the future world order. “The world is on the brink of radical changes. We see how the EU is gradually crumbling and the US economy is

President Vladimir Putin addressed Russian Federation ambassadors and permanent envoys

President Vladimir Putin addressed Russian Federation ambassadors and permanent envoys Vladimir Putin addressed the eighth meeting of Russian Federation ambassadors and permanent envoys at the Russian Foreign Ministry. June 30, 2016 Moscow   President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Colleagues, it is a pleasure to greet you all at this traditional gathering at the Foreign Ministry. Let me start by thanking the Foreign Ministry’s heads and staff and everyone working in our missions abroad for their professionalism and devotion to their work. I am sure that you will all continue to work in the same

Victor Medvedchuk to RT : Ukraine is a colony of the West and ruled by foreign governments

Victor Medvedchuk: Kiev has done all it could to leave Crimea to Russia Translated by Scott Humor   Viktor Medvedchuk, leader of the”Ukrainian Choice” political organization, Kiev’s special envoy for humanitarian issues. He has been instrumental in prisoner exchanges between Russia and the Kiev regime. Russian president Vladimir Putin is a godfather to Medvedchuk’s daughter Darina (born in 2004).  He is also the best candidate to become a president of the liberated Ukraine. 28

Full text of Xinhua’s exclusive interview with President Putin

ST. PETERSBURG, Russia, June 23 (Xinhua) — Russian President Vladimir Putin, in an hour-long exclusive interview with Xinhua President Cai Mingzhao ahead of his upcoming visit to China, elaborated his views on bilateral ties, China-Russia trade, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), and international cooperation, among other issues.  The following is the full text of Xinhua’s exclusive interview with Putin: Cai: Honorable President Putin, it is my great pleasure to have

An absolutely fascinating look into the mind of an Ukronazi

Note by the Saker: when “AB” send me a link with the subject heading “Outright Nazis” I was expecting some Ukronazi skinhead photos, or maybe a report about a Ukie death-squad.  Instead, I got an absolutely fascinating insight into not only the kind of delusional insanity which takes place in the minds of these Ukronazis, but also a look into the kind of propaganda which (US financed) Radio Liberty targets

Alexander Lukashenko: Belarus and Russia adequately respond to NATO buildup on the borders of our Union

Alexander Lukashenko: Belarus and Russia adequately respond to NATO buildup on the borders of our Union Russians keep saying that NATO is in a process of deploying new armies on Russia’s borders. I must emphasize that first and foremost NATO is on our borders, Belorussian borders. We see this, and we take all adequate measures without making any noise. I see that the Russian leadership is acting today in the

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview to Komsomolskaya Pravda, Moscow, May 31, 2016

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview to Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper and radio, Moscow, May 31, 2016 Question: Let’s grab the bull by the horns. We have received hundreds of different messages and questions. Many of them show outright concern in connection with a very difficult situation regarding this country. They have tried to crush us with sanctions, NATO is moving closer to our borders, and a missile defence system is being

Sayyed Hachem Safieddine Chairman of the Executive Council of Hezbollah in Lebanon

In an interview with the official website of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, conducted in Beirut by Marwa Osman*, Sayyed Hachem Safieddine Chairman of the Executive Council of Hezbollah in Lebanon commemorates the 25th of May the Resistance and Liberation day by saying that the Zionist entity is unable until now to repair it losses at the moral, military and combating levels after their defeat in the

Historical speech of Brazilian President Dilma Roussef (with English Subtitles)

An IMMENSE “thank you!!” to D. for translating and subtitling this for us and to VV for helping me with this issue.  The Saker (press ‘cc’ for English captions) Transcript: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, journalists. Good morning, here’s Congressmen, Ministers, Good morning everyone here. I will make a statement to the press, so it’s not an interview, it is a statement. I wanted first to tell you, and say

How Syrian Kurds dropped Marx and adopted communalism

by Claudio Gallo Debbie is not only the daughter of Murray Bookchin, the theorist of Communalism. She is a journalist and writer: in 2004, she wrote, together with Jim Schumacher, “The Virus and the Vaccine: Contaminated Vaccine, Deadly Cancers, and Government Neglect” about the polio vaccine scandal. She served as presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ press secretary from 1991-1994. But, yes, she is also her father’s daughter, spreading the legacy of

Meeting with President of the World Jewish Congress Ronald Lauder

Note by the Saker: interesting exchange below between Putin and the President of the World Jewish Congress which shows that at least in Russia there is no “Jewish problem” or no “anti-Semitism” issue.  The very same Putin who broke the rule of the (mostly Jewish) oligarchs in Russia and the very same Putin who openly restored the historical truth about the overwhelming percentage of Jews amongst the first Bolshevik rulers

Interview with Andrew Korybko

An American studying in Moscow? That is a fascinating profile that sounds almost unreal. Can you tell us a bit about your background and how you came to study in a country that most Serbs greatly respect and admire, while most of your Serbian peers dream of studying in America? Hi, and thank you for this very privileged opportunity to address your readers, I’m very honored that they’re interested in
